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RESURGAM BOOKS : The Manor House, Flamborough, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire



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alphabetically by author


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Listed below is my current stock in this subject, sorted in alphabetical order, by author. Please note that it is difficult to categorize some titles, which overlap different subjects; in these cases, the easiest procedure would be use the search box, which covers my entire stock. However, if searching for a particular title on this page only, the simplest method is to use "Control-F" to bring up the "Find" dialogue on screen. I have described the books as accurately as possible but will of course accept returns if a particular item is inadvertently not as described.

Component parts of a book





The Near East From Within

London: Cassell and Company, 1915

6¼" x 9½". [ix] + 256pp, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, occasional foxing otherwise Very Good.





[French Ministry of Foreign Affairs]  [Translated and with an Introduction by J. O. P. Bland]

Germany's Violations of the Laws of War 1914-15 compiled under the auspices of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

London: William Heinemann, 1915

5½" x 8¾". 343pp, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, end-papers foxed, otherwise Very Good.





A Diplomatist (G. M. Young) [Edited by Lord Courtney of Penwith]

Nationalism and War in the Near East

Oxford: Clarendon Press, Humphrey Milford, 1915 [Carnegie Endowment for International Peace]

6¾" x 10". [xxiii, 428pp, 6pp appendix. Blue cloth gilt, ex-Library, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, corners bumped, backstrip split at front gutter, numerous Library markings, otherwise Good.





Ahmad, Feroz

The Young Turks : The Committee of Union & Progress in Turkish Politics 1908 - 1914

Oxford: Oxford University Press/Clarendon Press, 1969

5½" x 8¾". [xiii] + 205pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Aksakal, Mustafa

The Ottoman Road to War in 1914

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010 [3rd imp.; first published 2008]

6” x 9¼”. [xv] + 216pp, maps. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New. Why did the Ottoman Empire enter the First World War in late October 1914, months after the war's devastations had become clear? Were its leaders 'simple-minded,' 'below-average' individuals, as the doyen of Turkish diplomatic history has argued? Or, as others have claimed, did the Ottomans enter the war because War Minister Enver Pasha, dictating Ottoman decisions, was in thrall to the Germans and to his own expansionist dreams? Based on previously untapped Ottoman and European sources, Mustafa Aksakal's dramatic study challenges this consensus. It demonstrates that responsibility went far beyond Enver, that the road to war was paved by the demands of a politically interested public, and that the Ottoman leadership sought the German alliance as the only way out of a web of international threats and domestic insecurities, opting for an escape whose catastrophic consequences for the empire and seismic impact on the Middle East are felt even today. 





Ambler, Eric

The Ability to Kill

London: The Bodley Head Ltd, 1963

5” x 8”. 222pp. Red cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, page edges yellowed otherwise Very Good





Anderson, Dorothy

The Balkan Volunteers

London: Hutchinson & Co. Limited, 1968

5½" x 8½". 228pp, frontis, illustrations, maps. Pale green cloth gilt in a rubbed, faded d/j, otherwise Very Good





Anderson, M. S.

The Eastern Question 1774 - 1923

London: Macmillan, 1966

5½" x 8¾". 436pp, maps. Tan cloth in d/j, near Fine





Andrew, Christopher

Secret Service: The Making of the British Intelligence Community

London: BCA/Heinemann, 1985

6" x 9½". [xviii] + 616pp, illustrations. Blue cloth blocked in silver in a rubbed, price-clipped, d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Andrew, Christopher

Theophile Delcasse and the Making of the Entente Cordiale : A Reappraisal of French Foreign Policy, 1898 - 1905

London: Macmillan, 1968

5½" x 8¾". 330pp. Dark blue cloth, ex-Rutgers University Library with library bookplate on front pastedown, pocket on rear pastedown and shelf number on spine, otherwise Good





Anon. [Ernest Charles Buley]

The Real Kaiser

London: Andrew Melrose, Ltd, 1914

4¾” x 7½”. [viii] + 179pp. Black cloth blocked in red in the remnants of d/j (front panel, front flap fold and part of spine, all tatty at edges and with tears), edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. The author, Ernest Charles Buley (1869-1933) was an Australian writer who asked to have this work published anonymously, so as to not upset his German relatives.





Anon. and Sir John Malcolm

Memorandum on the Subject of Social and Official Intercourse Between European Officers and Indian Gentlemen (with appendix containing Sir John Malcolm's Instructions of 1821 on the same subject)

Ranchi: printed at the Government Press, Bihar and Orissa, 1913

6” x 9½”. 18pp. Original printed thick card covers with black cloth spine. The covers are stained, grubby and heavily rubbed. There are no internal markings and the text is clean throughout; however, the printing is crude by modern standards, the paper is quite thin and has tanned noticeably with age.





Ashley Leggatt

Stalking Reminiscences 1914-1918

London: John Murray, 1919 Printed For Private Circulation 

5½” x 8”. 86pp, portrait frontispiece, illustrations. Original brown cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, covers rubbed, front free end-paper missing, inscribed "Gertrude With the devotion of own author Uncle 2 June 1919", Very Good.





Ashton, T. S.

An Economic History of England : The 18th Century

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1961 [new impression with minor corrections; first published 1955]

5½" x 8¾". 257pp. Blue cloth gilt in chipped, torn d/j, edges lightly foxed else Very Good/G





Ashworth, William

A Short History of The International Economy Since 1850

London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd, 1962 [2nd ed.]

5½" x 8¾". 296pp. Green cloth gilt in chipped, grubby d/j, stain on edge of text block, else G+/G+





Asquith, H. H.

The Genesis of the War

London: Cassell and Company Limited, September 1923

6¼" x 9½". [xi] + 304pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped and frayed, ex-Library, otherwise Good.





Avrich, Paul

Sacco and Vanzetti : The Anarchist Background

Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1991

6" x 9¼". [x] + 265pp, illustrations. Softback, As New





Bagehot, Walter [edited and with an introduction by Ruth Dudley Edwards]

The Best of Bagehot

London: Hamish Hamilton, 1993

6¼" x 9½". 277pp. Black cloth in chipped, grubby d/j with remnants of label, Very Good





Bailey, The Right Hon. W. F.

The Slavs of the War Zone

London: Chapman & Hall Ltd, April 1917 New and Cheaper Edition [first published May 1916]

4¾" x 7½". [xii] + 266pp, frontis, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, corners bumped, end-papers browned otherwise Very Good.





Bainville, Jacques [Translated by Bernard Miall]

Italy and the War

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1916

5” x 7¾”. 267pp, This volume is ex-Library, rebound, reading copy only.





Baker, Harold [M.A.] With an Introduction by the Right. Hon. R. B. Haldane, K.C., M.P.

The Territorial Force : A Manual of Its Law Organization and Administration

London: John Murray, 1909 First Edition

5” x 7¾”. [xi] + 298pp, Publisher’s Advertisement. Brown cloth blocked in black and gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine darkened, head and tail of spine bumped and frayed, hinges slack, previous owner's name inscribed on front free end-paper otherwise Very Good. Rare.





Baring, Maurice

Letters from the Near East : 1909 and 1912

London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1913

4¾” x 7¾". 187pp, publisher's catalogue. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good





Bavin, W. D. [Prepared for the Swindon Town Council]

Swindon's War Record

Swindon: John Drew (Printers) Ltd., 51 Bridge Street, 1922 First Edition

7¼” x 10”. 352pp, profusely illustrated. Original green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, the internal condition of the scarce 1922 First Edition is reasonably clean, with some damage to the top corners of a few pages; however, the spine gutters are badly damaged (although there has been an attempt to re-glue them) and the covers are stained.





Beasant, John

Stalin's Silver

London: Bloomsbury, 1995

6" x 9½". 216pp, ills. Black cloth in slightly frayed d/j with two thin remnants of clear tape, top corner of ffep creased else Very Good+





Bell, Julian [Ed.]

We Did Not Fight : 1914 - 18 Experiences of War Resisters

London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1935

4¾" x 7½". 392pp. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, extensive foxing, otherwise Very Good. The aim of the book is "to give a wide and varied set of experiences and reflections" by those who objected to serving in the military in the First World War. Contributors include David Garnett, Stephen Hobhouse, James Maxton, Harry Pollitt, Bertrand Russell and many others. Foreword by Canon H. R. L. Sheppard.





Benes, Dr Eduard [Translated from the Czech by Paul Selver]

My War Memoirs

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1928 First Edition

6” x 9¾”. 512pp, portrait frontispiece. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library with usual markings otherwise Good.





Benson, E. F.

The Outbreak of War, 1914

London: Peter Davies Limited, November 1933 First Edition

5¼" x 7¾". 169pp, frontis, illustrations. Original cloth gilt, no d/j, spine darkened, covers rubbed and discoloured otherwise Very Good





Birse, A. H.

Memoirs of an Interpreter

London: Michael Joseph, 1967

5¼” x 8½”. 254pp, frontis, illustrations. Ex-library with d/j laminated onto boards, usual labels and stamps, a reading copy





Blackburn, Helen

Women's Suffrage : A Record of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the British Isles : With Biographical Sketches of Miss Becker

London: Williams and Norgate, 14 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, London and 7 Broad St., Oxford, 1902





Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen

The Land War in Ireland : Being a Personal Narrative of Events in Continuation of "A Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt"

London: Stephen Swift and Co., Ltd, 1912

5¾” x 9”. [ix] + 510 pages + Publisher’s notice. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, spine damage, rear cover damp-stained, newspaper clippings tipped in, otherwise Good.





Bobroff, Ronald Park

Roads to Glory : Late Imperial Russia and the Turkish Straits

London: I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2006

5½” x 8¾”. [xii] + 251pp. Black cloth blocked in silver in d/j, bookplate on front pastedown otherwise Very Good. Until now, it has been accepted that the Turkish Straits - the Russian fleet's gateway to the Mediterranean - were a key factor in shaping Russian policy in the years leading to World War I. Control of the Straits had always been accepted as the major priority of Imperial Russia's foreign policy. In this powerfully argued revisionist history, Ronald Bobroff exposes the true Russian concern before the outbreak of war: the containment of German aggression. Based on extensive new research, Bobroff provides fascinating new insights into Russia's state development before the revolution, examining the policies and personal correspondence of its policy makers. And through his detailed examination of the rivalries and alliances of the Triple Entente, he sheds new light on European diplomacy at the beginning of the twentieth century.





Bowden, Mark

Pitt Rivers : The Life and Archaeological Work of Lieutenant-General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers, DCL, FRS, FSA

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991

7" x 10". [xv] + 181pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, Fine. Mark Bowden has written an entertaining and thoroughly researched biography of General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers (1827-1900), which describes his stormy relationships with his wife, children, colleagues, tenants and dependants, his military career, his activities in public education, and his contributions to anthropology and archaeology. In particular he assesses his impact as excavator, field archaeologist, theoretician and first Inspector of Ancient Monuments on the development of British archaeology. This is the most complete biography of a controversial man whose methods and ideals have been much quoted but frequently misunderstood and misrepresented. A flamboyant polymath, Pitt Rivers was influential in four fields during his lifetime: military training, anthropology, archaeology and public education. Yet very little is known about his career, character or motivation.  1. Introduction, 2. Progress in modern musketry, 3 Married life, 4. Ethnology and anthropology, 5. Early archaeological fieldwork, 6. The Inspector of Ancient Monuments, 7. Excavations in Cranborne Chase, 8. Public education, 9. The father of scientific archaeology.





Bowden, Peter J.

The Wool Trade in Tudor and Stuart England

London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd, 1971 [first published 1962]

5½" x 8¾". 242pp. Red cloth gilt in chipped d/j, edges dusty, else Very Good/Very Good





Brassai [Translated From the French by Richard Miller]

The Secret Paris of the '30s

London: Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2001 [first published 1976]

8¼” x 10½”. Unpaginated, profusely illustrated. Large format softback, covers rubbed otherwise Near Fine





Brassey, T. A. [Ed.]

The Naval Annual, 1896

London and Portsmouth: J. Griffin and Co., 1896

6” x 9¾”. [x] + 445pp, frontis, illus, diag, plate section, text illus. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with some damp-staining along bottom edges of boards, spine darkened, shelf number on spine, Reference Library bookplate on front pastedown, label removed from front free end-paper leaving small hole, rear inner hinge cracked, otherwise Very Good. Speed in Warships, Sea Training, German Navy, Types of Warships, Naval strength, German dockyards & personnel, new foreign construction.





Bretholz, Leo and Olesker, Michael

Leap into Darkness : Seven Years on the Run in Wartime Europe

London: Constable, 1999

6¼" x 9½". [xvi] + 273pp, illustrations. Blue cloth in d/j, As New





Brophy, John

The Five Years : A Conspectus of the Great War Designed Primarily for Study by the Successors of Those Who Took Part in it and Secondarily to Refresh the Memory of the Participants Themselves

London: Arthur Barker Ltd, 1936

6¼" x 9½". 320pp, maps. Red cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good





Brustein, William

The Logic of Evil : The Social Origins of the Nazi Party 1925-1933

New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996

6¼" x 9½". [xiv] + 235pp. Black boards in d/j, As New





Bryant, Arthur

The Years of Endurance 1793-1802

London: Collins, 1944 [3rd impression]

5½" x 8¾". 370pp, maps as end-papers. Purple cloth gilt, no d/j, printed on cheap war-time paper, else Very Good.





Bryant, Arthur

The Age of Elegance 1812-1822

London: Collins, 1955 [4th impression]

5½" x 8¾". 450pp, maps as end-papers. Purple cloth gilt, no d/j, near Fine.





Bryant, Arthur

Years of Victory 1802-1812

London: Collins, 1958 [5th impression]

5½" x 8¾". 499pp, maps as end-papers. Purple cloth gilt, no d/j, near Fine.





Buchanan, Meriel

Petrograd (The City of Trouble) 1914-1918

London: W. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, January 1919 Second Impression [first published December 1918]

5" x 7¾". 262pp, publisher's catalogue. Blind-stamped red cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine stained, faded and frayed along front gutter with small splits, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good. Scarce.





Buchanan, Meriel [Mrs Knowling]

The Dissolution of an Empire

London: John Murray, 1932

5½" x 8¾".  [xv] + 312pp, frontis, illustrations. Ochre cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers bowed, end-papers discoloured, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good. Scarce.





Burleigh, Michael

Death and Deliverance : Euthanasia in Germany, 1900 - 1945

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995

6" x 9". [xvii] + 381pp, illustrations. Softback, As New. Between 1939 and 1945, the Nazis systematically murdered as many as 200,000 mentally or physically disabled people as a prelude to their genocidal programme used against the Jews and others. This book researches how euthanasia evolved in Germany, and examines the role of those involved in the programme - bureaucrats, doctors, nurses, health officials, lawyers, clerics and patients.





Burton, Brian

Flow Gently Past

Corowa, N.S.W.: Corowa Shire Council, 1973

5½” x 8¾”. [xi] + 228pp, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j otherwise Very Good.





Buttery, John A.

Why Kruger Made War, Or, Behind the Boer Scenes

London: William Heinemann Ltd

5” x 7½”. [viii] + 298pp + Publisher’s catalogue. This volume is ex-Library. Original brown cloth blocked in black. The covers are worn and soiled. There is marked colour variation to the boards and a few old stains. The spine gutters are frayed and split but have been partially re-glued. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed, with further splits to the cloth.





Buxton, Noel & Leese, C. Leonard

Balkan Problems and European Peace

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1919

4¾" x 7¾". 135pp. Teal cloth blocked in black, no d/j, ex-Reference Library, otherwise Very Good. Contents include: The Balkans Before the War; The Balkan Nations During the War; The Balkans and the Future. 





Buxton, Sydney

A Handbook to Political Questions of the Day and the Arguments on Either Side

London: John Murray, 1892 8th Ed.

5½” x 9”. [xxii] +436 pages + 32-page Publisher’s catalogue. Original red cloth gilt. The covers are rubbed, particularly on the rear spine gutter (where there is a small frayed patch) and on the edges, but remain quite bright, despite a few small marks. There is a previous owner's name inscribed in pencil on the front end-paper (dated "Apl/92"). There are no other internal markings and the text is clean throughout; however, the paper has tanned with age. The edge of the text block is untrimmed.





Cairncross, Sir Alec

The Price of War : British Policy on German Reparations 1941-1949

Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986

6" x 9¼". [x] + 249pp. Black cloth in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good





Cannistraro, Philip V. and Sullivan, Brian R.

Il Duce's Other Woman : the untold story of Marherita Sarfatti, Benito Mussolino's Jewish mistress, and how she helped him come to power

New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1993

6¼" x 9½". 685pp, illustrations, map. Light grey boards in d/j, As New





Carlyle, Thomas

Musaeus, Tieck, Richter

London: Chapman and Hall, 1866

5¼" x 7½". 359pp. Maroon cloth, gilt lettering, spine faded and bumped, tear at top right of spine, contents Very Good





Carter, Howard

The Tomb of Tutankhamen

London: Book Club Associates, 1972 [by arrangement with Barrie & Jenkins Ltd]

8" x 10". 238pp, 17 colour plates, 65 b&w illustrations. Red cloth gilt in scuffed d/j, small indentation on rear cover, top corners bumped (affecting page edges as well as covers), else G/G





Chambers, Frank P.

The War Behind the War 1914-1918 : A History of the Political and Civilian Fronts

London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1939

5½" x 8¾". [xv] + 620pp, maps. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, re-backed ex-Library with one missing map; reading copy.





Chirol, Sir Valentine

Fifty Years in a Changing World

New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1928

5¾" x 8¾". 351pp. Light blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, spine dull, head and tail of spine chipped with some loss of backstrip, ex-Library, otherwise Very Good.





Churchill, Winston

The World Crisis 1911-1918 : Abridged and Revised Edition with an additional chapter on The Battle of the Marne

London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd, 1942 [one volume, revised and abridged: first published February 1931; transferred to Macmillan, 1941; reprinted 1942]

5¾” x 9¼”. 831pp, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges dusty otherwise Very Good





Churchill, Winston

The Aftermath : being a sequel to The World Crisis

London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd, 1944 [first published by Thornton Butterworth, 1929]

5¾" x 9". 474pp, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped otherwise Very Good.





Cohen, Israel [Late Chairman of the Ruhleben Literary and Debating Society]

The Ruhleben Prison Camp : A Record of Nineteen Months' Internment

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1917

5½” x 9”. [xiii] + 251pp, frontispiece, illustrations, plan of Camp on front end-papers, Publisher’s Catalogue. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, spine dull and slightly faded, head and tail of spine bumped, two stamps of "Newcastle Chronicle Library" on front end-papers, previous owner's name inscribed in pencil on Half-Title page, page 201/202 and facing plate torn in margin, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good. Cohen, of London, was one of the fifteen men released from Ruhleben who arrived in neutral Holland on 7 June 1916.





Colonel The Lord Sydenham of Combe; Admiral Sir Reginald Bacon; General Sir Frederick Maurice; General Sir W. D. Bird; Sir Charles Oman

The World Crisis by Winston Churchill : A Criticism

London: Hutchinson & Co. Limited, n.d. [Second Edition, c.1928]

6" x 9¼". 192pp, maps, charts. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, bookplate on front pastedown, spine rubbed and darkened, small blemish on backstrip, otherwise Very Good





Consett, Rear-Admiral M. W. W. P. (C. M. G., Naval Attaché in Scandinavia 1912–1919, Naval Adviser to the Supreme Council 1920)[Assisted by Captain O. H. Daniel, R. N.]

The Triumph of Unarmed Forces (1914-1918) An Account of the Transactions by which Germany during the Great War was able to obtain Supplies prior to her Collapse under the Pressure of Economic Forces

London: Williams and Norgate, August 1923 (Second Impression; first published May 1923)

5½" x 8¾". [xxiv] + 344pp, frontis, maps. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, page edges and end-papers heavily foxed, otherwise Good





Conwell-Evans, T. P. [With Introductory Notes by The Rt. Hon. Lord Noel-Buxton and G. P. Gooch, D.Litt, F.B.A.]

Foreign Policy from a Back Bench, 1904 - 1918 : A Study Based on the Papers of Lord Noel-Buxton

London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, 1932

5½" x 8¾". [xv] + 185pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Court, W. H. B.

A Concise Economic History of Britain From 1750 to Recent Times

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962 [first published 1954]

5" x 8". 368pp. Laminated red cloth gilt, no d/j, edges foxed else Very Good





Courtney, Kate

Extracts from a Diary During the War : To My Nephews and Nieces

Printed for Private Circulation, December, 1927 [A note on the final page states: London: Printed by The Victor Press, Chelsea, 1928]

5½” x 8¾”. 179pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine ends and corners bumped and slightly frayed, end-papers and edges foxed (heavily in places), otherwise just about Very Good.





Cramb, J.

Germany and England

London: John Murray, 1914 [reprinted September 1914]

5" x 7½". [x] + 137pp. Blind-stamped red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges & end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. These lectures were delivered in February and March 1913.





Crampton, R. J.

A Concise History of Bulgaria

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997

5¼" x 8½". [xv] + 259pp, maps, illustrations. Softback, As New





Dash, Mike

Batavia's Graveyard : The True Story of the Mad Heretic Who Led History's Bloodiest Mutiny

London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2002

5¾" x 8¾". 398pp, maps. Brown boards gilt in d/j, As New. It is the autumn of 1628, and the East Indiaman Batavia, the largest and newest ship in the Dutch East India Company's fleet, is loaded with a king's ransom in gold, silver and gems for her maiden voyage to Java. She sets sail with great fanfare, but is never destined to reach Java, for the Company has also sent a new employee, Jeronimus Cornelisz - a disgraced bankrupt with disarming charisma and dangerously heretical ideas. With the help of the Batavia's skipper and a group of disgruntled sailors, Jeronimus plots a mutiny that seems certain to be successful - but for one unplanned event. In the dark morning hours of 4 June 1629, the Batavia smashes through a coral reef and runs aground off the west coast of Australia in an unexplored chain of islands. The merchant in command of the ship takes the only boat and sets a course for Java, some 1800 miles away, to summon help, leaving over 200 survivors trapped on the desert island without water, food or shelter, unarmed and unaware of Cornelisz's treachery, and soon they find themselves at the mercy of the mutineers. The book recounts what happened next - how Cornelisz seizes control of the island and begins to kill the survivors, one by one.





Dedijer, Vladimir

The Road to Sarajevo

London: MacGibbon and Kee, 1967 [1st ed]

5¾" x 9". 550pp, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, otherwise Very Good





Deighton, Anne

The Impossible Peace : Britain, the Division of Germany, and the Origins of the Cold War

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993

5½” x 8½”. [xii] + 283pp, map. Softback, As New. The Impossible Peace offers a new interpretation of the British Government's policy towards Germany in the years immediately following the Second World War, and reassesses the part played by Britain in the collapse of the Grand Alliance and the development of what came to be known as the Cold War.should be read by all who have an interest in the conduct of Britain's foreign affairs . she has buttressed her case with impressive archival research and interviews with surviving participants . all will be in debt to Anne Deighton's work.thorough and perceptive study . trenchant, insightful account.The developments she describes will be of lasting historical significance, not only for the forty years of Cold War, which now seems to have come to its conclusion, but for our understanding of Britain's relationship with her European neighbours and with the United States.





Dennis, Peter and Preston, Adrian [Eds]

Soldiers as Statesmen

London: Croom Helm, 1976

5¼" x 8¾". 184pp. Red cloth gilt in chipped and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good. This book examines the careers of five distinguished twentieth century soldiers and assesses their contribution as statesmen. Hindenburg, Byng, Franco, Eisenhower and De Gaulle all came into political life in different circumstances but none did so in the name of the profession or to establish a praetorian state. Each was a professional soldier who found himself drawn into the political arena. Each of these essays illuminates one aspect of the range of political, sociological and historical issues which now surround the interrelationship of civil and military.





Dillon, Dr. E. J.

From the Triple to the Quadruple Alliance : Why Italy Went to War

London: Published for "The Daily Telegraph" by Hodder and Stoughton, 1915

5½" x 8¾". [xii] + 242pp, frontis. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and slightly faded, page edges yellowed, otherwise Very Good





Durham, Mary Edith

Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1920

5½" x 8¾". 295pp. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded, edges lightly foxed, offsetting to end-papers, otherwise 





Eber, Dorothy Harley

When the Whalers Were Up North : Intuit Memories From the Eastern Arctic

Boston: David R. Godine, 1989

8½" x 8¾". 187pp, ills. Blue cloth in d/j, corners rubbed, otherwise Near Fine.





Ellis, Ralph

Thoth : Architect of the Universe

Dorset: Edfu Books, 1998 [Revised 2nd ed.; first published 1997]

6¼" x 9½". [xii] + 287pp, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in d/j, As New. Signed by the author on the front free end-paper.





Evans, Lorraine

Kingdom of the Ark : The Startling Story of How the Ancient British Race is Descended from the Pharaohs

London: Simon & Schuster, 2000

6¼" x 9½". [xvi] + 336pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, top corners bumped, otherwise Very Good





Fairbairn, Brett

Democracy in the Undemocratic State : The German Reichstag Elections of 1898 and 1903

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997

6" x 9". [xv] + 408pp. Softback, As New





Feinstein, Charles H.; Temin, Peter and Toniolo, Gianni

The European Economy Between the Wars

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997

5½" x 8¾". [xi] + 233pp, map, tables. Black cloth gilt, no d/j [as issued], As New





Fielding-Hall, H.

For England

London: Constable and Company Limited, 1916

5¾” x 9”. 144pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, bookplate on front pastedown otherwise Very Good. Uncommon.





Fischer, H. C. and Dubois, Dr E. X.

Sexual Life During the World War

London: Francis Aldor, 1937

5½" x 8¾". 485pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and stained, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good. Scarce.





Foss, Michael

The Search for Cleopatra

London: Michael O'Mara Books Limited, 1997

6" x 9½". 192pp, colour plates. Blue cloth gilt in d/j, As New.





Fox, Edward

Palestine Twilight : The Murder of Dr Albert Glock and the Archaeology of the Holy Land

London: HarperCollins, 2001

6¼" x 9½". 277pp, portrait frontis. Black cloth in d/j, NEW





Fox, Frank

The Balkan Peninsula

London: A. & C. Black, 1915

5½" x 8¾". [xii] + 213pp, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good





Freeman, Charles

The Greek Achievement : The Foundation of the Western World

London: Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 1999

6¼" x 9½". 494pp, illustrations in colour and black & white. Teal cloth gilt in d/j, some scuffing and a few marks on edge of text block, otherwise Very Good/Very Good





Fussell, Paul

The Great War and Modern Memory

New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1975

6" x 9¼". [xiii] + 363pp, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in a scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good. An exploration of the first great hell of the modern world i.e. trench warfare. The author writes of the blood and muck of the trenches, and of the literary means by which that experience has been assimilated, remembered, and mythologized by writers such as Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves, Edmund Blunden, Wilfred Owen, David Jones, Isaac Rosenberg, etc. From the Preface: "This book is about the British experience on the Western Front from 1914 to 1918 and some of the literary means by which it has been remembered, conventionalized, and mythologized. It is also about the literary dimensions of the trench experience itself. Indeed, if the book had a subtitle, it would be something like "An Inquiry into the Curious Literariness of Real Life".





Gardner, Laurence

Genesis of the Grail Kings : The Pendragon Legacy of Adam and Eve

London: Bantam Press, 1999

6¼" x 9½". [xx] + 316pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Gazur, Edward P. [with a preface by Gordon Brook- Shepherd]

Secret Assignment : The FBI's KGB General

London: St Ermin's Press, 2001

6¼" x 9½". [xviii] + 606pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, NEW





Gellately, Robert

Backing Hitler : Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001

6¼" x 9½". 359pp, ills. Black cloth gilt in d/j, bottom corners bumped, else near Fine





Getty, J. Arch and Naumov, Oleg V. [Translations by Benjamin Sher]

The Road to Terror : Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939

New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999

6½” x 9½”. [xxvii] + 635pp, illustrations. Black boards quarter-bound in black cloth, in a rubbed and creased d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Geyer, Dietrich

Russian Imperialism : The Interaction of Domestic and Foreign Policy, 1860 - 1914

Leamington Spa: Berg Publishers Ltd, 1987

5½" x 8¾". 385pp. Black cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Gibbs, Philip

The Pageant of the Years : An Autobiography

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1946 [2nd imp.]

5½" x 8½". 530pp, frontis, ills. Blue cloth, no d/j, produced to War Economy Standard, end-papers browned, half-inch tear in rear cover, else G+





Gooch, G. P.

Before the War : Studies in Diplomacy [Volume I only]

London: Longmans, Green & Co., Vol. I: April, 1936 [2nd imp.; first published January, 1936]

5¾" x 8¾". [ix] + 438pp. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, backstrip split along rear gutter and re-glued, front inner hinge cracked otherwise Good





Goodwin, Jason

Lords of the Horizons : A History of the Ottoman Empire

New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1999

6¼" x 9½". 352pp,map, diags. Blue boards in a rubbed d/j with one minute tear, otherwise Fine/Very Good





Gordon, Elizabeth Anna

Messiah, The Ancestral Hope of the Ages, "The Desire of All Nations," As proved from The Records on the sun-dried bricks of Babylonia, the papyri and pyramids of Egypt, the Frescoes of the Roman Catacombs, and on the Chinese incised Memorial Stone at Cho'ang

Tokyo: Keiseisha, 1909

8¼” x 11¼”. 212pp, profusely illustrated. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good.





Gordon, Hampden and Dennys, Joyce [Illustrator] "Rhymes by Hampden Gordon, Pictures by Joyce Dennys"

Our Girls in Wartime

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, n.d. [c.1917]

7¼” x 9½”. Unpaginated, with 25 single-page verses with full-page 3-colour illustrations facing. Original pictorial card covers with brown cloth backstrip, no d/j, covers bowed, marked and rubbed and scuffed, corners creased, small tear on bottom edge of front free end-paper, otherwise Very Good. A collection of humorous verses and illustrations reflecting on women's roles on the Home Front during the First World War





Gottlieb, W. W.

Studies in Secret Diplomacy During the First World War

London: George Allen & Unwin, 1957

5½" x 8¾". 430pp. Red cloth blocked in silver on the spine in a scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good. From these studies of the secret diplomacy surrounding the entry of Turkey and Italy into the First World War, emerges a picture of the complex machinery behind the obvious wheels of international politics. The activities of statesmen and diplomats are related to the ramifications of bitg business, banks,oil and armament companies. The story of each move and counter-move, told mostly in the actors' own words and with many quotations from actual memoranda and dispatches, is based on sources which are quite new. They include the Russian collections of confidential correspondence and the latest Documenti Diplomatici Italiani. This material has been integrated with that taken from all the available collections of British, French, German, Austro-Hungarian and American diplomatic documents, contemporary periodic, diaries, recollections and private letters of those involved.





Graeme, Bruce

A Century of Buckingham Palace 1837-1937 : An Unconventional and Anecdotal Study of the Palace, Past and Present

London: Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd, 1937

5½” x 8¾”. 180pp + Publisher’s catalogue, illustrations. Original blue cloth blocked in black. The covers are rubbed and slightly soiled and marked, with some variation in colour. The spine ends and corners are bumped. There is a gift inscription on the front end-paper, dated June 1942. The paper has tanned with age and there is occasional foxing, particularly affecting the end-papers and preliminaries. The text is clean throughout.





Grant, A. J. and Temperley, Harold

Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (1789 - 1932)

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1935 [new impression]

5¾" x 8¾". [xxiii] + 652pp, maps. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, head of spine frayed, covers rubbed, edges dusty otherwise Very Good





Grant, Michael

The Emperor Constantine

London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1993

6¼" x 9½". [xii] + 267pp, maps, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in d/j, Fine





Greenleaf, W. H.

The British Political Tradition : Volume 1 : The Rise of Collectivism; Volume 2 : The Ideological Heritage; Volume 3 : A Much Governed Nation, Part 1

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1983

6¼” x 9½”. [xiv] + 336pp; [xii] + 579pp; [xvi] + 527pp. Grey cloth gilt in scuffed and rubbed d/js, top edge dusty, otherwise Very Good. Lacks the final volume ["The World Outside"]. Please note, as this is a heavy set postage will be commensurate.





Grew, Joseph C.

Ten Years in Japan : A Contemporary Record drawn from the Diaries and Private and Official Papers of Joseph Grew, United States Ambassador to Japan 1932-42

London: Hammond, Hammond & Company Limited, 1945 [2nd imp.]

5½" x 8¾". 480pp, portrait frontis, ills. Original cloth in a torn and tatty, price-clipped d/j, previous owner's name inscribed, else Very Good/Fair.





Griffiths, G. [International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions]

Representative Government in Western Europe in the Sixteenth Century : Commentary and Documents for the Study of Comparative Constitutional History

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968 First Edition

6” x 9½”. [xviii] + 621pp. Original blue cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and rubbed d/j with some loss, otherwise Very Good.





Haldane, Viscount

Before the War

London: Cassell, 1920

5½" x 8". 208pp. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and slightly stained otherwise Very Good





Hankey, Lord

The Supreme Command 1914 - 1918 [2 vols]

London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1961

6" x 9½". 906pp, illustrations. Blue cloth in scuffed and rubbed d/j, ex-Library.





Hayne, M. B.

The French Foreign Office and the Origins of the First World War 1898-1914

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993

5½" x 8¾". [viii] + 328pp. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and scuffed, ex-Library, otherwise Very Good.





Hayter, Alethea

The Wreck of the Abergavenny : One of Britain's Greatest Maritime Disasters and its Links to Literary Genius

London: Macmillan, 2002

5½" x 8¾". [xv] + 223pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Heffer, Simon

Power and Place : The Political Consequences of King Edward VII

London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998

6¼" x 9½". [x] + 342pp, illustrations. Blue cloth blocked in silver in d/j. This book had been in Fine condition until a browser put it carelessly back on the shelf and damaged the dust-jacket which now has a crease and a small tear on the back flap which I have repaired with archival tape.





Herodotus [Translated by Robin Waterfield, with an Introduction and Notes by Carolyn Dewald]

The Histories

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998

5½" x 9". [li] + 772pp, maps. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New. From the dust-jacket: "Herodotus is not only known as the "father of history", as Cicero called him, but also the father of ethnography. As well as charting the historical background to the Persian Wars, his curiosity prompts frequent digression on the cultures of the peoples he introduces. While much of the information he gives has proved to be astonishingly accurate, he also includes tales of one-eyed men and gold-digging ants."





Herzog, Maurice

Annapurna [Conquest of the first 8000-metre peak]

London: The Reprint Society, 1954

5" x 7¼". 288pp, 16 b/w ills, 1 colour ill, maps. Green cloth, no d/j, near Fine





Hewitson, Mark

National Identity and Political Thought in Germany : Wilhelmine Depictions of the French Third Republic 1890-1914

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000

5¾" x 8¾". [xi] + 288pp. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library.





Hoare, Philip

Wilde's Last Stand : Decadence, Conspiracy & the First World War

London: Duckworth, 1997

6" x 9". [vi] + 250pp, illustrations. Softback, As New





Hoare, The Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel [LL.D., M.P.]

The Fourth Seal : The End of a Russian Chapter

London: William Heinemann Ltd, December 1930 [first published November 1930]

5¾” x 9”. (xiii) + 377pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Original orange cloth blocked in black on the front cover and in gilt on the spine. The covers are rubbed and dull, with two obvious areas of patchy colour loss around the bottom corners (front and back) probably caused by damp-staining. There is also a small stain on the front cover. The spine is a little dull, with a shallow crease down the centre. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed with minor splitting of the cloth. There is also some bowing of the covers.





Holland, Tom

Persian Fire : The First World Empire and the Battle for the West 

London: Little, Brown & Co., 2005 [Fifth impression]

6” x 9½”. [xxx] + 418pp, maps, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in d/j, As New. In 480 BC, Xerxes, the King of Persia, led an invasion of mainland Greece. Its success should have been a formality. For seventy years, victory - rapid, spectacular victory - had seemed the birthright of the Persian Empire. In the space of a single generation, they had swept across the Near East, shattering ancient kingdoms, storming famous cities, putting together an empire which stretched from India to the shores of the Aegean. As a result of those conquests, Xerxes ruled as the most powerful man on the planet. Yet somehow, astonishingly, against the largest expeditionary force ever assembled, the Greeks of the mainland managed to hold out. The Persians were turned back. Greece remained free. Had the Greeks been defeated at Salamis, not only would the West have lost its first struggle for independence and survival, but it is unlikely that there would ever have been such and entity as the West at all.





Holloway, David

Stalin and the Bomb : The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939 - 1956

New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994

5¾" x 9". 464pp, ills. Softback in excellent condition





House, Colonel [Arranged as a Narrative by Charles Seymour, Professor of History at Yale University]

The Intimate Papers of Colonel House : Volume I Behind the Political Curtain 1912-1915

London: Ernest Benn Limited, March 1926

6¼” x 9¾”. [xxiii] + 474pp. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine slightly faded, head and tail of spine bumped, edges foxed otherwise Very Good





House, Colonel [Arranged as a Narrative by Charles Seymour, Professor of History at Yale University]

The Intimate Papers of Colonel House :  Volume II From Neutrality to War 1915-1917

London: Ernest Benn Limited, March 1926

6¼” x 9¾”. [viii] + 502pp. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine slightly faded, head and tail of spine bumped, edges foxed otherwise Very Good





Hoving, Thomas

Tutankhamun : The Untold Story

London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd, 1979

6¼" x 9½". 384pp, colour and b&w plates, map as end-papers. Blue cloth gilt in chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good.





Idle, E. Doreen 

War Over West Ham : A Study of Community Adjustment : A Report Prepared for the Fabian Society and the Ethical Union

London: Faber and Faber, 1943

4¾” x 7½”. 136pp. Original black cloth gilt. The covers are rubbed, bumped and bowed. The front and rear covers are scuffed and dull. The spine is also rubbed, particularly at either end, but remains reasonably bright. Probably as an economy measure, the covers have been constructed with quite thin card under the cloth and this has a greater propensity to suffer from bumping: the spine ends and corners are bumped and there are a number of indentations along the edges of the boards. Also, the covers have bowed outwards (particularly the front cover). As far as I am aware, this slim volume has never been re-printed and the First Edition is rare. Apart from some passages being marked by a former owner, the other defects (bumping and bowing to the thin covers, fairly cheap paper which has tanned noticeably) are the result of War-time necessity.





Idriess, Ion L.

Lasseter's Last Ride : An Epic of Central Australian Gold Discovery

Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1933 [13th ed.; first published 1931] 

4¾" x 7½". [xiii] + 251pp, frontis, illustrations, publisher's catalogue, maps as end-papers. Original cloth in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, covers marked and rubbed, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Very Good





Jerrold, Douglas

England : Past Present and Future

London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1950

5½" x 8¾". 341pp. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Very Good





Johnson, Jeffrey Allan

The Kaiser's Chemists : Science and Modernization in Imperial Germany

Chapel Hill & London: University of North Carolina Press, 1990

6¼" x 9½". [x] + 279pp, illustrations Blue cloth in d/j, Fine. In the early twentieth century, an elite group of modern-minded scientists in Germany, led by the eminent organic chemist Emil Fischer, set out to create new centers and open new sources of funding for chemical research. Their efforts led to the establishment in 1911 of the chemical institutes of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of the Sciences, whose original staff included several future Nobel laureates. Although these institutes were designed to promote "free research" that would uphold German leadership in international science, they also came to promote the integration of science in the German war effort after 1914. According to Jeffrey Johnson, the development of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes exemplifies the origins and dilemmas of one of the most significant innovations in modern science: the creation of institutions for basic research, both theoretical and practical. The Kaiser Wilhelm Society was a quasi- official institution under the "protection" of Kaiser Wilhelm II, but it received most of its funding from German industry rather than the Imperial Treasury. After 1914, however, the Kaiser’s chemists and their institutes provided key support to the German war effort. Within a few months of the outbreak of World War I, the institutes had been integrated into war mobilization activities. They conducted research both in weapons, such as poison gas, and in strategic resources, especially synthetics to replace naturally produced goods cut off by Britain’s blockade of German ports. By examining the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in the framework of both scientific and social change, Johnson is able to answer questions that seem puzzling if not viewed from this dual perspective, such as why German chemists pushed for institutional change at this particular time. Johnson argues that the new institutes arose from a characteristically modern tension between internationally set scientific goals and the competing national priorities of a country headed for war. Johnson’s sources include the papers of Emil Fischer; the archives of several major German corporations, including Bayer, Hoechst, and Krupp; government records; and the archives of the Max Planck Society, which grew out of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society after World War II.





Jones, G. P. and Pool, A. G.

A Hundred Years of Economic Development in Great Britain

London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd, 1963 [first published 1940]

5½" x 8¾". 420pp. Black cloth, no d/j, spine dull and damp-stained with loss of colour, edges dusty, otherwise Good.





Jones, Henry Arthur

My Dear Wells : A Manual for the Haters of England : Being a Series of Letters upon Bolshevism, Collectivism, Internationalism, and the Distribution of Wealth Addressed to Mr. H. G. Wells

London: Eveleigh Nash & Grayson Ltd, 148, Strand, 1921 First Edition

4½” x 7¼”. [xvii] + 310pp. This volume is ex-Library and has been rebound in textured red buckram with a leather spine blocked in gilt and a shelf number on the spine. The covers are rubbed, particularly around the edges, where there is some fraying, and also quite heavily scuffed. The leather spine has faded and is also quite scuffed, with the leather looking dry. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed. There is a forward spine lean.





Jones, Peter d'A.

An Economic History of the United States Since 1783

London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964 [first published 1956]

5½" x 8¾". 280pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges lightly foxed, else Very Good





Kennedy, Paul and Hitchcock, William I.

From War to Peace : Altered Strategic Landscapes in the Twentieth Century

New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000

5¾" x 8½". [ix] + 325pp. Blue cloth in d/j, As New





Knight, E. F.

The Awakening of Turkey : A History of the Turkish Revolution

London: John Milne, 1909

5½" x 8¾". [xi] + 356pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library, reading copy





Koch, H. W.

In the Name of the Volk : Political Justice in Hitler's Germany

New York: St Martin's Press, 1989

5½” x 8¾”. [xv] + 325pp. Black cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, page edges yellowed otherwise Near Fine





Lacey, Michael J. [Ed.]

The Truman Presidency

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991 [first published in Hardback 1989] Published in conjunction with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

6" x 9". [ix] + 458pp. Softback, As New





Lajtha, Edgar

The March of Japan

London: Robert Hale & Company, 1936

5¾" x 8¾". 288pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates. Black cloth in remnants of d/j, edges heavily foxed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good





Lamb, Richard

Mussolini as Diplomat : Il Duce's Italy on the World Stage

New York: Fromm International, 1999

6¼" x 9¼". 356pp, illustrations. Black boards in d/j, Fine. Reveals how Italy was pushed into Hitler's arms by Anthony Eden's serious blunder. Was Mussolini's alliance with Hitler really foreordained? Could Italy have been kept out of World War II? Did the policy of England's Anthony Eden really push Mussolini into Hitler's arms instead of luring him back to his former policy of friendship with Great Britain? These are some of the intriguing questions that Richard Lamb asks in the course of examining Mussolini's foreign policy toward Germany on the one hand and Britain and France on the other. Surprisingly, Mussolini began with a deep distrust of Hitler and feelings of friendship toward England as well as France, countries he felt might stand up to Hitler's aggressive intent. He also despised Hitler's anti-Semitism. But some disastrous miscalculations, especially by Anthony Eden, who later headed Britain's Foreign Office, set the course for the eventual conflagration. These are the shocking conclusions that Lamb-in a revisionist assessment of Mussolini's diplomatic blunders in his relations with the other powers in Europe-reached after studying documents that have been inaccessible for more than half a century.





Langdon, John W.

July 1914 : The Long Debate, 1918-1990

Providence and Oxford: Berg Publishers Inc., 1991 [The Legacy of the Great War Series]

5¼” x 8¾”. [xi] + 196pp. Original pictorial boards, no d/j, ex-Library with pocket on rear pastedown, abraded patches on covers from removal of labels, otherwise Very Good.





Langelaan-Stoop, C.

The White Army : An Impulse of Many Women for An Action Against War

Amsterdam: J. H. de Bussy, 1915

6¼” x 8½”. 27pp. Pamphlet, Imperial War Museum makrings otherwise Very Good.





Lawrence, T. E. [Edited by A. W. Lawrence]

Oriental Assembly

London: Williams and Norgate Ltd, 1944 [4th impression; first published 1939]

5½" x 8¾". [xii] + 225pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in protected d/j, Very Good+/Very Good. From the Foreword: "This volume comprises practically all the author's miscellaneous writings, with the exception of "Crusader Castles". There remains nothing else which I intend to place before the general public." The first part of this book contains all the hitherto uncollected writings by Lawrence about the East. First a Diary (Published as "The Diary of T. E. Lawrence MCMXI" published in a 203 copy edition by the Corvinus Press in 1937) kept during a journey which Lawrence made on foot through Norther Syria in the summer of 1911, chiefly for the purpose of studying and photographing Crusaders' castles and of collecting antiquities for the Museum at Oxford. The Diary is illustrated by 19 photographs and sketches taken by Lawrence during his journey. From the Editor's Note: "The Diary occupies a block of centre pages in a small canvas-bound notebook, the rest of which contains personal memoranda (expense accounts and addresses), data on the ancient East, translations of Arabic fables, etc. Each day's happenings were described that evening and on the following morning. With the exception of an alteration in the initial date, the few corrections seem to have been inserted on reading through the day's entry immediately after its completion; there is no sign of any general revision. The wording changes character according to the writer's state of health, the punctuation varies correspondingly." In addition the book contains the suppressed Introductory Chapter to "Seven Pillars of Wisdom; a series of character sketches of the Arabs whose portraits Eric Kennington drew for "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" ("On Eric Kennington's Arab Portraits" from the Leicester Galleries Catalogue); an essay "The Changing East" which appeared anonymously in the "Round Table" (Sep. 1920); an essay "The Evolution of a Revolt" which appeared in the "Army Quarterly" (Oct. 1920) and later formed the basis for Chapter 33 of "Seven Pillars of Wisdom". The second part of the book contains over 100 remarkable and mostly unpublished photographs taken by Lawrence during the Arab Revolt. Many of the events and places, later to be described in "Seven Pillars of Wisdom", were recorded by him at the time with his camera.





Levene, Mark

War, Jews, and the New Europe : The Diplomacy of Lucien Wolf 1914-1919

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992

5½" x 8¾". [xvii] + 346pp, maps. Red cloth gilt in d/j, As New. The First World War was a major watershed in modern Jewish history. Out of it came the Balfour Declaration, a first critical step in the creation of the State of Israel, but also a radical redrafting of the political map of eastern and central Europe, with dramatic and potentially tragic consequences for its dispersed but substantial Jewish minority. In this lucid work, which was awarded the 1991 Fraenkel Prize for Contemporary History, Mark Levene approaches these developments through the diplomatic endeavours of Lucien Wolf, a British Jew who was both one of the chief exponents of the Balfour Declaration and as co-architect of the Minorities Treaty that provided an internationally endorsed framework for Jewish existence in Europe after World War I. Through an analysis of Wolf's diplomacy, Levene examines how Jewish interests throughout Europe were affected by the Great War and how they were perceived by the warring powers. Levene shows how British support for Zionism was bound up with misconceptions about the Jewish role in Europe, notably that the revolutionary movement in Russia was Jewish-inspired and Jewish-led. Equally, however, he shows how the diplomatic activities of Wolf and his Jewish contemporaries heralded the entry of 'world Jewry' as a perceived force in modern politics, and how Wolf himself was preoccupied with Eastern Europe and its Jews at a precarious time. He also analyses how the war affected Jewish political self-perceptions, reviewing the context between assimilationists and Zionists in the broader framework of war, peace, and international diplomacy. His consideration of their conflicting claims says much that is of relevance to the contemporary discussion of Zionism as well as to the problems of ethnic and religious minorities in nation-states.





Lewis, David Levering

The Race to Fashoda : European Colonialism and African Resistance in the Scramble for Africa

London: Bloomsbury Publishing Limited, 1988

6¼" x 9½". [xiii] + 304pp, illustrations, map as end-papers. Red cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, page edges browned, otherwise Very 





Lin Yutang

Between Tears and Laughter

Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., First Canadian Printing September, 1943

5½” x 8¼”. 216pp. Original black cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good.





Link, Arthur S.

Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 1910-1917

New York: Harper & Row (Harper Torchbooks), 1963 [first published 1954]

5¼" x 8". 331pp, ills. Paperback, covers marked and rubbed, some pencil underlining and annotations, else G





Linklater, Eric

A Year of Space : A Chapter in Autobiography

London: The Reprint Society, 1954

5" x 7¼". 319pp. Green cloth, no d/j, Very Good





Ludwig, Emil [Translated from the German by C. A. Macartney]


London & New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1929

5½" x 8¾". 226pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, corners frayed (exposing card), edges dusty otherwise Good Plus





Luke, Sir Harry Charles

The Making of Modern Turkey : From Byzantium To Angora

London: Macmillan and Co. Limited, 1936

5½” x 8½”. [viii] + 246pp, frontispiece, publisher’s advertisements. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed,





Lynch, Don [Paintings by Ken Marschall; Introduction by Robert D. Ballard]

Titanic : An Illustrated History

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1998 [first published 1992]

11¾" x 11¼". 228pp, profusely illustrated. Blue cloth gilt in d/j, page 5 scratched otherwise Near Fine. Please note, as this is a heavy book postage will be commensurate.





Mackinnon, Daniel Henry

Military Service and Adventures in the Far East, Volume I : Including Sketches of the Campaigns Against the Afghans in 1839, and the Sikhs in 1845-6 . 

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012 (Collection - Naval and Military History)

¼½¾” x ¼½¾”. Paperback. Condition: New. Language: English. Brand new Book. This two-volume work, published in 1847 by cavalry officer Daniel Henry Mackinnon (1813-84) describes his military service in India, in the campaigns against the Afghans in 1839 and the Sikhs in 1845-6. In the first edition, reissued here, the author is referred to only as 'a cavalry officer', but in the second edition of 1849, Mackinnon, a career soldier and writer, abandons his anonymity. Volume 1 begins with a lively account of the Andaman Islands, before 'arrival in India' at Calcutta and a long march past the foothills of the Himalayas to the North-West Frontier province. Mackinnon fought at the decisive battle of Ghuzni in the First Anglo-Afghan War, and provides an eye-witness account of the storming of the city, though his description of the political and diplomatic conflicts which preceded the outbreak of the wars is somewhat simplistic, and inevitably Anglophile. 





Maclean, Norman

Young Men and Fire

London: Penguin, 1994

5" x 7¾". 301pp. Paperback, excellent, little sign of wear.





Mahoney, Henry C. (Narrated by) [Chronicled by Frederick A. Talbot]

Interned in Germany

London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd, n.d. [c.1918]

4¾” x 7½”. [ix] + 278pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Grey cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, slight spine lean otherwise Very Good.





Markham, Violet R.

A Woman's Watch on the Rhine

London: Hodder & Stoughton Limited, n.d. [1921]

5½” x 8¾”. [viii] + 301pp. Original pale grey cloth, no d/j, covers faded and rubbed, spine darkened, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, ex-Library, Good





Marston, F. S.

The Peace Conference of 1919 : Organization and Procedure

London: Oxford University Press, 1944 (Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs)

5½” x 8¾”. [xii] + 276pp. Original Green cloth gilt, no d/j, corners bumped, slight spine lean, previous owner's name inscribed in ink on front free end-paper ("M. A. Anderson Oxford 1945"), stamped "Sold by Surrey County Library" on rear pastedown but no other Library markings, otherwise Very Good.





Mather, John S. [Ed.] (Research by Donald Seaman)

The Great Spy Scandal

London: Daily Express Publications, December 1955

5½" x 8¾". 192pp, illustrations. Red cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, otherwise Very Good





Matthews, Christopher

Kennedy and Nixon : The Rivalry That Shaped Post-War America

New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996

6¼" x 9½". 377pp, illustrations. Buff boards with blue cloth backstrip in a rubbed and scuffed d/j, otherwise Very Good





Maurice, Major General Sir F. [K.C.M.G., C.B. Hon. LL.D., Cambridge]

Governments and War : A Study of the Conduct of War

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1926 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. 171pp. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-University Library





Mavrogordato, John

Modern Greece : A Chronicle and a Survey 1800-1931

London: Macmillan and Co. Limited, 1931

5" x 8". [xi] + 251pp, frontis, maps as end-papers. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped otherwise Very Good





Mawson, Charles Harold

I am Kept : Extracts from Diary and Letters of a young soldier of Christ in Bank, Billet and Battle-field

Newcastle-on-Tyne : Northern Counties Bible and Tract Depot, [1918?] 

3½” x 6¼”. 54pp, portrait frontispiece. Original printed paper wrappers in worn condition, spine covered in clear tape, otherwise Good. "This booklet contains brief extracts from the diary and letters of Trooper Charles Harold Mawson (Household Battalion) of Whitley Bay, Northumberland, who passed into the presence of the Lord, at Poelcappelle, N.E. Ypres, October 12th 1917 aged 19 years and 8 months."





May, Henry John and Hamilton, Iain

The Foster Gang

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1966

5½" x 8¾". [ix] + 310pp, illustrations, map. Black cloth gilt in a scuffed and chipped d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Mayence, Fernand [Professor at the University of Louvain] Translated by E. Louisa Thompson [Cambridge Teacher's Diploma, Hon. I]

The Legend of the “Francs-Tireurs” of Louvain : A Reply to the Report of Dr. Meurer, Professor at the University of Würzburg

Printed by Fr. Ceuterick, Rue Vital Decoster, 60 — Louvain — Belgium, 1928

5” x 7½”. 62pp. Original printed paper wrappers, paper tanned severely with age otherwise Very Good





McLaren, Barbara [with an Introduction by the Right Hon. H. H. Asquith, M.P.]

Women of the War

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1917

5½" x 8¾". 148pp, coloured frontis, b&w plates. Original brown paper covered boards with linen backstrip, chipped paper label on spine and front boards, end-papers quite discoloured, edges foxed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good





Mee, Charles L. Jr.

The End of Order : Versailles 1919

London: Secker & Warburg, 1981

6¼" x 9½". [xviii] + 301pp. Terracotta boards quarter bound in grey cloth, in a scuffed and slightly creased d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good/Very Good





Micunovic, Veljko

Moscow Diary

London: Chatto & Windus Ltd, 1980

6¼" x 9½". [xxvi, 474pp. Red cloth gilt in laminated d/j, ex-library with a few stamps on prelims and classification labels on spine, edges dusty, otherwise Good





Miller, Geoffrey

Straits : British Policy Towards the Ottoman Empire and the Origins of the Dardanelles Campaign

Hull: The University of Hull Press, 1997

5¾" x 8¼". 604pp, ills. New softback. Can be inscribed by the author if desired.





Moldea, Dan

The Killing of Robert F. Kennedy : An Investigation of Motive, Means, and Opportunity

New York: W. W. Norton, 1995

6" x 9½". 342pp, illustrations. Red boards quarter-bound in black cloth, in d/j, Fine





Montgelas, Max and Schucking, Walther [Eds]

Outbreak of the World War : German Documents collected by Karl Kautsky  [Translated from the German under the supervision of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of International Law]

New York: Oxford University Press, 1924

6½" x 9¾". [vi] + 688pp. Maroon cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with some colour loss, small tear near head of spine otherwise Very Good





Morel Des Boullets, Comptesse Clare (Mme Morel Bey)

From an Eastern Embassy : Memories of London, Berlin, and the East

London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1920

5½” x 8¾”. 301pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Grey cloth blocked in green, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped, front free end-paper removed otherwise Very Good. An account of the life of a Turkish diplomat and his wife in London, Germany, Roumania and Constantinople. An intimate account of diplomatic and social at the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries in a Turkish embassy in Europe and diplomatic life in Constantinople. Comptesse Clare Morel Des Boullets was the wife of a Morel Bey a Turkish diplomat.





Morel, E. D.

Truth and the War

London: National Labour Press Ltd, 1916 [First Edition]

5½” x 8¾”. [xxvi] + 324pp, portrait frontis. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, otherwise Very Good





Morgan, Roger

The United States and West Germany, 1945-1973 : A Study in Alliance Politics

London: Published for The Royal Institute of International Affairs and The Harvard Center for International Affairs by Oxford University Press, 1974

5¼” x 8¾”. [xii] + 282pp. Original red cloth blocked in gilt on the spine. The covers are rubbed but still in reasonably good condition. The spine has faded significantly with marked loss of original colour and a tiny stain just under the title. The spine ends and corners are slightly bumped. There is a previous owner's name ("Michael Hurst") inscribed in ballpoint pen on the front pastedown dated "April 1996". This is Michael Hurst (the Oxford Historian, subsequently Dr Michael Hurst F.R.Hist.S., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.A.). The text is generally clean throughout with the exception, however, of pages 247 to 252 ("Conclusion") where a number of passages have been marked or underlined in red ballpoint pen.





Mowat, R. B.

A New History of Great Britain : Section 2 : From the Accession of Henry VII to the Death of Anne

London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, 1926

5" x 7¼". Paginated from p.195 to p. 436, b&w plates. Decorative green cloth, no d/j, covers bowed else G+





Mowat, R. B.

A New History of Great Britain : Section 3 : From the Accession of William and Mary to the Treaty of Vienna

London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, 1923

5" x 7¼". Paginated from p.403 to p.1073, b&w plates. Decorative blue cloth, no d/j, spine dull and frayed, reading copy.





Murgatroyd, Sarah

The Dig Tree : The Extraordinary Story of the Ill-Fated Burke and Wills Expedition

London: Bloomsbury, 2002

6¼" x 9½". 372pp, illustrations, colour plates. Black cloth gilt in d/j, as new.





Musson, A. E.

The Typographical Association : Origins and History up to 1949

London New York Toronto: Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press, 1954 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [ix] + 487pp. Green cloth in a scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good.





Norwich, John Julius

A Short History of Byzantium

London: Viking (an imprint of Penguin Books), 1997 [1st thus, being a condensed version of "The Early Centuries" (1988), "The Apogee" (1991) and "The Decline and Fall" (1995)]

6¼” x 9½”. [xli] + 431pp, maps, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Nystrom, Anton [Translated by H. G. de Walterstorff] With an Introduction by Edmund Gosse, C.B., LL.D.

Before, During and After 1914

London: William Heinemann, 1915

5¾” x 9”. [xvi] + 368pp. Original green blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, spine ends and corners bumped, end-papers very browned, otherwise Very Good.





Oakley, William H.

Guildford in the Great War : The Record of a Surrey Town

Guildford: Billing & Sons, Limited, 1934

5½” x 8¾”. [xi] + 12-232pp, illustrations. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, area of damp-staining and colour loss to top edge of front and rear boards with some consequent staining to front pastedown, slight spine lean, Half-Title page browned and discoloured, otherwise Very Good. Rare.





O'Farrell, Gerald

The Tutankhamun Deception : The True Story of the Mummy's Curse

London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 2001

6¼" x 9½". [xvii] + 234pp, maps, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in a scuffed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Orlow, Dietrich

The History of the Nazi Party, 1919-1933, Volume 1

Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1971

5½" x 8¾". [xi] + 338pp. Black cloth gilt in a scuffed and chipped d/j, ex-library with stamps on end-papers, edges dusty, otherwise Good





Parkinson, Richard

Cracking Codes : The Rosetta Stone and Decipherment

London: British Museum Press, 1999

8½" x 10¾". 208pp, illustrations. Large format softback, As New





Parkinson, Richard

Cracking Codes : The Rosetta Stone and Decipherment

London: British Museum Press/University of California Press, 1999

8½" x 10¾". 208pp, ills. Large format Softback, as new.





Parsons, F. G.

The Earlier Inhabitants of London

London: Cecil Palmer, 1927 [1st]

5½" x 8¾". 240pp, diags. Blue cloth, gilt lettering, no d/j, top of spine frayed, covers marked and rubbed, spotting to edges, G





Peel, Mrs C. S. [O.B.E.]

How We Lived Then 1914-1918 : A Sketch of Social and Domestic Life in England During the War

London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd, 1929

5¼” x 8½”. [xvi] + 235pp, frontispiece, illustrations, Publisher’s Advertisement. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine slightly faded, previous owner's name inscribed on front pastedown (dated 1929), one plate detached and chipped around the edges but re-inserted and strengthened with white tape, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good. Uncommon.





Petrov, Vadim; Lysenko, Igor and Egorov, Georgy

The Escape of Alexei, son of Tsar Nicholas II : What Happened the Night the Romanov Family Was Executed

New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1998

7¼" x 10¾". 240pp, profusely illustrated. Black boards in d/j, as new.





Phillips, Jonathan

The Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople

London: Jonathan Cape, 2004

6¼” x 9½”. [xxvi] + 374pp, maps, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Pollard, A. F.

A Short History of the Great War

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1920 First Edition

5” x 7¾”. [viii] + 411pp, 19 maps. Blind-stamped red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded and snagged, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good.





Power, Frank [pseudonym of Arthur Vectis Freeman]

The Kitchener Mystery

London: The Rotary Press Limited, n.d. [c.1925]

5¼" x 8½". 98pp, map. Original soft cover with colour portrait of Kitchener now soiled, discoloured, and with tears along the spine, binding staples rusty, text clean, overall Good. Scarce.





Pratt, Edwin A.

The Rise of Rail-Power in War and Conquest 1833-1914

London: P. S. King & Son Ltd, 1915

5½" x 8¾". 405pp. Dark green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, end-papers browned otherwise Very Good; formerly owned by Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Augustus Cortez-Leigh, Royal Engineers (T.D., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., F.R.G.S.), and then subsequently the Oxford Historian Dr Michael Hurst (F.R.Hist.S., F.R.G.S., F.R.S.A.)





Pratt, Edwin A.

The Rise of Rail-Power in War and Conquest 1833-1914

London: P. S. King & Son Ltd, 1915

5½" x 8¾". 405pp. Dark green cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library with usual markings, covers rubbed, end-papers discoloured, otherwise Very Good





Pratt, Edwin A.

The Rise of Rail-Power in War and Conquest 1833-1914

London: P. S. King & Son Ltd, 1915

5½" x 8¾". 405pp. Dark green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, end-papers discoloured, otherwise Very Good





Price, G. Ward

In Morocco With The Legion

London: Jarrolds, 1937 [Beacon Library]

5¼” x 8¾”. 288pp, end-paper maps. Original red cloth blocked in white on the spine in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j otherwise Very Good





Price, W. H. Crawfurd

Light on the Balkan Darkness

London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd, 1915

5" x 7¼". 123pp, folding map. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and with a faint white mark on front boards, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Prior, Robin

Churchill's 'World Crisis' as History

London and Canberra: Croom Helm, 1983

5¼” x 8¾”. [xvi] + 339pp. Black cloth gilt in a price-clipped d/j, jacket slightly scuffed, slight edge foxing otherwise Very Good. The author analyzes THE WORLD CRISIS sometimes critically. Set in typewriter font, this was a low budget production with a small print run and is now a modern rarity.





Reade, Winwood

The Martyrdom of Man

London: Watts & Co., 1924 [first published 1872]

4" x 6½". [lii] + 455pp, publisher's catalogue. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, gift inscription on front end-paper, offsetting to end-papers, some creasing to pages otherwise Very Good





Reay, Barry

Watching Hannah : Sexuality, Horror and Bodily De-formation in Victorian England

London: Reaktion Books, 2002

6¼” x 9½”. 200pp, illustrations. Black cloth blocked in silver, in d/j, As New. From the "Picturing History" series which presents a new kind of historical writing in which images form an integral part: in this case the photos and texts of Victorian working women by Arthur Munby (1828-1910). His fascination with this type of female led him into a long marriage with Hannah Cullwick, a maidservant.





Roch, Walter

Mr Lloyd George and the War

London: Chatto & Windus, 1920

7¼" x 10¼". 222pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, spine dull, edges & end-papers foxed otherwise Very Good.





Roth, Joseph

What I Saw : Reports from Berlin 1920-33

London: Granta Books, 2003

5½" x 8¾". 227pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in d/j, Near Fine





Rothwell, V. H.

British War Aims and Peace Diplomacy

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971

5½" x 8¾". 315pp. Blue cloth, no d/j, ex-lib with remains of label on fep and four library stamps, else G+. Scarce.





Sadler, Gilbert T. [born 1871]

Our Enemy the State : A Plea for an Unarmed Commonwealth of Friends, Trained to Live by Reason, Love and Freedom

London: C. W. Daniel, Ltd, Graham House, Tudor Street, E. C., 1922

5” x 7¾”. 129pp. Original brown paper-covered boards blocked in dark blue, with blue cloth backstrip blocked in gilt. The covers are rubbed, scuffed and stained (the most noticeable staining being on the rear cover), with variation in colour and a prominent diagonal crease across the front bottom corner. There is also some bowing out of the covers. The blue cloth backstrip is rubbed and has darkened a little with age. The spine ends and corners are bumped and slightly frayed. There are some indentations along the edges of the boards. The end-papers are browned and discoloured. The front inner hinge is cracked at the Contents page. The text is generally clean throughout on slightly tanned paper, though there is a prominent stain affecting pages 8-9 and some light scattered foxing. A few corners are creased, particularly at page 15. The edge of the text block is dust-stained and foxed, with the foxing occasionally extending into the margins. The edge of the text block is not trimmed and is very ragged as a result.





Salmone, H. Anthony

The Fall and Resurrection of Turkey

London: Methuen & Co., 1896

5” x 7¾”. 271pp, portrait frontis of Abdul Hamid and one other plate (of Murad Bey), publisher’s catalogue. Decorative green cloth blocked in silver, no d/j, covers rubbed, end-papers browned, previous owner's names inscribed, old pre-decimal price written in ink on front free end-paper, otherwise Very Good. A history of Turkey in the latter half of the 19th century with chapters on the Russo-Turkish War, Abdul Hamid, The Army, The Navy, The Muhammadan Religion, The Reform Movement, General Corruption, etc. A book of quite exceptional rarity.





Salomon, Ernst Von [ Preface by Goronwy Rees; Translated by Constantine Fitzgibbon]

The Answers of Ernst Von Salomon, to 131 questions to the 131 Questions in the Allied Military Government ‘Fragebogen’

London: Putnam Great Russell Street, 1954

5½” x 8¾”. [xiii] + 546pp. Original red blocked in gilt (which has faded noticeably) on the spine. The covers are rubbed and have faded in patches resulting in obvious variation in colour; there are also a few old marks and small stains. The spine has faded and is very dull. The spine ends and corners are bumped and there are some indentations along the edges of the boards. There is the bookplate of the Historian Alistair Horne on the front pastedown, together with some pencilled notes on the rear end-paper and pencilled marks in the margin to a few pages. The text is generally clean throughout on tanned paper with scattered (and occasionally heavy) foxing. A few pages are also slightly stained. The edge of the text block is grubby, dust-stained and lightly foxed.





Saunders, Frances Stonor

Who Paid the Piper : The CIA and the Cultural Cold War

London: Granta Books, 1999

6¼" x 9½". [xi] + 509pp, illustrations. Black cloth in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Schmidt, Gustav

The Politics and Economics of Appeasement : British Foreign Policy in the 1930s

Leamington Spa: Berg Publishers Limited, 1986

5½” x 8¾”. 435pp. Blue cloth blocked in silver, in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Schneer, Jonathan

London 1900 : The Imperial Metropolis

New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999

6" x 9½". [ix] + 336pp, illustrations. Tan boards in d/j, As New





Schreiner, George Abel

The Iron Ration : Three Years in Warring Central Europe

New York and London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, February 1918

5¼” x 8”. [xvi] + 386pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, end-papers discoloured, toning and foxing to pages adjacent to photographic plates, edges lightly foxed, slight spine lean otherwise Very Good.





Scott, James Brown [Ed.]

Official Statements of War Aims and Peace Proposals, December 1916 to November 1918

Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Pamphlet no. 31, 1921

6" x 9¼". [xiii] + 515pp. Original paper-covered boards with cloth backstrip, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, corners exposed, head and tail of spine frayed and chipped, ex-library with a few stamps and markings, a bookplate on the front pastedown and remnants of a lending schedule on the front end-papers, otherwise Very Good.





Scott, William Herbert [With a Foreword By A. J. Grant, Professor of History in the University of Leeds and a Roll of Honour compiled by C. E. Mulholland]

Leeds in the Great War 1914-1918 : A Book of Remembrance

Leeds: Published by The Libraries and Arts Committee, 1923

5½” x 8½”. [xiv] + 324pp + unpaginated (206pp) Roll of Honour, frontis, 73 photographs/portraits etc. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with old staining, spine ends and corners bumped, front inner hinge cracked at Title Page, frontispiece partially detached and chipped at edge, top corner of four pages of unpaginated Roll of Honour missing, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good.





Seldes, Gilbert Vivian

The United States and the War

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1917

4¾" x 7¼". 148pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull and soiled, ex-Library with bookplate on front pastedown, lending schedule on rear pastedown and a few stamps, shelf number blocked in gilt on backstrip, otherwise Good Plus.





Seton-Watson, R. W.

Sarajevo : A Study in the Origins of the Great War

London: Hutchinson & Co., Ltd, n.d. [c.1926]

6" x 9½". 303pp, publisher's catalogue. Magenta cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and stained, foxing, tanned pages, otherwise Very Good.





Seton-Watson, R. W. (Robert William), 1879-1951

German, Slav and Magyar : A Study in the Origins of the Great War

London: Williams and Norgate, 1916

4¾" x 7¾". 198pp. Brown cloth blocked in black, no d/j, edges & end-papers foxed, otherwise Very Good





Skilling, H. Gordon

T. G. Masaryk : Against the Current, 1882 - 1914

University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994

5½" x 8¾". [xv] + 248pp. Black cloth in d/j, As New





Smith, H. Greenhough

Stranger Than Fiction or Thrills of History

London: George Newnes Limited, n.d.

5" x 6½". 174pp, frontis. Papered boards, no d/j, covers rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, frontispiece partly detached, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good





Smith, W. Sidney

Outlines of the Women's Franchise Movement in New Zealand

Christchurch, Dunedin, Wellington, N.Z., Melbourne and London: Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited, 1905

4¾” x 7¼”. 103pp, illustrations. Original green cloth gilt and flecked cloth, no d/j, end-papers and Title-Page tanned, otherwise Very Good. Author's presentation copy.





Sole, Robert; Valbelle, Dominique; Davies, W. V. [Introduction by Neil Mac Gregor]

The Rosetta Stone: The Decipherment of the Hieroglyphs

London: The Folio Society Limited, 2006

6¾” x 9½”. [xiii] + 274pp, maps, illustrations. Decorative cloth in slipcase, Fine. Actually a two part book : the first part by Sole and Valbelle on the Stone itself, and the second on the nature of Hieroglyphics, by Davies. The story of the Stone is much more complicated than is popularly thought; it was not just a question of finding and translating. In addition to the Hieroglyphics, the middle language was also a dead, Demotic Egyptian.





Somerset, Anne

Unnatural Murder : Poison at the Court of James I

London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1997

6¼" x 9½". [xii] + 434pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Spender, J. A.

A Short History of Our Times

London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1934

5½" x 8¾". [viii] + 318pp, map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, head of spine snagged, edges & end-papers lightly foxed, bookplate on front pastedown otherwise Good





Spender, J. A.

A Short History of Our Times

London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1934

5½" x 8¾". [viii] + 318pp, map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Very Good





Stafford, David

Spies Beneath Berlin

London: John Murray, 2002

5½" x 8¾". 211pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in d/j, small indentation on front of d/j and front cover, top corner bumped, otherwise Very Good/Very Good.





Stead, Alfred [Compiled and Edited by]

Servia by the Servians

London: William Heinemann, 1909

5¾" x 9". 377pp, folding map. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library, a number of pages badly opened, otherwise Very Good





Stevenson, David

Armaments and the Coming of War : Europe, 1904-1914

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996

6" x 9½". [xi] + 463pp. Black cloth gilt in d/j, ex-Library.





Stieve, Friedrich [Translated by E. W. Dickes]

Isvolsky and The World War, based on the documents recently published by the German Foreign Office

London: George Allen & Unwin, 1926

5¾" x 8¾". 254pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good





Stuart, Sir Campbell

Secrets of Crewe House : The Story of a Famous Campaign

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1920

5" x 7½". [xiii] + 240pp, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, spine faded, scattered foxing otherwise Very Good.





Stuermer, Dr. H. [Late Correspondent of the Kölnische Zeitung in Constantinople (1915-16)] Translated from the German by E. Allen and the Author

Two War Years in Constantinople : Sketches of German and Young Turkish Ethics and Politics

New York: George H. Doran Company, 1917

5” x 7½”. [xiv] + 17-292pp. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, ex-Library, usual markings otherwise Very Good





Sugimoto, Etsu Inagaki

A Daughter of the Samurai

London: The Paternoster Library [Hurst & Blackett], 1937 [first published 1933]

5¼" x 8¾". 288pp. Green cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges and end-papers foxed, G.





Swanson, James L. and Weinberg, Daniel R.

Lincoln's Assassins : Their Trial and Execution : An Illustrated History

Santa Fe, NM: Arena Editions, 2001

9¾" x 12". 151pp, profusely illustrated. Red boards in d/j, As New





Swope, Herbert Bayard [With a Foreword by James W. Gerard]

Inside the German Empire in the Third Year of the War

London: Constable and Company Limited, 1917

5¼” x 8¼”. [xx] + 289pp, publisher’s advertisements. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head of spine snagged, pages foxed and browned, stain on top corner of text block, shaken, otherwise Good.





Tacitus, Cornelius [Translated and with an Introduction by Michael Grant]

Tacitus : The Annals of Imperial Rome

London: Book Club Associates by arrangement with  Penguin Books Ltd, 1993 [3rd impression of this edition]

5½” x 8½”. 455pp. Blue cloth gilt quarter-bound in blue leather, no d/j [as issued], Fine





Taylor, James [ed.]

The Victorian Empire : A Brilliant Epoch in Our National History [5 volumes]

London: William Mackenzie, n.d. [c.1887]

7½" x 10". Three sections [404pp + 392pp + 404pp] bound as five volumes. Section I The Victorian Empire; Section II The United Kingdom Section; III India and the Colonies. Decorative blue cloth gilt, no, all edges gilt, head and tail of spines and corners bumped, prelims. and some engravings foxed, one segment of Vol. I loose, else a particularly handsome set. From the Prospectus: "To furnish an adequate account of the development and progress of the British Empire ... is the object of the present work ... The work will be illustrated with a series of Portraits of our distinguished countrymen, beautifully engraved on steel, and with views of important historical scenes and events, maps, plans, &c. It will be completed in Five Divisions, handsomely bound in cloth, bevel boards and gilt edges, price Eight Shillings and Sixpence each." As this is a heavy set, postage will be charged at actual cost.





Tcharykow, N. V.

Glimpses of High Politics : Through War & Peace 1855-1929

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1931

5½" x 8¾". 330pp, b&w plates. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, ex-Reference Library otherwise Very Good





Temple, Robert

The Crystal Sun : Rediscovering a Lost Technology of the Ancient World

London: Century, 2000

6¼" x 9½". [xiii] + 558pp, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Tertz, Abram [Andrey Sinyavsky]

A Voice from the Chorus

London: Collins & Harvill Press, 1976

5¼" x 8½". 328pp. Green cloth in chipped, torn d/j, some shelfwear and markings to page edges, else Very Good/G





Thomson, George Malcolm

The Twelve Days 24 July to 4 August 1914

London: Secker & Warburg, 1975 [first published by Hutchinson, 1964]

5½" x 8¾". 228pp. Blue cloth gilt in a scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good





Trevelyan, George Macaulay

England Under Queen Anne (Volume 2) : Ramillies and the Union With Scotland

London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd, 1945 [first published 1932]

5½" x 8¾". 468pp, maps. Green cloth in a scuffed and chipped d/j with some stains, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good





Trevor-Roper, Hugh [Edited by Richard Davenport-Hines]

Letters from Oxford : Hugh Trevor-Roper to Bernard Berenson 

London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2006

6¼” x 9½”. [xlii] + 326pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New. When they met in 1947 Trevor-Roper, a young historian at Christ Church, Oxford, was 33. Berenson, the world-famous art critic, was 82, frail but still intensely curious about the world. Trevor Roper promised to write to him and his letters continued until Berenson's death in in 1959. Elegantly constructed, beautifully and precisely written, they are shot through with high-octane malice, sharp judgements and blistering comments, and many wonderfully funny episodes. Trevor-Roper was an intellectual heavyweight, but subjects range widely: several brilliant set-pieces on Oxford college elections, books, journalism, publishing, politics (postwar Europe, ex-Nazis and collaborators, the Cold War, Suez, etc), history and history-writing, personal life (including marriage to Earl Haig's daughter Alexandra after her messy divorce), travel, gossip, and so on. He has a memorable journey on a pilgrims' bus in Persia, goes behind the Iron Curtain to meet Communist dignitaries and speeds in his glamorous grey Bentley to visit duchesses in the Scottish borders. Figures in the letters include Evelyn Waugh, Isaiah Berlin, A.L. Rowse, Anthony Eden, Gerald Brenan, A. J. P. Taylor, Arnold Toynbee, Dimitri Shostakovitch, C. S. Lewis and Harold Macmillan.





Trotter, William

The Government of Great Britain

London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1905

4" x 6". 184pp, frontis. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, end-papers discoloured, lower quarter of rear end-paper missing, otherwise Very Good.





Tuchman, Barbara W.

A Distant Mirror : The Calamitous 14th Century

London: Macmillan, 1979

6¼" x 9½". [xx] + 677pp, maps, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Vaka, Demetra

Constantine : King & Traitor

New York: John Lane Company; London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1918

5½" x 8¾". 300pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates. Blind-stamped green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, ex-Library otherwise Very Good






SUEZ CANAL. RETURNS OF SHIPPING AND TONNAGE: 1886, 1887, & 1888. [In continuation of "Commercial No. 7 : 1888."] Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. June 1889. COMMERCIAL. No. 13 (1889)

London: London: Printed For Her Majesty's Stationery Office by Harrison and Sons, St. Martin's Lane, 

8¼” x 13”. 7pp. Original sewn paper wrappers, now somewhat dog-eared and chipped at the edge and with a few old Library stamps. The paper-covered spine is almost completely missing. There are no internal markings and the text is clean though the paper has darkened with age and is chipped and torn at the edges. 






SUEZ CANAL. RETURNS OF SHIPPING AND TONNAGE: 1894, 1895, & 1896. [In continuation of "Commercial No. 4 : 1896."] Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. June 1897. COMMERCIAL. No. 4 (1897)

London: London: Printed For Her Majesty's Stationery Office by Harrison and Sons, St. Martin's Lane, 

8¼” x 13”. 9pp. Original sewn paper wrappers, now somewhat dog-eared and chipped at the edge and with a few old Library stamps. The paper-covered spine is almost completely missing. There are no internal markings and the text is clean though the paper has darkened with age and is chipped and torn at the edges. 





Various [Edited by D. Mackenzie]

The Tribute for the "V.C.s" : Tendered by Artists and Advertisers of the Empire on the Anniversary of His Majesty's Recovery

London & Glasgow: John Horn Ltd, 1930

8½” x 11”. 208pp (including advertisements), profusely illustrated in colour and b&w. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, end-papers foxed otherwise Very Good. An interesting compilation, redolent of its time. From the Foreword: "The primary object of this book is to tender His Majesty a Tribute of respectful homage on the first anniversary of his recovery ... The second object is to provide a fund for the benefit of necessitous V.C.'s and their dependants ..."





Various [Edited by George F. Stone and Charles Wells]

Bristol and the Great War 1914-1919

Bristol: J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd, Quay Street, 1920 First Edition

6¼” x 10¼”. [xv] + 399pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed but still bright, with shallow crease on front boards, spine ends and corners bumped, bookplate on front pastedown, end-papers and edges foxed (fairly widespread to preliminaries but then confined to margins), otherwise Very Good. A bright copy.





Vernon, James [Ed.]

Re-reading the Constitution : new narratives in the political history of England's long nineteenth century

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996

6" x 9¼". [xv] + 262pp. Laminated hard cover, no d/j, As New. Authors include: Antony Taylor, Patrick Joyce, Jonathan Fulcher, Ian Burney, Anna Clark, James Epstein





von Wegerer, Alfred

A Refutation of the Versailles War Guilt Thesis

New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1930

5½" x 8½". [xxix] + 386pp, illustrations. Orange cloth blocked in black, no d/j, ex-Library with minimal marks, otherwise Very Good.





Wallace, Sir Donald

The Web of Empire : A Diary of the Imperial Tour of Their Royal Highnesses The Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York in 1901

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1902

6¾" x 10". 463pp, appendices, folding map, 78 plates. Decorative blue cloth, gilt, small split in front inner hinge, end-papers discoloured, all edges gilt, small split in front gutter at head of spine, presentation copy, G+





Watt, Richard M.

The Kings Depart : The Tragedy of Germany : Versailles and the German Revolution

London: Pelican Books, 1973

4¼" x 7¼". 664pp. Paperback; blemish at base of spine where sticker has been removed, some yellowing to page edges, otherwise Very Good.





Wells, Roger

Insurrection - The British Experience 1795-1803

Gloucester: Alan Sutton Publishing Limited, 1983 First Edition

6¾” x 10”.





Wheatcroft, Andrew

The Ottomans

London: Viking, 1993

6" x 9½". [xxx] + 322pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a price-clipped d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Wilson, H. W.

The War Guilt

London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd, n.d. [No publication date but the foreword is dated 1928]

6" x 9¼". [xxiii] + 366pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, patch of discolouration at head of spine, edges lightly foxed, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





Wilson, Harold

New Deal for Coal

London: Contact Publications Limited, 1945

5” x 7½”. [xii] + 264pp. Original black cloth. The covers are very rubbed. The spine has faded badly with almost total loss of original colour. The spine ends and corners are bumped. There are some indentations along the edges of the boards.





Wintle, W. J.

Armenia and its Sorrows : With an Additional Chapter, bringing the record down to September 1896

London: Andrew Melrose 16 Pilgrim Street, E.C.,1896 Second Edition

4¾” x 7¼”. 120pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Original decorative cloth. The covers are rubbed, heavily in places, with some loss of colour. The spine is very dull, with almost all the lettering rubbed off. The spine ends and corners are bumped. There are previous owners' name inscribed on the front free end-paper and a small tear on the top edge of this end-paper, together with an old price written in ink ("1/-"). The folding map is torn for two inches along one fold. There are no other internal markings and the text is clean throughout. The paper has tanned with age. The edge of the text block is lightly foxed.





Woodward, E. L. and Butler, Rohan [Eds]

Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919 - 1939, Third Series, volume I, 1938

London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1949

6½" x 9¾". [lv] + 655pp. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, page edges browned, head and tail of spine frayed, spine dull and with some faint splash marks, otherwise Very Good





Yerta, Gabrielle and Marguerite [with a Preface by Mrs Humphry Ward]

Six Women and the Invasion

London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1918 Second Edition [first published 1917]

4¾" x 7½". 377pp. Blind-stamped red cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head of spine frayed and snagged, corners frayed, 





Zeman, Z. A. B. [Ed.]

Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915-1918 : Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry

London: Oxford University Press, 1958

5½" x 8¾". [xxiii] + 157pp. Original red cloth, no d/j, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good.





Everitt, Nicholas

British Secret Service During the Great War

London: Hutchinson, n.d. [1920]

5½" x 9". 320pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, head of spine snagged, covers rubbed, end-papers browned, previous owner's name stamped otherwise Very Good.





Le Queux, William

Spies of the Kaiser : Plotting the Downfall of England

London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd, 1909 [1st Ed.]

5” x 7¾”. [xv] + 347pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, top corner of rear boards missing, front free end-paper missing, edges and end-papers foxed, otherwise Very Good. Rare.





Le Queux, William [Introduction by Nicholas Hiley]

Spies of the Kaiser : Plotting the Downfall of England

London: Frank Cass, 1996

5½” x 8¾”. [xxxvi] + 219pp. Blue cloth blocked in silver, no d/j, covers rubbed otherwise Near Fine. With a long and important Introduction by Nicholas Hiley. "Extraordinary!" I declared. "But while you've wrested from Germany the secrets of some of our most important defences, you have, my dear Ray, temporarily lost the woman you love!" "My first duty, Jack, is to my King and my country," he declared, sitting on the edge of the table in the spies' photographic studio.' In these stirring terms John James Jacox and Ray Raymond, the heroes of William Le Queux's 1909 novel "Spies of the Kaiser", dedicate themselves to defeating the army of German agents at work in Britain. Le Queux was the first and most prolific of all British spy writers, but Spies of the Kaiser was not just another tale of scheming foreigners and plucky British heroes, for this paranoid tale of German secret agents plotting the invasion of Britain played a major part in the formation of MI5 Britain's counter-espionage organisation. In his introduction, intelligence historian Nicholas Hiley explains how Le Queux's powerful blend of fact and fiction inspired a whole generation of British secret service officers, and led MI5 in a nationwide hunt for a non-existent enemy.





Baden-Powell, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert [K.C.B.]

My Adventures as a Spy

London: C. Arthur Pearson, 1915 Second Impression [first published in February 1915]

4¾” x 7½”. 131pp, "Illustrated by the Author's Own Sketches". Blue cloth with paper spine label, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, spine damaged, tanned pages, Fair.





Woodhall, Edwin T.

Spies of the Great War : Revelations of the Secret Service

London: Mellifont Press Limited, n.d. [Second Impression]

4½” x 7”. 254pp. Blue cloth, no d/j, ex-Library, pages browned otherwise Very Good. Interesting first-hand account of Allied intelligence operations during the first world war, written by member of the Special Branch C.I.D. who worked as a Counter-Espionage agent for British Intelligence during the war.





Woodhall, Edwin T.

Spies of the Great War : Revelations of the Secret Service

London: Mellifont Press Limited, n.d.

4½” x 7”. 254pp.Original blue paper-covered boards blocked in yellow, no d/j, covers rubbed heavily, pages browned otherwise Very Good. Interesting first-hand account of Allied intelligence operations during the first world war, written by member of the Special Branch C.I.D. who worked as a Counter-Espionage agent for British Intelligence during the war.





Reilly, Sidney

The Adventures of Sidney Reilly : Britain's Master Spy : A Narrative Written by Himself, Edited and Completed by His Wife

London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot, 1931

5½” x 8¾”. [xv] + 288pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Original maroon cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, folding illustration carelessly folded and chipped along the edge, edge of text block grubby, otherwise Very Good.





Mackenzie, Compton

Greek Memories

London: Chatto & Windus, 1939 [revised edition]

5½" x 8½". 455pp, portrait frontis. Original red cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Halsalle, Henry de

Who Goes There? Being an Account of the Secret Service Adventures of "Ex-Intelligence" during the Great War of 1914-1918

London: Hutchinson & Co., Ltd, n.d. [Second Edition]

5½" x 8¾". 254pp. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, end-papers and edges foxed, severe spine lean otherwise Very Good





Bailey, F. M. Lt.-Col.

Mission to Tashkent

London: Jonathan Cape, 1946 First Edition

5½" x 8". 312pp, frontis, illustrations, map. Red cloth gilt in a scuffed and chipped d/j, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Very Good. "This book is produced in complete conformity with the  authorized economy standards"





Colvin, Ian

The Unknown Courier with a Note on the Situation Confronting the Axis in the Mediterranean in the Spring of 1943 By Field-Marshal Kesselring

London: Willaim Kimber, 1953 

5½” x 8¾”. 208pp, portrait frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Original cloth in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j otherwise Very Good.





Horne, Alistair

To Lose a Battle : France 1940

London: Macmillan, 1969

5½" x 8¾". 556pp, illustrations, maps. Grey cloth gilt in a scuffed, chipped and rubbed d/j, spine creased, head and tail of spine bumped, covers rubbed, edges dusty, otherwise G+/G





Fuller, Major-General J. F. C.

War and Western Civilization 1832-1932 : A Study of War As a Political Instrument and the Expression of Mass Democracy

London: Duckworth, 1932

5½” x 8¾”. 287pp. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges very lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. A bright copy.





Young, Robert J.

France and the Origins of the Second World War

London: Macmillan, 1996

5½" x 8¾". 191pp. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Lane, Ann & Temperley, Howard [Eds]

The Rise and Fall of the Grand Alliance, 1941-1945

London: Macmillan, 1995

5½" x 8¾". [xvi] + 264pp. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Read, Anthony

The Devil's Disciples : The Lives and Times of Hitler's Inner Circle

London: Jonathan Cape, 2003

6¼" x 9½". [viii] + 984pp, illustrations. Black cloth in d/j, As New. The Nazi regime was essentially a religious cult, relying on the hypnotic personality of one man, Adolf Hitler, and it was fated to die with him. But while it lasted, his closest lieutenants competed ferociously for power and position as his chosen successor. This deadly contest accounted for many of the regime's worst excesses, in which millions of people died, and which brought Western civilization to its knees. The Devil's Disciples is the first major book for a general readership to examine those lieutenants, not only as individuals but also as a group. It focuses on the three Nazi paladins closest to Hitler - Goring, Goebbels and Himmler - with their nearest rivals - Bormann, Speer and Ribbentrop in close attendance. Others who were removed in various ways - like Gregor Strasser, Ernst R-hm, Heydrich and Hess - play supporting roles. Perceptive and illuminating, The Devil's Disciples is above all a powerful chronological narrative, showing how the personalities of Hitler's inner circle developed and how their jealousies and constant intrigues affected the regime, the war, and Hitler himself. 





Reynolds, David

The Creation of the Anglo-American Alliance 1937 - 1941 : a study in competitive co-operation

London: Europa Publications Ltd, 1981

6¼" x 9½". [xiii] + 397pp. Red boards no d/j, As New





O'Connor, V. C. Scott ['Odysseus']

The Scene of War : Greece, Italy, Interludes, The British in France, France at War, France in the Mediterranean, Egypt, Mesopotamia

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1917

5" x 7½". [xiii] + 424pp, Publisher’s catalogue. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, spine faded and very dull, covers rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Gallaway, Jack

The Odd Couple : Blamey and MacArthur at War

St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2000

5¾" x 9". [xiv] + 271pp, illustrations. Softback, covers rubbed, otherwise Very Good





Martin, M. Jean [A French Sergeant-Major]

Captivity and Escape

London: John Murray, 1917

5” x 7½”. [xiii] + 180pp, portrait frontis, sketches. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, some minor marks on rear boards, end-papers browned otherwise Very Good.





An M. P.  [pseud.: Captain the Hon. Aubrey Herbert]

Mons, Anzac and Kut

London: Edward Arnold, 1919 [1st Ed.]

5¾" x 9". 251pp, map. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, untrimmed, edges heavily foxed otherwise Very Good.





Ashton, Harold

First From The Front

London: C. Arthur Pearson Ltd, n.d.

4¾" x 7½". 167pp, portrait frontis. Original cloth, no d/j, front free end-paper excised, front inner hinge cracked, pages browned and brittle, covers marked and rubbed, otherwise Good





Wright, Captain Peter E.

At the Supreme War Council

London: Eveleigh Nash Company Limited, 1921

4¾” x 7½”. 191pp, folding map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, ex-library though with minimal markings.





Woods, H. Charles

The Cradle of the War : The Near East and Pan-Germanism

Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1918

5½" x 8¼". [xxi] + 360pp, frontis, illustrations, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, corners bumped otherwise Very Good





Fletcher, C. R. L.

The Great War 1914-1918 : A Brief Sketch

London: John Murray, 1920

5" x 7½". [xiii] + 199pp, maps. Teal cloth, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped, tanning to pages otherwise Good. The author was formerly a fellow of All Souls' and Magdalen Colleges, Oxford and acknowledges assistance from J. Fortescue and C. T. Atkinson, both well known World War I writers.





Gibbs, Philip and Grant, Bernard

Adventures of War with Cross & Crescent

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1912

5" x 7¾". 241pp, frontis, b&w plates, publisher's catalogue. Red cloth, no d/j, edges lightly foxed, end-papers browned, otherwise Very Good





Amery, L. S.

The Problem of the Army

London: Edward Arnold, 1903 First Edition

4¾” x 7½”. [viii] + 319pp. This volume is ex-Library and has been rebound by the Library in black cloth, gilt-blocked on the spine and with some additional Library markings at the tail of the spine. The rebound covers are rubbed and the spine ends and corners are slightly bumped. The front free end-paper has been renewed and the rear free end-paper is partially glued to the rear pastedown, which has a  number of Library markings. There is a previous owner's name inscribed on the front end-paper (together with a note that he purchased the book in 1928). This end-paper torn along the top inner edge downwards for an inch and is also heavily foxed and is stained around the edges, as it the Title Page.





Dugdale, Captain Geoffrey [Introduction by General Sir Hubert Gough]

Langemarck and "Cambrai" : A War Narrative 1914 - 1918

Shrewsbury: Wilding & Son Limited, December 1932

5¾" x 8¾". 132pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates. Black cloth, no d/j, spine dull, covers marked and rubbed, white lettering on backstrip rubbed away, previous owner's name inscribed, untrimmed page edges, otherwise Very Good. 





Ryan, Charles S., M.B., C.M. Edin., in association with his friend John Sandes, B. A. Oxon.

Under the Red Crescent : Adventures of an English Surgeon with the Turkish Army at Plevna and Erzeroum, 1877-1878

London: John Murray, 1897 First Edition

5¼” x 8¼”. [xix] + 435pp, portrait frontis, maps. Green cloth gilt, no d/j covers worn and soiled, bookplate removed from front pastedown, otherwise Very Good.





Corday, Michel

The Paris Front : An Unpublished Diary 1914-1918

New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1934 [third impression]

5¾" x 8¾". 394pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, spine and top of covers very faded, otherwise Very Good





Harris, John

Covenant with Death

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, February 1961 [2nd imp. issued in same month as 1st Edition]

5” x 8”. 448pp. Green cloth blocked in black in a scuffed and chipped d/j, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good. "1916 is a date which darkens the pages of British history. On war memorials in villages and cities alike, it marks the date of death for a generation. This book tells the story of a voluntary city battalion from its inception to its destruction on July 1st, 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme. Seen through the eyes of a ranker serving in the battalion the narrative moves with majestic sweep from the days of high patriotic fervour in England to the final holocaust in France".





Hamilton, General Sir Ian

Gallipoli Diary 1915 (shortened)

London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1930

5" x 7½". [xii] + 420pp, illustrations, maps. Original cloth, no d/j,





Mark VII [pseud. Max Plowman]

A Subaltern on the Somme in 1916

London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, January 1928 Third Impression [First Edition September 1927; Reprinted November 1927; January 1928]

5" x 7½". [ix] + 241pp. Black cloth blocked in red, no d/j, covers rubbed, head of spine frayed, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Very Good. A classic Western Front memoir by Plowman, who served with 10th (S) Bn. West Yorks and went on to found the Peace Movement.





Orex [Bidder, Major Harold Francis, 1875-]

Three Chevrons

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1919 [On Active Service Series]

5” x 7½”. [ix] + 241pp, Publisher’s advertisements. Brown cloth blocked in blue and red on the spine, no d/j, ex-Library with remnants of small label on spine, bookplate on front pastedown, severe tanning to pages otherwise Very Good. Rare in this Edition. Letters of a regular officer, 2nd Sussex, Western Front 1914-16 & 1917 as Bde. MG Officer, commander of an MG Coy., an infantry bn. & on the staff. The 'chevrons' of the title refer to the service chevrons worn on the right sleeve for each year of overseas service, blue for 1914-15 & red for each subsequent year.





Mottram, R. H.

Ten Years Ago : Armistice & Other Memories, forming a pendant to "The Spanish Farm Trilogy"

London: Chatto & Windus, 1928 [1st]

5" x 7¾". [ix] + 180pp. Green cloth gilt in the rare pictorial dust wrapper designed by B. F. Shaw, covers rubbed and soiled, backstrip creased, edges lightly foxed, spine slightly canted otherwise Good Plus





Young, Robert J. [Ed.]

Under Siege : Portraits of Civilian Life in France during World War I

New York: Berghahn Books, 2000

5¼" x 8½". [xxix] + 185pp, maps. Softback, As New





Ziemann, Benjamin

War Experiences in Rural Germany 1914-1923

Oxford and New York: Berg Publishers, 2007 [First published in 1997 in German by Klartext Verlag, Essen]

5½” x 8¾”. [xiii] + 302pp. Original printed boards, no d/j [as issued], As New. World War I was a uniquely devastating total war that surpassed all previous conflicts for its destruction. But what was the reality like on the ground, for both the soldiers on the front-lines and the women on the homefront? Drawing on intimate firsthand accounts in diaries and letters, War Experiences in Rural Germany examines this question in detail and challenges some strongly held assumptions about the Great War. The author makes the controversial case for the blurring of front and homefront. He shows that through the constant exchange of letters and frequent furloughs, rural soldiers maintained a high degree of contact with their home lives. In addition, the author provides a more nuanced interpretation of the alleged brutalizing effect of the war experience, suggesting that it was by far not as complete as has been previously understood. This pathbreaking book paints a vivid picture of the dynamics of total war on rural communities, from the calling up of troops to the reintegration of veterans into society. 





Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James E. (Maps and sketches compiled by Major A. F. Becke)

Military Operations : France and Belgium 1918 : March-April: Continuation of the German Offensives

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1937

5½” x 8¾”. [xxviii] + 550pp, maps. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j. The covers are rubbed and there is a rectangular area of severe fading (with colour loss) on the rear cover. The spine is also badly faded and is also mottled. The spine ends and corners are bumped. This volume is ex-Library with a bookplate on the front end-paper and a number of stamps throughout the volume (including on the reverse of all the maps). Despite this, the text is clean throughout. The paper has tanned with age and the edge of the text block is lightly foxed.





Stuermer, Dr. H.

Two War Years in Constantinople : Sketches of German and Young Turkish Ethics and Politics

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1917

5" x 7½". 308pp. Grey cloth, no d/j, end-papers browned, edges & end-papers foxed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good





Mousley, Captain E. O.

The Secrets of a Kuttite : an authentic story of Kut, adventures in captivity and Stamboul intrigue

London: John Lane The Bodley Head, 1922 [2nd ed.; first published 1921]

5¼" x 7¾". [xvi] + 392pp, frontis, illustrations, folding map. Green cloth, no d/j, spine dull, covers marked and rubbed, edges & end-papers lightly foxed, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





Burleigh, Bennet

Sirdar and Khalifa or the Re-Conquest of the Soudan 1898

London: George Bell & Sons, 1899 [4th ed.; first published 1898]

5¾” x 9”. [xiv] + 305pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Blind-stamped red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded, repaired split in rear gutter, bookplate removed from front pastedown, otherwise Very Good





Agate, Captain James E.

L. of C. (Lines of Communication) : Being the Letters of a Temporary Officer in the Army Service Corps

London: Constable and Company Ltd, 1917 First Edition

5¾" x 9". [xii] + 288pp. Green cloth, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, shaken, end-papers foxed, some damage to front free end-paper, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good.





Herbert, Aubrey [with an introduction by Desmond MacCarthy]

Mons, Anzac and Kut

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d.

5½" x 8¾". 270pp. Red cloth, no d/j, covers marked, scuffed and rubbed, edges & end-papers lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good. 





Teichman, Captain O.

The Diary of a Yeomanry M. O. : Egypt, Gallipoli, Palestine and Italy

London: T. Fisher Unwin Ltd, 1921

5½" x 9". 284pp, frontis, illustrations, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and very rubbed, head and tail of spine frayed, shaken; a complete copy in a worn binding. The author, a Territorial medical officer in the RAMC, was attached to the Worcestershire Yeomanry (Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars) in 1914. The regiment was part of the 1st South Midland Brigade, 1st Mounted Division, but within a month of the outbreak of war a 2nd Mounted Division was formed and the 1st S Midland Brigade joined it. In April 1915 the division went to Egypt and in May the brigades were numbered as Mounted Brigades with 1st S Midland becoming 1st Mounted Brigade. In August 1915 the division was ordered to proceed, dismounted, to Gallipoli and Teichman went with his regiment and into action. The division suffered heavy losses at Scimitar Hill (21 Aug) and this attack is described in some detail. A week later, on Chocolate Hill, Suvla, he was wounded by shrapnel and evacuated home. In one entry he describes how a large packet of maps (in very short supply) delivered to brigade HQ turned out to be maps of Cromer, Sheringham and King's Lynn districts where they had been stationed in 1914. He rejoined his regiment at Mudros in early November from where they returned to Egypt to the Canal zone, but at christmas Teichman went down with enteric fever and was again evacuated to the UK. By May he was back at duty (his brigade had been renumbered 5th) and during operations in the Sinai Desert was again wounded, at the battle of Qatia (5 Aug 1916) which kept him out of action till the end of October. The diarist takes us through the rest of the Sinai campaign and, in March 1917, into Palestine, first with Murray (battles of Gaza) and then, from June 1917, with Allenby, fighting as part of the Australian Mounted Division. At Huj, on 8 November, he rode close behind his regiment as it took part in a charge against some 2,000 Turkish infantry who were protecting guns manned by Austrians and Germans; the infantry retreated and the guns were taken. The marvellous descriptions of living and fighting in the desert include an incident involving a ten foot black mamba and attempts to kill it using chloroform (corps HQ had asked for dead but undamaged snakes for antidotes to snakebites). He left the Middle East in June 1918 for leave in the UK after which he was posted to Italy where he joined 22nd Brigade (7th Division) in October for the last month of the war. Teichman ended the war with a DSO, MC, Croix de Guerre, Croci di Guerra and three mentions in despatches.





Butler, Patrick Richard [Major and Bt.-Lieut.-Col. Patrick Richard Butler, DSO, The Royal Irish]

A Galloper at Ypres : And Some Subsequent Adventures

London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1920

5¾” x 9”. 276pp, colour frontispiece by Lady Butler, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, slight spine lean otherwise Very Good.





Doulgas-Pennant, Violet

Under the Search-Light : A Record of a Great Scandal

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1922

5½” x 8¾”. [xix] + 463pp, frontispiece and three other illustrations. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, front cover bowed, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Gurner, Ronald

Pass Guard at Ypres

London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1930

5" x 7½". [vii] + 241pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed otherwise Very Good. Gurner served on the Western Front with the Rifle Brigade and Cyclist Corps, gaining the MC but being badly wounded. He never really recovered and committed suicide after a successful career at Marlborough, Whitgift, etc.





Fetterless, Arthur

GOG : The Story of an Officer and a Gentleman

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1916 [2nd Imp.]

5” x 7½”. [viii] + 12-341pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, slight spine lean, end-papers and edges foxed otherwise Very Good. Scarce.





Moody, Colonel R. S. H. [Colonel R. S. H. Moody, CB, psc, Late the Buffs]

Historical Records of The Buffs East Kent Regiment [3rd Foot] Formerly Designated The Holland Regiment and Prince George of Denmark's Regiment 1914-1919

London: The Medici Society Limited, 1922

5½” x 9”. [xx] + 554pp, colour frontis, one other plate in colour, maps, illustrations (including folding maps and maps as end-papers). Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, previous owner's name inscribed, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. During the Great War eight battalions of the regiment went on active service and another seven (including 1st Garrison Battalion) served at home. No less than 32,000 men passed through the ranks of the regiment of whom some 6,000 died; forty-eight battle honours were awarded and one VC. Appendices contain separate rolls of honour of officers and other ranks with names grouped alphabetically by ranks; all ranks list of honours and awards and foreign awards, and separate lists of Mention in Despatches. The 1st, 6th, 7th and 8th Battalions served on the Western Front, the 2nd Battalion in Macedonia with 28th Division following ten months in France and Belgium, the 1/4th in India and Aden, 1/5th in India and Mesopotamia and finally the 10th Battalion (formed in Egypt in Feb 1917 from two converted Kent yeomanry regiments) fought in Palestine and on the Western Front with 74th (Yeomanry) Division. Apart from one chapter describing the raising of wartime battalions and the initial disposition of the two TF battalions, and one on their affiliated regiment, the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada, the chapters of this history each cover well-defined periods of the war in the various theatres in which the parts played by all battalions involved are recorded. The groundwork or skeleton is based on battalion, brigade or divisional war diaries, fleshed out by personal narratives and diaries provided by men who had fought and survived. Where possible, the names of the officers who became casualties in any action are given in the text after the record of the battle, but only the number in the case of other ranks. Again, wherever possible the recipients of honours (all ranks) have been named in the account as news of their decorations reached their battalion.





Lyon, James

Serbia and the Balkan Front, 1914 : The Outbreak of the Great War

London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2015

6” x 9½”. [xvi] + 306pp, illustrations. Pictorial laminated boards, As New. Serbia and the Balkan Front, 1914 is the first history of the Great War to address in-depth the crucial events of 1914 as they played out on the Balkan Front. James Lyon demonstrates how blame for the war's outbreak can be placed squarely on Austria-Hungary's expansionist plans and internal political tensions, Serbian nationalism, South Slav aspirations, the unresolved Eastern Question, and a political assassination sponsored by renegade elements within Serbia's security services. In doing so, he portrays the background and events of the Sarajevo Assassination and the subsequent military campaigns and diplomacy on the Balkan Front during 1914. The book details the first battle of the First World War, the first Allied victory and the massive military humiliations Austria-Hungary suffered at the hands of tiny Serbia, while discussing the oversized strategic role Serbia played for the Allies during 1914. Lyon challenges existing historiography that contends the Habsburg Army was ill-prepared for war and shows that the Dual Monarchy was in fact superior in manpower and technology to the Serbian Army, thus laying blame on Austria-Hungary's military leadership rather than on its state of readiness. Based on archival sources from Belgrade, Sarajevo and Vienna and using never-before-seen material to discuss secret negotiations between Turkey and Belgrade to carve up Albania, Serbia's desertion epidemic, its near-surrender to Austria-Hungary in November 1914, and how Serbia became the first belligerent to openly proclaim its war aims, Serbia and the Balkan Front, 1914 enriches our understanding of the outbreak of the war and Serbia's role in modern Europe. It is of great importance to students and scholars of the history of the First World War as well as military, diplomatic and modern European history.





Harington, General Sir Charles

Plumer of Messines

London: John Murray, 1938 [first published 1935]

5½" x 8¾". [xviii] + 351pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges lightly foxed, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good.





Various Authors [with an Introduction by J. R. Ackerley]

Escapers All : Being the Personal Narratives of Fifteen Escapers From War-Time Prison Camps 1914-1918

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1932 [2nd impression]

5" x 7½". 302pp, illustrations, maps. Green cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed and soiled, backstrip faded, discoloured and split along rear gutter, edges dusty, occasional foxing, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good





Pryse, Gerald Spencer

Four Days : An Account of a Journey in France made between August 28th and 31st, 1914

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1932

5" x 7½". [vi] + 305pp, publisher's advertisements, map. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded, front free end-paper glued to pastedown, title page and edges foxed, otherwise Good. An unusual and uncommon account of the opening phase of the Great War.





Dixon, Alec

Tinned Soldier : A Personal Record, 1919 to 1926

London: The Right Book Club, 1941 [also published by Jonathan Cape, 1941]

5¼” x 7¾”. 314pp. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, front spine gutter split at head, end-papers browned, otherwise Very Good. Classic account of the Tank Corps





Repington, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles a Court Repington (Morris, A. J. A. [Ed.])

The Letters of Lieutenant-Colonel Charles a Court Repington, Military Correspondent of The Times 1903-1918

Stroud: Sutton Publishing for the Army Records Society, 1999

5½" x 8¾". [xvi] + 364pp, portrait frontis. Red cloth gilt in d/j with faded spine otherwise Near Fine





Heltzendorff, Count Ernst von [compiled by William Le Queux]

More Secrets of Potsdam : Startling Exposures of the Inner Life of the Courts of the Kaiser and Crown-Prince : Revealed for the first time by Count Ernst von Heltzendorff, Commander of the Black Eagle, late Personal Adjutant to the German Crown-Prince

London: London Mail, 1917

4¼” x 6½”. 155pp, publisher’s advertisements. Original salmon cloth, no d/j, covers marked, rubbed and very faded, inner hinges cracked, tanning to pages, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good.





Manwaring, G. B. [Pseudonym of Brown, Geoffrey Manwaring]

If We Return : Letters of a Soldier of Kitchener's Army

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1918 First Edition

5” x 7¾”. [vii] + 165pp, publisher’s advertisements. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and darkened around edges, spine dull, corners bumped, previous owner's name inscribed, annotation on rear pastedown otherwise Very Good. Uncommon.





Young, Francis Brett

Marching on Tanga (with General Smuts in East Africa)

London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, November 1919 [New and Revised Edition with colour plates; first published September 1917]

6” x 9”. [xi] + 265pp, colour frontispiece, colour plates by John E. Sutcliffe, photographs, folding map. Red cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, covers faded irregularly, head and tail of spine bumped, a few pencilled annotations on end-papers, otherwise Very Good. 





Loghe, Sydney de

The Straits Impregnable

London: John Murray, 1917

5" x 7½". [viii] + 293pp. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine dull and stained otherwise Very Good.





Hope, Thomas Suthren

The Winding Road Unfolds

London: Putnam, 1937 First Edition

4¾” x 7¼”. 349pp. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, inner hinges cracked, covers marked and rubbed, Good.





Dennis, Rifleman Gerald V. (C/12747) 21st (Service) Battalion, The King's Royal Rifle Corps (The Yeoman Rifles)

A Kitchener Man's Bit : An Account of the Great War 1914-1918

Andover, Hants: Armchair Auctions, 2005 [first published 1994 by The King's Royal Rifle Corps Association]

6” x 8¼”. 280pp. Thin printed card covers with black backstrip, no d/j, Near Fine.





An M. P.  [pseud.: Captain the Hon. Aubrey Herbert]

Mons, Anzac and Kut

London: Edward Arnold, 1919 [1st Ed.]

5¾" x 9". 251pp, map. ex-Library Blue cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, untrimmed, edges heavily foxed otherwise Very Good.





Leigh, James [Pseudonym of James Cumberbirch]

Nomads in Flanders : The Romance of an M. T. Column

London: The Houghton Publishing Co., 1931

5” x 7½”. 200pp. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, Ex-Library with sticker removed from front cover, head and tail of spine and corners frayed, inner hinges cracked, spine lean, numerous Library markings (including Lending Schedule on front pastedown). Rare, but in fair condition only. The Author recalls service with a Mechanized Transport unit: "Hitherto most books on the war have dealt almost exclusively with the life in the trenches; & that is well. But the most mongrel dog has his day; and the men of the Mechanical Transport who did their bit not unworthily in that strange, crowded world behind the Line are also deserving of remembrance in their degree. After reading some of the literature of the war with its oppression of sex & cesspools, this book may seem a deliberate avoidance of reality. But memory is a stubborn thing: those men whom I learnt to know better than I shall ever know men again, had a standard of morality & decency not always attained by their peace-time traducers... The adventures in this book have developed from small grains of fact." - from the Author's Introduction.





Strong, Rowland

The Diary of an English Resident in France During Twenty-two Weeks of War Time

London: Eveleigh Nash, 1915

5” x 7½”. 357pp, publisher’s advertisements. Red cloth blocked in black on the cover and gilt on the spine, no d/j, slight spine lean, covers rubbed, edges & end-papers foxed (Half Title and Title Pages heavily foxed), otherwise Very Good





Crowe, Brigadier-General, J. H. V.

General Smuts' Campaign in East Africa

London: John Murray, July 1918 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xxiii] + 280pp, portrait frontis, four maps. Red cloth blocked in black on the front and gilt on the spine, blind ruled, no d/j, spine faded, head and tail of spine frayed, otherwise Very Good. The career of Jan Smuts is one of the most remarkable military and political stories of the 20th century. A gifted guerilla commander against the British in the Boer War; by 1914 Smuts was happy to stand with the British as head of a large army fighting to conquer German East Africa (today's Tanzania). Sadly the campaign was not one of his finest hours. Both the text of this book, and Smuts' own somewhat defensive introduction, gives a good idea of why the resourceful German commander, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, was able to run rings round the superior allied forces trying to trap him. Lettow and his staff, and their small army of trained native Africans, the 'Askaris', knew the lie of the land and were able to live off it. The allied frustration, as they repeatedly tracked and attacked him, only to find Lettow melting away to fight another day, is palpable. Evcentually, the allies, at enormous cost, succeeded in conquering the territory and forcing Lettow into neighbouring areas, but the 1918 Armistice found him still at liberty and with his force intact. By then Smuts had long departed. It is pleasant to record that Smuts ended his career as a valued member of Churchill's War Cabinet and South African Prime Minister, and that in the hungry months for Germany that followed the Second World War he was able to supply his old opponent, Lettow, with food parcels.





Floyd, Thomas Hope

At Ypres with Best-Dunkley

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1920  [On Active Service Series]

5” x 7½”. [xiii] + 234pp, folding map missing, Publisher’s Advertisements. Blind-stamped tan cloth blocked in black, no d/j, a few pages carelessly opened otherwise Very Good. The battalion which Best-Dunkley commanded has, since his death, achieved great things and acquired great fame under the still more brilliant leadership of his successor, Colonel Brighten; but we must never forget that it was Best-Dunkley who led it on the glorious day of Ypres and that it was the tradition which he inspired which has been one of the strongest elements of esprit de corps in the 2/5th Lancashire Fusiliers. All who served under Best-Dunkley remember the fact with a certain amount of pride, however unfavourably his personality may have impressed itself upon them at the time—for "All times are good when old!". Rare.





Trooper [Pseudonym of H. L. Hall] (With a Foreword by General Sir Hubert Gough)

The Four Horsemen Ride

London: Peter Davies, October 1935 [1st Ed.]

5” x 7½”. 211pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed with patch of discolouration on front boards, slight spine lean, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. Rare. Experiences of a 1914 cavalry volunteer: home service until posted to an infantry Battalion in the Salient late 1916, to Italy late 1917 & back to France 1918. 





Ward, Fred W.

The 23rd (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers (First Sportsman's) : A Record of its Service in the Great War, 1914-1919

London: Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd, 1920

5½” x 8¾”. [vii] + 167pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Original red cloth blocked in black with grey Regimental motif on front boards, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped, covers very faded, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. 2nd Div., Western Front 1915-18. Detailed Roll of Hon., awards, nominal roll. The unit was more popularly known as "First Sportsman's"  because of the large number of prominent sportsmen in all ranks. It included several first class cricketers, the lightweight boxing champion of England, an ex-mayor of Exeter, to 2nd Division. The battalion saw action at Vimy Ridge, the Somme and the battle for Delville Wood.





Anderson, A. T.

War Services of the 62nd West Riding Divisional Artillery

Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd, 1920 First Edition

4¾” x 7½”. [xii] + 142pp. Original grey cloth gilt. The covers are dull, marked and rubbed with some old staining and variation in colour (and, on the top edge of the rear boards, a small patch of colour loss, with small patch on the front spine gutter). The spine is very dull, so that it is hard to read the title. There are some indentations along the edges of the boards. The spine ends and corners are bumped. There is a previous owner's name inscribed in black ballpoint on the front free end-paper, together with the number "92" in green ink. There are no other internal markings and the text is clean throughout. The edge of the text block is lightly foxed, and the foxing occasionally extends into some pages.





Ward, Major C. H. Dudley (D.S.O., M.C., Late Welsh Guards)

Regimental Records of The Royal Welch Fusiliers (23rd Foot) : Volume IV : 1915-1918 Turkey Bulgaria Austria

Wrexham: published by The Royal Welch Fusiliers 1995 facsimile reprint of the 1929 Edition including the maps from the original, but not the illustrations

7¼” x 10”. [xvi] + 406pp + 17pp index, frontispiece, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, Near Fine.





Heald, Ivan [Preface by Sidney Dark]

Ivan Heald : Hero and Humorist

London: C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd, 1917 Third Impression

4¾” x 7¼”. 191pp, portrait frontis (pencil sketch). Dark green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, front cover bowed slightly, head and tail of spine bumped, offsetting to end-papers, edges dusty otherwise Very Good. The story of Heald who was assistant editor of the English Manchester Sunday Chronicle; served in the Royal Naval in France; and was killed with his pilot on December 4, 1916 while flying over the German lines aged 33. His newspaper reporting revealed his bravery, devotion to duty and humor even in his own misfortunes. Chapter headings include: London Adventures and Reflections; Experiences Afield; Sports and Pastimes; Music and Drama; Letters enroute for Gallipoli and from the East; Letters from France, etc.






Post D : Some Experiences of an Air Raid Warden

London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1941 First Edition

¼½¾” x ¼½¾”. Original blue cloth blocked in black in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good. This volume is ex-Library:  there is a bookplate on the front pastedown ("The John Crow Collection Library of the University of Kent at Canterbury") which is hidden by the dust-jacket flap and a "Withdrawn" stamp on the front free end-paper, plus a stamped number on the reverse of the Title-Page, but no other Library markings and the text is clean throughout. The War-time paper has tanned with age and The edge of the text block is dust-stained.





Taylor, Lieut. George W. [Arranged by his sister, Mrs Roger Cookson from notes and letters]

The Boy With the Guns

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1919 [The On Active Service Series]

5” x 7½”. [xliv] + 197pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blind-stamped blue cloth blocked in black in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j missing half the spine panel, covers rubbed, spine faded, pages browned otherwise Very Good. Rare. Letters from Gallipoli, Serbia & France, arranged by his sister with a memoir by his grandfather. After Eton & Cambridge joined Royal Field Artillery in August 1914 & was killed in November 1917 with A/150 Army Brigade R.F.A. He was recommended for the M.C. but never received it & his grandfather lobbied in vain for the award after his death. George William Taylor was born in 1892, educated at Eton (“as far as his education was concerned his time at Eton was largely wasted. His talent was mathematical, his taste was for natural science, but he was forced through the usual dry classical study, which tended to dwarf rather than to develop his faculties… but he always acquitted himself with credit… He owed much, no doubt, to Eton in veneering and polish…”) and Trinity College, Cambridge. He was keen on rowing, beagling, fishing and, amongst other sports, otter-hunting. On one occasion he was “badly bitten in the wrist (and an otter’s bite is no joke)” – this particular otter had served out its own form of justice but was inevitably killed. Taylor was reading for the Bar when war came and on 15th August 1914 he was commissioned in the Royal Field Artillery. He served at Gallipoli with the 67th Brigade R.F.A. then with the 10th (Irish) Division in Salonika for several months until invalided sick. Recuperating in London, he was called to the Bar by the Inner Temple in July 1916. In April 1917 he was posted to France but was wounded on 5th June during artillery preparations for the Battle of Messines, returning again to England for hospital treatment. He sailed for France for the last time on 17th August 1917 and died of wounds (gas poisoning incurred on the night of 1st/2nd November) on 9th November whilst serving with “A” Battery, 150th Army Brigade R.F.A. He was twenty-five years old and is buried in Dozinghem Military Cemetery. Contains an account he wrote of his experiences in Serbia, his letters from France, extracts from letters from his Commanding Officer describing the manner of his passing and (in the introduction-cum-memoir by his grandfather) other extracts relating his good conduct at Messines etc. for which he had been recommended for the Military Cross (which he never received and for which his grandfather lobbied in vain after his death). An extract from his grandfather’s Introduction is quoted in the introduction to this bibliography.





Orpen, Sir William

An Onlooker in France 1917-1919

London: Williams and Norgate, 1921

7¼” x 10¼”. 123pp, illustrations. Original green cloth gilt. The covers are rubbed and damp-stained: there is prominent loss of colour from the top corner of the front cover and down the leading edge and also on the rear cover though not quite to the same extent. There are also some old ink stains on the rear cover. The spine has darkened slightly with age and there are a few scratches. The spine ends and corners are bumped and the top front corner is frayed.





Murray, Flora [CB.E., M.D., D.P.H.]

Women as Army Surgeons : Being the History of the Women's Hospital Corps in Paris, Wimereux and Endell Street September 1914-October 1919

London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. [c.1920]

5½” x 8¾”. [xvi] + 264pp, folding frontispiece [showing the Staff of the Military Hospital, Endell August 1916], illustrations. Blue cloth blocked in black and gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, otherwise Very Good.





De Groot, Gerard J.

Douglas Haig 1861-1928

London: Unwin Hyman Limited, 1988

6” x 9½”. [xxii] + 441pp, maps, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, small stain on edge of text block otherwise Very Good.





Roll of Honour Committee

Glasgow Academy Roll of Honour : Former Members of the School Who Served in the Great War 1914-1918

Glasgow: Jackson, Wylie & Co., Publishers to the University

6” x 10”. 163pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, previous owner's name inscribed, tanned pages otherwise Very Good.





Wyrall, Everard

The History of the Fiftieth Division 1914-1919

London: Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd, 1939

5½” x 8¾” [xi] + 376pp, 13 illustrations, 9 maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. 





Lyon, Thomas M.  ["Private Leo"]

More Adventures in Kilt and Khaki : Sketches of the Glasgow Highlanders and Others in France

Kilmarnock: The Standard Press, 1917

4¾” x 7¼”. (ix) + 214pp. Original paper covered boards with brown cloth backstrip and corners, no d/j, covers worn and soiled with some paper covering missing from front boards, spine gutters frayed, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, end-papers discoloured, presentation inscription on front free end-paper signed Nan Lyon 1917, internally clean, just about Very Good.  Second volume of Author's experiences with the 9th (Glasgow Highlanders) Bn. HLI, containining episodes & observations during service in France between June 1915 and Sept. 1916.





Stanley, Monica M.

My Diary in Serbia : April 1, 1915 - Nov. 1, 1915

London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Limited, 1916

4¾" x 7¼". 128pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth, no d/j, end-papers browned, ex-College Library, otherwise Very Good





Macgill, Patrick

The Amateur Army

London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1918 4th Edition

5” x 7½”. 122pp, publisher’s advertisements. Green cloth blocked in red, no d/j, head of spine snagged, damage to top edge, tanned pages, otherwise Very Good.





Souttar, H. S.

A Surgeon in Belgium

London: Edward Arnold, 1915 Second Impression

5" x 7½". [xi] + 216pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with colour loss to front edge, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good.





Headlam, Cuthbert [Late Lieut.-Colonel, General Staff, B.E.F]

History of the Guards Division in the Great War 1915-1918 [2 vols.]

London: John Murray, 1924

6” x 9¼”. [xvii] + 322pp, [xi] +358pp, coloured frontispieces, maps. Decorative red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spines faded, head of spines snagged and frayed, edges & end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Sondhaus, Lawrence

World War One : The Global Revolution

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011

6¾” x 10”. [xv] + 544pp, maps, illustrations. Original laminated printed boards, no d/j, Near Fine.





Garnett, Mrs

Kenneth Gordon Garnett, M.C., R.F.A. : 30 July 1892 - 22 August 1917

Rochester: The Stanhope Press Ltd, 1937

5" x 7½". 71pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed and slightly discoloured, otherwise Very Good. Presentation copy from Kenneth's sisters.





Scott, Ralph [Preface by Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice] (Scott is pseudonym for George Scott Atkinson)

A Soldier's Diary

London: W. Collins & Co. Ltd, 1930

5½” x 8”. 194pp. Original cloth, no d/j, Very Good. There is a previous owner's name ("Aubrey St H. Aubrey") inscribed in ink on the front free end-paper, 21st December 1931.  The end-papers are very browned and discoloured.





Hope, Thomas Suthren

The Winding Road Unfolds

London: Tandem Books Limited, 33 Beauchamp Place, SW3, 1965

4¼” x 7”. 223pp. Paperback, severely tanned pages otherwise Very Good





Parritt, Brigadier B. A. H. [Director, Intelligence Corps]

The Intelligencers : The Story of British Military Intelligence up to 1914

Ashford, Kent: Intelligence Corps Association, 1983 [2nd Ed.; first published 1971]

6¼” x 9¾”. [xvi] + 238pp, illustrations. Green leatherette gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, ex-Library with marks on pastedown from removal of old tape, remnants of label and other markings on Half-Title page, slight spine lean, contents clean and Good overall.





Desson, Georges [Authorized Translation by Lee Holt]

A Hostage in Germany

London: Constable & Company Ltd, 1917 First Edition

5” x 8”. [viii] + 145pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine very faded, end-papers and edges foxed, old Prize Label on front pastedown dated 1918, inner hinges tender, otherwise Very Good.





Sinclair, May

A Journal of Impressions in Belgium

London: Hutchinson & Co., 1915

5” x 7¾”. [xi] + 332pp + iv Postscript + Publisher’s catalogue. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, old "Day's Library" sticker on front cover, spine ends and corners bumped, end-papers browned, top corner of pages 277-300 creased otherwise Very Good. Rare in this Edition.





Lindsay, Lt.-Col. J. H. (Edited by) Foreword by Field-Marshal Earl Haig

The London Scottish in the Great War

London: Regimental Headquarters, March 1926 [Second Edition; first published October 1925]

5½” x 8¾”. [xvi] + 425pp, eighteen full-page b&w illustrations, plus fold-out of the War Memorial located following the index, twenty-two folding maps printed on light, transparent stock. Blue cloth gilt with Regimental badge to front boards, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped and frayed, white mark in centre of spine, rear cover stained, previous owner's name inscribed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good.





Cassells, Scout Joe

With the Black Watch : The Story of the Marne

London: Andrew Melrose Ltd, n.d. [c.1917]

4¾” x 7½”. [vii] + 248pp. Blue cloth blocked in yellow, no d/j, covers rubbed, slight spine lean otherwise Very Good. The Author was a first-class reservist mobilized in 1914 with the 1st Bn. Black Watch (Royal Highlanders). Active service from Mons to the Marne as a battalion runner & scout until wounded in Jan. 1915, followed by a short description of hospital life until discharged on 5th August 1915, “No longer physically fit for war service.”





Nobbs, Captain Gilbert

Englishman, Kamerad! : Right of the British Line

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1918

4¾" x 7¾". [xii] + 210pp, portrait frontis. Original cloth, no d/j, covers worn and soiled with some fraying to corners and head of spine, spine slightly canted, edges browned, otherwise Good. Scarce.





Buckley, Francis

Q. 6. A and Other Places : Recollections of 1916, 1917, 1918

London: Spottiswode, Ballatyne & Co. Ltd, 1920

5” x 7½”. [x] + 239pp, with drawings by the Author of battle settings on 4 plates, and with other maps in the text. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, particularly the spine, end-papers browned, otherwise Very Good. Author's presentation copy.





Price, G. Ward

The Story of the Salonica Army

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1918

5" x 7½". [xiii] + 298pp, frontis, illustrations, map. Red cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine faded, edges foxed, otherwise Good Plus





Floyd, Thomas Hope

At Ypres with Best-Dunkley

New York: John Lane Company, 1920  [On Active Service Series]

5” x 7½”. [xiii] + 234pp, folding map. Publisher’s Advertisements. Blind-stamped tan cloth blocked in black, no d/j, a few pages carelessly opened otherwise Very Good. The battalion which Best-Dunkley commanded has, since his death, achieved great things and acquired great fame under the still more brilliant leadership of his successor, Colonel Brighten; but we must never forget that it was Best-Dunkley who led it on the glorious day of Ypres and that it was the tradition which he inspired which has been one of the strongest elements of esprit de corps in the 2/5th Lancashire Fusiliers. All who served under Best-Dunkley remember the fact with a certain amount of pride, however unfavourably his personality may have impressed itself upon them at the time—for "All times are good when old!". Rare.





Macnaughtan, S. [Edited by her Niece, Mrs Lionel Salmon (Betty Keays-Young)]

My War Experiences in Two Continents

London: John Murray, 1919

5½" x 8¾". [xii] + 286pp, portrait frontis. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good.





Prior, Robin and Wilson, Trevor

Command on the Western Front : The Military Career of Sir Henry Rawlinson 1914-1918

Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992

6” x 9½”. [viii] + 421pp, sketch maps. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New.





Crookenden, Arthur [Colonel of the Regiment]

The History of the Cheshire Regiment in the Great War [The 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment]

Printed by W. H. Evans, Sons & Co., Chester, n.d. [1939] Second Edition

7¼” x 10”. [xiii] + 358pp., 4to, illustrations, maps (many folding). Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine slightly faded, corners bumped, otherwise Very Good. Very clean internally. Excellent history, mainly Western Front, also Palestine, Mespot. &c. Roll of Hon., awards. 





Price, W. H. Crawfurd

Serbia's Part in the War : Volume I : The Rampart Against Pan-Germanism

London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd, 1918

5½" x 8¾". 250pp, portrait frontispiece, 4 maps [one folding]. Green cloth, no d/j, frontispiece missing, edges foxed, otherwise Good. Volume II, despite being referred to in an advertisement in the rear of this volume, never appeared.





Wyrall, Everard [with a Foreword by Field Marshal Sir G. F. Milne]

The Gloucestershire Regiment in The War 1914 - 1918 : The Records of the 1st (28th) 2nd (61st) 3rd (Special Reserve) and 4th, 5th and 6th (First-Line T. A.) Battalions

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1931 [1st Ed.]

5½” x 9”. [ix] + 357pp, portrait frontis, twenty maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, rear boards damp-stained, front cover bowed, otherwise Very Good. As the subtitle states these are the records of the 1st (28th Foot), 2nd (61st Foot)), 3rd (Special Reserve) and 4th, 5th and 6th (First-Line T.A.) Battalions, in other words this is the history of the battalions of the regiment which existed prior to the outbreak of war. The one appendix lists the twenty-four battalions that existed during the war, indicating the theatre of war in which they served and in which division. Eight of these battalions did not serve overseas, and of the rest only one (7th Service Battalion) did not serve on the Western Front, it went with 13th Division to Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and Persia. Total losses amounted to 8,100, 72 battle honours were awarded and in the appendix is shown which honours were awarded to which battalion, information rarely seen in any other Great War regimental history; and four VCs were won but only one of them by one of the battalions covered in this book (Pte G. Miles, 1/5th Battalion). In August 1914 the 1st Battalion was stationed in Bordon, part of the 3rd Infantry Brigade, 1st Division, and was among the first British troops to disembark in Le Havre, on 13th August. The first quarter of this book is concerned with the doings of the 1st Battalion which saw action in the early battles of the war - Mons and the retreat, the Marne, the Aisne, First Ypres and Givenchy. The 2nd Battalion was in China when war broke out and came home to join the newly formed 81st Brigade, 27th Division which arrived in France in December 1914 and in November 1915 was transferred to Salonika, where it remained for the rest of the war. Three chapters of the book deal with the operations in that theatre of war. The three Territorial battalions were in the South Midland Division, later the 48th which crossed to France at the end of March 1915 and fought on the Western front till November 1917, when it was sent to Italy where it remained till the armistice. The final chapter gives the account of operations in that theatre. The author, a well known military historian, was probably the most prolific among the writers of regimental and divisional histories, some thirteen in all, and this account reflects the skill of the writer in producing a very readable narrative, which draws on the Battalion Diary, on individual accounts of actions, some quite lengthy, and makes use of footnotes to give casualty details in addition to those contained in the text, various comments, and items of information from other sources to confirm or add to the main text. The maps are good. There is no Roll of Honour nor list of honours and awards.





Grey, Major W. E.

The 2nd City of London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) in the Great War (1914-1919)

London: Published from The Headquarters of the Regiment, 1929

7¼” x 10”. [xxxiv] + 464pp, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth boards with gilt cover vignette, backed with red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, covers rubbed otherwise Very Good. Malta - Ypres - Gallipoli - Southern Egypt - Somme - Arras - Cambrai - Amiens. In his preface the author, who took three years over this history, makes the point that material that should have been preserved in the regimental archives had disappeared, and that personal diaries, letters and memoranda had been very hard to come by, making his task not an easy one. One result is that there is no list of honours and awards but rather a summary, nor could he get reliable casualty figures for some of the battles. Nevertheless, despite the handicaps, he acknowledges plenty of help and advice and he has produced a very commendable piece of work which certainly ranks with other histories and is a good deal better than some. It was his intention to present a connected or continuous story so he has not adopted the pattern of separate parts for each battalion. He follows the chronology of the war with each battalion being brought into the story at the appropriate time. Each chapter covers a specific period/battle and a specific battalion, as is made clear in the list of contents. The 1/2nd was with the 1st London Brigade, 1st London Division when war broke out, and a month later the brigade was sent to Malta to replace the regular battalions. In February 1915 they in turn were replaced by their second line battalions (2/2nd had been formed in September 1914) and left for France where the 1/2nd was posted to 17th Brigade 6th Division at Armentieres and for the rest of the war it remained on the Western Front. In October 1915 the brigade was transferred to the 24th Division and in February 1916 it was moved again - to the re-formed 56th (previously1st London) Division, part of 169th Brigade, and there it stayed to the end. After Malta the 2/2nd was sent to Gallipoli where it arrived on 13 October and was attached to the 2nd Naval Brigade. In January 1916 it went to France where it was disbanded and the 3/2nd (formed in December 1914), which was in the UK at the time with 173rd Brigade, 58th Division, was renamed 2/2nd. The division landed in France in January 1917 and the battalion fought its first major action at Bullecourt in May; it, too, remained with the brigade throughout the fighting to the end of the war. Finally there was a fourth line battalion, 4/2nd, which was formed in May 1915 but did not serve overseas; its function was to supply drafts for the two overseas battalions. The Roll of Honour lists 1,345 dead and the summary of awards shows 65 British decorations to officers and 246 to other ranks, excluding MiD.





Assher, Ben [Pseud.] [Pseud. of Borradaile (Major Colin, MC, RGA)]

A Nomad Under Arms : The Chronicle of an Artilleryman from 1914 to the Armistice

London: H. F. & G. Witherby, 1931

5½” x 8¾”. 368pp, frontispiece, illustrations, maps. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j but front panel of the original dust-jacket glued to the front end-paper, covers rubbed and faded, spine faded and snagged, otherwise Very Good A young regular, the author was posted, in November 1914, to a 4.7" howitzer battery near Kemmel Hill; remained with them in this area until posted as a Captain to a New Army 60-pdr. battery on the Somme front in Jan. 1916. Wounded by a shell in Feb. 1917 he was then at home until July, returning to the front in time for Passchendaele & commanded a battery through most of 1918.





Macfall, Major Haldane

Beware the German’s Peace ! 

London: Cassell and Company, Ltd, 1918

4¾” x 7¾”. (x) + 171pp. Original red cloth blocked in black. The covers are rubbed and a little scuffed, with a few old marks but otherwise in quite reasonable condition for the book's age. The spine has faded severely, however, with almost total loss of original colour. The spine ends and corners are bumped. There are no internal markings and the text is clean throughout. However, in common with many books produced in the final year of the First World War, the paper has tanned noticeably with age, particularly in the margins. A few pages have small tears at the edge and there is some separation between the inner gatherings. The end-papers are browned and discoloured.





'Vedette' [Pseudonym of George Valentine Williams, M.C.]

The Adventures of an Ensign

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1917

5” x 7½”. 348pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull and slightly faded, end-papers discoloured, Times Book Club label on rear pastedown, otherwise Very Good. Rare. A respected foreign correspondent before the war, the Author was appointed the first accredited correspondent at GHQ in 1915. In December he was commissioned into the Irish Guards & served with the 1st Bn. in France July-Sept. 1916, when he was wounded. He wrote this pseudonymous account of his service while recovering in hospital.



Wadham, Lieut-Colonel W. F. A. and Crossley, Captain J.

The Fourth Battalion The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) and the Great War

No publication details (Crowther & Goodman, Printers, London) : Foreword to Part I dated February 1920; Foreword to Part II dated December 1935

5¼” x 8½”.  Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers faded, head and tail of spine bumped, some underlining of text, Very Good. Service on the Western Front from May 1915 until the end of the War, including the epic defence of Givenchy in April 1918. 3 V.C.s were won by the battalion.





Davis, Reginald [Edited by Sir Ernest Hodder-Williams]

One Young Man : The simple and true story of a clerk who enlisted in 1914, who fought on the Western Front for nearly two years, was severely wounded at the Battle of the Somme and is now on his way back to his desk

Printed for private circulation, 1936 [first published by Hodder & Stoughton, 1917]

4¾” x 7¼”. [xi] + 125pp. Red cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, otherwise Very Good. Inscribed on the front pastedown by the Reginald Davis.





Lloyd, R. A. [Introduction by Major the Hon. J. J. Astor, MP]

A Trooper in the 'Tins' : Autobiography of a Lifeguardsman

London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd, n.d. [c.1938] 2nd Impression

5¼” x 8½”. 320pp, frontispiece, publishers' catalogue. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, head of spine crushed, frontispiece detached, otherwise Very Good.





Osburn, Arthur

Unwilling Passenger

London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1936 [2nd ed.; first published 1932]

5¼" x 8¼". 415pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded, edges dusty otherwise Very Good.





Colwill, Reginald A.

Through Hell to Victory : From Passchendaele to Mons with the 2nd Devons in 1918

Torquay: Reginald A. Colwill, June 1927 Second Impression, published a few weeks after the First Edition, which appeared on May 27th, 1927

5" x 7½". 272pp. Green cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded, end-papers discoloured, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good. This book deals exclusively with the 2nd Devons (23rd Brigade, 8th Division) during the last year of the war. It describes what the battalion did in the early days of 1918, touches briefly on their movements in January, deals fully with the March retreat in the face of the German offensive, follows them in the fighting to save Amiens and goes on to describe at length the battalion's heroic stand at the Bois des Buttes, under the shadow of the Chemin des Dames, on the 27th May and following days. For this action the battalion was awarded the Croix de Guerre with Palm. This account comes not from official records but from the information of those who took part, and it took the author more than a year to assemble all the details. The casualties in the action at the Bois des Buttes, as given in the regimental history, amounted to twenty three officers and 528 men killed or missing.





Foot, Stephen (D.S.O., M.C., late Bt. Major, R.E.)

Three Lives — And Now

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1937 [New and Revised Edition; first published as "Three Lives" in 1934]

5¼” x 8”. (vii) + 294pp. Original black cloth gilt. The front and rear covers are rubbed and slightly marked and there is a small gouge on the front cover. The spine has faded severely with total loss of original colour, though the gilt blocking remains fairly bright. The spine ends and corners are bumped and slightly frayed. There is a forward spine lean. There is a gift inscription in ink on the front end-paper dated "20.6.39" and another previous owner's name inscribed in ballpoint on the front pastedown. The end-papers are browned and discoloured. The text is clean throughout on slightly tanned paper; however, the edge of the text block is very heavily foxed, with the foxing extending into the margins.





Muddock, J. E. Preston (Dick Donovan)

All Clear : A Brief Record of the Work of the London Special Constabulary 1914-1919

London: Everett & Co., Ltd, 1920

5” x 7½”. 122pp, portrait frontispiece, two small folding maps. Original ochre cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and slightly marked, head and tail of spine bumped, offsetting to end-papers otherwise Very Good.





Stanhope, Lieutenant Colonel Earl  [DSO, MC] (Edited by Brian Bond)

The War Memoirs of Earl Stanhope : General Staff Officer in France 1914-1918

Brighton, Sussex: Tom Donovan Editions Ltd, 2006

6” x 9½”. [xvii] + 205pp, portrait frontis, maps. Review copy in card covers in a scuffed and rubbed d/j.





Gee, Sergeant A. E. [M.M.] and Corporal A.E. Shaw [Illustrations by Bombardier Norman Tennant D.C.M.]

A Record of D245 Battery 1914-1919

London: Renwick of Otley, 1931

5½” x 8¾”. (viii) + 182pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, map torn, otherwise Good. A clean copy. 11th West Riding Howitzer Battery, from Ilkley. Western Front from April 1915 and for most of the year the battery position was between Boesinghe & Brielen near the Yser canal; Somme 1916 (around Authuille Wood), Passchendaele 1917 &c. Nominal roll, casualties & awards rolls.





Young, Francis Brett

Marching on Tanga (with General Smuts in East Africa)

London and Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, May 1938 [first published September 1917]

5½” x 8”. (viii) + 263pp, colour frontispiece and two colour plates. Green cloth blocked in black (map of Africa to front cover), in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j with some loss and significant taped repairs on the reverse, previous owner's name inscribed and small hole in front free end-paper after a prior owner's name erased, end-papers foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Adam, Adela Marion [Compiled by]

Arthur Innes Adam 1894-1916: A Record Founded on His Letters

Cambridge: Bowes & Bowes, 1920

5” x 7¾”. [viii] + 253pp, 6 plates. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, small mark on front boards, head and tail of spine bumped, "Withdrawn" stamp on front free end-paper (Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth), untrimmed, otherwise Very Good. Educated Winchester & Balliol, Captain 1/1st Cambridgeshires (TF): letters from France June 1915-Sept. 1916 when he was lost in action during a raid on German trenches near the Ancre. Arthur Innes Adam, son of Adela Marion Adam, M.A., of Cambridge, and the late James Adam, Litt.D., was born in 1894, educated at Winchester and Balliol College, Oxford, commissioned (after some delay due to his poor eyesight) in the Cambridgeshire Regiment (T.F.) in 1914, became a Captain in the 1/1st Battalion and was killed in action aged twenty-two on 16th September 1916 when he was reported lost (apparently wounded and captured) during a raid on German trenches near the Ancre. Subsequently his remains were located and he is buried in Achiet-le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension. ? Contains interesting and quite detailed letters from France June 1915-September 1916, together with reports of his wounding and capture. He was apparently “peculiarly devoid of nerves” and seems to have taken a practical and at times light-hearted approach to the proceedings. Soon after arriving he wrote “I have a great scheme to annoy the Deutsches in contemplation, i.e., to tie a large alarm clock to the wire in front of their trenches sometime by night, set it to 6 a.m. or some such time. That might persuade them to put their heads over the top…” Later he wrote of want of munitions: “I think the most urgent need in this land is bombs; hosts of them, of all shapes and sizes, and among them rifle grenades which will carry 500 yards like the German, instead of only 250…” Some months later, after his Company had suffered fourteen casualties during a tour in the trenches, his enthusiasm was somewhat diluted: “I felt a quite new hatred of war and all its ways, and also an even stronger desire than aforetime to get out of company commanding.”





Ashmead-Bartlett, Major Seabury H.

From the Somme to the Rhine

London: John Lane The Bodley Head, 1921

5" x 7½". 206pp, maps. Red cloth, no d/j, spine faded, covers rubbed and soiled with numerous stains and loss of colour, edges & end-papers lightly foxed, previous owner's name inscribed. An internally clean copy of a scarce title in a soiled and unattractive binding.





Kincaid-Smith, Lieut.-Col. M.

The 25th Division in France and Flanders

London: Harrison and Sons, n.d. [1918]

4¾” x 7¼”. 429pp, portrait frontis (following title page). Original white stiff card covers blocked in black and red, no d/j, covers rubbed and soiled, otherwise Very Good





Binding, Rudolf [Translated from the German by Ian F. D. Morrow]

A Fatalist at War

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, March 1929 [3rd Imp.; first published January 1929]

5½" x 8¾". 246pp. Yellow cloth in a scuffed and chipped d/j, edges lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good. Scarce in this edition. German novelist and infantry officer, with a Jungdeutschland division in 1914 and later divisional staff. Considered by Falls as being "among the most vivid of German documents relating to the War."





Barber, Major Charles H.

Besieged in Kut and After

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1918 Second Edition

5" x 7½". [viii] + 344pp, frontis, illustrations, front end-paper map and maps within text. Decorative red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Roberts, Enos Herbert Glynne

The Story of the "9th King's" in France

Liverpool: The Northern Publishing Co. Ltd., 17 Goree Piazzas, and 11, Brunswick Street, 1922 First Edition

5½” x 8½”. 133pp. Original green cloth gilt. The front cover has, at some stage, been splashed with what appears to be white paint, leaving a large number of small stains. The rear cover is generally unaffected but is also slightly marked and with some variation in colour. The spine is dull and slightly stained. The spine ends and corners are heavily bumped. There is a gift inscription in ink on the front end-paper, dated August 1st, 1924.  There are no other internal markings and the text is clean throughout on tanned paper. The end-papers are lightly foxed, and there is some light scattered foxing in addition. The edge of the text block is dust-stained and foxed.





Wylly, Colonel H. C. [Compiled by]

The 1st and 2nd Battalions The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment) in the Great War 

Aldershot: Gale & Polden for the Regimental Committee, n.d. [1925]

7¼” x 10”. [xiv] + 224pp, portrait frontis., 25 photos, 12 folding maps & plans (4 in end-pocket missing). Original purple and green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, inner hinges cracked, corners bumped. 





Mark VII [pseud. Max Plowman]

A Subaltern on the Somme in 1916

London: Imperial War Museum, 1996 Limited Edition

5" x 7½". [ix] + 241pp. Black cloth blocked in red in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good. 





Gosse, Philip

Memoirs of a Camp-Follower

London: London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1950 Pocket Edition

4½” x 7”. 247pp. Original decorative covers, no d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Lambert, Arthur

Over the Top : A "P. B. I." in the H. A. C.

London: John Long Limited, 1930 Third Impression [the printing date is on the final page]

4¾” x 7¾”. [xiv] + 17-224pp. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, slight spine lean, edges & end-papers foxed, otherwise Very Good. The Reminiscences of a soldier of the 2nd Battalion Honourable Artillery Company (infantry. H. A. C.) , 22nd Brigade, 7th Division, who was in the Salient September/October 1917 and in November went to Italy, where he remained to the end of the war.





McCustra, Trooper L.

Gallipoli Days and Nights

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1916

4¾" x 7¼". 150pp [note: pagination starts at page 9]. Original pictorial crad covers, spine crudely covered in tape, otherwise Good





Woods, William Seaver

Colossal Blunders of the War

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, n.d. [1931]

5¼” x 8”. [viii] + 274pp. Black cloth boards with red cloth backstrip, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, indentation on rear top edge, otherwise Very Good; internally clean. A survey of various military events including (i) America's Costly Lessons of the War; (ii) German Blunders that Lost the War; (iii) British & French Blunders that Prolonged the War; (iv) Blunders that Drove Russia Bolshevik. Rare.





Atteridge, A. Hilliard

History of the 17th (Northern) Division

Glasgow: Robert Maclehose and Co., 1929

5½” x 9”. [xv] + 482pp, 35 maps (including one folding). Red cloth gilt with Divisional flash on front boards, no d/j, spine faded, spine ends and corners bumped, edges foxed, previous owner's name inscribed on Half-Title which has had the top and bottom third removed, note on front free end-paper, otherwise Very Good. 





Du Moulin, The Late Lt.-Colonel [With a Preface by Col. J. G. Panton, C.M.G., Commanding 2nd Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, 1903-1907] Edited By H. F. Bidder, Captain, 3rd Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment

Two Years on Trek : Being Some Account of the Royal Sussex Regiment in South Africa

London: Murray and Co., The Middlesex Printing Works, 180, Brompton Road, S.W., 1907 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [vi] +323 + [xi] pages, maps. Original blue cloth gilt. The covers are faded and worn. The front cover is very badly faded with significant loss of original colour and marked variation in colour of what remains. The fading is not as severe on the rear cover, but there is also noticeable variation in colour here as well. The spine has faded completely, with total loss of original colour. The spine ends are chipped and torn with some minor loss of cloth. there is also a small hole on the front spine gutter, towards the head. The corners are bumped and frayed with further minor splitting to the cloth. Finally, the covers have bowed outwards at the top. There is a gift inscription dated 1907 on the heavily tanned Half-Title page. Otherwise, the text is clean throughout on slightly tanned paper (more noticeably browned in the margins). The inner hinges are partially cracked and there is some separation between the inner gatherings, the worst being at pages 96-97 where there is a very sizeable split. Many of the corners are turned inwards due to the external bumping. There is also a pronounced musty smell. Finally, the large folding map at the end, while intact, has a tear on the bottom margin (not affecting the map itself).





Inglefield, Captain V. E. [With an Introduction by Lieut.-General the Earl of Cavan, K.P., G.C.M., K.C.B., M.V.O.]

The History of the Twentieth (Light) Division

London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd, 1921

5½” x 8¾”. [xii] + 319pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, folding map. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, spine very faded and with small puncture in centre, spine ends and corners bumped, previous owner's name inscribed on Title Page, edges foxed otherwise Very Good. The last of Kitchener's Second New Army divisions the 20th was, apart from the 36th Ulster and 38th Welsh, also the last division to have a title. It was formed in September 1914 and , as its title suggests, it was composed of battalions of Rifle and Light Infantry regiments, its brigades were numbered 59th, 60th and 61st. In January 1915 one of the battalions, 11th DLI, became the divisional pioneer battalion and its place in 61st Brigade was taken by 12th King's (Liverpool), an army troops battalion attached to the division. The first GOC was Sir E.O.F Hamilton, a sixty year old who had retired in April 1914 and whose last appointment had been commanding troops in Jersey and Guernsey. He was replaced within a month and does not rate a mention in the book, his successor was a New Zealand officer R. H. Davies; in all the division was to have six GOCs. The division moved to France in July 1915 and in the two weeks prior to embarkation all three brigade commanders were replaced, probably on grounds of age - the youngest was 58. Its first major action was a subsidiary attack in support of the Loos offensive, an action that brought the first of its six VCs to Lieut G.A. Maling RAMC of 61st Field Ambulance. During the first half of 1916 the division was in the Ypres salient where it played a supporting role during the German attack on the Canadians at Mount Sorrel; at the end of July it moved down to the Somme where it remained till March 1917, taking part in several of the battles, particularly Guillemont where the divisional memorial can be seen. It then moved back north for the Third Ypres offensive in which it suffered 4,600 casualties, distinguishing itself in the capture of Langemark where another divisional memorial located. It was at Cambrai and during the German offensive of 1918 it fought a rearguard action, continuously in action for twelve days. That it was a good division is testified by the fact that the Earl of Cavan specifically asked for it as GOC the newly formed XIV Corps, and after the Somme he made a point of asking the Army commander and C in C for not to transfer the division 'if they can help it.' In his introduction to this history he says: 'The 20th Division never failed me, and never failed its neighbours during the time I had the honour to of commanding the XIVth Corps.' The total casualty list numbered 35,470.This history is a straightforward account, devoid of heroics or emotive descriptions. Operations are adequately described, including minor and individual actions, and changes in senior commanders and staff are noted. There are useful maps to support the narrative, a good index but no appendices giving such relevant reference material as honours and awards, casualty summaries and staff lists. A New Army division, formed in September 1914, it went to France in July 1915 and fought on the Western Front throughout the war, suffering 35,470 casualties and winning six VCs. Distinguished action at Guillemont 1916, Langemark 1917 and Cambrai 1918. Command and Staff lists. 





Crookenden, Arthur [Colonel of the Regiment]

The History of the Cheshire Regiment in the Great War [The 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment]

Printed by W. H. Evans, Sons & Co., Chester, n.d. [1938] First Edition

7¼” x 10”. [xiii] + 358pp., 4to, illustrations, maps (many folding). Re-backed red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, corners bumped, otherwise Very Good. Very clean internally. Excellent history, mainly Western Front, also Palestine, Mespot. &c. Roll of Hon., awards. 





Crookenden, Arthur [Colonel of the Regiment]

The History of the Cheshire Regiment in the Second World War

Printed by W. H. Evans, Sons & Co., Chester, 1949

7¼” x 10”. [ix] + 371pp., 4to, illustrations, maps (many folding). Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, corners bumped, otherwise Very Good. Very clean internally. 





Ryan, Charles S., M.B., C.M. Edin., in association with his friend John Sandes, B. A. Oxon.

Under the Red Crescent : Adventures of an English Surgeon with the Turkish Army at Plevna and Erzeroum, 1877-1878

New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1897

5¼” x 8¼”. [xix] + 435pp, portrait frontis, maps. Green cloth gilt, no d/j covers worn and soiled, Title-Page foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Various [Edited by C. B. Purdom]

Everyman at War : Sixty Personal Narratives of the War

London and Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1930 First Edition

4¾” x 7½”. [xi] + 425pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, spine ends and corners bumped and slightly frayed, bookplate on front pastedown and other previous owner's name inscribed on verso of front free end-paper, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. An excellent selection of first-hand accounts, being the best of some 300 pieces submitted to a competition run by "Everyman" magazine, mainly Western Front, also Gallipoli, Macedonia &c., and very largely otherwise unpublished.





Kannengiesser Pasha, Hans

The Campaign in Gallipoli

London: Hutchinson, n.d. [Not dated but this is the First Edition, circa 1927 (the Introduction by Marshal Liman von Sanders Pasha is dated 27 January 1927). The First Edition of this book has a typographical error in which page 155 is mistakenly numbered "551". This was corrected in the subsequent editions.

6" x 9". 280pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates, 3 maps. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Imperial War Museum, The edges are foxed. otherwise Very Good.





Gough, General Sir Hubert

The Fifth Army

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1931 [1st]

6½" x 9½". 355pp, frontis, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, head and tail of spine nicked and frayed, covers marked and rubbed, otherwise Very Good





Macready, General the Right Hon. Sir Nevil [Bart., G.C.M.G., K.C.B.]

Annals of an Active Life [Two Volumes]

London: Hutchinson & Co., n.d. [1924]

6” x 9½”. 694pp (paginated over two volumes), frontispiece, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers scuffed and rubbed, spines faded, \r\notherwise Very Good. Very clean internally. Bookplate of George Owen Sandys, Graythwaite Hall.





Juvenis [pseud.: Lt O. G. E. McWilliams]

Suvla Bay and After

London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. [1916]

4¾" x 7½". [xi] + 169pp. Originally issued in paper wraps, this copy has been subsequently bound in red cloth with a paper spine label; Very Good. 





Buchan, John

Episodes of the Great War

London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Limited, November 1936 [2nd imp.; first published October 1936]

5½" x 8". [xiii] + 402pp, frontis, maps as end-papers, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j with some minor loss, covers rubbed and faded, otherwise Very Good





Bridges, Lieutenant-General Sir Tom [K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O., LL.D.] With a Foreword by the Rt Hon Winston S. Churchill, P.C., C.H., M.P.

Alarms and Excursions : Reminiscences of a Soldier

London: Longmans Green & Co., 1938 [1st]

5½" x 8¾". 361pp, frontis. Red cloth, no d/j, ex-library though a few inoffensive stamps only, otherwise Very Good. Bridges was a Major in 1914 when he famously averted the surrender of the 2nd Dublins and 1st Warwicks at St Quentin; subsequently, Military Mission to the Belgian Field Army, 1914-15; then GOC 19th (Western) Division 1915-17. From the Thomas Hope Floyd Bequest.





Greenwell, Graham H.

An Infant in Arms : War Letters of a Company Officer 1914-1918

London: Lovat Dickson & Thompson Ltd., 1935

5½" x 8¾". 305pp, illustrations. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and rubbed, front inner hinge exposed at title page, shaken, backstrip soiled, edges dusty, little better than a good reading copy. A classic memoir of service with 1/4th Bn. Ox. & Bucks. Light Infantry in France and Italy. A classic Great War memoir of a public school boy who joined up in 1914 and served throughout the war with the Ox and Bucks L.I., emerging in 1918 as a Captain and company commander on the Italian front. Based on letters to the author's mother, this book describes the Somme and Passchendaele, but Greenwell looks back on the war as the happiest years of his life.






The Gas Attack :  France, Christmas 1918 : The Twenty-Seventh American Division, The New York Division

Christmas Edition, written and illustrated on the Western Front, and published, December 1918, at Paris, France, by the 27th American Division.

8¼” x 10¼”. 32pp. Original printed paper wrappers in quite worn condition. There is a pronounced crease along the top corner, with a tear in the cover at the end of the crease (on the leading edge) and a small slit in the wrapper just above this. The printed front cover is quite dull, with further shallow creasing and a few marks. There is red staining on the rear cover, near the tail and a stained and abraded patch near the head; beneath this is a small hole in the cover. The rear cover is also dull, creased and marked. The staples have rusted and the corners are creased. This original Edition was formerly in the Imperial War Museum: there is an Imperial War Museum stamp in the margin of page1, defaced with a "Withdrawn from Stock" stamp, and a number in ballpoint near the top corner of this page, again defaced with a "Withdrawn from Stock" stamp. The fore-edge of the first twelve pages is damaged with some loss. The loss is greatest on page 1, then gradually becomes less, up to page 13, where there is no loss but a tear in the paper on this and a few other pages. There is also clear evidence of internal staining, affecting the area along the inner margins, from the head down to the tail of the spine. The text is generally clean throughout, although not of the highest quality (for obvious reasons). Also, page 1 is quite grubby, particularly in the margins.





Williamson, Henry

The Wet Flanders Plain

London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1929 [First Printing of the Revised Edition; initially published by the Beaumont Press in a Limited Edition of 400 in 1929]

5” x 7½”. 148pp. Black cloth gilt, in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, covers marked and rubbed, page edges browned, head and tail of spine frayed otherwise Very Good





Williams, H. R.

The Gallant Company : An Australian Soldier's Story of 1915-18

Sydney: Angus & Robertson Limited, 1933

4¾” x 7". [ix] + 275pp. Rebound ex-Library, no d/j, usual markings to end-papers, text clean otherwise Good.





Allen, Hervey

Toward the Flame : A War Diary

London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1934

4½” x 7”. 288pp. Rebound ex-Library, no d/j, usual markings to end-papers, text clean otherwise Good.





Nogales, Rafael de

Four Years Beneath the Crescent

New York: Charles Scribners' Sons, 1926

5¾" x 8¾". [xviii] + 416pp, b&w plates, maps as end-papers. Pictorial cream cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with areas of darkening of the cream cloth, corners bumped, most of the pages facing each of the double-sided b&w plates have patches of discolouration due to the leaching of chemicals in the photographs, otherwise the text is clean; overall, G+ to Very Good. A digital photograph is available on request.





Riou, Gaston [Translated from the French by Eden and Cedar Paul]

The Diary of a French Private : War - Imprisonment 1914-1915

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1916

5¼" x 8". 315pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, corners bumped, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good. Riou fought with the French army against Germany around Lorraine, he was wounded at the Battle of Dieuze and captured, he spent the next 11 months as a Bavarian prisoner.





Ward, Major Dudley C. H. D.S.O., M.C.

The Welsh Regiment of Foot Guards 1915-1918

London: John Murray, 1936

5½” x 8¾”. (ix) + 147pp, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and frayed, particularly along the edges, spine gutters frayed, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, previous owner's name inscribed (Sgt Rich, Welsh Guards), tanning to pages, otherwise Good.





Colwill, Reginald A.

Through Hell to Victory : From Passchendaele to Mons with the 2nd Devons in 1918

Torquay: Reginald A. Colwill, June 1927 Second Impression, published a few weeks after the First Edition, which appeared on May 27th, 1927

5" x 7½". 272pp. Green cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded, end-papers discoloured, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good. This book deals exclusively with the 2nd Devons (23rd Brigade, 8th Division) during the last year of the war. It describes what the battalion did in the early days of 1918, touches briefly on their movements in January, deals fully with the March retreat in the face of the German offensive, follows them in the fighting to save Amiens and goes on to describe at length the battalion's heroic stand at the Bois des Buttes, under the shadow of the Chemin des Dames, on the 27th May and following days. For this action the battalion was awarded the Croix de Guerre with Palm. This account comes not from official records but from the information of those who took part, and it took the author more than a year to assemble all the details. The casualties in the action at the Bois des Buttes, as given in the regimental history, amounted to twenty three officers and 528 men killed or missing.





Dane, Edmund

British Campaigns in the Nearer East, 1914 - 1918 : From the Outbreak of War with Turkey to the Armistice : Volume II. The Tide of Victory

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1919 [2nd Ed.]

5½" x 8¾". [xv] + 237pp, [xv] + 240pp, 30 maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, edges & end-papers lightly foxed, covers rubbed otherwise Very Good\r\nVol. I almost entirely devoted to the Gallipoli campaign (with useful sketch maps), Vol. II covers Mesopotamia, Salonika, Egypt & Palestine campaigns. The best edition, much enlarged from the original single volume published in 1917.





Dane, Edmund

British Campaigns in Africa and the Pacific, 1914-1918

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1919

5½" x 8¾". 215pp, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, head and tail of spine nicked, small tear in spine, front cover has one thin stain from top right to bottom, front inner hinge frayed and exposed, else Very Good. Scarce. Cyril Falls: "Little has been written about the majority of the campaigns here described, and although Mr Dane had comparatively little material to work upon, his account is not without value. He writes of South-West Africa, East Africa, Togoland, the Cameroons, and the Pacific, including the siege of Kiao-Chau."





Lyon, Thomas M.  ["Private Leo"]

In Kilt and Khaki : Glimpses of the Glasgow Highlanders in Training and on Foreign Service

Kilmarnock: The Standard Press, 1916 Second Edition

4¾” x 7½”. (xi) + 195pp, portrait frontis. Original paper covered boards with brown cloth backstrip and corners, no d/j, covers worn and soiled with some paper covering missing from front boards, end-papers discoloured, damage to page 27, reading copy.





Wyrall, Everard

History of the Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert's) 1914-1919

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1927 First Edition

7¼” x 10”. [xvi] + 419pp, portrait frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Green cloth gilt with black cloth spine, no d/j, covers rubbed with stain on front boards, both spine gutters are split for their entire length, exposing the mull, large previous owner's bookplate on front pastedown, inner hinges cracked, end-papers discoloured, edges dusty and lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Judd, Alan

The Quest for C : Mansfield Cumming and the Founding of the Secret Service

London: HarperCollins, 1999

6¼" x 9½". 501pp, ills. Black cloth gilt in d/j, pages slightly yellowed, otherwise Very Good.





Carstairs, Carroll [With a Foreword by Osbert Sitwell]

A Generation Missing

London: William Heinemann Ltd, December 1930 [New Impression; first published March 1930]

4¾” x 7½”. [xiii] + 223pp. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Bill, Major C. A.

The 15th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (2nd Birmingham Battalion) in the Great War

Birmingham: Cornish Bros, 1932

4¾” x 7½”. [xii] + 151pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, the boards have warped, previous owner's name inscribed, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Turberville, Captain A. S. [M.C.]

A Short History of the 20th Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps (B.E.L. Pioneers) 1915-1919 

Hull: Goddard, Walker & Brown Ltd, 1923

5¼” x 8½”. [viii] + 143pp. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine dull, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, edges heavily foxed, page [vii/viii] detached and torn at edge, otherwise Very Good. Rare. An almost unique history of a Pioneer unit on the Western Front. 





Kingsmill, Hugh [pseud.: Hugh Kingsmill Lunn]

Behind Both Lines : Personal Reminiscence of the European War

London: Morley & Mitchell Kennerley Jr., 1930

5" x 7½". 255pp, b&w plates. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers mottled and rubbed with some colour loss, ex-Library with stamps in blind and lending schedule on rear end-paper, otherwise Good Plus. Rare.





Behrend, Arthur [late Captain and Adjutant, 90th Brigade, R.G.A.]

Nine Days : Adventures of a Heavy Artillery Brigade of the Third Army during the German Offensive of March 21-29, 1918

Privately Printed by the Author, 1921 [Printers: W. Heffer and Sons Ltd, Cambridge]

5” x 7½”. [xvi] + 115pp, frontis, illustrations, folding map. Decorative blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, previous owner's name inscribed, one map chipped along the edge otherwise Very Good. Rare. Appealing & detailed account of the activities of 90th Bde. RGA during this hectic period. Roll of Officers & WOs





Pryse, Gerald Spencer

Four Days : An Account of a Journey in France made between August 28th and 31st, 1914

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1932

5" x 7½". [vi] + 305pp, publisher's advertisements, map. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed with some variation in colour, edges heavily foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Forder, A.

In Brigands' Hands and Turkish Prisons 1914 - 1918

London: Marshall Brothers, Limited, n.d. [c.1920]

5½" x 8¾". 314pp, frontis, b&w plates. Blind-stamped green cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine frayed and snagged, split in rear gutter, otherwise Good. Missionary in Damascus arrested by the Turks & imprisoned for four years as a suspected spy; or, as he would have it, a political prisoner.





Brittain, Harry E.

To Verdun From The Somme : An Anglo American Glimpse of the Great Advance

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1917

5” x 7¾”. [xviii] + 142pp, frontispiece. Original blind-stamped green cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, previous owner's name inscribed, untrimmed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good.





Orex [Bidder, Major Harold Francis, D.S.O. (1875- )]

Three Chevrons

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1919 [On Active Service Series]

5” x 7¾”. [ix] + 241pp, Publisher’s advertisements. Brown cloth blocked in blue and red on the front cover and spine, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped, severe tanning to pages, some pages badly opened, leaving a ragged edge, otherwise Very Good. Rare in this Edition. Letters of a regular officer, 2nd Sussex, Western Front 1914-16 & 1917 as Bde. MG Officer, commander of an MG Coy., an infantry bn. & on the staff. The 'chevrons' of the title refer to the service chevrons worn on the right sleeve for each year of overseas service, blue for 1914-15 & red for each subsequent year.





Johnston, Lt Alec [With a Preface by Sir Owen Seaman, including an Appreciation by Captain Ingram, R.A.M.C., D.S.O., M.C.]

At the Front

London: Constable & Company Ltd, 1917

5” x 7¾”. [xiii] + 130pp, portrait frontis. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library, otherwise Very Good.





Baker, Peter Shaw

Animal War Heroes

London: A. & C. Black Ltd 4, 5 & 6 Soho Square, W.1, October 1933 Second Edition   [first published March 1933]

5½” x 8¾”. [xxi] + 130pp + Publisher’s advertisement. Original brown cloth blocked in black in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Bowes, Joseph

The Aussie Crusaders

London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press (The Boy’s New Library), 1920 [2nd imp.]

4¾” x 7½”. [x] + 270pp, colour frontis. Blind-stamped red cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, edges lightly foxed, old Prize Label on front pastedown otherwise Very Good





Mokveld, L. (War-Correspondent of "De Tijd") [Translated by Carel Thieme, London Correspondent of "De Nieuive Courant"]

The German Fury in Belgium : Experiences of a Netherland Journalist During Four Months With the German Army in Belgium

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1917

5” x 7½”. 247pp. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, tanning to pages otherwise Good.





Levett, Richard

Letters of an English Boy : Being The Letters of Richard Byrd Levett, King's Royal Rifle Corps who Died For England, at the age of Nineteen, in the Great War : March 10, 1917

Eton College: Spottiswoode, Ballantyne and Company Limited, 1917

4¾” x 7½”. 194pp, photo frontis of Milford Hall, 7 other plates including one of Levett in uniform; Levett armorial coat of arms FEP. Olive cloth gilt, corners decorated with enamelled bands in the colours of Eton College and the K.R.R.C. Levett was born 30 May 1897. He was the only son of Capt. William Swynnerton Byrd Levett and Maud Sophia Levett, of Milford Hall, Stafford and was educated at Eton, Oxford and Sandhurst and was, when his age permitted, Commissioned, 2nd Lieutenant. 1st Bn, Kings Royal Rifle Corps on July 1916. (Part of 90th Brigade, 2nd Division and with them, saw much fighting. Battle of Delville Wood, 15 Jul-3 Sep 1916 -Battle of the Ancre, 13-18 Nov 1916, including the capture of Beaumont Hamel. Actions of Miraumont 17-18 Feb 1917 - Capture of the Thilloys, 25 Feb-2 Mar 1917 - German retreat to the Hindenburg Line. Mar-5 Apr 1917.)





Atkinson, C. T.  (Late Captain, Oxford University O. T. C.) [Compiler]

The Devonshire Regiment 1914-1918

Exeter: Eland Brothers & London: Simpkin Marshall Hamilton Kent & Co., 1926 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xxv] + 742pp, folding frontispiece, 2 plates, 56 maps & plans (some folding). Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with some variation in colour, ex-RUSI Library with shelf number in white ink on spine and small square patch from removal of label, RUSI pocket and lending schedule on front end-papers, and also Mons Officer Cadet School, internally clean and bright.





Warr, Charles L.

The Unseen Host : Stories of the Great War

Edinburgh: Robert Grant & Son, 1928 [first published Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1916 (and London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd)]

4¾” x 7½”. [xix] + 187pp, Publisher’s advertisement. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, head and tail of spine bumped, end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good; quite a bright copy. Warr went to France in February 1915 as Presbyterian chaplain with the 9th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. These 11 trench yarns are dedicated to two officers of the regiment, including the Colonel, who were killed alongside the author May 10th, 1915, at Hooge near Ypres. Each story has a strong religious theme, most dealing in a Celtic manner with the weird or the mystical and the possibility of life continuing after death.





Callwell, Major-General Sir Charles E.

Experiences of a Dug-Out, 1914-1918

London: Constable & Company Limited, 1920

5¾" x 9". [xvii] + 339pp, frontis. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head & tail of spines frayed, edges and end-papers foxed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good





Shakespear, Lieut.-Colonel John [C.M.G., C.I.E., D.S.O.]

Historical Records of the 18th (Service) Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers [1st Tyneside Pioneers]

Printed for Private Distribution by the Council of the Newcastle and Gateshead Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, The Guidhall, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1920

6” x 9½”. [xv] + 211pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, re-backed, covers rubbed and dull, small snag on front leading edge, scattered foxing, edges lightly foxed, end-papers renewed, otherwise Very Good. This copy presented to Corporal H. E. Pearson.






From Dug-Out & Billet : An Officer's Letters to his Mother

London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd, 1916

5” x 7¾”. 192pp, Publisher’s catalogue. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, spine faded and very dull, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, edges dusty, untrimmed and foxed otherwise Very Good.





Ewing, Major [M.C.] Brevet-Major, Late 6th K.O.S.B. (Introduction By Field-Marshal Lord Plumer G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.)

The History of the 9th (Scottish) Division, 1914-1919

London: John Murray, 1921 First Edition

6” x 9”. [xviii] + 435pp + 11 folding maps at end. 24 illustrations including 20 tissue-guarded colour illustrations. Blue cloth gilt with gilt thistle on front boards, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, two maps carelessly folded and creased and torn at edge as a result, otherwise Very Good.





Churchill, The Rt Hon. Winston S.

The World Crisis, 1911-1914; The World Crisis, 1915; The World Crisis, 1916 - 1918 Part I; The World Crisis, 1916 - 1918 Part II

London: Thornton Butterworth Limited, The World Crisis, 1911-1914 :  May 1927 [3rd edition, 3rd impression; first published April 1923]; The World Crisis, 1915 : May 1927 [2nd edition, 2nd impression; first published October 1923]; The World Crisis, 1916 - 1918 Part I : April 1927 [4th Impression, issued one month after the First Edition]; The World Crisis, 1916 - 1918 Part II : April 1927 [4th Impression, issued one month after the First Edition]

6” x 9¼”. The World Crisis, 1911-1914 : 536 pages; The World Crisis, 1915 : 563 pages; The World Crisis, 1916 - 1918 Part I : 292 pages; The World Crisis, 1916 - 1918 Part II : [ix] + 293-589 pages [the pagination continues on from Part I, and starts, with this Volume at page 293, ending at page 589]. Original blue cloth gilt. The covers are scuffed and rubbed, with some old staining,; there is also significant variation in colour throughout. The spines are generally quite bright though there are splash marks on the first volume and a strain at the head of the second volume. The spine ends and corners on each are heavily bumped and slightly frayed and there are a number of indentations along the edges of the boards. There is a previous owner's name inscribed in pencil on the front free end-paper of the first volume only; there are no markings in the other three volumes. The end-papers of all volumes are very browned and discoloured. The  text is clean throughout on slightly tanned paper. There is, however, some occasionally heavy foxing, mainly affecting the first and last few pages (with the first volume being the worst affected).





Mousley, Captain E. O.

The Secrets of a Kuttite : an authentic story of Kut, adventures in captivity and Stamboul intrigue

London: John Lane The Bodley Head, 1922 [2nd ed.; first published 1921]

5¼" x 7¾". [xvi] + 392pp, frontis, illustrations, folding map. Green cloth, no d/j, spine dull, covers marked and rubbed, edges & end-papers lightly foxed, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





Dawson, Coningsby

Khaki Courage : Letters in War-Time by Coningsby Dawson, Novelist and Soldier. With an Introduction by his Father, W. J. Dawson

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1917

5" x 7¾". 185pp, portrait frontis. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, covers marked and rubbed, offsetting to end-papers, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good. Uplifting, patriotic & irrepressably optimistic propagandist work (although "quite disillusioned about the splendour of\r\nwar” having seen the Somme in 1916); Dawson served with the artillery in 1st & 4th Canadian Divisions & was wounded. He survived to make his living as a successful writer.





Roujon, Jaques [translated by Fred Rothwell]

Battles & Bivouacs : A French Soldier's Note-Book

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1916

5" x 8". 256pp. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, front cover bowed out slightly, spine faded and dull, some loss of colour on edge of front boards otherwise Very Good. Uncommon.





E. Blake Knox

Buller's Campaign : With the Natal Field Force of 1900

London: R. Brimley Johnson, 8 York Buildings, Adelphi, 1902 First Edition

5¾” x 9”. [xx] + 336pp, portrait frontispiece, maps, illustrations (folding map at end). Original red cloth gilt. The covers are rubbed, with some old marks, a small snag on the front cover, and a noticeable line of fading across the top section. The spine has faded to a marked extent with significant loss of original colour. The front spine gutter is heavily rubbed; however, the rear spine gutter has a one-inch split near the tail, and another split from the head downwards (for almost an inch). The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed, with further splits in the cloth, with the head of the spine being the worst affected with a number of obvious tears. There is also a small discoloured patch on the spine from the removal of a label. There is an abraded patch on the front pastedown from the removal of a label or bookplate and a similar, though smaller, patch on the front free end-paper. Combined with the discoloured patch on the spine, this would give every indication of being a Library book; however, there are no Library markings visible anywhere. The text is clean throughout on tanned paper with some foxing spots, while the illustrations have acquired a distinct yellowish tinge. The edge of the text block is dust-stained and lightly foxed and is also untrimmed, resulting in a ragged edge. The inner hinges are a little tender. There is a small  tear in the leading edge of the frontispiece.





Macgill, Patrick

The Amateur Army

London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1915

5” x 7½”. 122pp, portrait frontis, publisher’s advertisements. Tan cloth blocked in red, no d/j, slightly shaken, spine creased and dull and frayed at head, otherwise Very Good.






Military Operations : France and Belgium, 1918 : The German March Offensive and its Preliminaries : Appendices

London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1935 First Edition

5¼” x 8¾”. [viii] + 148pp, Publisher’s Advertisements. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, "Union Club" bookplate on front pastedown, Leicester University Library markings and lending schedule on front end-papers, small label removed from spine, otherwise Very Good.





Findlay, Colonel J. M. (D.S.O.)

With the 8th Scottish Rifles 1914-1919

London & Glasgow: Blackie and Son Limited, 1926

5½” x 8½”. [xv] + 240pp, maps, illustrations. Green cloth blocked in black and gilt, no d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Dunsterville, Major-General L. C.

The Adventures of Dunsterforce

London: Edward Arnold, 1920 [2nd impression]

5½" x 9".  [xi] + 323pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, map as front end-papers, map within text and a folding map. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull and snagged, head and tail of spine and corners bumped, 





Magnus, Laurie

The West Riding Territorials in the Great War

London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. Ltd, 1920

6¼” x 9½”. [xv] + 324pp portrait frontis, maps, illustrations, publisher’s advertisements. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded, otherwise Very Good.





Grey, Major W. E.

The 2nd City of London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) in the Great War (1914-1919)

London: Published from The Headquarters of the Regiment, 1929

7¼” x 10”. [xxxiv] + 464pp, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth boards with gilt cover vignette, backed with red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, covers rubbed otherwise Very Good. Malta - Ypres - Gallipoli - Southern Egypt - Somme - Arras - Cambrai - Amiens. In his preface the author, who took three years over this history, makes the point that material that should have been preserved in the regimental archives had disappeared, and that personal diaries, letters and memoranda had been very hard to come by, making his task not an easy one. One result is that there is no list of honours and awards but rather a summary, nor could he get reliable casualty figures for some of the battles. Nevertheless, despite the handicaps, he acknowledges plenty of help and advice and he has produced a very commendable piece of work which certainly ranks with other histories and is a good deal better than some. It was his intention to present a connected or continuous story so he has not adopted the pattern of separate parts for each battalion. He follows the chronology of the war with each battalion being brought into the story at the appropriate time. Each chapter covers a specific period/battle and a specific battalion, as is made clear in the list of contents. The 1/2nd was with the 1st London Brigade, 1st London Division when war broke out, and a month later the brigade was sent to Malta to replace the regular battalions. In February 1915 they in turn were replaced by their second line battalions (2/2nd had been formed in September 1914) and left for France where the 1/2nd was posted to 17th Brigade 6th Division at Armentieres and for the rest of the war it remained on the Western Front. In October 1915 the brigade was transferred to the 24th Division and in February 1916 it was moved again - to the re-formed 56th (previously1st London) Division, part of 169th Brigade, and there it stayed to the end. After Malta the 2/2nd was sent to Gallipoli where it arrived on 13 October and was attached to the 2nd Naval Brigade. In January 1916 it went to France where it was disbanded and the 3/2nd (formed in December 1914), which was in the UK at the time with 173rd Brigade, 58th Division, was renamed 2/2nd. The division landed in France in January 1917 and the battalion fought its first major action at Bullecourt in May; it, too, remained with the brigade throughout the fighting to the end of the war. Finally there was a fourth line battalion, 4/2nd, which was formed in May 1915 but did not serve overseas; its function was to supply drafts for the two overseas battalions. The Roll of Honour lists 1,345 dead and the summary of awards shows 65 British decorations to officers and 246 to other ranks, excluding MiD.





Davis, Reginald [Edited by Sir Ernest Hodder-Williams]

One Young Man : The simple and true story of a clerk who enlisted in 1914, who fought on the Western Front for nearly two years, was severely wounded at the Battle of the Somme and is now on his way back to his desk

New York: George H. Doran Company, 1917

5” x 8¼”. 156pp. Paperback, spine damaged otherwise Very Good





Johnston, Captain M. A. B. and Yearsley, Captain K. D.

Four-Fifty (450) Miles to Freedom

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1919 First Edition

5" x 7½". (xi) + 295pp, illustrations, folding map. Pictorial blue cloth, no d/j, spine very dull, covers marked and rubbed, rear spine gutter split at head, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Good.





Messenger, Charles

Terriers in the Trenches : The Post Office Rifles at War 1914-1918

Chippenham: Picton Publishing, 1982

5¾” x 8½”. [xii] + 170pp, frontispiece map, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a scuffed, rubbed price-clipped d/j, otherwise Near Fine.





Zuber, Terence

German War Planning, 1891-1914 : Sources and Interpretations (Warfare in History)

Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press (Boydell & Brewer Ltd), 2004

6” x 9½”. [vii] + 312pp, maps. Blue cloth gilt in d/j, As New. 





Dearden, Harold

Medicine & Duty : A War Diary

London: William Heinemann Limited, 1928

4¾" x 7½". [xi] + 234pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine faded, spine slightly cocked, edges & end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Novick, Peter

The Resistance versus Vichy : The Purge of Collaborators in Liberated France

London: Chatto & Windus, 1968

5½” x 9”. [xv] + 245pp. Original red cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, previous owner's name label otherwise Very Good.





Frew, David

A Young Borderer : A Memoir of Alexander Dobree Young-Herries (Captain, The King's Own Scottish Borderers)

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons Ltd, 1928

5½" x 8¾". [x] + 236pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with some loss of colour to edge of boards, edges grubby, edge of last few pages chipped otherwise Very Good. Alick Herries attended Eton and Cambridge and then fought at the Aisne, La Bassee and the Ypres Salient, then the Somme in 1916, Arras, and the Somme again in 1918 where he was killed. Rare personal memoir. An intensely personal memoir of the life of a man, commissioned by his father & written by his parish minister.





Luard, K. E. (R.R.C.) [With a Preface By Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby]

Unknown Warriors : Extracts from the Letters of K. E. Luard, R.R.C. : Nursing Sister in France 1914-1918

London: Chatto & Windus, 1930 First Edition

5” x 7½”. [xii] + 306pp, frontispiece, map. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, edges foxed otherwise Very Good. Rare. Chapter Headings : I. Winter Up The Line. Letters from Lillers, October 17th 1915 to April 25th 1916; II. Attacks On Vimy Ridge. Letters from Barlin, May 11th to July 3rd 1916; III. Vimy Ridge-continued July 11th to October 12th 1916; IV. Battle Of Arras. Letters from Warlencourt, March 3rd to June 3rd 1917; V. Third Battle Of Ypres. Letters from Brandhoek July 23rd to September 4th 1917; VI. The German Advance. Letters from Marchelepot, Abbeville and Nampres, February 6th to April 6th 1918; VII.The Allied Advance. Letters from Pernois, May 13th to August 10th 1918.





Bell, Julian [Ed.]

We Did Not Fight : 1914 - 18 Experiences of War Resisters

London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1935

4¾” x 7½". 392pp. Rebound ex-Library, reading copy.





Wyrall, Everard [with a Foreword by Field Marshal Sir G. F. Milne, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., D.S.O.]

The Gloucestershire Regiment in the War 1914-1918 : The Records of the 1st (28th) 2nd (61st) 3rd (Special Reserve) and 4th, 5th and 6th (First-Line T. A.) Battalions

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1931 [1st Ed.]

5½” x 9”. [ix] + 357pp, portrait frontis, twenty maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, end-papers foxed, Bookseller's label and markings on front pastedown otherwise Very Good. As the subtitle states these are the records of the 1st (28th Foot), 2nd (61st Foot)), 3rd (Special Reserve) and 4th, 5th and 6th (First-Line T.A.) Battalions, in other words this is the history of the battalions of the regiment which existed prior to the outbreak of war. The one appendix lists the twenty-four battalions that existed during the war, indicating the theatre of war in which they served and in which division. Eight of these battalions did not serve overseas, and of the rest only one (7th Service Battalion) did not serve on the Western Front, it went with 13th Division to Gallipoli, Mesopotamia and Persia. Total losses amounted to 8,100, 72 battle honours were awarded and in the appendix is shown which honours were awarded to which battalion, information rarely seen in any other Great War regimental history; and four VCs were won but only one of them by one of the battalions covered in this book (Pte G. Miles, 1/5th Battalion). In August 1914 the 1st Battalion was stationed in Bordon, part of the 3rd Infantry Brigade, 1st Division, and was among the first British troops to disembark in Le Havre, on 13th August. The first quarter of this book is concerned with the doings of the 1st Battalion which saw action in the early battles of the war - Mons and the retreat, the Marne, the Aisne, First Ypres and Givenchy. The 2nd Battalion was in China when war broke out and came home to join the newly formed 81st Brigade, 27th Division which arrived in France in December 1914 and in November 1915 was transferred to Salonika, where it remained for the rest of the war. Three chapters of the book deal with the operations in that theatre of war. The three Territorial battalions were in the South Midland Division, later the 48th which crossed to France at the end of March 1915 and fought on the Western front till November 1917, when it was sent to Italy where it remained till the armistice. The final chapter gives the account of operations in that theatre. The author, a well known military historian, was probably the most prolific among the writers of regimental and divisional histories, some thirteen in all, and this account reflects the skill of the writer in producing a very readable narrative, which draws on the Battalion Diary, on individual accounts of actions, some quite lengthy, and makes use of footnotes to give casualty details in addition to those contained in the text, various comments, and items of information from other sources to confirm or add to the main text. The maps are good. There is no Roll of Honour nor list of honours and awards.





Aspinall-Oglander, Cecil

Military Operations : Gallipoli Volume II (Text only) : May 1915 to the Evacuation

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1932

5½” x 8¾”. [xv] + 517 pp, illustrations. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library, missing Title-Page, reading copy.





Paish, Frank Walter [M.C., Second Brigade, Royal Artillery (August 1916-March 1919)] With an Introduction by Anthony Paish; Edited by Sir Alan Peacock D.S.C.

War as a Temporary Occupation : First World War Memoirs of a Second Lieutenant

Edinburgh : Sir Alan Peacock, 1998 [Published for Private Distribution by the Editor]

5¾” x 8¾”. 81pp, sketch map. Paperback, barcode label partially removed from rear cover, corners creased otherwise Very Good.





Gibbon, Monk

Inglorious Soldier : an Autobiography

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, 1968 First Edition

5¾” x 9¼”. [xiv] + 335pp, portrait frontispiece. Original tan cloth gilt, no d/j, spine ends and corners bumped, edges foxed, missing four illustrations, otherwise Very Good.





Wylly, Colonel H. C. [C.B.]

History of the Queen's Royal Regiment Vol. VII 1905-1923

Aldershot: Printed and Published for the Regimental Committee by Gale & Polden Limited, n.d. [c1924]

7¼” x 10”. [xvi] + 308pp, ten maps (two in pocket at end; one missing), illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and faded with large areas of colour loss to boards, spine severely faded with almost total loss of colour and one-inch split in rear spine gutter, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed with further splits in cloth, inner hinges cracked, stamp on front free end-paper of The Queens Royal Surrey Regiment Museum, internally clean and bright. Two regular & five service bns. served on the Western Front encompassing all main battles & operations. Territorials served in India & Afghanistan, Gallipoli, Palestine & Mespot.





L. F. R. [Robinson, Lt Lionel F., R.N.]

Naval Guns in Flanders 1914-1915

London: Constable, 1920

6” x 9”. [viii] + 184pp, illustrations, maps. Professionally rebound in green cloth with gilt spine label, no d/j, untrimmed, with ragged edge, otherwise Very Good; internally very clean on slightly tanned paper. In October 1914 the author, a naval Gunnery Officer, was ordered to Belgium to command a unit of 6-inch naval guns on railway mountings, HM Armoured Train 'Jellicoe.' This unusual unit moved around Flanders giving invaluable artillery support during the First Battle of Ypres, winter operations before La Bassée, then at Neuve Chapelle & on the Yser front in the spring of 1915. A fine personal account containing much interesting detail, some scarce photos. & useful maps. Roll of personnel of HMAT 'Jellicoe.'





Jerrold, Douglas  [with an introduction by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill]

The Royal Naval Division

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, c.1927 [2nd ed.]

5" x 7½". [xix] + 360pp. Original cloth, no d/j, spine quite dull, covers and backstrip marked and rubbed, end-papers foxed, internally sound, Good.





Bagnold, Enid

A Diary Without Dates

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1933 ["The Windmill Library"]

4½” x 7”. 127pp. Original brown cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good.





Tunstall, Graydon

Planning for War Against Russia and Serbia : Austro-Hungarian and German Military Strategies, 1871 - 1914

Boulder, Colorado: Social Science Monographs [War and Society in East Central Europe, Volume XXXI], distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 1993

5¾" x 8¾". 373pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j [as issued], Fine





Anon. [The Author, who desired to remain unknown, is referred to as "E. R." on the Author's Foreword : E. W. J. Rowan]

The 54th Infantry Brigade 1914-1918 : Some Records of Battle and Laughter in France

London and Portsmouth: Gale and Polden Ltd, 1919 [Printed for private circulation only]

4¾” x 7¼”. [xi] + 207pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, spine faded, some patchy discolouration, frontispiece detached otherwise Very Good.  Scarce. The subtitle sets the tone of this history of one of the most remarkable brigades that fought on the Western Front. The 18th (Eastern) Division became an elite formation, one of Kitchener's Second New Army divisions, which had the advantage of being commanded by Ivor Maxse, foremost among commanders for his training and leadership qualities. He commanded it for two and a quarter years and his successor, R.P Lee, another good commander, lead it for the rest of the war. Only two GOCs in four years of war.The 54th Brigade was to win eight VCs, the highest number for a non-regular army brigade, eight out of the eleven awarded to the division. The history is made up of the stories and recollections of all ranks, and the style is very informal. The compiler or editor has chosen to remain anonymous, but the result is something like a regimental history, with a good sprinkling of personalities identified in the narrative. Much is made of the Spirit of the Brigade, a morale booster undoubtedly helped by the fact the battalions stayed together from the time they arrived in France in July 1915 till the reorganization of the BEF in February 1918 when brigades were reduced to three battalions. The 54th Brigade certainly saw a great deal of action and there are plenty of lively descriptions. The Brigade commander tells of his visit to an emplacement known as Panama House during a lively 'strafe'. The company sergeant-major emerged, grabbed the brigadier and threw him inside saying: "We don't want no dead Brigadiers round our pillbox." The brigade commanders and staff and the unit commanders are listed in the appendix and the eight VC citations are given.





[By the author of "The Real Kaiser"]

The Dardanelles : Their Story and Their Significance in the Great War

London: Andrew Melrose, Ltd, 1915 [2nd Impression, issued 22 June; First Edition issued 10 June.]

5" x 7¾". 168pp, illustrations, map. Blue cloth, no d/j, corners rubbed, otherwise Very Good.





Perris, George Herbert

The Campaign of 1914 in France and Belgium

London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1915

6” x 9”. [xxvii] + 447pp, maps, plans, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers faded and stained, prize inscription, foxing towards end, otherwise Very Good.





Wurtzburg, Capt. C. E.

The History of the 2/6th (Rifle) Battalion "The King's" (Liverpool Regiment) 1914-1919

Aldershot: Printed for the Regimental Committee by Gale & Polden Limited, 1920

7” x 10”. [xv] + 368pp 32 plates (including frontispiece), 16 maps (some coloured; some folding), including four folding maps contained in pocket at end. Dark green bevelled cloth boards gilt with Liverpool Rifles crest in gilt to front boards, no d/j, covers rubbed heavily especially around the edges, puncture in spine near tail, inner hinges cracked, previous owner's name inscribed, scattered foxing, tanned pages, just about Very Good. The 2/6th "The King’s" (Liverpool Regiment) took part in all the fighting of the 57th (West Lancashire) Division from February 1917, up to the Armistice. The battalion showed its offensive spirit in the third battle of Ypres, the breaking of the Drocourt-Queant switch of the Hindenburg Line, the battle of Cambrai, and the capture of Lille; and its steadiness in defence during the long periods of trench warfare, and especially in the terrible gas bombardments of Armentieres.





Caine, Hall

Our Girls : Their Work for the War [with 15 illustrations from Photographs by the Ministry of Munitions]

London: Hutchinson & Co., 1916

4¼" x 7". 127pp, b&w plates. Red cloth, no d/j, spine faded, covers and corners rubbed, otherwise Very Good. Scarce.





Kilgour, William and O'Raw, Joseph [Compiled by]

Lanarkshire Men at the Battle of Loos 1915

Glasgow : Printed by DP21, 136 Elliot Street

8¼” x 11½”. 128pp, illustrations. Original printed card covers (large format Paperback/ Softback). The covers are rubbed and the top corners slightly creased, otherwise in excellent condition. There is a shallow vertical crease down the centre of the plain black spine.





Cunniffe, R.

Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians) 

Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal (Canadians) Regimental Society, 1995

6” x 9¼”.[xvi] + 192pp, illustrations. Original green boards (leatherette?) blocked in gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, corners bumped, otherwise Very Good.





North, John

Gallipoli : The Fading Vision

London: Faber & Faber, 1966 [Reprint of the 1936 edition to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the landings]

5¼" x 8". 390pp, maps. Black cloth in chipped, price-clipped d/j, otherwise near Fine/Very Good





Freeman, Lewis R.

Many Fronts

London: John Murray, 1918

4¾” x 7½”. 315pp. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped and frayed, corners bumped, spine dull, edge of text block and a few pages stained, tanned pages, otherwise Very Good.





Gilbert, Major Vivian

The Romance of the Last Crusade : With Allenby to Jerusalem

New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1925   [Dated 1925 on the Title-Page but 1923 on the Copyright page]

5" x 7½". 235pp, portrait frontis. Blue cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good.





Clark, Alan

The Donkeys

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, September 1961 [Third impression; first published July 1961]

5½” x 8½”. 216pp, illustrations. Black cloth blocked in white and red in a torn, scuffed and chipped price-clipped d/j, previous owner's name inscribed (from Royal Australian Regiment), edges dusty, slight spine lean otherwise about Very Good.





Dinning, Hector

By-Ways on Service : Notes from an Australian Journal

London: Constable and Company Ltd, 1918

5” x 7½”. [x] + 281pp. Purple cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded and soiled, head and tail of spine frayed, otherwise Very Good. Reminiscences of World War I Australian soldier, includes: Up the Canal, Abbassieh, On leave in Cairo, Glimpses of ANZAC, Gallipoli, Back to Egypt, France, Picardy and the Somme. Dinning was a Captain in the Light Horse.





Sommers, Cecil [with illustrations by the Author] [Pseud. of Captain N. C. S. Downs 4th Gordon Highlanders (T.F.)]

Temporary Heroes

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1917  First Edition

5” x 7¾”. 244pp, illustrations. Blind-stamped green cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, corners bumped, spine dull, tanned pages, otherwise Very Good. 





O’Raw, Joseph

In Memory of the Fallen, 1914-1918 : Holytown and New Stevenston

Printed for the Author by New Print Workshop, Coatbridge [According to newspaper clippings loosely inserted, the booklet was originally published in 1998 but was to be updated as new information became available; there is no date on this copy.]

8” x 11¾”. 67pp, illustrations. Original printed card covers which are lightly rubbed and slightly discoloured around the edges but otherwise in good condition. There is a gift inscription on the inside front cover from the Author, Joseph O’Raw. The text is clean throughout. There are two newspaper clippings loosely inserted, referring to the publication, both dated November 1998.





Stevens, F. T.

The Great War for Universal Peace

London: William Nicholson & Sons Limited, 26, Paternoster Square, E. C.

4¾” x 7½”. 400pp. Original cloth in worn condition, no d/j, significantly tanned pages, inner hinges cracked otherwise Good.





Felstead, S. Theodore

Under The German Heel : Revelations of Life in Belgium Under the German Occupation 1914-1918

London: George Newnes Limited, n.d. [1940]

5¼" x 8¼". [ix] +  228pp. Grey cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, end-papers discoloured, otherwise Very Good.





Neville, J. E. H.

History of the 43rd and 52nd (Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire) Light Infantry in the Great War, 1914-1919. Volume I: The 43rd Light Infantry in Mesopotamia and North Russia

Aldershot: Gale & Polden Ltd, 1938 First Edition

7¼” x 10”. [xxiv] + 461pp, portrait frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, inner hinges starting, otherwise Very Good.





Palmer, Alan

The Gardeners of Salonika : The Macedonian Campaign of 1915 - 1918

London: Andre Deutsch, 1965 [1st]

6" x 9½". 286pp, illustrations, maps. Brown cloth gilt in a chipped, torn d/j, armorial bookplate, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good.





Crutchley, Charles

Shilling A Day Soldier

Bognor Regis: New Horizon, 1980

5” x 8¼”. [viii] + 128pp, 7 photos., map. Original blue boards blocked in silver, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped, otherwise Near Fine. Crutchley's scarce First World War memoirs: served with 1/4th Northants as a machine gunner and landed with the Battalion at Suvla Bay on 15th August 1915. Includes a short but interesting account of this period until invalided with dysentery: returned to England and transferred to MGC in January 1916. Served with 135th Coy. MGC in Mesopotamia & Palestine 1917-18, including various battles and operations which are interestingly described.





Dawnay, Major-General G. P. and Cuthbert Headlam, Lieut.-Colonel T. A. [Eds]

The Army Quarterly October 1922 [Volume V, No. 1]

London: William Clowes & Sons, Ltd, 1923

5½" x 8¾". [xxiv] + 224pp, maps, advertisements. Red card covers, spine creased and chipped otherwise Very Good.





Anon (From a Private's Diary)

9th Royal Scots (T.F.) B Company on Active Service : From a Private's Diary February-May 1915 

Edinburgh: Printed by Turnbull & Spears, 1916 [2nd Edition]

4¼” x 6½”. 94pp. Green cloth blocked in gilt on front boards but no spine markings, no d/j, end-papers browned, slight spine lean, otherwise Very Good. The Author's experiences during the second Battle of Ypres [Sanctuary Wood and Dickiebusch]. Active service in the Ypres Salient, billeted at Voormezeele & Vlamertinghe, in action at Sanctuary Wood, in support of the Canadians at St. Julien during '2nd Ypres,' then Sanctuary Wood.





Whitton, Lieut.-Col. F. E.

History of the 40th Division

Aldershot: Gale & Polden Ltd, 1926

5¼” x 8½”. (ix) + 315pp, 1 plate and 5 maps. Blue cloth gilt with Divisional crest, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





Bordeaux, Captain Henri [Translated by Paul V. Cohn]

The Deliverance of the Captives : Douaumont-Vaux October 21-November 3, 1916 with Two Maps 

London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, n.d. [c.1917]

4¾” x 7½”. [xvi] + 17-301pp, maps. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull, edges & end-papers foxed, previous owner's name stamped otherwise Very Good.





Taylor, James Wood Colin [Edited by John Wood]

A Life Well Lived : A Memoir of James Wood Colin Taylor : Lieutenant 3rd Battalion Sherwood Foresters, Born May 22 1887, Fell in Action at Hooge, Flanders, August 9th 1915

London: S. W. Partridge & Co. Ltd, n.d. [Sixth Edition]

4¾” x 7½”. 158pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Dark green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped, otherwise Very Good.





Coop, The Rev. J. O.

The Story of the 55th (West Lancashire) Division 1916-1919

Liverpool: 'Daily Post' Printers, 1919

4¾” x 7½”. 184pp, maps, illustrations. Printed card with green cloth backstrip, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, corners frayed, spine creased, edges foxed, otherwise Good. 





Davis, A. H. [Ex- Sapper No. 3595 4/1 Field Coy, Northumbrian R. E. Ex-Lance Corporal No. 457965 419 Field Coy, (West Lancs.) R.E.Ex-Staff Sergeant 2nd Corps, H.Q.]

Extracts from the Diaries of a Tommy (1916-19) : Being the actual day to day diary kept by a soldier during the war under very difficult circumstances

London: Cecil Palmer, 1932

4¾” x 7½”. 292pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine faded, frayed patch on rear spine gutter, slight spine lean, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. Exceptionally rare diary of an ordinary soldier covering Passchendaele in 1917, the final German push in 1918 and the Allied response."... on April 10th, 1916 at the age of thirty five ... I gave up my temporary appointment in Lloyds Bank, locked up my office in Newcastle, and left wife and two children at home, to enlist ... I wished to see for myself what war was like." The author was a sapper with the 1st Fd. Coy. Northumbrian RE, then an NCO with 419 Fd. Coy. (West Lancs.) RE & a Staff Sgt. at 2nd Corps HQ. Very scarce candid account of enlistment & life at Base Camps in England & France, active service 1917-18 & the Army of Occupation in Cologne. Some unusual experiences that don’t often find their way into the memoirs include (apparently celibate) education visits to the ‘Red Lamp.’ Some copies show the Publisher as Cecil Palmer on the spine but have a pasted sheet to the Title-Page giving G. T. Foulis & Co. Ltd (Milford Lane, London, W.C.2) as the Publisher





Whitmore, Lt.-Col. F. H. D. C.

The 10th (P.W.O.) Royal Hussars and The Essex Yeomanry, During the European War, 1914-1918

Colchester: Benham and Company Limited, 1920

7½" x 10¼". [viii] + 326pp, illustrations, maps. Grey cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, backstrip a little discoloured, otherwise Very Good





Dalbiac, Colonel P. H. [C.B., T.D.] Forewords by Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby, G.C.B., C.G.M.G. and General Sir E. S. Bulfin, K.C.B., C.V.O.

History of the 60th Division (2/2nd London Division)

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1927

6¼” x 10”. 255pp, colour frontispiece and two plates, maps. Original black cloth gilt with Divisional motif on front cover, no d/j, covers rubbed, head of spine snagged with small splits in cloth, corners frayed, end-papers foxed and discoloured, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good. At the end of August 1914 the Territorial Force (TF) was authorized to raise reserve or 2nd-line units and from these came the 2nd-line Divisions, fourteen of them, one for each 1st-line or original pre-war TF divisions. The 60th came into existence in September as the 2/2nd London Division, receiving its number in August 1915 when all the 2nd-line divisions were numbered. It embarked for France in June 1916 and went into the line in the Vimy sector where it endured four months of crater and trench fighting. The division was withdrawn from the BEF in November and sent to Macedonia , assembling at Salonika on Christmas Day 1916. For the next five months it was engaged in fighting the Bulgars, participating in the British attacks near Lake Doiran in April and May. Their stay in Macedonia lasted only six months, for in June 1917 the division was moved again - to Palestine where it saw out the war. The division made a good name for itself in this campaign, at Third Gaza, Beersheba, Jerusalem, Jericho and especially in carrying out two raids across the Jordan, which are described in detail.Two appendices list command and staff, one when the division left for France and the other when it arrived in Palestine. Three VCs were awarded (one of which does not get a mention), all in Palestine, but there is no list of honours and awards nor roll of honour. The author, an ASC officer, commanded the division Train till returning home in June 1917 before the division arrived in Palestine. The maps could be better, in fact one of them depicting the battle for Jerusalem (p 152) shows a 71st Division as part of the force; the 71st Division was a home service only division, and in the text on p133 reference is made to the 179th Division which should be 179th Brigade.





Woods, Frederick George

Chalky : The Nearly Soldier

There is no place or date of publication

5½” x 8½”. 76pp. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Near Fine.





Murphy, Lieut.-Colonel C. C. R. [Late The Suffolk Regiment]

The History of the Suffolk Regiment 1914-1927

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d. [c.1928]

6” x 9¼”. 431pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, two maps (one as rear end-papers). Original printed paper-covered boards no d/j, covers rubbed and scuffed, front inner hinge cracked otherwise Very Good. On 1 January 1914, when this volume begins, the Suffolk Regiment consisted of the 1st and 2nd Battalions, the 3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion, and the 4th, 5th and 6th (Cyclist) Battalions of the Territorial Force. After the outbreak of war sixteen more battalions were raised and added, and in 1917 the Suffolk Yeomanry converted into the 15th Battalion, making a grand total of twenty-three. Battalions of the Regiment served in France and Flanders, Gallipoli, Macedonia, Egypt and Palestine, and at home.This book tells their stories, based on war diaries, private diaries, letters and interviews. In all 6,650 died, two VCs were won and 73 Battle Honours awarded. The doings of the ten battalions which proceeded overseas are all woven together into the general story contained in these pages, those of the remaining thirteen battalions form the subject matter of separate chapters. Given the scope of this volume and space considerations there is no Roll of Honour and the list of Honours and Awards is a very limited one showing only some of the more important honours gained. Inevitably some battalions get fuller treatment than others but, as Cyril Falls comments, the main events are clearly described. More maps would have been welcome. As has already been implied the narrative appears in chronological order beginning in 1914 with the 1st Battalion moving from Egypt to Khartoum and the 2nd Battalion in the Curragh with 14th Brigade, 5th Division, one of the original BEF divisions. This battalion landed in France on 14th August and was in action at Mons and Le Cateau where it suffered heavy casualties amounting to 720 killed, wounded and missing with the CO among the dead. There is a chapter devoted to this battle with a special introduction by General Smith Dorrien commanding the British troops. The 1st Battalion arrived home in October 1914 and was allotted to the newly formed regular 28th Division which landed in France in January 1915, nine months later it left France for Macedonia where it stayed to the end of the war. As the story unfolds so the various battalions on active service are brought into the picture and the part they played in the battles is described. One chapter is given to the 3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion at home and another to all the other battalions that did not go on active service.





Leland, Brevet Lt.-Col. F. W. (C.B.E., D.S.O., R.A.S.C.)

With the M. T. in Mesopotamia

London: Forster Groom & Co. Ltd, 1920

5½” x 9”. [xiv] + 253pp, frontis, illustrations, folding map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed otherwise Very Good. A bright copy. During the Great War one of the biggest problems attached to fighting in the harsh terrain of Mesopotamia was transport and communication. This book gives a good idea of the difficulties involved. It is an account of the ‘sinews of war’ so vital to maintaining a viable military machine. The author was an officer in Mechanical Transport in 1916-1918.





Murray, Joseph

Call to Arms : From Gallipoli to the Western Front

London: William Kimber & Co. Limited, 1980

6” x 9½”. 191pp, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in a scuffed d/j, top edge of the text-block is dusty otherwise Very Good





Montgomery of Alamein, Field Marshal The Viscount

Normandy to the Baltic [“Published for private circulation in the British Army of the Rhine.”]

Printed in Germany by Printing and Stationery Service British Army of the Rhine, 1946

5½” x 8¾”. (xvii) + 279pp, maps. Original red cloth gilt with 21 Army Group insignia. The covers are dull, rubbed and faded, with the fading mainly confined to the periphery. The spine has faded significantly with total loss of original colour and is also very dull. The front and rear spine gutters have minor splits at the ends with the exception of the front spine gutter tail where there is a twi-0inch split which has been re-glued. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed with further splits to the cloth. The covers have also bowed slightly. There is a previous owner's inscription on the front free end-paper: “W. D. H. McCardie, Lt. Col.\r\n (stamped: Comdg 17th Bn The Parachute Reg) 20 June 1946 Presented personally at Haifa, Palestine, by Field Marshal Lord Montgomery”. Facing this has been added in pencil: “Lt Col W. Derek H. McCardie P.o.W. after Arnhem Sent to Palestine with Paras after WW2”. The text is clean throughout on tanned paper (the tanning is more noticeable in the margins). A few of the many maps have been carelessly re-folded and diagram B has become completely detached. There is some play in the inner hinges and the staples used in the binding have rusted





Still, John

A Prisoner in Turkey

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1920 ("On Active Service Series")

5" x 7¾". 250pp, frontis, publisher's advertisements. Blind-stamped blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, head and tail of spine and corners bumped, edges lightly foxed and dusty, inner hinges tender otherwise Very Good. One of the rarest titles in the "On Active Service Series".





Green, W. L.

The Territorial in the Next War

London: Geoffrey Bles, 1939  [Part of 'The Next War' series edited by Captain Basil Liddell Hart]

5¼” x 8”. [x] + 182pp. Original red cloth blocked in black in a scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good.





Behrend, Arthur

As From Kemmel Hill : An Adjutant in France and Flanders 1917 & 1918

London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1963

5½" x 8¾". 176pp, illustrations, maps. Original red cloth gilt in a badly torn and discoloured d/j, otherwise Very Good.





Ashmead-Bartlett, Ellis

Some of My Experiences in the Great War

London: George Newnes, Limited, 1918

4¾” x 7½”. 187pp. Tan cloth, no d/j, front free end-paper excised, covers marked and rubbed, otherwise Good Plus. First World War memoirs of veteran war correspondent who visited Serbia & Flanders in 1914-15, was at Gallipoli & afterwards in France, on the Verdun front, in 1916, &c.





Baerlein, Henry

The March of the Seventy-Thousand

London: Leonard Parsons, 1926

5¾" x 9". 287pp, frontis, illustrations, folding map. Blind-stamped green cloth gilt, no d/j, edges dusty otherwise Very Good. Rare.





Mackenzie, Compton

Gallipoli Memories

London: Cassell and Company, 1929

4¾" x 7¾". [x] + 406pp. Black cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, otherwise Very Good.



Thomson, C. B. [Lord Thomson of Cardington]

Smaranda : A Compilation in Three Parts

London: Jonathan Cape, 1926

5½” x 8¼”. 288pp. Green cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, spine faded, untrimmed, bookplate on front pastedown, front free end-paper removed, offsetting to end-papers otherwise Very Good. 'Smaranda' itself is unlike any other Great War memoir by a British general. Falls rated it highly: "There have been plenty of soldiers who were good writers and even some who were good novelists, but it is rare to encounter a soldier who is master of such delicate, almost feminine prose as this." Quite apart from the love story, Thomson's diplomatic and military escapades in Roumania give a convincing insight into the power-politics at play, 1915 - 1917, as the Allies and the Central Powers, mired in the Western Front, wrestled in the Balkans to out-flank each other diplomatically and then militarily.





Wyrall, Everard

The History of the Fiftieth Division 1914-1919

London: Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd, 1939

5½” x 8¾” [xi] + 376pp, 13 illustrations, 9 maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. 





Atkinson, C. T. (Late Captain, Oxford University O. T. C.)

The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment 1914-1919

London:  Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd, London, 1924 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xxviii] + 629pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Original blue cloth blocked in silver, no d/j, head of spine slightly snagged and tail slightly frayed, edges lightly foxed, pages 470-474 detached otherwise Very Good. "Well above the average of regimental histories in interest. He has dome his best to procure information from officers who served with the regiment to supplement the generally scant and laconic accounts of the war diaries." (Falls).





Gullett, H. S. (Henry Somer)

The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 : volume VII: The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine 1914-1918

Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1923

5½" x 8¾". [xl] + 844pp, illustrations, maps. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, tanning to pages otherwise Good.





E. R. B. [Boyd, Edwin R.] (Scottish Rifles)

A Yarn of War : Palestine and France 1917-1918

Glasgow: Maclehose, Jackson and Co., 1919 First Edition [Printed for Private Circulation]

5¼” x 7¾”. [xvi] + 251pp, 33 plates, 5 sketch maps. blue cloth gilt, top edge gilt, no d/j, spine slightly stained, heavy bump on top edge of front boards, spine ends and corners heavily bumped, edge of the text block untrimmed otherwise Very Good. Inscribed by the Author (with initials) "To Will H. Lyford, with love from E. R. B., 30th Dec. 1919". Atmospheric personal account of service with 8th Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) in 52nd (Lowland) Division including Battles of Gaza 1917 and campaign in the hills to capture of Jerusalem etc. Then to France in April 1918 and into the line on the Vimy Ridge, then in July the Battalion transferred ro the 34th Division and the Author was wounded by shrapnel during series of advances near Beugneux (near Soissons). Numerous photos and good coloured sketch maps of Gaza, advance to Jaffa, Vimy District etc. A well written personal account of service with 8th Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) in the 52nd (Lowland) Division. With good accounts of the Battles of Gaza 1917, and campaign in the hills to capture of Jerusalem. Boyd transferred to France in April 1918 and went into the line on the Vimy Ridge, then in July the bn. transferred to the 34th Div., Boyd was wounded by shrapnel during series of advances near Beugneux (near Soissons). 





Inglefield, Captain V. E. [With an Introduction by Lieut.-General the Earl of Cavan, K.P., G.C.M., K.C.B., M.V.O.]

The History of the Twentieth (Light) Division

London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd, 1921

5½” x 8¾”. [xii] + 319pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, folding map. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, spine faded, spine ends and corners bumped, previous owner's name inscribed, frontispiece missing, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. 





Lloyd, R. A. [Introduction by Major the Hon. J. J. Astor, MP]

A Trooper in the 'Tins' : Autobiography of a Lifeguardsman

London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd, n.d. [c.1938] 

5½” x 8¾”. 320pp, frontispiece, publishers' catalogue. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Very Good.





Becke, Major A. F. [R.F.A. (Retired). Hon. M.A. (Oxon.)] Compiler

History of the Great War : Based on Official Documents By Direction of The Historical Section of The Committee of Imperial Defence : Order of Battle of Divisions : Part 3 B. : New Army Divisions (30-41); & 63rd (R.N.) Division

London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1945

7” x 10¼”. [x] + 155pp. This volume is ex-Library and has been rebound by the Library in grey cloth blocked in gilt on the spine. There is a large area of old blue staining on the front cover, and the covers have significant furrows/undulations possibly through contact with damp or water? The spine ends and corners are bumped.





Platoon Commander

With My Regiment : From The Aisne to La Bassee

London: William Heinemann, 1915

4¾" x 7¾". [viii] + 231pp. Blue cloth blocked in black no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, backstrip soiled and dull, head and tail of spine bumped, edges dusty, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good.





Ponsonby, Lieut.-Colonel The Right Hon. Sir Frederick (Late Grenadier Guards) With an Introduction by Lieut.-General The Earl of Cavan; Maps by Mr Emery Walker

The Grenadier Guards in the Great War of 1914 - 1918 : Three Volumes

London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1920 First Editions

5¾” x 9”. Volume I: [xviii] + 378pp, Publisher’s Advertisement; Volume II: [vii] + 383pp; Volume III: [ix] + 352pp. Portrait frontispiece in photogravure in each volume (all original tissue guards present), 14 plates and 25 maps (9 folding). Original gey paper-covered boards with brown cloth spines (with leather labels ruled and lettered in gilt), no d/js, covers rubbed (particularly the leather spine labels), small indentations in the top edge of volumes I and III, gift inscription on front end-paper of each volume dated Xmas 1920, tissue guards have tanned page opposite, edges dusty otherwise Very Good.





Wyrall, Everard

The History of the Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert's) 1914-1919

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1927 First Edition

7¼” x 10”. [xvi] + 419pp, portrait frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Green cloth gilt with black cloth spine, no d/j, covers rubbed, both spine gutters are split for their entire length but re-glued, inner hinges cracked, end-papers discoloured, edges dusty and foxed otherwise Very Good.





Osburn, Arthur

Unwilling Passenger

London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1932 First Edition

5¼" x 8¼". 415pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. 





Gillon, Captain Stair

The Story of the 29th Division : A Record of Gallant Deeds

London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, October 1925 First Edition

5¾” x 9”. [xv] + 276pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Tan cloth blocked in black with Divisonal Symbol (red triangle) on front boards, no d/j. This volume is ex-Library. Original brown cloth blocked in black with red Divisional flash. The covers are marked and rubbed with some old staining and lifting of the cloth. There is a large over-painted black band on the spine and a crude letter "M" in white ink. The spine ends and corners are heavily bumped with some fraying to the cloth. This volume is ex-Library (Reference Library, Boys’ Wing, R.A.F. Cranwell) and there is a stamp to this effect on the front pastedown (together with other markings) and stamps are also scattered throughout the volume including the Title-Page, text and some of the maps. The front inner hinge is cracked at the Title-Page. Other than for the Library stamps, the text is very clean throughout. The edge of the text block is untrimmed and has a ragged edge.





Harvey, F. W.

Comrades in Captivity : A Record of Life in Seven German Prison Camps

London: Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd, 1920

5¼” x 8¼”. [xi] + 319pp, map frontispiece, sketch illustrations. Red cloth blocked and ruled in black, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, spine gutters frayed, tanned pages, Good.



Rule, Alexander

Students Under Arms : Being the War Adventures of the Aberdeen University Company of the Gordon Highlanders

Aberdeen: The University Press, 1934

4¾” x 7½”. [xvi] + 220pp, sketch map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. An account of the only British University Infantry unit to serve in the B.E.F. in the Great War - U Company of the Gordon Highlanders. By September 1915, half had fallen on the battlefields of Flanders and the University Unit had ceased to be.





Anon. [Foreword by Major-General John E. Capper]

History of the 1st and 2nd Battalions The North Staffordshire Regiment (the Prince of Wales), 1914-1923

Longton, Staffordshire: Hughes & Harber Limited, The Royal Press, n.d. [1932]

7½” x 10”. (xiv) + 120pp, maps, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt with leather backstrip, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, gilt blocking dull, corners bumped and frayed, otherwise Very Good.





Day, Henry C. [with a preface by Field-Marshal Sir George F. Milne and illustrations by Fred A. Farrell]

Macedonian Memories

London: Heath Cranton Limited, 1930

5¼" x 8¾". 196pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, patchy and soiled, spine dull, edges & end-papers foxed, otherwise Good





Petain, Marshal of France Henri Philippe


London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot, Ltd., 1930

5½" x 8¾". 254pp, maps, b&w plates. 





Casson, Stanley

Steady Drummer

London: G. Bell & Sons, Ltd, 1935 First Edition

5½" x 8¾". 281pp, ills, maps. Original red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine discoloured and frayed, internally clean, otherwise Very Good.





Petre, F. Loraine; Ewart, Wilfrid and Lowther, Major-General Sir Cecil

The Scots Guard in the Great War 1914-1918

London: John Murray, 1925 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xiii] + 349pp, maps, Publisher’s Advertisements. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, spine dull, otherwise Very Good. The standard history of the Regiment in the Great War. 1st and 2nd Bns fought with Guards Division on the Western Front. With a chapter on the Reserve Battalion; includes casualties, strengths and drafts, honours and awards. The work was started by Ewart, but he was killed in Mexico in 1922. Petre then carried out most of the work but died in 1925. It was then finished and edited by Lowther.





Grimwade, Captain F. Clive [4th Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers)]

The War History of the 4th Battalion The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) 1914-1919

London: The Headquarters of the 4th London Regiment, 1922 First Edition

5½” x 9”. [xii] + 532pp, 12 photographs, 21 maps. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, head of spine snagged, spine faded, some patchy loss of colour to boards, spine ends and corners bumped, previous owner's name label on front pastedown (R. H. S. Spaight, A. B. A.) otherwise Very Good. 1/4th Bn. briefly in Malta then Western Front from Neuve Chapelle to armistice inc. 2nd Ypres, 1/7/16 at Gommecourt, Arras, 3rd Ypres, Cambrai &c., 2/4th Bn. in France from Jan. 1917 inc. Bullecourt, 3rd Ypres, Final Advance &c. Detailed history with various rolls of officers &c., awards roll.





Headlam, Cuthbert [Late Lieut.-Colonel, General Staff, B.E.F]

History of the Guards Division in the Great War 1915-1918 [2 vols.]

London: John Murray, 1924

6” x 9¼”. [xvii] + 322pp, [xi] +358pp, coloured frontispieces, maps. Decorative red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spines faded, head of spines snagged and frayed, edges & end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Butler, Patrick Richard [Major and Bt.-Lieut.-Col. Patrick Richard Butler, DSO, The Royal Irish]

A Galloper at Ypres : And Some Subsequent Adventures

London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1920

5¾” x 9”. 276pp, colour frontispiece by Lady Butler, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers stained, frontispiece detached, spine lean otherwise Very Good.





Middlebrook, Martin

The First Day on the Somme, 1 July 1916

London: Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 1981 [first published 1971]

5½" x 9". 365pp, illustrations, maps. Original cloth in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good/Very Good





Munby, J. E. Lieut.-Colonel (C.M.G., D.S.O.) [Ed.] "By the G.S.O's. I of the Division"

A History of the 38th (Welsh) Division

Malpas, Newport: Ray Westlake Military Books, 1991 [A reprint of 1920 Edition]

5¾” x 8¾”. [xv] + 86pp. Original red leatherette blocked in gilt on the spine only. The covers are lightly rubbed and with a small indentation on the front leading edge and one on the rear spine gutter; otherwise in Near Fine condition.





Allen, Hervey

Toward the Flame : A War Diary

New York: Farrar & Rinehart Incorporated, 1934 [first published 1926]

6” x 8¾”. [xiii] + 282pp. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine gutter split, water staining, otherwise Good.





Ward, Fred W.

The 23rd (Service) Battalion Royal Fusiliers (First Sportsman's) : A Record of its Service in the Great War, 1914-1919

London: Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd, 1920

5½” x 8¾”. [vii] + 167pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Original red cloth blocked in black with grey Regimental motif on front boards, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped, covers very faded, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. 2nd Div., Western Front 1915-18. Detailed Roll of Hon., awards, nominal roll. The unit was more popularly known as "First Sportsman's"  because of the large number of prominent sportsmen in all ranks. It included several first class cricketers, the lightweight boxing champion of England, an ex-mayor of Exeter, to 2nd Division. The battalion saw action at Vimy Ridge, the Somme and the battle for Delville Wood.





Anon. [The Author, who desired to remain unknown, is referred to as "E. R." on the Author's Foreword : E. W. J. Rowan]

The 54th Infantry Brigade 1914-1918 : Some Records of Battle and Laughter in France

London and Portsmouth: Gale and Polden Ltd, 1919 [Printed for private circulation only]

4¾” x 7¼”. [xi] + 207pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, spine faded, some patchy discolouration, frontispiece detached otherwise Very Good.  Scarce. The subtitle sets the tone of this history of one of the most remarkable brigades that fought on the Western Front. The 18th (Eastern) Division became an elite formation, one of Kitchener's Second New Army divisions, which had the advantage of being commanded by Ivor Maxse, foremost among commanders for his training and leadership qualities. He commanded it for two and a quarter years and his successor, R.P Lee, another good commander, lead it for the rest of the war. Only two GOCs in four years of war.The 54th Brigade was to win eight VCs, the highest number for a non-regular army brigade, eight out of the eleven awarded to the division. The history is made up of the stories and recollections of all ranks, and the style is very informal. The compiler or editor has chosen to remain anonymous, but the result is something like a regimental history, with a good sprinkling of personalities identified in the narrative. Much is made of the Spirit of the Brigade, a morale booster undoubtedly helped by the fact the battalions stayed together from the time they arrived in France in July 1915 till the reorganization of the BEF in February 1918 when brigades were reduced to three battalions. The 54th Brigade certainly saw a great deal of action and there are plenty of lively descriptions. The Brigade commander tells of his visit to an emplacement known as Panama House during a lively 'strafe'. The company sergeant-major emerged, grabbed the brigadier and threw him inside saying: "We don't want no dead Brigadiers round our pillbox." The brigade commanders and staff and the unit commanders are listed in the appendix and the eight VC citations are given.





Nobbs, Captain Gilbert

Englishman, Kamerad! : Right of the British Line

London: William Heinemann Ltd, March 1918 2nd Impression

4¾" x 7¾". [xii] + 210pp, portrait frontis. Original cloth, no d/j, covers worn and soiled with some fraying to corners and head of spine, spine slightly canted, edges browned, otherwise Good.





Coop, The Rev. J. O.

The Story of the 55th (West Lancashire) Division 1916-1919  [The cover of the cheaper card edition includes the dates "1916-1919"]

Liverpool: 'Daily Post' Printers, 1919

5” x 7½”. 184pp, maps, illustrations. Brown cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, head of spine slightly frayed, corners bumped, detached bookplate, letter to Editor by Rev. Coop dated 2nd January 1919 tipped in to front free end-paper, edges dusty and foxed (sometimes heavily)  otherwise Very Good. Unit history of the 55th English division in France during WW1,comprising the 1st,2nd 3rd & 4th West Lancs. Brigade RFA, 1/1,2/1 & 2/2 West Lancs. Engineers, 1/5,1/6,1/7,1/8 & 1/9 Kings [Liverpool Regt], 1/4 & 1/5 KORLR, 1/4 & 1/5 Loyal North Lancs. Regt. 2/5 Lancashire Fusiliers, 1/5 South Lancashire Regt. & supporting arms. Describes the actions of the Division in the Cambrai & Givenchy sectors among others, lists awards & honours with the citations for the 11 VC winners, casualty lists etc. The 55th was a pre-war territorial division, recruited in an area extending northwards from the Mersey to the Lune. The divisional and two of the brigade headquarters were located in Liverpool, the third brigade in Lancaster. The divisional sign was the red rose of Lancaster and the infantry battalions came from the King's Own (R Lancaster), the King's (Liverpool), the Loyal N Lancs and the S Lancs. The artillery, engineers, signals, transport and medical units were all designated West Lancashire, the Mounted troops were the Lancashire Hussars (Yeomanry). Between November 1914 and March 1915 eight battalions left the division for France to provide reinforcements for the BEF. In April a complete brigade, the North Lancashire, was transferred to the 51st Highland Division and having been redesignated 3rd Highland Brigade went to France with that division in May, whether they were in kilts or not is not made clear. In January 1916 the division was reformed in France, with the original battalions returning, and numbered 55th. Subsequently it fought on the Somme at Guillemont, Ginchy, Flers-Courcelette and Morval. It took part in Third Ypres and was at Cambrai for the tank attack and the German counter-attack. In April 1918 the 55th was engaged in the fighting on the Lys during the German offensive, doing exceptionally well in their stubborn defence of Givenchy where their memorial stands today bearing the inscription "They Win or die who wear the Rose of Lancashire." By the end of the month they had suffered 3,871 casualties and been awarded three VCs. The division earned a high reputation, it won the highest number of VCs (12) among the non-regular divisions including the only double VC to be awarded during the war, Capt Noel Chavasse RAMC, the MO of the 1/10th King's (Liverpool) - the Liverpool Scottish. Appendices give the citations for these VC awards, full casualty details, totals of honours and awards and reproduce the first and last operation orders issued by the division (9 February 1916 and 10 November 1918). In all the division had 35,701 casualties of which 6,520 were dead.





Haldane, Lieutenant-General Sir Aylmer L.

A Brigade of the Old Army 1914

London: Edward Arnold, 1920

5½” x 9”. [vii] + 149pp, map and folding map. Original red cloth gilt in poor condition. The covers are faded, heavily rubbed and badly damp-stained with extensive loss of original colour, particularly around the edges. There is also evidence of old staining in addition to two small frayed patches on the front cover. The spine has faded with total loss of colour and is snagged at the head of the spine with a large split in the cloth and some loss. There is also a split in the front spine gutter at the head. The tail of the spine is also frayed, though not to the same extent. The corners are bumped and frayed, with further splits to the cloth. This volume was formerly owned by Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Banastre Crosse, D.S.O., 52nd Light Infantry, of Raven's Oak, Stapeley, Nantwich, Chester, whose calling card is tipped in to the front pastedown, under which Col. Crosse has noted: “I came to know the author of this book well during the 1914-18 War, esp. in 1918, when he was a Corps Comdr., VI Corps, I think. There is understandably a lot left out that might have been included in this book: it ought to be read in conjunction with another account by Arthur Osburn, R.A.M.C., who wrote “Unwilling Passenger” [initialled] RC” The text is reasonably clean throughout on slightly tanned paper, with some corners being creased. The edge of the text block is dust-stained and lightly foxed and is not evenly trimmed, resulting in a somewhat ragged edge and pages of varying sizes. The folding map at the end is present but has been completed detached from the stub and is loosely inserted. The front inner hinge is cracked.





Fairclough, J. E. B. [With Forewords by Sir R. B. Stephens, K.C.B., C.M.G. and Colonel G. White Lewis]

The First Birmingham Battalion in the Great War 1914-1919 : Being a History of the 14th (Service) Battalion of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment

Birmingham: Cornish Brothers Ltd, 1933

4¾” x 7½”. [xvi] + 210pp, small portrait frontispiece, illustrations, maps. Original purple cloth with yellow diagonal stripe on front cover, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded in parts, spine faded, spine ends and corners bumped and slightly frayed, end-papers foxed, edges dusty and lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Conyngham, Captain D. P.

The Irish Brigade and its Campaigns : With some account of the Corcoran Legion, and Sketches of the Principal Officers

London: Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd (Cameron Ferguson Edition), n.d.

4¾” x 7¼”. 302pp. Original printed paper wrappers, corners are creased and dog-eared, ex-Library, otherwise Good.





Parry, Harold [Foreword by "G.P.D." (Geoffrey Pomeroy Dennis)]

In Memoriam Harold Parry : Second Lieutenant, K.R.R.C. Born at Bloxwich-December 13th, 1896; fell in Flanders-May 6th, 1917

Privately published, n.d. [1917] Printed at The Arden Press, Stamford Street, London

5¼” x 7¾”. [xiii] + 144pp., portrait frontis. Grey paper-covered boards with cloth backstrip, gilt to spine and front board, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped, edge of text block untrimmed, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Very Good. Parry was educated at Queen Mary's School, Walsall & Exeter College, Oxford. 17th (S) Bn. KRRC 1916-17, a memoir, atmospheric letters from France, a few of his poems & some letters of condolence. KiA in Flanders & buried in Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery. Contains some interesting observations such as: "Two hundred years will not suffice to efface the traces of this tragedy from the land. Things can never be as they were, and the greatest indictment that war can have, is the forlorn and shell-shattered land about here with its rude and pathetic crossesto mark the last resting-place of those who in the fullness of their youth - at the beginning of love and hope and ambition - were cut off from life."





William of Germany, Crown Prince

My War Experiences

London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd, n.d.

6" x 9¼". 364pp, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine faded, head of spine nicked, otherwise Good





Chase, H. L.

The 2/1st London Field Ambulance : An Outline of the 4½ Years Service of a Unit of the 56th Division Home & Abroad during the Great War, 1914-1919

London: Morton, Burt & Sons Limited, 1924

6½” x ¼½¾”. 104pp, portrait frontispiece, 8 photographs, 2 folding maps [one missing]. Original cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, heavily foxed otherwise Good.





Herbert, Aubrey [with an introduction by Desmond MacCarthy]

Mons, Anzac & Kut

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d. [2nd Impression]

5½" x 8¾". 270pp. Red cloth, no d/j, covers marked, scuffed and rubbed, edges & end-papers lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good. 





Fortescue, Captain Granville

What of the Dardanelles? An Analysis

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1915

4¾” x 7½". 91pp. Green cloth blocked in white in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, end-papers discoloured, inner hinges cracked, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





Masefield, John

The Old Front Line : or the Beginning of the Battle of the Somme

London: William Heinemann, 1917

4¾” x 7½”. 128pp, illustrations, folding map, 64pp publisher’s catalogue. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, otherwise Very Good. The publisher’s catalogue has been printed on cheap paper which has browned severely. From the Toc. H Library, with a stamp on the front pastedown.





Falls, Captain Cyril [With a Preface by Brigadier-General Sir James Edmonds and maps and sketches compiled by Major A. F. Becke]

Military Operations : France and Belgium, 1917 : Volume I : The German Retreat to the Hindenburg Line and the Battle of Arras

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1940 [First Edition.]

5½" x 8¾". [xxxix] + 586pp, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine darkened with age, no d/j, ex-Reference with shelf number on backstrip, impressed Library stamps throughout otherwise Very Good. Due to a limited print run and lack of interest following the outbreak of the Second World War, this is the scarcest of the Great War volumes.





Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James E.

Military Operations : France and Belgium 1918 : Volume I : The German March Offensive and its Preliminaries

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1935

5½" x 8¾". [xxx] + 569pp, sketch maps. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Reference Library with usual markings otherwise Very Good.





Craven, Digger [as told to W. J. Blackledge]

Peninsula of Death

London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co. Ltd, n.d. [1936]

5½” x 8¾”. [vii] + 248pp, frontis, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and marked, spine slightly canted, edges heavily foxed otherwise Very Good





Ewart, Wilfrid

When Armageddon Came : Studies in Peace and War

London: Rich & Cowan Ltd, 1933 [2nd imp.]

4¾" x 7½". 368pp, portrait frontis. Brown cloth, no d/j, spine rubbed, white title lettering on spine rubbed off, spine damaged, bookplate of National Peace Council otherwise Very Good





Robertson, Field-Marshal Sir William

From Private to Field-Marshal

London: Constable and Company, 1921 [2nd imp.]

5¾" x 8¾". [xix] + 396pp, portrait frontis, folding map, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, colour loss along edges, The edges are foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Ashmead-Bartlett, E.

Ashmead-Bartlett's Despatches from the Dardanelles

London: George Newnes, n.d. 

5" x 7¼". 164pp, folding map, advertisements. Original pictorial card cover, no d/j, spine creased, inner hinges cracked, soiling to last few pages, otherwise Good.





de Lisle, General Sir Beauvoir [K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O.]

Reminiscences of Sport and War

London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1939 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. 276pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, small white mark on top front corner, gift inscription on front end-paper dated 1939, otherwise Very Good. A bright copy. Autobiography of General Beauvoir de Lisle, a General in the British Army, first commissioned into Durham Light Infantry in 1883. "He commanded the 2nd Cavalry Brigade at Mons, and went on to command the 1st Cavalry Division and the 15th Corps. Excessively self-effacing." (Lengel). After the War he was appointed General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Western Command: he held this post until 1923 and retired in 1926. He was known for his polo skills and spent much of the years 1929 to 1930 training polo teams for the Maharaja of Kashmir in India (ODNB).





Adams, Bernard

Nothing of Importance : A Record of Eight Months at the Front with a Welsh Battalion - October 1915 to June, 1916

Stevenage: The Strong Oak Press with Tom Donovan Publishing, 1988 [first published by Methuen, 1917] The Fourteen-Eighteen Collection

5½” x 8½”. [xxx] + 324pp, portrait frontis, maps. Rebound ex-Library in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Good.





Lockhart, Captain J. G. [John Gilbert Lockhart]

Palestine Days and Nights : Sketches of the Campaign in the Holy Land

London: Robert Scott, n.d. [Introduction dated 1920]

4¾” x 7½”. [x] + 140pp, Publisher’s catalogue. Original red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and slightly marked, spine dull, spine ends and corners bumped, end-papers browned and discoloured otherwise Very Good.





Ackrell, P. G.  [lately No 81398 Private Philip George Ackrell, 62 Company MGC]

My Life in the Machine Gun Corps

Ilfracombe, Devon: Arthur H Stockwell Ltd, 1966

4¾” x 7¼”. 80pp. Green cloth blocked, no d/j, ex-Library.





Atkinson, Captain C. T.

The Seventh Division 1914 - 1918

London: John Murray, 1927

6" x 9". 529pp, illustrations, maps. Blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, spine dull, covers marked and rubbed, Divisional motif from front cover, edges foxed and stained otherwise Good





Luard, Katherine

Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front 1914-1915

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1915

5” x 7½”. [vii] + 300pp. Original cloth gilt. The covers are rubbed and slightly stained with a few splash marks. There spine is very dull (the lettering is almost impossible to read). The spine ends and corners are bumped and more heavily rubbed. There is a slight spine lean.





Davson, Lieutenant-Colonel H. M. [C.M.G., D.S.O., R.A. (Retired)]

The History of the 35th Division in the Great War

London: Sifton Praed & Co. Ltd, 1926

5½” x 8¾”. [xii] + 346pp, maps, illustrations (12 portraits, 3 views, 14 maps, plans & panoramas). Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with patchy fading, spine darkened and slightly dull, spine ends and corners bumped, edges dusty and lightly foxed, some slight internal foxing, otherwise Very Good. A Bantam Division on the Western Front from January 1916: Somme, Arras, 3rd Ypres, German Offensive, Final Advance &c. One of the best written divisional histories and certainly one of the scarcest.





Carrillo, Gomez [Translated by Florence Simmonds]

Among the Ruins

London: William Heinemann, 1915

5” x 7½”. 346pp. Brown cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed otherwise Very Good. Uncommon early World War One report by a Spanish correspondent: "his volume will be read with interest by all who care to know what the traces were like which the German hordes who invaded France left behind them, and how their infamies inspired our allies to almost superhuman efforts." (Publishers note).





Gardner, Nikolas

Trial By Fire: Command and the British Expeditionary Force in 1914 (Contributions in Military Studies, Number 227) 

Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2003

6” x 9½”. [xvii] + 259pp, maps. Green cloth blocked in silver, no d/j [as issued], As New. While existing accounts of this period have elevated the exploits of the British soldiers on the battlefield to almost legendary status, the operations of the British Expeditionary Force in the dramatic opening campaign of World War I remain poorly understood. Based on official unit war diaries, as well as personal papers and memoirs of numerous officers, this study sheds significant new light on the retreat from Mons in August 1914; the advance to the River Aisne in September; and the climactic First Battle of Ypres in October and November. In addition, Gardner provides important insights into the ideas and values of British officers in the initial stages of the war. Beyond explaining the conduct of the 1914 campaign, Gardner analyses the initial stages of the "learning curve" experienced by British officers as they grappled with an unaccustomed type of warfare, including the unprecedented scale and intensity of the conflict as well as the advent of trench warfare. He also demonstrates the impact of rivalries amongst senior officers on the operations of the army. As a whole, the study aims to add depth to our understanding of command in European armies during World War I.





Gibbons, John [With Illustrations by Edgar Norfield]

Roll on, Next War! : The Common Man's Guide to Army Life

London: Frederick Muller, 1935

4¾” x 7½”. 186pp, illustrations (drawings). Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers faded with some loss of colour, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Mackenzie, Seaforth Simpson

The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 : Volume X: The Australians at Rabaul

Sydney: Angus & Robertson, Ltd, 1938 Sixth Edition

5" x 8¼". [xvi] + 412pp, illustrations, maps. Rebound ex-Library, no d/j, stamps throughout otherwise Very Good.





Alport, A. Cecil [Major, R.A.M.C., T.F.]

The Lighter Side of the War : Experiences of a Civilian in Uniform

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d. [c.1934]

5¾” x 9”. 290pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, diagram. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and bowed, end-papers discoloured, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good. Bookplate of Alice Augusta Calvert.





Dent, Olive [With Illustrations by R. M. Savage and Others]

A V. A. D. in France

London: Grant Richards Ltd, 1917

5" x 7¾". 349pp, illustrations. Pictorial cloth, no d/j, inner hinges cracked, front free end-paper missing, otherwise Very Good.





Campbell, Gerald

Verdun to the Vosges : Impressions of the War on the Fortress Frontier of France

London: Edward Arnold, 1916 Second Impression

5¾" x 9". [xix] + 316pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Grey cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed





Adam, George

Behind the Scenes at the Front

London: Chatto & Windus, 1915

5¾” x 9”. [viii] + 240pp, frontispiece. Tan cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good.





Spears, E. L. Brigadier-General

Liaison, 1914 : A Narrative of the Great Retreat

London: William Heinemann Ltd, October 1930 [New Impression; first published September 1930]

6" x 9½". [xxix] + 597pp, maps, portrait frontis, illustrations. Original cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, front free end-paper removed otherwise Very Good





Edmonds, Brigadier-General J. E. [maps and sketches compiled by Major A. F. Becke]

Military Operations : France and Belgium, 1914 : Mons, the Retreat to the Seine, The Marne and The Aisne, August-October 1914

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1928 [Third Impression of the 1925 Second Edition; first published 1922]

5½" x 8¾". [xxix] + 545pp, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers stained and very faded, inner hinges are quite slack due to the volume's size and weight. There is an inscription on the front end-papers: "Officers' Mess Reference Library, Fulford Barracks, 14/12/35 H.G. 235". The end-papers are browned and discoloured and the paper has tanned with age, with some pages having grubby marks (including the Title-Page). Although the text is reasonably clean throughout, there are sections where there are a number of pencilled marks or annotations in the margins. The edge of the text block is very grubby and dust-stained and also foxed. Some corners are creased and there is a "Supplied for the Public Service" oval stamp on the reverse of the Title-Page.





Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James E.

Military Operations : France and Belgium 1918 : Volume I : The German March Offensive and its Preliminaries

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1935

5½" x 8¾". [xxx] + 569pp, sketch maps. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Boots Library, The spine has faded. and frayed otherwise Good.





Crozier, Brigadier-General F. P.

The Men I Killed

London: Michael Joseph Ltd, September 1937 Sixth Impression [first published August 1937]

5¼" x 8". 288pp. Original cloth, no d/j, faded patch at head of spine, spine slightly cocked, edges lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good





Watkins, Owen Spencer

With French in France and Flanders : Being the Experiences of a Chaplain Attached to a Field Ambulance

London: Charles H. Kelly, March 1915 First Edition

5" x 7¾". 192pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded toning to pages adjacent to illustrations, otherwise Very Good





Montgomery-Cuninghame, Colonel Sir Thomas

Dusty Measure : A Record of Troubled Times

London: John Murray, 1939

5½" x 8¾". 356pp, illustrations. Pale green cloth, no d/j, spine faded, rear inner hinge cracked, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





Jobson, Allan (72109. Private, R.A.M.C.) With a Foreword by General Sir Hubert de la Poer Gough

Via Ypres : Story of The 39th Divisional Field Ambulances

London: The Westminster City Publishing Company Ltd, 1934

5½” x 8¾”. (xiv) + 237pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, edges rubbed, some small indentations where book has been bound with twine, spine ends and corners bumped, otherwise Very Good. 





Burrows, John Wm.

Essex Units in the War 1914-1919 : 1st Battalion The Essex Regiment : Vol. I [Title Page: The Essex Regiment 1st Battalion (44th)

Southend-on-Sea: John H. Burrows & Sons, Ltd, n.d. [c.1923]

5½” x 8¾”. [xiv] + 161pp, frontispiece, illustrations, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, rear cover slightly marked, spine ends and corners bumped, end-papers discoloured otherwise Very Good. Detailed accounts of the 1st Battalion Essex Regiment in the Great War where they saw action at Gallipoli as part of the 29th Division. Then later on the Western Front at the Somme, Arras, Flanders and the final stages in late 1918.





Huguet, General

Britain and the War : a French Indictment

London: Cassell, 1928

6¼" x 9½". [xi] + 243pp, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, edges dusty and lightly foxed, bookplate otherwise Very Good





Brophy, John

The Five Years : A Conspectus of the Great War Designed Primarily for Study by the Successors of Those Who Took Part in it and Secondarily to Refresh the Memory of the Participants Themselves

London: Arthur Barker Ltd, 1936

6¼" x 9½". 320pp, maps. Red cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good





Kennedy, J. M.

The Campaign Round Liege

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1914 ["The Daily Telegraph War Books"]

4¼" x 7". 188pp, maps. Decorative red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, tanned pages, edges foxed otherwise Good





Potter, Captain C. H. (M.C.), and Fothergill, Captain A. S. C. [With appreciations by-General Sir H. A. Lawrence, G.C.B. (late Chief of the General Staff, B.E.F.); General Sir Hubert Cough, G.C.M.G. (late Vth Army Commander); General Sir Alexander J. Godley, K.C.B. (G.O.C. Southern Command); Major General Sir Neill Malcolm, K.C.B.

The History of the 2/6th Lancashire Fusiliers (which amalgamated successively with the 1/6th and the 12th Battalion of the same Regiment) : The Story of a 2nd Line Territorial Battalion, 1914-1919

Rochdale: Made and Printed at The "Observer" General Printing Works, 1927

5½” x 8¾”. [xv] + 232pp, 10 folding maps. Original blue cloth gilt with Divisional Flash on front cover, covers marked and rubbed but still quite bright, spine ends and corners bumped and slightly frayed, previous owner's name inscribed in ink on front free end-paper, Half-Title and final page of text browned and discoloured, occasional foxing otherwise Very Good. With 66th (West Lancs.) Division in France from February 1917 including Passchendale, March Retreat & Final Advance of 1918. Roll of Honour and Orders of Battle.





Kennedy, J. M.

How the Nations Waged War

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1914 ["The Daily Telegraph War Books"]

4¼" x 7". 190pp. Decorative red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed with some colour loss, spine faded, edges & end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Page, Edward [Private, Royal Marine Light Infantry]

Escaping from Germany

London: Andrew Melrose Ltd, 1919

4¾” x 7”. [xvii] + 387pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and marked, tanning to pages, some slackness in binding, musty, otherwise Good. "In writing the story of my three attempts to escape from Germany, and the experiences and impressions during the three years I was a prisoner of war there, I do so for several reasons, the chief being the requests of my family and intimate friends, that they shall be placed on record, and a feeling within myself that in so relating them an opportunity will be given, not only to my own countrymen and countrywomen, but to the folk of the other allied countries now linked together in the great fight for democracy and freedom, against tyranny and oppression, of studying for themselves the conditions under which we were compelled to live. They will thus learn our sufferings, both mental and physical, of our struggles against starvation, disease, vermin, and filth of all kinds, and in the study be able to compare the treatment meted out to Germans interned in the different countries of the Allied Powers, particularly our own, and that which we received from the hands of our captors during the time the fortunes of war had caused us to be interned in Germany. I do not pretend to be the possessor of any literary skill or talent; I have felt the lack of these powers during the time I have been engaged writing this work. Had I been fortunate enough to possess them, I should have been able to write more clearly and concisely concerning the happenings and events recorded in the following chapters. As it is, very often words have failed me to describe fully the horrors and feelings of those times. I have done my best, however, sincerely hoping that in the event of these memoirs of mine being published, they will be interesting as the actual experiences of a prisoner in German hands. I have confined myself, as far as it has been possible, to my own actual experiences, feelings, and impressions ; but where I have recorded the testimony of others I unhesitatingly say I have numberless witnesses among the men of the Allied armies interned, who were present and witnessed the sights, and endured with myself the hardships of which I write. Those men, I have not the slightest doubt, would come forward if necessary, when the war is over and they have once again been restored to freedom, to testify to the truthfulness of what I have set down, if my statements and assertions are challenged by the Hun. I sincerely hope that rigorous measures will be taken by the respective Allied Governments to bring to account those Germans who were in authority at the different Concentration Camps and working centres during the period of which I write ; and that, as the result of investigation, suitable punishment will be meted out to them for their inhuman conduct towards us, during the time we were helpless and powerless in their hands."





Vivian, A. P. G.

The Phantom Brigade or The Contemptible Adventurers

London: Ernest Benn Limited, March 1930 Second Impression [first published January 1930]

4¾" x 7½". [x] + 255pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, cocked, covers marked and rubbed, tanned pages, otherwise Very Good. Uncommon.





Hornung, E. W.

Notes of a Camp-Follower on the Western Front

London: Constable & Company Ltd, 1919

4¾” x 7½”. 260pp. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges dusty otherwise Very Good. Important and elusive memoirs of life on the Western Front, being atmospheric and acclaimed memories of YMCA work in and around the front line and back areas.





Tilsley, W. V. [With an Introduction by Edmund Blunden] [William Vincent Tilsley]

Other Ranks

London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1931

5” x 7¾”. [xiv] + 269pp. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges dusty, spine slightly creased and canted otherwise Very Good. Rare.





Irace, Chevalier Tullio

With the Italians in Tripoli : The Authentic History of the Turco-Italian War

London: John Murray, 1912

5½" x 9". [xxxiii] + 321pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates, maps. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with large area of colour loss on front and rear boards, head and tail of spine bumped, edges foxed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good.





Baker, Peter Shaw

Animal War Heroes

London: A. & C. Black Ltd 4, 5 & 6 Soho Square, W.1, October 1933 Second Edition   [first published March 1933]

5½” x 8¾”. [xxi] + 130pp + Publisher’s advertisement. Original brown cloth blocked in black, no d/j, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Rogerson, Sidney [with a foreword by Basil Liddell Hart]

Twelve Days

London: Arthur Barker Ltd, 1933

5½" x 8½". 172pp, 8 drawings by Stanley Cursiter. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with some loss of colour, otherwise Very Good.





Mackenzie, Captain D. [M.A., M.C.] With a Foreword by Lieutenant-General Sir G. M. Harper, K.C.B., D.S.O.

The Sixth Gordons in France and Flanders (with the 7th and 51st Divisions)

Aberdeen: Printed for the War Memorial Committee at the Rosemount Press, 1921

7½” x 10”. [xiv] + 241pp, 13 plates, 2 maps. Original white cloth, blocked in blue with Regimental device in gilt to front, no d/j, covers scuffed, marked and rubbed, forward spine lean, spine ends and corners bumped, end-papers browned, corners creased on first few pages, otherwise Very Good. Territorials in France from December 1914: many engagements including Neuve Chapelle, Loos, Somme, Arras, Final Advance.





Monash, General Sir John [Edited by F. M. Cutlack]

War Letters of General Monash

Sydney: Angus and Robertson Limited, 1935 [first published 1934, although this is not stated]

5” x 8”. [xx] + 299pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull, end-papers foxed and browned, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Maze, Paul [with a preface by Winston Churchill]

A Frenchman in Khaki

London: William Heinemann Ltd, April 1936 New Edition [first published October 1934]

5½" x 8¾". (xv) + 353pp, frontis, illustrations, maps. Ochre cloth blocked in blue, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





Bickersteth, Lieutenant J. B.eBay  [M.C. 1st Royal Dragoons, S.R.] Foreword by Field-Marshal Sir Douglas Haig (eBayJohn Burgon Bickersteth)

History of the 6th Cavalry Brigade 1914-1919

London: The Baynard Press (Sanders Phillips & Co., Limited), n.d. [1920]

6½” x 9”.  [xii] + 124pp, maps, illustrations. Original boards with label titles to front and spine in fair but solid condition. Spine label very worn with some loss. Head and tail of spine show wear and are bumped. Front title label soiled and marked. Scuffing to boards in general. Edge wear with several indentations to the edges. Internally very good. Light foxing to endpapers, and occasional light foxing throughout. Maps are not affected. Internal webbing visible between pastedown and front free end-paper and, to much lesser extent, between pages 66-67 and 98-99. Coloured endpapers show browning. All pages and fold-out maps present and intact. The maps are excellent, except for:  Map 1 right edge turned up, Maps 3, 4 & 6 show small amount of faint creasing, Map 6 also has ruffled edges and some marks, and Map 7 has a flat crease across top right corner. (Note that the title page states 1914-1919 whereas the cover shows 1914-1918.)





Wyrall, Everard

The History of the Second Division 1914-1918 : Volume II : 1916-1918

London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, n.d. [1921]

5¼” x 9”. 347-739pp (the pagination continues from Volume I), 20 maps. Blue cloth gilt in a badly torn, scuffed and chipped d/j with loss to either end of the spine panel and numerous taped repairs, covers rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped, tape residue on pastedowns otherwise Very Good.





Carrillo, Gomez [Translated by Florence Simmonds]

Among the Ruins

London: William Heinemann, 1915

5” x 7½”. 346pp. Brown cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed otherwise Very Good. Uncommon early World War One report by a Spanish correspondent: "his volume will be read with interest by all who care to know what the traces were like which the German hordes who invaded France left behind them, and how their infamies inspired our allies to almost superhuman efforts." (Publishers note).





Molony, Major C. V.

Invicta : With the First Battalion The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment in the Great War

London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd, 1923

5½” x 9”. [xi] + 326pp, frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed (rear cover scuffed and stained), rear spine gutter split for entire length but re-glued, front spine gutter frayed at head and tail and in centre, spine darkened and discoloured, shelf number in white ink near tail, corners bumped, ex-Library with bookplate and card pocket on front pastedown and various Library markings on front free end-paper, previous owner's name inscribed on front free end-paper with details of his service in the Regiment, internally clean but in damaged covers.





Various [Regimental Committee]

Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth Battalions the Manchester Regiment (First City Brigade) : A Record 1914-1918

Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes, 1923 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xvi] + 357pp, frontispiece map, folding maps and illustrations of the two Victoria Cross winners. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, heavily in places and particularly around edges and spine gutters (rear spine gutter starting to fray in centre), spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, edges dusty and lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good. Including 1st July 1916 at Montauban, Trones Wood and Guillemont, Arras and 3rd Ypres 1917, March Retreat including epic of Manchester Hill, &c. Roll of Hon. & awards for each Battalion. The Spectator, 16 FEBRUARY 1924: "This is an excellent record of the four" City" battalions raised in Manchester within the first month of the War. Formed of the admirable material which was then available, they fully lived—and died—up to the standard of their famous regiment, of which Sir James Willcocks records that "none more devoted and none more valiant" served in the late War. Few episodes could be finer than that of the gallant handful of the 16th who literally carried out Colonel Elstob's order on March 21st, 1918: "Here we fight, here we die." We are glad to see that this well-printed volume is sold at a price which should bring it within the reach of Manchester survivors and relatives of the fallen."





Boraston, Lt-Colonel J.H. and Bax, Captain Cyril E. O.

The Eighth Division in War, 1914-1918

London: The Medici Society Limited, 1926

6” x 10”. [xv] + 360pp, frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Black cloth gilt with Divisional Patch on front boards, no d/j, covers heavily rubbed, lower edge of front boards snagged, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed with small splits in cloth, edges lightly foxed and dust-stained otherwise Very Good.





Curry, Frederic C. [Late Captain 2nd Eastern Ontario Regiment]

From the St. Lawrence to the Yser With the 1st Canadian Brigade

London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1916

5” x 7¾”. [xi] + 167pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Original blue cloth blocked in dark blue, no d/j, covers rubbed and soiled, spine very faded, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, otherwise Very Good.





Malthus, Cecil

Anzac : A Retrospect

Christchurch, New Zealand: Whitcombe and Tombs Limited, 1965 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. 160pp, sketch maps. This volume is ex-Library. Original red cloth blocked in gilt on the spine in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j. The covers are rubbed and there is some discolouration from the Library's dust-jacket protector while the spine ends and corners are bumped. The main defect, however, is noticeable bowing out of the covers. There are two abraded patches on the front free end-paper from the removal of a lending schedule and card pocket and two Library numbers on the reverse of the Title-Page (one stamped, one hand-written) but that appears to be the extent of the Library markings. The text is otherwise reasonably clean throughout, on tanned paper, though with some pages being stained. Quite a number of corners have been creased down. The edge of the text block is dust-stained (particularly the top edge) and lightly foxed.





White, Rev. John [M. A.]

With the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) in France : Leaves from a Chaplain's Diary

Glasgow: John Smith & Son Limited, 1917 First Edition

4¾” x 7¼”. [xi] + 111pp. Original red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, particularly along top edge where there is significant colour loss, spine faded evenly, spine ends and corners bumped, some bowing of covers, end-papers foxed and discoloured, edges lightly foxed, top edge dusty, otherwise Very Good. The Author ministered to a Brigade that included 1st & 5th Scottish Rifles, but he is mostly concerned with the latter, including trench warfare in 1915, Battle of Loos &c.





Bluett, Antony [Late of "A" Battery, H.A.C., and Egyptian Camel Transport Corps]

With Our Army in Palestine

London: Andrew Melrose Ltd, 1919

5" x 7¾". [xi] + 288pp, illustrations. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine slightly faded and canted, offsetting to end-papers, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good. "This book is an attempt to give those interested some idea of the work and play and, occasionally, the sufferings of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, from the time of its inception to the Armistice." - from the Foreword. In his foreword the author thanks Capt B. T. Hinchley, late of the Egyptian Camel Transport Corps, and L. Allard Stonard and R. Arrowsmith, both late of the "A" Battery, Honourable Artillery Company.Contents: Mersa Matruh and the Senussi; "Somewhere East of Suez."; On 'Untin'- and some other matters; Kantara and the Railway; The Wire Road; "The Long, Long, Trail"; On the Fringe of the Holy Land; The First Battle of Gaza; The Retreat; The Second Attempt; Tel El Jemmi and the Camels; Cave Dwellers and Scorpions; In the Wadi; The Attack on Beerheba; Gaza at Last; The Road to Jerusalem; Ou l'on s'amuse; In the Jordan Valley; The Valley of Chaos; In Full Cry; Over the ladder of Tyre; Deserted Villages in Lebanon. 





Sandall, Colonel T. E. (C.M.G., T.D.) With a Chapter on its Reconstitution by G. H. Teall

A History of the 5th Batt. The Lincolnshire Regiment

Oxford: Basil Blackwell, Broad Street, 1922

5½” x 8¾” [viii] + 222pp, portrait frontis., 15 photographs. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, spine faded and very dull, ex-Library with shelf number in white ink on spine, head and tail of spine bumped, Library bookplate on front pastedown and tipped in letter from Godfrey Lowe, who presented the book to the Library in June 1924, Library stamps scattered throughout, otherwise just about Very Good.





Carstairs, Carroll [With a Foreword by Osbert Sitwell]

A Generation Missing

London: William Heinemann Ltd, March 1930 First Edition

4¾” x 7½”. [xiii] + 223pp. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Grey, W. E.

With the French Eastern Army

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1915 ["The Daily Telegraph War Books"]

4¼" x 7". 187pp, publisher’s catalogue. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded, pages browned otherwise Very Good. One of the rarest of The Daily Telegraph War Books series.





Warburton, Ernest [Lieutenant, Sherwood Foresters]

Behind Boche Bars

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1920 ("On Active Service Series")

4¾” x 7½”. (vii) + 126pp, frontis, illustrations, publisher’s advertisements. Blind-stamped green paper covered boards blocked in black, no d/j. Almost all of the spine is missing, inner hinges cracked, old Library lending schedule on rear pastedown, some pages badly opened, previous owner's name inscribed. A rare title but this is a reading copy only.





Berry, James; Berry, F. May Dickinson; Blease, W. Lyon [ James Berry, B.S., F.R.G.S., F. May Dickinson Berry, M.D., B.S., W. Lyon Blease, Ll.M., \r\nand Other Members of the Unit ]

The Story of a Red Cross Unit in Serbia

London: J. & A. Churchill, 1916

5½” x 8¾”. [xvi] + 293pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Grey cloth blocked in black with Serbian Red Cross Decoration on the front cover, no d/j, covers rubbed and dull, edges heavily foxed as are some pages, otherwise Very Good. A history of the “Anglo-Serbian” or “Royal Free Hospital” Unit 1914-16, compiled on its return by members of the hospital, with a list of members of the unit.





Harvey, H. E. [D.C.M., M.M.]

Battle-Line Narratives 1915-1918

London: Brentano's, 1928

4¾” x 7¼”. 255pp. Original brown cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, slight spine lean, edges & end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. Uncommon. Experiences with UPS Bn., 17th & 22nd Bns. Royal Fusiliers at Festubert, La Bassée, Somme, Cambrai &c.





Atkinson, Captain C. T.

The Seventh Division 1914 - 1918

London: John Murray, 1927

6" x 9". 529pp, illustrations, maps. Blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, spine dull, covers marked and rubbed, Divisional motif on front cover retouched, edges foxed otherwise Very Good





Wynne, Captain G. C. [King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (Retired)]

If Germany Attacks : The Battle in Depth in the West

London: Faber and Faber Ltd, March 1940 First Edition

5¼” x 8¼”. 343pp, maps, illustrations. Original black cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, spine dull, scattered foxing otherwise Very Good.





A Royal Field Leech [Lt.-Col. (temp. Col.) Frank Albert Symons, D.S.O., M.B., R.A.M.C.] (1869 - 1917 Apr 30)

The Tale of a Casualty Clearing Station

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1917

4¾” x 7½”. 306pp, Publisher’s advertisements. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine very dull, head of spine bumped, bottom corner of front cover replaced otherwise Very Good. Rare.





Wylly, Colonel H. C. [C.B.]

History of the 1st & 2nd Battalions The Leicestershire Regiment in the Great War

Aldershot: Gale & Polden, Ltd, 1928 [Printed and Published for the Regimental Committee]

7¼” x 9¾”. 215pp, maps, illustrations. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and bowed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good.





Harrison-Ainsworth, E. D.

The History and War Records of The Surrey Yeomanry (Queen Mary's Regt) 1797-1928

Printed for the Regimental Committee as a Private Subscription work by Messrs. C. & E. Layton, London, 1928

6” x 9½”. [xv] + 335pp, frontis, maps, illustrations. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with a small puncture in rear spine gutter, spine faded, otherwise Very Good. This volume was formerly owned by 45806 Lance-Corporal William Victor Randall, of A Squadron, Surrey Yeomanry, whose Army Form Z. 18 (“Certificate of Employment During the War”) is loosely enclosed.





Duncan, Lieutenant Walter (1/8 Batt. King's Liverpool Regiment)

How I Escaped from Germany

Liverpool: Printed for Private Circulation by Edward Howell Ltd, 1919

5” x 7¾”. [xiii] + 108pp, portrait frontis. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and soiled with circular stain on rear cover, backstrip frayed along gutters, corners bumped otherwise Very Good. Rare. Duncan was a member of the 1/8 Battalion, King's Own Liverpool Regiment.





Lowry, Edward P.

With The Guards' Brigade : From Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back

London: Horace Marshall & Son,Temple House, Temple Avenue, E.C., 1902

5¼” x 8¼”. [xii] + 277pp, portrait frontispiece, illustrations. Original pictorial red cloth blocked in black. The covers are faded, scuffed and heavily rubbed, and also very dull. There is patchy colour loss which is particularly evident on the rear cover, which now has a mottled appearance. The spine is also very dull, again with patchy colour loss. The spine ends and corners are bumped (heavily) and frayed, with splits to the cloth. There are some indentations along the edges of the boards and there is a forward spine lean.





Hatton, S. F. (Middlesex Imperial Yeomanry) [With a Foreword by Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby]

The Yarn of a Yeoman

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d. [c.1930]

5½” x 8¾”. 286pp, frontis, maps, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine slightly canted, edges lightly foxed, gift inscription on front end-paper otherwise Very Good. This is an account of World War I by a member of the Middlesex Yeomanry who began guarding the East Coast and then was sent to Egypt. After more training the Regiment was sent to Gallipoli. After months of unceasing warfare the remnants of the Regiment, less than fifty strong, embarked back to Egypt. Here they did frontier duty on the Canal and beyond, until they were despatched to Salonica. The author's descriptions of Gallipoli and Salonica vividly portray the Regiment's experiences of 'real war'. After much difficult campaigning in that theatre, the scene was changed to Sinai and the Palestine frontier. "No unit of our armies, probably, had a more varied experience; and nowhere is to be found a truer picture, than is given here, of war as the fighting man sees it."






The War History of the 1st/4th Battalion The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, Now the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire), 1914-1918

Published by the Battalion History Committee; Printed by Geo. Toulmin & Sons, Ltd, Guardian Works, Preston, 1921

7¼” x 10”. (xviii) + 193pp, 18 photographs, 13 maps (8 coloured and folding). Original green cloth with red formation patch and gilt Regimental badge to front, blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, covers damaged, one page detached, reading copy only.





Clifton-Shelton, Alfred

On the Road From Mons : With An Army Service Corps Train : By its Commander

London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd, 1916

4¾” x 7¾”. [xi] + 164pp, folding map, diagrams, facsimile telegram. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, end-papers and edges lightly foxed, lower edge untrimmed, folding map torn at stub otherwise Very Good. Uncommon.





Djemal Pasha

Memories of a Turkish Statesman, 1913 - 1919

London: Hutchinson & Co., n.d. [c.1920]

6" x 9". 302pp. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine dull, slightly shaken, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Good. An unprepossessing copy of a very scarce title.





Badoglio, Pietro

The War in Abyssinia

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1937

7¼” x 10”. [xv] + 208pp, illustrations. Original tan cloth gilt. The covers are rubbed and stained, particularly the front boards where there is widespread staining (which appears to be water splashes). The spine is dull. The spine ends and corners are heavily bumped. This volume is ex-Library (Royal United Service Institution) and there is a R.U.S.I bookplate on the front pastedown, showing that the book was purchased on 30th October 1937. There are remnants of  a removed label on the front free end-paper. Apart from this, there is a hand-written note on the map pocket at the end to check the maps on receipt and before returning (all maps are present). The text is clean throughout; however the paper has tanned with age. The page corners are slightly bumped. The edge of the text block is dust-stained.





Fortescue, Granville

Russia, The Balkans and The Dardanelles

London: Andrew Melrose, Ltd, n.d. [c.1915]

5½" x 8¾". 285pp, b&w plates. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers scuffed and rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped otherwise Very Good.





Mottram, R. H., Easton, John and Partridge, Eric

Three Personal Records of the War

London: The Scholartis Press, 1929

5¾" x 9¼". 406pp, 2 maps. Black cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, covers bowed with heavy bumping, spine gutters frayed, otherwise Very Good





Hodgson, William Noel [Late Lieutenant, 9th Devons M.C.]

Verse and Prose in Peace and War

London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1917 Second Edition

5” x 7¾”. 104pp, portrait frontis. Green cloth with paper labels to front cover and spine, no d/j, spine darkened, edges dusty and foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Dalbiac, Colonel P. H. [C.B., T.D.] Forewords by Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby, G.C.B., C.G.M.G. and General Sir E. S. Bulfin, K.C.B., C.V.O.

History of the 60th Division (2/2nd London Division)

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1927

6¼” x 10”. 255pp, colour frontispiece and two plates, maps. Original black cloth gilt with Divisional motif on front cover, no d/j, covers rubbed, head of spine snagged with small splits in cloth, corners frayed, end-papers foxed and discoloured, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good. At the end of August 1914 the Territorial Force (TF) was authorized to raise reserve or 2nd-line units and from these came the 2nd-line Divisions, fourteen of them, one for each 1st-line or original pre-war TF divisions. The 60th came into existence in September as the 2/2nd London Division, receiving its number in August 1915 when all the 2nd-line divisions were numbered. It embarked for France in June 1916 and went into the line in the Vimy sector where it endured four months of crater and trench fighting. The division was withdrawn from the BEF in November and sent to Macedonia , assembling at Salonika on Christmas Day 1916. For the next five months it was engaged in fighting the Bulgars, participating in the British attacks near Lake Doiran in April and May. Their stay in Macedonia lasted only six months, for in June 1917 the division was moved again - to Palestine where it saw out the war. The division made a good name for itself in this campaign, at Third Gaza, Beersheba, Jerusalem, Jericho and especially in carrying out two raids across the Jordan, which are described in detail.Two appendices list command and staff, one when the division left for France and the other when it arrived in Palestine. Three VCs were awarded (one of which does not get a mention), all in Palestine, but there is no list of honours and awards nor roll of honour. The author, an ASC officer, commanded the division Train till returning home in June 1917 before the division arrived in Palestine. The maps could be better, in fact one of them depicting the battle for Jerusalem (p 152) shows a 71st Division as part of the force; the 71st Division was a home service only division, and in the text on p133 reference is made to the 179th Division which should be 179th Brigade.





Marden, Major-General T[homas] O.

A Short History of the Sixth [6th] Division : Aug. 1914 - March 1919

London: Hugh Rees, Ltd, 1920

5¼” x 8½”. [viii] + 120pp, folding map. Red cloth blocked in black with white circular Divisional flash on front boards, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with diagonal crease on upper front cover, spine faded, slight spine lean, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, otherwise just about Very Good.





More, John [Captain 1/6 Royal Welch Fusiliers T.A. (E.E.F.)]

With Allenby's Crusaders

London: Heath Cranton Limited, n.d. [c.1923]

5½” x 8¾”. 232pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine faded, head and tail of spine frayed, edges lightly foxed, gift inscription on front end-paper (dated 14.4.23), otherwise Very Good.





Miller, Charles

Battle for the Bundu : The First World War in East Africa

London: Macdonald & Jane's, 1974

6¼" x 9½". [x] + 353pp, illustrations. Black cloth in chipped, discoloured d/j, otherwise Very Good





Cruttwell, C. R. M. F.  [Charles Robert Mowbray Fraser Cruttwell]

A History of the Great War

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961

5½” x 9”. [xiv] + 655pp, frontis, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, covers rubbed, edges & end-papers foxed otherwise Very Good





Young, Geoffrey Winthrop

From the Trenches : Louvain to the Aisne : The First Record of an Eye-Witness

London T. Fisher Unwin, October 1914 Second Impression

4¾” x 7½” 318pp. Original brown cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and scuffed, spine creased and dull, spine ends and corners bumped, edges foxed otherwise Very Good. Young, the famous mountaineer and author, wrote these reports from the front lines in Northern France during the opening phase of the Great War





Various [illustrated with drawings by Bert Thomas and win an introductory story by General Sir Ian Hamilton]

The Best 500 Cockney War Stories :  Reprinted from the London Evening News

London: Associated Newspapers Ltd, n.d. [1921]

6¾” x 9¾”. 223pp. Pictorial card cover to front, plain card to rear, covers worn and soiled, contents dog-eared, worn overall; reading copy. 





One of Its Officers [Captain H. J. Blampied]

With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia 1916-1917

Bombay: The Times Press, September 1918 Second Impression [first published May 1918]

5" x 7½". 165pp, frontis, illustrations. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, generally grubby otherwise Good





Thompson, Major-General C. W. [C.B., D.S.O.]

Records of the Dorset Yeomanry (Queen's Own) 1914-1919

Sherborne, Dorset: F. Bennett & Co. Ltd, 1921

6¾” x 8¾”. [xi] + 155pp, illustrations, sketch maps, appendices, including Roll of Honour, Honours etc. Grey cloth blocked in silver with red backstrip, no d/j, covers worn and stained, untrimmed, otherwise Very Good. Excellent account with campaigns in Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine.





Ogston, Sir Alexander (KCVO)

Reminiscences of Three Campaigns

London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. [1919]

5¼” x 8¼”. [viii] + 335pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Rebound ex-Library, no d/j, covers marked, usual Library treatments, otherwise Good. Surgeon in Egypt 1884 (Suakin, Tamai &c.), Boer War 1899-1900 & WW1 in charge of a hospital detachment for the British Naval Force on the Danube, 1915, then 15 months with a British Ambulance unit in Italy.





Dolbey, Captain Robert [Captain Robert Dolbey, MB, MS (Lond.), FRCS (Eng.), Royal Army Medical Corps]

A Regimental Surgeon in War and Prison

London: John Murray, 1917

5" x 7½". [ix] + 248pp, portrait frontis, publisher’s advertisements. Re-backed red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, spine soiled, marked and faded,  edges & end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. Contents: The Expeditionary Force in the Retreat; The Miracle of the Marne; The First Battle of Ypres; In German Hands; Crefeld; Minden; Sennelager Bei Paderborn; Guetersloh; Home.





Howell, Major P.

The Campaign in Thrace, 1912 : Six Lectures

London: Hugh Rees, Ltd., 1913

5½" x 8¾".  [xi] + 163pp, 5 maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, crease in front cover, head of spine bumped, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





G [Preface by E. B. O.]

The Last Lap

London: Andrew Melrose, Ltd, September 1917 [Second Edition, reprinted same month as First Edition]

4¾” x 7¾”. 141pp. Original blue cloth ruled and blocked in pale blue, no d/j, head of spine bumped, no front free end-paper, paper severely tanned, particularly in margins, otherwise Very Good.





Wedd, A. F.

German Students' War Letters : Translated and Arranged from the Original Edition of Dr Philipp Witkop

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1929

5" x 7½". [vii] + 376pp, publisher's catalogue. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, half-title page creased, gift inscription on front end-paper, edges dusty, a few pencil markings, otherwise Very Good. Rare in this edition.





Majendie, Major V. H. B. [D.S.O.] (Somerset Light Infantry)

A History of the 1st Battalion The Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert’s) : July 1st, 1916, to the End of the War

Taunton: Goodman and Son, The Phoenix Press, North Street, 1921 First Edition

4¾” x 7½”. [xii] + 127pp, folding maps. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, spine darkened, covers rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped, end-papers discoloured, otherwise Very Good. Including Honours and Awards, eight Folding Maps at Rear. This Regular Battalion fought on the Somme, Ypres, Arras, and took part in the Final Campaigns of October and November 1918. 





Bonnett, Chris; Wilson, Mike

The Great War Heroes of Bridlington

Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire: Published by Free Spirit Writers, 2011

5¾” x 8¼”. 364pp, profusely illustrated. Softback, Very Good.





[Written by Officers of the Battalions] With a Foreword by Gen. Sir. H. L. Smith-Dorrien, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., D.S.O., Col. Sherwood Foresters, Commanding 2nd Army

The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War : "The Robin Hoods" : The 1/7th, 2/7th & 3/7th Battns. Sherwood Foresters 1914-1918

Nottingham: J. & H. Bell Limited, 1921

5” x 7½”. 471pp, maps, illustrations. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and heavily rubbed with marked colour variation, inner hinges cracked, previous owner's name inscribed, tanned pages, end-papers discoloured, just about Very Good. All three Bns. served on the Western Front, including all main operations 1915-1918, also Easter Rising in Dublin 1916. Roll of Hon., awards. 





Members of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service

Reminiscent Sketches, 1914 to 1919 by Members of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service

London: John Bale, Sons & Danielsson Ltd, 1922

4¾” x 7½”.  [vii] + 80pp, with two illustrations at the end of the volume: "A Hospital Ward—Past and Present". Original grey cloth with the Imperial Military Nursing Service crest blocked in red on the front cover, but no spine titling. The covers are rubbed, dull and slightly marked (there are some faint stains on the rear cover). There is a noticeable bruise on the top edge of the front cover, near the spine.  The spine has faded. The spine ends and corners are bumped and slightly frayed, with the front bottom corner being creased and heavily bumped. There is quite an attractive bookplate on the front pastedown: "Di Millicent Catherina Michell    Her Book". The end-papers are very browned and discoloured, with the bookplate having created a shadow on the front free end-paper. There is extensive toning and heavy foxing to the final few pages, adjacent to the two illustrations at the end. The text is otherwise clean throughout on noticeably tanned paper and with further scattered foxing. The edge of the text block is dust-stained and very heavily foxed, with the foxing extending into the margins (please see the images below).





Whalley-Kelly, Captain H. [p.s.c., The Prince of Wales's Volunteers]

Ich Dien : The Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire) 1914-1934

Aldershot : Gale & Polden, Ltd, 1935

6” x 9¾”. [xvi] + 336pp, twelve plates, ten folding maps in end-pocket and four in text. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with some variation in colour but still bright, end-papers lightly foxed, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good. Western Front including Somme, Passchendaele, Cambrai; also Gallipoli & Salonika & the 1st Battalion on the North-West Frontier. Detailed awards roll.





Smith-Dorrien, General Sir Horace [G.C.B., G.C.M.G., D.S.O.]

Memories of Forty-Eight Years' Service

London: John Murray, 1925 First Edition

6" x 9". [xii] + 522pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, maps. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine quite dull and with one small patch of frayed cloth (exposing card), head and tail of spine snagged (slight loss of cloth at head), previous owner's name inscribed, corners bumped, edges & end-papers foxed, otherwise Good.





Luard, Katherine

Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front 1914-1915

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 191 Third Impression

5” x 7½”. [vii] + 300pp. Original grey cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library, covers marked and rubbed, Library markings on Title-Page and reverse, otherwise Very Good.





Greenwell, Graham H.

An Infant in Arms : War Letters of a Company Officer, 1914-1918

London: Lovat Dickson & Thompson Ltd., 1935

5½" x 8¾". 305pp, illustrations. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and slightly marked, one-inch split in front spine gutter from head, top inch of spine faded, head and tail of spine bumped and frayed, corners bumped, gift inscription on front end-paper and previous owner's name inscribed, edges dusty and foxed, otherwise Very Good. A classic memoir of service with 1/4th Bn. Ox. & Bucks. Light Infantry in France and Italy. A classic Great War memoir of a public school boy who joined up in 1914 and served throughout the war with the Ox and Bucks L.I., emerging in 1918 as a Captain and company commander on the Italian front. Based on letters to the author's mother, this book describes the Somme and Passchendaele, but Greenwell looks back on the war as the happiest years of his life.





Taylor, H. A. [Captain (Retired) Royal Fusiliers and General Staff] With a Foreword by Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby, G.C.B., G.C.M.G.

Good-Bye to the Battlefields : To-day and Yesterday on the Western Front

London: Stanley Paul & Co. Ltd, 1928

6” x 9½”. 288pp, frontispiece, illustrations, rear end-paper map. Original blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, covers scuffed and rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, edges foxed otherwise Very Good.





Fox, Frank [R.F.A.]

The Battles of the Ridges : Arras - Messines, March - June, 1917

London: C. Arthur Pearson Ltd, 1918

4¾” x 7”. 112pp, frontispiece (of Haig), maps (two folding at end), illustrations. Original printed paper wrappers (orange blocked in black), no d/j, covers rubbed and scuffed, corners creased and dog-eared, split in front spine gutter at tail, edges dusty and lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Gough, General Sir Hubert

Soldiering On : Being the Memoirs of Gen. Sir Hubert Gough

London: Arthur Barker Ltd, 1954

5½" x 8¾". 260pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, maps as end-papers. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, page edges browned, some damage to top edge of text block otherwise Very Good.





Farrell, Fred A.

The 51st (Highland) Division : War Sketches

Edinburgh: T. C. & E. C. Jack Ltd, 1920

8¾” x 12¼”. 30pp text, 63 plates with separate captions. Original cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, with old staining, end-papers browned and discoloured, scattered foxing, untrimmed, edges dusty and lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good. This is the scarce larger Edition with gilt blocking on the covers. The book traces the part played by the 51st Division at Festubert, High Wood and Beaumont Hamel, Roclincourt (Arras and Vimy Ridge), Passchendael, Cambrai &c. 





Haig, Major-General Douglas

Cavalry Studies : Strategical and Tactical

London: Hugh Rees Ltd, 1907 First Edition

5¼” x 8½”. [ix] + 333pp, folding map. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and discoloured, spine gutters split and partially re-glued, horizontal split near head of spine also re-glued, end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. The was Douglas Haig's own copy, passed to his son. Haig's initial appear on the front pastedown, while his son's name is pencilled on the front free end-paper together with his Regiment ("R. S. Greys").





Price, Julius M. [War-Artist Correspondent of the "Illustrated London News"]

On the Path of Adventure : Illustrated with Jottings from the Author's Sketch Book and a Map

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1919

5½” x 8½”. [xvi] + 244pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, spine discoloured, edges foxed, spine slightly canted, one plate detached otherwise Good Plus.





Corbett, Elsie

The Red Cross in Serbia 1915 - 1919 : A Personal Diary of Experiences

Banbury, Oxon: Cheney & Sons Ltd, 1964

5½” x 8¾”. [xiii] + 186pp, illustrations, frontispiece map. Green cloth gilt, no d/j [as issued], covers rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped otherwise Very Good.





Gibb, Rev. Harold [Lieut., 4th R. I. Dragoon Guards 1914-15]

Record of the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards in the Great War 1914-1918

Canterbury: No imprint (printed by Butler & Tanner), 1925 [no other publication details]

5½” x 8¾”. [viii] + 76pp., colour frontis., 3 plates, map. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed but still bright, head and tail of spine bumped, otherwise Very Good; internally clean and bright. France and Flanders from August 1914: Mons & the Retreat, Aisne, Ypres 1914-15 etc. Notes of officers' services, casualties.





Haddow, G. W. and Grosz, Peter M.

The German Giants : The German R-Planes 1914-1918

London: Putnam, 1969 [2nd ed.; first published 1962]

8¾" x 11¼". [ix] + 310pp, profusely illustrated. Blue cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j otherwise Near Fine





Cassavetti, D. J. [Demetrius John Cassavetti]

Hellas and the Balkan Wars

London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1914

5½" x 9". [xv] + 368pp, portrait frontis, 74 illustrations, maps. Blue cloth gilt, top edge gilt, no d/j, Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, rear cover badly stained with some colour loss, edges foxed, end-papers browned, otherwise Good Plus. One of the rarest Balkan War titles.





Mulvaney, Charles Pelham

The History of the North-West Rebellion of 1885 : Comprising a Full and Impartial Account of the Origin and Progress of the War, of the Various Engagements with the Indians and Half-Breeds, of the Heroic Deeds Performed by Officers and Men, and of Touching Scenes in the Field, the Camp, and the Cabin; Including a History of the Indian Tribes of North-Western Canada, Their Numbers, Modes of Living, Habits, Customs, Religious Rites and Ceremonies, with Thrilling Narratives of Captures, Imprisonment, Massacres, and Hair-Breadth Escapes of White Settlers, Etc.

Toronto, Ontario: A. H. Hovey and Co., 1885

4¾” x 7½”. [viii] + 17-424pp, portrait frontispiece, illustrations. Original cloth half-bound in leather. The cloth sections are faded (particularly on the rear cover), dull and discoloured. There is also some staining on the rear cover and two small gouges. As is typical, the leather spine and corners are heavily rubbed, especially the edges and corners which are frayed in places. The leather at the head and tail of the spine is chipped, with small tears. The leather at the start of each spine gutter has split, with the worst being at the tail of the front spine gutter where there is a one-inch split which a previous owner has re-glued.  The inner hinges are badly cracked, with ragged tears in the pastedown end-papers. The yellow end-papers are also soiled, browned and discoloured and a pencilled note on the front free end-paper has been almost wholly erased (there is also a vertical crease running the full length of the front end-paper). There is scattered foxing throughout and the paper has tanned with age, while some pages are stained or have grubby marks. The Publisher’s blue edge stain has bled into the margins on some pages (including the Title-Page).





Binding, Rudolf [Translated from the German by Ian F. D. Morrow]

A Fatalist at War

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, March 1929 [3rd Imp.; first published January 1929]

5½" x 8¾". 246pp. Yellow cloth blocked in black, no d/j, edges lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good. Scarce in this edition. German novelist and infantry officer, with a Jungdeutschland division in 1914 and later divisional staff. Considered by Falls as being "among the most vivid of German documents relating to the War."





Heath, Arthur George

Letters of Arthur George Heath, Fellow of New College, Oxford, and Lieutenant in the 6th Batt. Royal West Kent Regt., with a Memoir by Gilbert Murray

Oxford: B. H. Blackwell, 1917

5" x 7¾". [viii] + 222pp, portrait frontis. Original green cloth blocked in green, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, ink-spots on backstrip, edges foxed, end-papers foxed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good. Memorial volume to an Oxford scholar and his friends who joined up as volunteers and paid the price on the Western Front. Heath's letters follow his soldier's progress from the day he volunteered to his death at La Bassee, October 1915, ending with his touching last letter home. Gilbert Murray provides a lengthy memoir in his Foreword. Some of Heath's poems, found on his corpse, are reprinted among several posthumous tributes.





Trapman, Captain A. H.

Straight Tips for "Subs"

London: Forster Groom & Co. 23 Craven Street, Strand, W.C. 2, 1940 (Fifteenth Edition, 75th Thousand)

2¾” x 4¼”. [xlvii] adverts + 62pp. Original cloth-covered wrappers, no d/j, covers rubbed, particularly around edges, slightly marked and dull, corners creased, otherwise Very Good.





Housley, Clifford

A History the 10th Battalion The Sherwood Foresters 1914-1918

Long Eaton, Nottingham: Miliquest Publications, 1998

5¾” x 8¼”. (viii) + 164pp, illustrations. Paperback, covers rubbed, bottom corners creased, otherwise Very Good





Hussey, Brigadier-General A. H. (C.B., C.M.G.) and Inman, Major D. S.

The Fifth Division in The Great War

London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd, 1921 First Edition

5½” x 9”. [xvi] + 278pp., colour frontis., 17 illustrations, 18 maps (2 folding). Blind-stamped red cloth blocked in gilt on spine, no d/j, covers rubbed and mottled, particularly front boards, inner hinges cracked, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, otherwise Very Good. Regular division in France from Aug. 1914 & participated in all main battles on Western Front then in Italy 1918. Appendices include Order of Battle & composition of staff. 





MacMunn, Lieutenant-General Sir George

Behind the Scenes in Many Wars : Being the Military Reminiscences of Lieut.-General Sir George MacMunn

London: John Murray, 1930

5½" x 8¾".[ix] + 370pp, illustrations, maps, publisher's catalogue. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, light foxing to edges otherwise near Fine. The Author joined the Royal Artillery in 1880 and served in Burma, India (the Northwest Frontier, the Tirah Expedition), the Boer War, and World War One (Gallipoli, Mesopotamia).





Dawson, Captain A. J. [Illustrations by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather]

Back to Blighty : Battle Stories Recorded by Captain A. J. Dawson

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1917 [Published for "The Bystander"]

4¾” x 7½”. [vii] + 231pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, spine faded, spine ends and corners bumped, tanned pages, otherwise Very Good.





Newton, Walt 

The Soul of the Camp : A Derbyman’s O’dyssey

London: Arthur H. Stockwell, 29, Ludgate Hill, E.C.4., n.d. [1920]

4½” x 7¼”. 112pp, one illustration within text. Badly damaged, reading copy.\r\n290. NEWTON (Walt.) The Soul of the Camp: A Derbyman’s O’dyssey. 1st Ed., 112pp., frontis. Arthur H. Stockwell. 1920.\r\nCritical, anti-authority memoirs of an unwilling conscript ensnared by the raising of the recruiting age to 50 & called up in April 1918. Describes a training camp in East Anglia with its uncivilised, brutalising, regime & (mostly) hated instructional staff (“In our camp, there were a surfeit of Captains & many Kings, their power we knew & felt, much of it was for evil... I understand it was considered unhealthy or unwise to send the lion tamers out with the Lions; nor does it surprise me in view of what I have both seen & heard in the camp, where I have come across men, normally of mild disposition, & in many instance men of high intellect, smarting under some hot indignity or deep humiliation received, at the whim or caprice of some striped or starred boor; absolutely thirsting for gore.”) 





Somville, Gustave [Translated by Bernard Miall]

The Road To Liege : The Path of Crime : August 1914

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1916

4½” x 7¼”. [xxii] + 296pp, folding map. Ex-Library rebound in blue cloth gilt, no d/j, shelf number blocked in gilt on spine, pocket, lending schedule and stamps on rear pastedown, a few stamps in blind in text, tanned and trimmed pages otherwise Good.





Hamelius, Professor Paul

The Siege of Liege : A Chapter in the History of the European War

London: T. Werner Laurie, Ltd, 1914

4¾" x 7". [x] + 79pp, map, publisher’s advertisements. Grey card cover which is rubbed and discoloured, edges dusty, contents Very Good. Uncommon.





Crozier, Brigadier-General F. P. [C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.]

Impressions and Recollections

London: T. Werner Laurie Ltd, 1930

5½” x 8¾”. 330pp, portrait frontispiece, 29 plates. Second issue binding, paper-covered boards blocked yellow, no d/j, covers heavily rubbed, frayed at edges, otherwise Very Good.





Blair, Clay

The Forgotten War: America in Korea, 1950-1953

New York: Times Books, 1987

6” x 9”.\r\nRobert Silvers





Gibbs, Philip

Open Warfare : The Way to Victory

London: William Heinemann, 1919

5" x 7¾". [viii] + 552pp, maps. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, tanning to pages, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good. Mr. PHILIP GIBBS has gathered together, under the title. Open Warfare, the Way to Victory (HEINEMANN), his despatches written from the Western front during the last year of the War. What strikes one most on seeing them again in book form is the obscurity in which they veil the events they record. They so shine, as it were, with a luminous mist that they seem to reveal everything, yet in sober truth very often it is only in the light of later knowledge that they reveal anything at all. Congratulations, therefore, to Mr. GIBBS, the perfect war correspondent! I defy anyone from these papers alone (apart from the plentiful and excellent maps) to form anything like an adequate conception of the disaster that swept down upon the British Armies in the Spring of 1918. And yet in a sense it is all there, gorgeously camouflaged under the control—I daresay the wise and necessary control—of the censorship. The author, watching the very moulding of history with every advantage of proximity, has written down, if not much bare statement, yet an amazing sequence of heroic detail, associated with such stirring names as Arras or Givenchy or Cambrai. Curiously enough, though each chapter is intensely vivid, they become, through much instancing of the same unconquerable spirit, something monotonous, though never wearisome, in bulk. One trusts that a future generation will realise that the value of a book of this order consists in its first-hand record of such incidents of valour; it would be pitiful to have it hastily assumed, because so much is slurred or omitted to deceive the enemy, that England was so feeble-hearted as to require her evil news predigested before consumption in this manner. It should be added that the writer gives us a good sound introduction that goes a long way to fill the yawning gaps. [PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. Vol. 156. June 11, 1919.]





Ex-Private X [Alfred McLelland Burrage]

War is War

London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, February 1930 [2nd impression issued in same month as 1st edition]

5" x 7½". 288pp. Black cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges dusty, spine slightly canted otherwise Very Good





Burrows, John Wm.

Essex Units in the War 1914-1919 : Essex Territorial Infantry Brigade, (4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Battalions). Also 8th (Cyclists) Battalion The Essex Regiment

Southend-on-Sea: John H. Burrows & Sons, Ltd [There is no date of publication given; however, the Foreword is dated March 1932]

5½” x 8¾”. [xxvii] + 409pp, colour frontispiece, illustrations, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded, spine ends and corners bumped, front free end-paper creased otherwise Very Good.





Wintringham, Tom

English Captain

London: Faber and Faber, 1939

5¼” x 8¼”. 333pp, portrait frontispiece, illustrations. Original blck cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, damage to some pages otherwise Very Good.





Campbell, Cyril ["A Special Correspondent"]

The Balkan War Drama

London: Andrew Melrose, 1913

5¼" x 8". [xii] + 206pp, frontispiece, illustrations, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers a little rubbed, some toning to pages opposite plates, otherwise near Fine. Campbell was The Times' correspondent.





Stirling, Lt.-Col. W. F. (D.S.O., M.C.) [With a Foreword by Siegfried Sassoon and an Epilogue by Lord Kinross]

Safety Last

London: Hollis and Carter, 1953

5½” x 8¾”. [viii] + 251pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers dull and rubbed, end-papers browned, Very Good. The Author served as Colonel Lawrence's staff officer in Arabia. In these memoirs he discusses his experiences in South Africa, Egypt, the Palestine Campaign in World War I, Palestine, Albania, Rumania, the Balkans (from 1940 to 1941), and Syria during World War II.





Vansittart, Peter [Ed.]

John Masefield's Letters from the Front, 1915 - 1917

London: Constable, 1984

6¼" x 9½". 307pp. Black cloth in creased d/j, otherwise Very Good





Jack, Brigadier-General J. L. [Edited and Introduced by John Terraine; With a Foreword by Sydney Rogerson]

General Jack's Diary 1914 - 1918 : The Trench Diary of Brigadier-General J. L. Jack, DSO

London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1964

5½" x 8¾". 320pp, illustrations. Orange cloth in a rubbed d/j, some browning to page edges otherwise Very Good/Very Good





Jerrold, Douglas

The Hawke Battalion : Some Personal Records of Four Years, 1914-1918

London: Ernest Benn Ltd, 1925

6" x 9¼". 240pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers scuffed, marked and rubbed, contents very good.





Caunter, Captain J. A. L.

13 Days : The Chronicle of an Escape from a German Prison

London: G. Bell and Sons Ltd, 1918

4¾” x 7½”. [xv] + 224pp, frontis, illustrations by the Author. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and mottled, spine faded, front free end-paper excised otherwise Good Plus. Rare.





Day, Henry C. (S.J., M.C., Order of the White Eagle of Serbia) [With an Introduction by Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. E. Peyton, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., C.B., D.S.O.]

A Cavalry Chaplain

London: Heath Cranton Limited, October 1922 [2nd imp.; first published September 1922]

5½” x 8¾”. 188pp. Original tan cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with small stain on front, spine ends and corners bumped, slight spine lean, Library label on front pastedown (Ex. Bibliotheca Congr. SS. Redempt. Domus ad S. Joseph, Dundalk), front free end-paper excised, Library stamp on discoloured Half-Title page, otherwise Very Good. Chaplain in Salonika 1916-18 with 7th Mtd. Bde. attached to Derby Yeo. & senior RC Padre to 1st Div. in France from May 1918.





Taylor, Lieut. George W. [Arranged by his sister, Mrs Roger Cookson from notes and letters]

The Boy With the Guns

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1919 [The On Active Service Series]

5” x 7½”. [xliv] + 197pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blind-stamped blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, tanned pages otherwise Very Good.





Stanley, Monica M.

My Diary in Serbia : April 1, 1915 - Nov. 1, 1915

London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Limited, 1916

4¾" x 7¼". 128pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth, no d/j, end-papers browned, ex-College Library, otherwise Very Good





Black Tab

On The Road to Kut : A Soldier's Story of the Mesopotamian Campaign

London: Hutchinson & Co., 1917

5½" x 8¾". [viii] + 304pp, frontis map, illustrations. Original blind-ruled red cloth blocked in black on the spine, no d/j, covers stained and heavily rubbed with extensive loss of original colour (the staining is heaviest on the rear cover while on the front cover there is a noticeably mottled appearance to the bottom half of the boards), spine faded and very dull, inner hinges badly cracked exposing the mull, withdrawn from Imperial War Museum usual markings to end-papers, previous owner's name inscribed in ballpoint on front free end-paper, text generally clean but 45 of the 56 illustrations are missing, edges dusty and lightly foxed, Good. Informative account by a Regular Officer of the Indian Army Supply & Transport Corps with the original 1914 expeditionary force (6th Indian Div.).





[A Committee of Officers who Served with the Battalion]

The War History of the Sixth Battalion The South Staffordshire Regiment (T.F.)

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1924 First Edition

5½” x 9”. [x] + 248pp, map, 42 black and white photographs. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, particularly spine where there is extensive colour loss, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good. Excellent, detailed & well-illustrated. 46th Div., Western Front 1915-18 inc. Hohenzollern Redoubt, Gommecourt &c. Roll of Hon., awards.





Weetman, Captain W. C. C. (M.C., Croix de Guerre) [With an Introduction by Brig.-General C. T. Shipley, C.B.]

The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914-1919 : 1/8th Battalion

Nottingham: Thos. Forman & Sons, 1920

4¾” x 7½”. 323pp, illustrations, maps. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, spine faded and dull, previous owner's name inscribed, edges dusty and lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Dunn, Captain J. C.

The War The Infantry Knew 1914 - 1919 : A Chronicle of Service in France and Belgium

London: Jane's, 1987

5½" x 8¾". [li] + 613pp, illustrations, sketch maps. Red cloth blocked in silver in a rubbed, slightly discoloured, price-clipped d/j, page edges browned otherwise Very Good. Subtitled: "A Chronicle of Service in France and Belgium with The Second Battalion His Majesty's Twenty-Third Foot, The Royal Welch Fusiliers: founded on personal records, recollections and reflections, assembled, edited and partly written by One of their Medical Officers." Possibly the finest account of an infantry battalion's experience on the Western Front.





Repington, Lieut.-Col. Charles a Court

The First World War 1914 - 1918 [2 vols]

London: Constable, 1920 8th Impression

5¾" x 9". [xvii] + 621pp, [xiii] + 581pp. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers stained, cloth slightly bubbled near hinge, ex-Library otherwise Good 





Yardley, Lieut.-Colonel J. Watkins

With the Inniskilling Dragoons : The Record of a Cavalry Regiment during the Boer War, 1899-1902

London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1904 First Edition

6” x 9¼”. [xiv] + 365pp, portrait frontispiece, illustrations, folding map. Original red, green & yellow cloth blocked in gilt. The covers are rubbed and scuffed with evidence of old staining, particularly to the front cover where there are some old circular stains. The yellow cloth portions of the covers are grubby, with marked variation in colour. The spine has faded significantly, with total loss of original colour. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed with minor splitting of the cloth. There are some indentations along the edges of the boards. The inner hinges are a little tender due to the weight of the volume. The text is very clean throughout, on tanned paper. The edge of the text block is not uniformly trimmed and is quite ragged in places, particularly where pages have been badly opened (the top edge is gilt). The large folding map at the end is in good order. There is a small stain on the portrait frontispiece. The edge of the text block is dust-stained. The tissue guard to the portrait frontispiece is foxed.





Maude, Alan H. [Ed.] [With a Foreword by The Viscount Esher]

The 47th (London) Division 1914-1919 : By Some who Served with it in the Great War

London: Amalgamated Press Ltd, 1922

5¾” x 9”. [xx] + 297pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, folding maps. Green cloth and half-leather, no d/j, covers scuffed and rubbed, spine faded, rear inner hinge slack due to map pocket at rear, missing eight of ten folding maps otherwise Very Good.





Priestley, Major Raymond E.

Breaking The Hindenburg Line : The Story of the 46th (North Midland) Division

London: T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd, 1919

5½” x 8¼”. 200pp, two maps, seventeen illustrations. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine darkened, small frayed patch on rear spine gutter near tail, previous owner's name inscribed on front free end-paper (dated 1919) otherwise Very Good.





Mark Severn [pseud. Franklin Lushington]

The Gambardier : Giving Some Account of the Heavy and Siege Artillery in France 1914-1918

London: Ernest Benn Limited, 1930

4¾" x 7½". 224pp, illustrations, maps. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, ex-Boots Library with remnants of sticker on front boards, front inner hinge cracked and re-glued, spine slightly canted, otherwise Good. Detailed classic account based on personal experience with 90th Bde. RGA in France from Festubert 1915 through the Somme, Arras, Ypres & Messines to the final advance in 1918, containing much useful information on guns & gunners.





Washburn, Stanley (Special War Correspondent of the “Times” with the Russian Armies) [Illustrated by the Photographs of George H. Mewes]

Field Notes from the Russian Front

London: Andrew Melrose, Ltd, n.d. [1915]

5½" x 8¾". 291pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers stained, marked and rubbed, inner hinges cracked, shaken edges foxed otherwise Very Good.





Davis, Richard Harding [War Correspondent, with the Allies, of the Wheeler Syndicate of Newspapers and the London "Daily Chronicle"]

With the Allies

London: Duckworth & Co., 1915

5" x 7½". 240pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates, publisher's catalogue. Decorative red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, otherwise Very Good





Hussey, Brigadier-General A. H. (C.B., C.M.G.) and Inman, Major D. S.

The Fifth Division in The Great War

London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd, 1921 First Edition

5½” x 9”. [xvi] + 278pp., colour frontis., 17 illustrations, 18 maps (2 folding). Blind-stamped red cloth blocked in gilt on spine, no d/j, ex-Library, covers rubbed and mottled, particularly front boards, spine gutters split, inner hinges cracked, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, otherwise Very Good. Regular division in France from Aug. 1914 & participated in all main battles on Western Front then in Italy 1918. Appendices include Order of Battle & composition of staff. 





Tuohy, Ferdinand

The Crater of Mars

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1929

4¾” x 7¼”. 325pp. Rebound ex-Library, reading copy.





Cumming, Hanway Robert

A Brigadier in France, 1917-1918

London: Jonathan Cape, 1922

5” x 7¾”. 272pp, portrait frontis. Brown cloth blocked in blue, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine darkened and soiled, occasional foxing otherwise Very Good. Hanway Robert Cumming was commissioned into the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) in 1889 and saw active service during the South African War. He was in a staff appointment in India in August 1914 and did not arrive in France till June 1915 where he again held staff appointments until August 1916 when he took command of 2nd DLI. In November 1916 he was appointed to command of the 91st Brigade, 7th Division, a post he held till May 1917 when, during the Battle of Bullecourt he was summarily dismissed by the divisional commander (Shoubridge) and went home on leave, under protest as he describes in the book (less than a month later he was awarded the DSO in the 1917 Birthday Honours!). From August 1917 to the following February he commanded the MG Corps Training Centre at Grantham and then, in March 1918 he went back to France to command the 110th Brigade, 21st Division where he stayed to the end of the war. After the war, while commanding the Kerry Brigade in Ireland he was murdered, on 6th March 1921.This book is concerned with his two periods as a brigade commander, and as battlefield reminiscences of officers at that level are not all that common, it is a record of special interest. The greater part of the book deals with his command of the 110th Brigade which he took over less than a week before the German Spring offensive, which is dealt with in detail, as is the May offensive in Champagne in which 21st Division was one of the five British divisions fighting under French command, and then the final allied counter-offensive. In all this is an interesting picture of the life of a brigade commander on the Western front. He tells his story in the third person, referring to himself throughout as the Brigadier.





Buchanan, Capt. Angus [Captain Angus Buchanan MC, 25th Battalion Royal Fusiliers (Frontiersmen)]

Three Years of War in East Africa

London: John Murray, 1919

5½” x 9”. [xxi] + 247pp, frontis, illustrations, maps, publisher’s advertisements. Original pictorial cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine darkened, head and tail of spine frayed, end-papers browned, inner hinges cracked, edges & end-papers lightly foxed, the map of the "Lindi Area" called for at page 172 has been excised, otherwise Good. The Great War in East Africa was much more than a 'sideshow’ - it was a classic guerilla campaign that has entered military legend. The author of this account was an officer of the 25th Royal Fusiliers, a British unit in the predominantly Indian and South African Allied Army that attempted, with huge losses and only limited success, to hunt down the elusive Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, the brilliant and resourceful commander in German East Africa. Lettow’s small force of white officers and native African 'Askaris’ ranged across a vast region, twice the size of Germany itself, to keep one jump ahead of their allied pursuers. Initially outnumbered, the allies harried their quarry, but never finally defeated him. The Armistice found Lettow still in the field, barely able to credit the news that his beloved Fatherland had crumbled. Buchanan’s book shows why one of his soldiers griped: 'Ah, I wish to hell I was in France! There one lives like a gentleman and dies like a man; here one lives like a pig and dies like a dog’. The Allies found themselves battling a hostile climate, terrain, and above all disease - especially the dreaded malaria - which took a greater toll of lives than the fierce enemy resistance. A nature lover, Buchanan makes many observations of African flora and fauna, as well as his unsparing account of the tough military campaign. Rare in this edition.





Sir Hugh Clifford

The Gold Coast Regiment in the East African Campaign

London: John Murray, 1920

5½” x 8¾”. [ix] + 306pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations, folding colour map. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed with marked variation in colour, spine faded, tanned pages otherwise Very Good. The East Africa Campaign and von Lettow-Vorbeck's successful guerilla actions which kept vastly numerically superior British forces occupied until after the Armistice in Europe





Fortescue, Granville

Russia, The Balkans and The Dardanelles

London: Andrew Melrose, Ltd, n.d. [1915]

5½" x 8¾". 285pp, b&w plates. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers scuffed and rubbed, spine ends and corners bumped otherwise Very Good.





Buckley, Captain F. [Edited by]

War History of the Seventh Northumberland Fusiliers : Dedicated to the Memory of All Ranks of the Battalion Who Laid Down Their Lives in the Great War

Newcastle: T. Grierson, Printer (Privately Published), n.d. [1919]

6¼” x 9¾”. [viii] + 155pp, 31 illustrations, folding map. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with some fading and noticeable variation in colour, small white stain on front cover, two snagged patches on spine, spine ends and corners bumped, otherwise Very Good.






From Serajevo to the Rhine : Generals of the Great War

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, 1933

5¾" x 9". 287pp, frontis, b&w plates. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull, end-papers replaced, edges & end-papers lightly foxed otherwise Good Plus. From the Introduction: "This book aims at giving to the average lay reader a succinct account of the parts played by the various leaders on all fronts during the Great War. Strict impartiality and accuracy in detail were the writer's objectives during the course of his meticulous sifting of the various authorities on which the work is based . . . the 'motif' has been a study of the reaction of the character and temperament of the various generals upon the morale of their troops and upon the trend of the mighty issues whose destiny they guide. It is the writer's firm conviction that the personality of a commander is as important a factor in modern warfare as it was in the days generals with gleaming swords charged on high-mettled steeds at the head of their troops against the serried ranks of the enemy . . . " From the Translator's Preface: "To British readers the visualisation in this book of the war achievements of the Allied and enemy generals by a German, who aims at a strictly impartial survey of the wide field he covers, but whose perspective, for all that, is occasionally blurred by the mirage of patriotic partialties, will be illuminative. While making allowance for involuntary 'suppressio veri', overstatement and rather fulsome hero-worship, we profit by 'seeing oursells as ithers see us'. Incidentally, the author, who prefers to remain anonymous, is a well-known authority on the history of the Great War . . . "





Gowland, John Stafford

War is Like That

London: John Hamilton Ltd, n.d. [1933]

4¾” x 7½”. 239pp. Original orange cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with staining to front and rear boards and irregular fading, spine faded with significant loss of colour, boards slightly bowed, previous owner's name inscribed and address in pencil on front free end-paper, otherwise Very Good. Rare.





Napier, Lt. Col.  the Hon. H. D.

Experiences of a Military Attache in the Balkans

London: Drane's, n.d. [1924]

6” x 10”. 293pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, map. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, backstrip slightly creased, a few pages lightly marked, one plated detached otherwise Very Good. There was a cheaper edition published [10589] with the folding map but no illustrations, which might explain why there are no illustrations listed in the Table of Contents for this volume. However, there are thirteen plates altogether (including the frontispiece), with the other twelve facing pages: 22; 32; 34; 61; 76; 84; 91; 113; 175; 198; 220; 264.





Elliot, Captain Walter Robert [M.C.] (Adjutant. December. 1916—March. 1919) Illustrations by S. A. Court; Maps by Captain H. C. Lovell

The Second Twentieth : Being the History of the 2/20th Bn. London Regiment

Aldershot: Printed by Gale & Polden Ltd, Wellington Works, 1920

4¾” x 7¼”. [xv] + 314pp, portrait frontispiece, illustrations, folding maps. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, spine ends and corners bumped, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Black, Donald [Pseud. of John Lyons Gray]

Red Dust : An Australian Trooper in Palestine

London: Jonathan Cape, 1931

4¾” x 7¾”. 303pp, frontispiece, illustrations, folding map. Rebound ex-Library, reading copy only.





Ballard, Brigadier-General C. [C.B., C.M.G.]


London: Constable, 1931 [First Edition]

5¼" x 8¾". 345pp, frontis. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and slightly mottled, spine dull, otherwise Very Good





Ashmead-Bartlett, E.

Ashmead-Bartlett's Despatches from the Dardanelles

London: George Newnes, n.d. 

4½” x 7”. 164pp, folding map. Rebound ex-Reference Library (Manchester Central), internally clean.





Atkinson, C. T. (Late Captain, Oxford University O. T. C.)

The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment 1914-1919

London:  Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd, London, 1924 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xxviii] + 629pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Original blue cloth blocked in silver, no d/j, ex-Library (Exter College, Oxford), edges foxed, otherwise Very Good. "Well above the average of regimental histories in interest. He has dome his best to procure information from officers who served with the regiment to supplement the generally scant and laconic accounts of the war diaries." (Falls).





Falls, Captain Cyril [With a Preface by Brigadier-General Sir James Edmonds and maps and sketches compiled by Major A. F. Becke]

Military Operations : France and Belgium, 1917 : Volume I : The German Retreat to the Hindenburg Line and the Battle of Arras

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1940 [First Edition.]

5½" x 8¾". [xxxix] + 586pp, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded and damaged, covers stained, ex-Library with shelf number on backstrip, and Library stamps throughout otherwise Good. 





Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James E.

Military Operations : France and Belgium 1918 : Volume I : The German March Offensive and its Preliminaries

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1935

5½" x 8¾". [xxx] + 569pp, sketch maps. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Reference Library with usual markings otherwise Very Good.





Edmonds, Brigadier-General Sir James E. (Maps and sketches compiled by Major A. F. Becke)

Military Operations : France and Belgium 1918 : March-April: Continuation of the German Offensives

London: Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1937

5½” x 8¾”. [xxviii] + 550pp, maps. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library, this is a reading copy only.





Radiguet, Rene [General de Division, Army of France] (Translated by Henry P. Du Bellet)

The Making of a Modern Army and its Operations in the Field : A Study Based on the Experience of Three Years on the French Front, 1914-1917

New York and London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1918

4¾” x 7½”. [xiv] + 163pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, publisher’s advertisements. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed





Nevinson, H. W.

The Dardanelles Campaign

London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd, 1918 First Edition

5½" x 8½". [xx] + 429pp, portrait frontis, b&w plates, maps. Blind-stamped red cloth, no d/j, spine dull and soiled, otherwise Very Good. Readable & detailed narrative of operations + orders of battle, trench map of the peninsula &c. “His narrative was to be a plain, straightforward account of the operations... but Mr Nevinson is incapable of writing unattractive prose... As an eye-witness his testimony is also valuable.” - Falls.





Neave, Dorina L.

Remembering Kut : "Lest We Forget"

London: Arthur Barker Ltd, 1937

5½" x 8¾". [ix] + 324pp, portrait frontis, map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine badly faded, spine gutter split, rear inner hinge cracked otherwise Very Good.





Ward, Major C. H. Dudley [D.S.O., M.C.] With a Foreword by General Lord Horne of Stirkoke, G.C.B., K.C.M.G.

The 56th Division (1st London Territorial Division)

London: John Murray, 1921 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xvi] + 331pp, portrait frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Original red cloth gilt. The covers are scuffed and rubbed, with patchy discolouration and loss of colour, which is most obvious on the front cover. There is also a small stain near the front bottom corner. The spine has faded and is very dull, with a small, though obvious, patch of colour loss. The spine ends and corners are bumped and slightly frayed, with minor splitting of the cloth. There are some indentations along the edges of the boards (most noticeably along the rear fore-edge). There is a previous owner's name ("J. S. Williams") inscribed in ink on the front free end-paper and the end-papers are very browned and discoloured. The inner hinges are cracked. There is some scattered foxing and the paper has tanned with age, though the text remains quite clean throughout. The edge of the text block is grubby, dust-stained and foxed, with the foxing occasionally extending into the margins.





Ironside, Edmund

Archangel 1918-1919

London: Constable and Company Ltd, 1953

5½” x 8¾”. 220pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Green cloth blocked in silver in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j with some minor loss, edges dusty otherwise Very Good.





Rorie, Colonel David [D.S.O., T.D., M.D., D.P.H.]

A Medico's Luck in the War : Being Reminiscences of R.A.M.C. Work with the 51st (Highland) Division

Aberdeen: Milne and Hutchison, November 1929 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xiv] + 264pp, frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded with significant colour loss, numeorus circular stains on front boards, ex-Library otherwise Very Good. Personal account of medical services work in the Western Front by officer commanding the 1/2nd Highland Field Ambulance and ADMS of 51st Highland Division.





Waugh, Alec

The Prisoners of Mainz

London: Chapman and Hall Ltd, 1919

4¾” x 7½”. [ix] + 274pp, illustrated with frontispiece drawing, 'The Doom of Youth,' photographs, and other drawings by Captain R. T. Roussel. Grey cloth with paper spine lable which is chipped and abraded, slight spine lean, spine ends and corners bumped, previous owner's name inscribed, staining to inside edges of pastedowns and margins of illustrations, otherwise Very Good.





Lloyd, T.

The Blazing Trail of Flanders

London: Heath Cranton Limited, 1933

5½” x 8¾”. 255pp, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, widespread foxing otherwise Very Good.





Lee, Lieut. Joseph

A Captive at Carlsruhe and Other German Prison Camps

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1920

4¾” x 7½”. [xii] + 15-219pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Original russet cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, slight spine lean, edges lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good.



Pares, Bernard [Official British Observer with the Russian Armies in the Field]

Day by Day with the Russian Army 1914 - 15

London: Constable & Company Ltd, 1915

5¾" x 9". [xi] + 287pp, portrait frontispiece, maps, Publisher’s advertisement. Original yellow cloth blocked in black no d/j, covers darkened, marked and rubbed with pronounced variation in colour, spine ends and corners bumped, end-papers foxed and discoloured, edges foxed otherwise Very Good.





Mrs Humphry Ward

Fields of Victory

London: Hutchinson & Co., n.d. [1919]

4¾” x 7¾”. [xi] + 13-260pp + Hutchinson’s catalogue of New Books for Spring 1919. Original cloth blocked in black. The covers are heavily rubbed with some old areas of staining and distinct lines of fading. There is a diagonal scuff mark on the front cover, starting at the tail of the spine, a pronounced line of fading along the top edge and another line of fading adjacent to the spine. There are some old marks on the small stains on the rear cover and the same lines of fading. The spine is severely faded, to the extent that nothing remains of the original colour, and is also stained. There is a split at the head of the front spine gutter. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed with further splits in the cloth. There are a number of indentations along the edges of the boards, including one on the front fore-edge where there is a small tear in the cloth. The front inner hinge is cracked and the front free end-paper has been roughly removed so the volume now opens directly to the (foxed) Half-Title page on which there is a previous owner's name inscribed in ballpoint pen, dated 1981. There are also two short notes (in a different hand) on the rear end-paper. The paper has tanned with age, some pages have grubby marks and there is some scattered foxing. There is some separation between the inner gatherings. The edge of the text block is dust-stained and grubby (particularly the top edge) and lightly foxed. There is an erratum slip tipped in to page 239. The underside edge of the text block is not uniformly trimmed and is quite ragged. Mrs Ward's account is surprisingly scarce in the First Edition, but this example is quite well-used, noting a severely faded and discoloured spine and missing front free end-paper. No illustrations are listed in the Table of Contents, with the Title-Page referring to "Illustrations, Coloured Map and Folding Statistical Chart". There are two photographs (frontispiece and one facing page 90 which is partially detached), the Coloured Map is between pages 76 and 77, and the Folding Statistical Chart is at the end of the volume.





Fraser-Tytler, Major Neil

With Lancashire Lads and Field Guns in France 1915 - 1918

Manchester: John Heywood Ltd, 1922

5½” x 8¾”. 287pp, maps. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, head of spine frayed (with a two-inch tear in the rear gutter), offsetting to end-papers, otherwise Very Good.





Weetman, Captain W. C. C. (M.C., Croix de Guerre) [With an Introduction by Brig.-General C. T. Shipley, C.B.]

The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914-1919 : 1/8th Battalion

Nottingham: Thos. Forman & Sons, 1920

4¾” x 7½”. 323pp, illustrations, maps. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, spine faded and dull, edges dusty and lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Stanley, Brig.-Gen. F. C.

The History of the 89th Brigade 1914-1918

Malpas, Newport: Ray Westlake Military Books, 1996 [A reprint of 1919 Edition] (Produced in a Limited Edition of 150, of which this is number 149)

4¾” x 7½”. 295pp. Original black leatherette blocked in gilt on the cover and spine. The covers are lightly rubbed and there are some minor indentations along the edges of the boards, but show little signs of wear otherwise and remain in good condition. The spine ends and corners are slightly bumped. This Limited Edition reprint does not include the illustrations which were present in the First Edition.





Wadham, Lieut-Colonel W. F. A. and Crossley, Captain J.

The Fourth Battalion The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) and the Great War

No publication details (Crowther & Goodman, Printers, London) : Foreword to Part I dated February 1920; Foreword to Part II dated December 1935

5¼” x 8½”.  Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers faded, head and tail of spine bumped, some underlining of text, Very Good. Service on the Western Front from May 1915 until the end of the War, including the epic defence of Givenchy in April 1918. 3 V.C.s were won by the battalion.





Fallon, M.C., Captain David

The Big Fight

London: Cassell and Company Limited, 1919

4½” x 7”. 272pp. Rebound ex-Library.





Mockler-Ferryman, Lieut.-Colonel A. F. [Compiled and Edited by]

The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Chronicle, 1915-1916 : An Annual Record of the First and Second Battalions, formerly the 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry, together with the War Records of the Other Battalions of the Regiment : Volume XXV From the 1st August 1915 to the 30th June 1916

London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1916

5½” x 8½”. [viii] + 478pp, frontispiece map, illustrations, folding maps. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed around the edges but still bright, spine ends and corners bumped, otherwise Very Good.





Galet, Lieutenant-General [H.M.’s Military Adviser, Chief of Staff of The Belgian Army] Translated by Major-General Sir Ernest Swinton, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., Chichele Professor of Military History, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford

Albert King of the Belgians in the Great War : His Military Activities and Experiences Set Down With His Approval

London: Putnam, September 1931

6” x 9¾”. [xviii] + 341pp, maps, illustrations. Original black cloth gilt with bevelled edges. The covers are scuffed and rubbed with patchy discolouration and fading around the edges, particularly along the top edges. The spine has faded noticeably and there are a few small marks. The spine ends and corners are bumped (quite heavily) and also frayed, with small splits in the cloth. There is also a small frayed patch on the front fore-edge just above the bottom corner. There are some indentations along the edges of the boards. There is widespread and heavy foxing throughout and the paper has tanned noticeably with age. Although usually confined to the margins, the foxing does occasionally extend into the text and on some pages is particularly heavy and unsightly. There is toning and heavy foxing to those pages adjacent to the photographic plates. The edge of the text block is grubby, dust-stained and heavily foxed.





Macnaughtan, S.

A Woman's Diary of the War

London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, n.d. [1915]

4¾” x 7¼”. 168pp. This volume is ex-Library (Dundee Free Libraries) and has been rebound in red cloth gilt, no d/j, shelf number blocked in gilt on spine, Library bookplate on front pastedown and stamp on front free end-paper,smaller Library stamp on Title-Page and a few in text, otherwise Very Good. Internally clean and showing little sign of having been borrowed; a date stamp on the Title-Page (23.Oct.15) indicates the date of accession.





Moody, Colonel R. S. H. [Colonel R. S. H. Moody, CB, psc, Late the Buffs]

Historical Records of The Buffs East Kent Regiment [3rd Foot] Formerly Designated The Holland Regiment and Prince George of Denmark's Regiment 1914-1919

London: The Medici Society Limited, 1922

5½” x 9”. [xx] + 554pp, colour frontis, one other plate in colour, maps, illustrations (including folding maps and maps as end-papers). Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, ex-Library, one plate missing, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. 





Hody, Major E. H.

With the Mad 17th to Italy

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1920

5½" x 8½". 160pp, folding colour frontis, illustrations, maps. Teal cloth blocked in black, no d/j, corners bumped, offsetting to end-papers, otherwise Very Good.





Bean, C. E. W. [Charles Edwin Woodrow]

The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 : volume III: The A. I. F. in France, 1916

St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1982 [first published 1929; this copy is a reprint of the 1942 edition]

5¼” x 8¼”. [xlii] + 1,036pp, maps, illustrations. Paperback, covers rubbed, head of spine bumped, otherwise Very Good.





Bean, C. E. W. [Charles Edwin Woodrow]

The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 : volume IV: The A. I. F. in France, 1917

St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1982 [first published 1933; this copy is a repint of the 1943 edition]

5¼” x 8¼”. [xxxii] + 1,030pp, illustrations, maps. Pictorial card covers, covers rubbed, some shelfwear otherwise Very Good





Bean, C. E. W. [Charles Edwin Woodrow]

The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 : volume V : The A. I. F. in France, during the main German Offensive, 1918

St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1983 [first published 1937; this copy is a reprint of the 1943 edition]

5¼" x 8¼". [xxxiv] + 825pp, illustrations, maps. Softback, covers rubbed otherwise Very Good 





Gullett, H. S. (Henry Somer)

The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918 : volume VII: The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine 1914 - 1918

St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1984 [first published 1923; this copy is a reprint of the 1944 edition]

5¼" x 8¼". [xl] + 844pp, illustrations, maps. Softback, covers rubbed otherwise Very Good 





Gilliland, Captain H. G. [Horace Gray Gilliland]

My German Prisons : Being the Experiences of an Officer During Two and a Half Years as a Prisoner of War

London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1918

4¾” x 7½". 316pp, diags. Blue cloth, no d/j, slightly cocked, covers rubbed otherwise Very Good. Served with Loyal North Lancs. & was captured Dec. 1914 in an attack near La Bassee. Experiences in several camps & successful escape jumping from a train. He reached home in April 1917.





Uys, Ian

Delville Wood

Rensburg, South Africa : Uys Publishing, 1983

6¾” x 9½”. [xi] + 299pp, maps, illustrations. Tan cloth blocked in white in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, head of spine bumped, d/j creased along top edge otherwise Very Good






Handbook for Company Officers

London: Harrison and Sons, Printers in Ordinary to His Majesty and to Queen Alexandra, St. Martin's Lane, W.C., n.d. [c.1916]

5¼” x 7”. 184pp, sketch maps, diagrams, short Publisher’s catalogue. Original thick cloth-covered card covers blocked in black on front cover (no spine titling), no d/j, edges rubbed, covers dull, previous owner's name inscribed on front free end-paper ("B. Stephenson 1916") otherwise Very Good. A very clean example. Includes studies of actions at Waterloo. the 1870 campaign and the Russo-Japanese war of 1905.





Miller, Henry W.

The Paris Gun : The Bombardment of Paris by the German Long-Range Guns and the Great German Offensives of 1918

London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd, 1930

5½" x 8¾". 277pp, frontis, map, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, edges lightly foxed, previous owner's name inscribed Very Good





Rendel, A. M.

Appointment in Crete : The Story of a British Agent

London: Allan Wingate, September 1953 Second Impression [First published July 1953]

5” x 8”. 240pp. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Rugby School Library, otherwise Very Good.





Mottistone, Lord (General Jack Seely)

My Horse Warrior

London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, October 1934 [2nd imp. issued in the same month as the 1st Ed.]

6” x 8¼”. 160pp, illustrations by A. J. Munnings. Decorative blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and soiled, some pages finger-marked in the margins otherwise Very Good.






German Students' War Letters : Translated and Arranged from the Original Edition of Dr Philipp Witkop by A. F. Wedd

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1929 

4¾” x 7½". [vii] + 376pp, publisher's catalogue. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, ex-Library





Crowe, Brigadier-General, J. H. V.

General Smuts' Campaign in East Africa

London: John Murray, July 1918 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xxiii] + 280pp, portrait frontis, four maps. This volume is ex-Library and has been rebound by the Library in red buckram with a leather spine. As is all too common, the leather spine is badly scuffed, which can be seen in the image above. There are also areas of colour loss on the side panels. The cloth sections are scuffed and rubbed, with surface scratching to both front and rear, but far more pronounced on the rear cover. The spine ends and corners are heavily bumped, and also frayed.





Gibb, Rev. Harold [Lieut., 4th R. I. Dragoon Guards 1914-15]

Record of the 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards in the Great War 1914-1918

Canterbury: No imprint (printed by Butler & Tanner), 1925 [no other publication details]

5½” x 8¾”. [viii] + 76pp., colour frontis., 3 plates, map. Original green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and water stained, staining to most pages, a reading copy only.






Uncensored Letters from the Dardanelles written to his English wife by a French Medical Officer of Le Corps Expeditionnaire d'Orient

London: William Heinemann, 1916

5" x 7½". 282pp, ills. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, spine faded and dull, rear bottom corner damaged, extensive foxing, otherwise Good.





Messenger, Charles

Terriers in the Trenches : The Post Office Rifles at War 1914-1918

Chippenham: Picton Publishing, 1982

5¾” x 8½”. [xii] + 170pp, frontispiece map, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a scuffed, rubbed price-clipped d/j, otherwise Very Good





Phillimore, Lord

Recollections of a Prisoner of War

London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1931 [2nd imp.; first published 1930]

5½" x 8¼". [viii] + 312pp, sketch maps. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers stained and worn, edges foxed, extensive internal foxing otherwise Good.





Colonel J. F. C. Fuller, D.S.O.

Imperial Defence 1588-1914

London: Sifton Praed & Co. Ltd, The Map House, 67, St. James's Street, S.W., 1926

4” x 6¾”. [vii] + 102pp.





Sandilands, Colonel J. W. [C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.] and Macleod, Lieut.-Colonel Norman [C.M.G., D.S.O.]

The History of the 7th Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

Stirling: Eneas Mackay, Murray Place, 1922

4¾” x 7½”. 207pp, frontispiece and three plates. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped, end-papers foxed, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good; a bright copy. Loos, Somme, Arras, 3rd Ypres &c. with 15th (Scottish) Div. Roll of awards, Officers' services.





Gibbon, Frederick P.

The 42nd (East Lancashire) Division 1914-1918

London: Country Life Ltd, 1920 [New York: Charles Scribner's Sons]

5¾” x 9”. [xii] + 246pp, frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Original blue cloth gilt with Divisional flash on front boards, no d/j, front inner hinge cracked, front free end-paper missing otherwise Very Good. Maj A F Allen, Machine Gun Corps, 1918 





Evans, Captain H. K. D. (M.C.) and Chapters IX and X by Major N. O. Laing, D.S.O [With a Foreword by Right Hon. Winston Churchill, P.C.]

The 4th (Queen’s Own) Hussars in the Great War

Printed for the Regimental Committee by Gale & Polden Limited, Wellington Works, Aldershot, 1920

7¼” x 10”. [xv] + 198pp, frontispiece, maps, illustrations. Original blue cloth gilt with bevelled edges. The covers are marked, scuffed and rubbed with extensive old staining, other areas of darkening to the cloth, and significant variation in colour. There are are number of marks on the front cover and some shallow gouges, with darkening to all but the central area. The rear cover is heavily stained/darkened, covering about half the cloth. The spine has darkened with age and is also soiled. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed with splits in the cloth and there are indentations along the edges of the bevelled boards. There is widespread and extensive foxing throughout and the paper has tanned significantly with age. The folding maps are very discoloured. There is separation between the inner gatherings and some play in the inner hinges. The edge of the text block is grubby, dust-stained and heavily foxed, with the foxing extending into the margins.





Gibbs, Philip

From Bapaume to Passchendaele 1917

London: William Heinemann, 1918

5" x 7¾". [vii] + 384pp, maps. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, one folding map chipped otherwise Very Good





Wright, Captain P. L. [D.S.O., M.C.] With a Foreword by Major-General Sir Robert Fanshawe, K.C.B., D.S.O.

The First Buckinghamshire Battalion 1914-1919

London and Aylesbury, Bucks: Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld, 1920

5½” x 8¾”. [xiv] + 216pp, portrait frontispiece, maps, illustrations, including large folding map in pocket at end. Original dark green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and slightly marked (old splash stain on rear cover) but still bright, head and tail of spine bumped, bookplate on front pastedown, toning and foxing to those pages adjacent to photographic plates, otherwise Very Good. Detailed account of service on the Western Front & Italy 1915-18, 48th Div., Somme, Arras, 3rd Ypres, Asiago Plateau. Rolls of officers & men, Honours & Awards.





Miles, Captain Wilfrid (Late 13th Durham Light Infantry)

The Durham Forces in the Field 1914-18 : Volume II : The Service Battalions of the Durham Light Infantry [NOTE: Volume I never appeared]

London: Cassell and Company, Ltd, 1920

5½” x 8¾”. [xii] + 380pp, frontispiece, illustrations, 5 maps in end pocket. Original blind-stamped green cloth blocked in red on the spine, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed and quite dull, rear spine gutter split for entire length (due to map pocket), gift inscription on front pastedown (dated 1920) and bookplate, edges dusty otherwise Very Good.





Forbes, Archibald

The Afghan Wars : 1839-42 and 1878-80

London: Seeley & Co Limited, 1892 First Edition

5¼” x 8¼”. 337pp, portrait frontis, illustrations and plans, Publisher’s Advertisement. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, head and tail of spine bumped, otherwise Very Good. Formerly owned by Major Ernest Gambier-Parry (1853 – 1936)





von Freytag-Loringhoven, Lieutenant-General Baron

Deductions from the World War

London: Constable and Company Limited, 1918

4¾" x 7½". [viii] + 176pp. Teal cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and mottled, covers bowed, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good.





Black Tab

On The Road to Kut : A Soldier's Story of the Mesopotamian Campaign

London: Hutchinson & Co., 1917

5½" x 8¾". 304pp, b&w plates, frontis map. Red cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine frayed, front inner hinge strengthened with tape, previous owner's name inscribed, a good copy in a poor binding.





Lucy, John

There's a Devil in the Drum

London: Faber and Faber

4¾” x 7½”.





Ewing, Major [M.C.] Brevet-Major, Late 6th K.O.S.B. (Introduction By Field-Marshal Lord Plumer G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.)

The History of the 9th (Scottish) Division, 1914-1919

London: John Murray, 1921 First Edition

6” x 9”. [xviii] + 435pp + 11 folding maps at end. 24 illustrations including 20 tissue-guarded colour illustrations. Blue cloth gilt with gilt thistle on front boards, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, otherwise Very Good.





Mackenzie, Donald A.

From All The Fronts

London: Blackie and Son Limited, 1917

5¼” x 7¾”. (vii) + 199pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Decorative cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded around edges, spine faded, end-papers foxed, previous owner's name inscribed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good





Dalton, Hugh

With British Guns in Italy : A Tribute to Italian Achievement

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1919

5" x 7¾". [xiv] + 267pp, illustrations, maps, publisher's catalogue. Blind-stamped red cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges foxed, previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Good. 





Bairnsfather, Bruce

Bullets and Billets

London: Grant Richards Ltd, December 1916 First Edition

4¾” x 7½”.  304pp, frontispiece, illustrations. Decorative red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, spine gutters split, edges foxed, otherwise Good.





Fife, Ronald

The History of the 7th Battalion Green Howards, a Narrative Extract from "The Green Howards' Gazette"

Printed by Herald Printing Works, York & London, n.d.

7¼” x 9¾”. 56pp. Original green cloth blocked in gilt on the front cover but with no spine titling. The covers are rubbed, dull and have bowed outwards significantly. There s also fading, particularly around the edges. The spine has faded severely. The spine ends and corners are bumped and slightly frayed and there are some indentations along the edges of the boards. This volume has been signed by Lieut.-Col. Ronald Fife on the front pastedown. The end-papers are very browned and discoloured and there is a large previous owner's bookplate on the front free end-paper. There is some insect damage: a wormhole starts at the front pastedown and carries on throughout the volume, becoming progressively smaller, until it eventually is about the size of a pin-head. This can be seen in the images below, in the margin near the top corner. The paper has tanned noticeably with age.





Wyrall, Everard

The East Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War 1914-1918

London: Harrison & Sons Ltd, 1928

5½" x 8¾". [xx] + 486pp, colour frontis, maps, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers faded and rubbed, edges foxed, offsetting to end-papers otherwise Very Good






Military Operations : France and Belgium, 1917 : The German Retreat to the Hindenburg Line and The Battles of Arras : Appendices

London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1940 First Edition

5¼” x 8¾”. [xi] + 158pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, previous owner's name inscribed, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Wood, Major W. de B. [Editor]

The History of the King's Shropshire Light Infantry in the Great War 1914-1918

London: The Medici Society Limited, 1925 First Edition

5½” x 8¾”. [xvi] + 471pp, maps. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and discoloured, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed, indentations along board edges, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good. Eight Battalions saw active service, all in France, the 2nd and 8th then went on to Salonika and the 10th was initially in Palestine. Roll of Honour, awards.





Clissold, Stephen

THE CETNIKS : A Survey of Cetnik Activity in Yugoslavia, April 1941 - July 1944 [CONFIDENTIAL. PB/274. G-2 (PB), A.F.H.Q. SEPTEMBER, 1944.]

Printed by Printing and Stationery Services CMF (Central Mediterranean Forces), 1944

5¾” x 8”. 95pp. Original printed paper covers which are soiled, discoloured and heavily rubbed, particularly around the edges and on the spine. The front paper cover is scuffed and quite heavily soiled and stained in the top left-hand section; there is a previous owner's name inscribed in ink on the top left ["Capt. P. D. Harrisson, R.E." (Royal Engineers)]. The rear cover is stained adjacent to the spine and also soiled; additionally, there is a diagonal crease across the bottom corner. The plain, untitled, spine is creased and chipped. The corners are creased and dog-eared.





Steevens, G. W.

With Kitchener to Khartum

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1898 [13th ed.]

5" x 7¾". [xvi] + 326pp, maps





Schroder, Hans [translated from the German by Claud W. Sykes]

An Airman Remembers

London: John Hamilton Ltd, n.d. [c.1938]

5½" x 8¾". 320pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, head of spine snagged, corners bumped, edges foxed heavily, otherwise Very Good. German flier’s memoirs of the Eastern and Western Fronts. Schroder describes his war as an ordinary soldier in 1914, and as an infantry officer in 1915, then an airman in 1916-1917, and finally as an air intelligence officer during 1918.





Gillam, Major John Graham

Gallipoli Diary

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1918

5¼” x 8¼”. 328pp, illustrations. Rebound ex-Reference Library, no d/j, minimal Library markings, tanned pages otherwise Very Good.





Wyrall, Everard

The East Yorkshire Regiment in the Great War 1914-1918

London: Harrison & Sons Ltd, 1928

5½" x 8¾". [xx] + 486pp, colour frontis, maps, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Bridlington Library, Good





Thompson, P. A. [Captain, R. A. S. C.]

Lions Led By Donkeys : Showing How Victory in the Great War was Achieved by Those Who Made the Fewest Mistakes

London: T. Werner Laurie Ltd, 1927

5½” x 8¾”. [xv] + 317pp, frontispiece only, maps (including end-paper map). Original blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded (particularly along top edge) with significant variation in colour, spine darkened, spine ends and corners bumped and frayed with minor splitting of cloth, frontispiece printed on thin paper and has wrinkled, some scattered foxing, edges dusty and lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good.





Fox, Frank

The History of the Royal Gloucestershire Hussars Yeomanry, 1898-1922 : The Great Cavalry Campaign in Palestine

London: Philip Allan, 1923 First Edition

5½” x 9”. [xvi] + 336pp, 15 plates, 7 maps (which should include one folding map; however, this is missing). Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and scuffed, with fading around edges, spine very faded and with a mottled appearance, spine ends and corners bumped, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good; internally clean. Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine, including Romani, Gaza, Jerusalem and on to Aleppo. Roll of honour, etc. The large folding map of Palestine is rarely present.





Nicholson, Major-General Sir Lothian; MacMullen, Major H. T.; Bullen, Brigadier et al.

History of the East Lancashire Regiment in the Great War 1914-1918

Liverpool: Littlebury Bros. Ltd, 1936

6¾” x 9¾”. [xvi] + 568pp, portrait frontis, maps, illustrations. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, frontispiece detached otherwise Very Good. Covers all aspects from Le Cateau, Marne, Aisne, 1st Neuve Chapelle, Aubers Ridge, Arras, Battle of the Somme, Ypres, German Offensive, Hindenburg Line etc.





Swinton, Major-General Sir Ernest D.

Eyewitness : Being Personal Reminiscences of Certain Phases of the Great War, including the Genesis of the Tank

London: Hodder & Stoughton Limited, 1932

6" x 9½". 321pp, frontis, maps. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-Library, reading copy.





MacMunn, Lieut.-General Sir George and Falls, Captain Cyril

Military Operations : Egypt & Palestine : From the Outbreak of War with Germany to June 1917

London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1928

5½” x 8¾”. [xviii] + 445pp, maps, illustrations. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j. The covers are rubbed and there are areas of patchy fading and minor colour loss. The spine is very faded. The spine ends and corners are bumped. There is a previous owner's name inscribed on the front end-paper. The paper has tanned with age and the edge of the text block is lightly foxed. There is some play in the inner hinges.





Falls, Captain Cyril Falls (Maps and sketches compiled by Major A. F. Becke)

History of the Great War : Military Operations Egypt & Palestine from June 1917 to the End of the War Vol. II Part II

London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1930

5½” x 8¾”. Volume II, Part 2: pagination continues from the separate Part 1 : pages 395 to 748. Original Red cloth gilt, no d/j The covers are rubbed and there are areas of patchy fading and colour loss. The spine is severely faded. The spine ends and corners are bumped. There is a previous owner's name inscribed on the front free end-paper. The paper has tanned with age and the edge of the text block is lightly foxed. There is some play in the inner hinges.





Berk, Leon

Destined to Live: Memoirs of a Doctor With the Russian Partisans

Melbourne: Paragon Press, 1992

6½” x 9¾”. [xxii] + 232pp, illustrations. Softback, covers rubbed, some insect damage on corner of pages 187-232, not affecting text, otherwise Very Good





Maihafer, Harry J.

The General and The Journalists : Ulysses S. Grant, Horace Greeley, and Charles Dana

Washington and London: Brassey's, 1998

6" x 9¼". [xv] + 315pp, maps, illustrations. Black boards in d/j, As New





Paschall, Rod

The Defeat of Imperial Germany, 1917-1918

New York: Da Capo Press, 1994

5¼" x 8½". 247pp, maps, ills. Softback, as new.





Fleming, Peter

The Siege at Peking

London: Readers Union, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1960

4¾" x 7¾". 229pp, illustrations. Original cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, otherwise Very Good





Prange, Gordon W. with Goldstein, Donald M. and Dillon, Katherine V.

Target Tokyo : The Story of the Sorge Spy Ring

New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984

6¼" x 9¼", 595pp, ills. Red boards in chipped d/j, Very Good+





Perrett, Bryan

At All Costs! Stories of Impossible Victories

London: Arms and Armour, 1994

6¼" x 9½". 223pp, ills. Black cloth in d/j, Fine/as new. An examination of famous victories, including Minden, Little Round Top, Arras, Nijmegen, etc.





The Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies

Royal United Services Institute & Brassey's Defence Yearbook 1983

Oxford: Brassey's, 1983

5¾" x 9¼". 399pp. Softback, fine/as new. Including Weapons Development and a comprehensive strategic review for the year.





Lawrence, T. E. 

Seven Pillars of Wisdom : A Triumph

London: Jonathan Cape, 1949 [a reprint of the 1940 new edition]

5¼" x 8". 700pp, ills. Blue cloth, stained and marked, otherwise Very Good





Taylor, A. J. P.

The Origins of the Second World War

London: Penguin, 1975

4¼" x 7". 357pp. Paperback, excellent, little sign of wear.





Mumby, Frank A. [General Editor] David Hannay; C. Grahame-White; Harry Harper; Edwin Sharpe Grew and others

The Great World War : A History [9 volumes]

London: The Gresham Publishing Company Limited, n.d.

7¼" x 10". Vol. I: 336pp, portrait frontis [detached but present], maps, ills. Vol. II: 336pp, portrait frontis, maps, ills. Vol. III: 336pp, portrait frontis, maps, ills. Vol. IV: 336pp, portrait frontis, maps, ills. Vol. V: 336pp, portrait frontis, maps, ills. Vol. VI: 336pp, portrait frontis, maps, ills. Vol. VII: 336pp, portrait frontis, maps, ills. Vol. VIII: 336pp, portrait frontis, maps, ills. Vol. IX: 344pp, portrait frontis, maps, ills. Maroon cloth, quarter-bound in dark blue leather gilt, no d/js, marbled edges. The leather spines are a little scuffed, and some of the earlier volumes have tiny paint splashes on the covers; otherwise, apart from the following two defects, a very good, tight set: Vol. III is missing a two-inch section of leather from the head of the spine; Vol. II is missing a small section of leather from the head of the spine. One of the best of the Great War histories. A heavy set with commensurate postage.





Gilbert, Adrian

World War I in Photographs

London: Guild Publishing, 1986

8½" x 11¼". 192pp, ills. Blue cloth gilt in chipped d/j with one repaired tear, else Very Good/G





Westwell, Ian

World War I Day By Day

Hoo, Kent: Grange Books, 2001

8¾" x 11¼". 192p, illustrations, maps. Laminated boards in d/j, this was in "as new" condition, but careless handling in our shop has resulted in a minor tear on the lower edge of the rear d/j flap.





Healey, Tim

Journeys into the Past : Life on the Home Front

London: Reader's Digest, 1996

8½" x 11¼". 160pp, profusely illustrated. Laminated boards, no d/j [as issued], covers lightly marked and rubbed, else Very Good+






The World at Arms : The Reader's Digest illustrated History of World War II

London: The Reader's Digest Association Limited, 1989

8½" x 11¼". 480pp, profusely illustrated. Black boards gilt in d/j, Fine. Originally published at £24.99. Please note: this is a very heavy book.





Carew, Tim


London: Coronet Books (Hodder & Stoughton), 1976 [first published 1974 by Hamish Hamilton]

4¼” x 7”. 220pp, map, illustrations. Paperback, covers rubbed, page edges browned otherwise Good





Ousby, Ian

The Road to Verdun : France, Nationalism and the First World War

London: Jonathan Cape, 2002

6¼" x 9½". [xiii] + 304pp, illustrations, maps. Brown cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Thomas, Hugh

SS 1 : The Unlikely Death of Heinrich Himmler

London: Fourth Estate, 2001

6¼" x 9½". [xii] + 276pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Lawrence, T. E.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom : a triumph

London: Jonathan Cape, 1935 [6th impression]

7½" x 10". 672pp. Text only: re-bound in plain brown cloth with all plates removed. A reading copy only; however text is very clean.





Chambrun, Rene de

Mission and Betrayal 1940-1945

London: Andre Deutsch, 1993

6¼" x 9½". 221pp, ills. Red cloth gilt in d/j, Near Fine





Remarque, Erich Maria

All Quiet on the Western Front

St Albans: Triad/Mayflower, 1977

4¼" x 7". 191pp.  Paperback; blemish at base of spine where sticker has been removed, some yellowing to page edges, otherwise Very Good.





Toland, John

No Man's Land : The Story of 1918

New York: Smithmark Publishers, 1995 [first published in London in 1980 by Eyre Methuen Ltd]

6¼” x 9½”. [xx] + 651pp, maps, illustrations. Brown boards blocked in silver in a rubbed d/j otherwise Near Fine






Epic Stories of the Second World War

London: Odhams Press, 1962 [3rd impression]

5¼" x 8½". 318pp. Red cloth, no d/j, some shelfwear else Very Good+. Contains excerpts from many famous WWII stories, including "The Last Enemy", "The Colditz Story", "Reach for the Sky", "The Dam Busters", "The Wooden Horse", "Tobruk Commando", etc.





Adair, Paul

Hitler's Greatest Defeat : The Collapse of Army Group Centre, June 1944

London: Brockhampton Press, 1998 [first published 1994]

6¼" x 9½". 192pp, illustrations. Laminated boards in a rubbed d/j with two small sealed tears, otherwise Near Fine/Very Good.





Smyth, Brigadier The Rt Hon Sir John

Leadership in Battle 1914-1918 : Commanders in Action

Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1975

5½" x 8¾". 191pp. Black cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, a bump on outer edges of front and back boards also affecting d/j which is creased, otherwise Very Good/G





Dallas, Gregor

1918 : War and Peace

London: John Murray, 2000

6¼" x 9½". [xvi] + 616pp, illustrations, maps. Black cloth in d/j, As New





Masefield, John


Adelaide: Rigby Limited (Seal Books), 1978 [first published 1916]

4½” x 7”. 183pp, maps, illustrations. Paperback, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Palmer, Alan

Napoleon in Russia

London: Constable, 1998 [2nd imp.; first published by Deutsch in 1967, re-issued by Constable in 1997]

6¼" x 9½". 318pp, illustrations, maps. Blue cloth in d/j, As New





Guerlain, Robert

A Prisoner in Germany

London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd, 1944

5" x 7¾". [ix] + 161pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, head and tail of spine frayed, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good





pseud: [Pepys, Samuel Junior]

A Second Diary of the Great Warr [sic]

London: John Lane, 1917 [5th ed]

5¼" x 7½". 304pp, illustrations by John Kettlewell. Brown cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine frayed, page edges browned, end-papers lightly foxed, otherwise Good.





Hayward, James

Myths and Legends of the First World War

Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 2002

6¼" x 9½". [xviii] + 202pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Waller, John H.

The Unseen War in Europe : Espionage and Conspiracy in the Second World War

London: I. B. Tauris, 1996

6¼" x 9½". 475pp, ills. Black cloth gilt in d/j, Fine/Fine





Wasserstein, Bernard

Secret War in Shanghai : Treachery, Subversion and Collaboration in the Second World War

Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999

6¼" x 9½". [xiv] + 354pp, maps, illustrations. Black boards in d/j, As New





Sellers, Leonard

For God's Sake Shoot Straight : The Story of the Court Martial and Execution of Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Edwin Leopold Arthur Dyett, Nelson Battalion, 63rd (RN) Division during the First World War

London: Leo Cooper, 1995

6¼" x 9½". 179pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, as new.





Lawrence, T. E.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom : A Triumph

London: Jonathan Cape, 1965 [type re-set; complete and unabridged]

5½" x 8". 700pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in a scuffed d/j, covers marked and rubbed, corners bumped, otherwise Very Good/





Winn, Godfrey

Scrapbook of Victory : Further Extracts from a War-time Scrapbook kept by Godfrey Winn

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d.

7¼" x 10". 124pp, ills. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers badly damp-stained, internally very good; a reading copy.





Williams, Eric

The Wooden Horse

London: Collins, 1949 [7th ed.]

5½" x 8". 256pp. Red cloth gilt in a chipped, grubby d/j, covers badly stained, edges foxed else G/G.





Strachan, Hew [ed.]

The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998

7" x 9¾". 356pp, colour and b&w plates, maps. Blue boards gilt in d/j, as new.





Atteridge, Capt. A. Hilliard

The British Army of To-Day [The People's Books]

London & Edinburgh: T. C. & E. C. Jack and New York: Dodge Publishing Co., n.d. [c.1915]

4¼” x 6½”. 92pp, diagrams, publisher’s advertisements. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, edges dusty otherwise Very Good Plus





Strachan, Hew

The First World War : A New Illustrated History

London: Simon & Schuster, 2003

7½" x 10". [xviii] + 350pp, illustrations. Black cloth in d/j, As New





Wilcox, John

Masters of Battle : Selected Great Warrior Classes

London: Arms and Armour, 1996

6¼" x 9½". 224pp, ills. Red cloth in slightly chipped d/j, Very Good+/Very Good





Lord, Walter

The Miracle of Dunkirk

London: Allen Lane, 1983

6¼" x 9½". 323pp, ills. Light blue boards in d/j, near Fine/Very Good+





Various Authors

The Vietnam War : The Illustrated History of the Conflict in Southeast Asia

London: Book Club Associates, 1979

8¾" x 12¼". 248pp, ills. Orange cloth in chipped, torn d/j, near Fine/G





Churchill, The Right Hon. Winston Churchill

The Great War [Volume I only]

London: George Newnes Limited, 1933

6¾" x 9¾". 512pp, index, profusely illustrated. Newnes produced a heavily illustrated magazine format version of Churchill's "World Crisis" in 1933, which was subsequently bound into a three volume set of which this is the first, covering the period 1905 to 1915. The blue cloth covers are very rubbed, while both inner hinges are cracked, leaving the boards loose. The contents, other than dusty edges, are clean and bright.





Tucker, Spencer C.

The Great War 1914-18

London: UCL Press, 1998

6" x 9¼". [xx] + 272pp, maps. Card covers, water-stained at end, dog-eared, a reading copy





Beaverbrook, Lord

Men and Power 1917 - 1918

London: Hutchinson, 1956

5½" x 8½". 448pp, frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, ex-library with shelf number in white ink at base of spine, and usual library markings. Internally clean.





Farrar-Hockley, Anthony

Death of an Army [The First Battle of Ypres, 1914, in which the British Regular Army was destroyed]

London: Arthnur Barker Limited, 1967

5½" x 8¾". [xi] + 195pp, illustrations, maps. Blue cloth gilt in a chipped, scuffed and rubbed d/j, ex-Library with usual stamps, front free end-paper excised, spine slightly canted, a reading copy





Laffin, John

On the Western Front : Soldiers' Stories from France and Flanders 1914 - 1918

Stroud: Budding Books 1997 [first published 1985]

6¼" x 8¾". 277pp, ills. Laminated boards in a creased, scuffed d/j. Remnants of label on front of d/j, remainder mark on top edge of text block, otherwise Very Good/G.





Rickards, Maurice and Moody, Michael

The First World War : Ephemera, Mementoes, Documents

London: Jupiter Books, 1975

8¼" x 10¼". Unpaginated, contains 31pp text and 245 illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a d/j with faded spine. The book appears to have been dropped in the bath: all text and illustrations are clear but the text block has rippled when dried. A reading copy only.





Stallings, Laurence [ed.]

The First World War : A Photographic History

London: Daily Express Publications, 1933

8¾" x 12¼". 307pp, profusely illustrated. Black cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, sporadic light spotting otherwise Very Good





Rickards, Maurice and Moody, Michael

The First World War : Ephemera, Mementoes, Documents

London: Jupiter Books, 1975

8¼" x 10¼". Unpaginated, contains 31pp text and 245 illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a d/j with one-inch repaired tear near the head of the spine, a few marks on end-papers, else Very Good/G-.





Denniston, Robin

Churchill's Secret War : Diplomatic Decrypts, the Foreign Office and Turkey, 1942-44

Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1997

6¼" x 9½". 208pp, ills. Brown cloth in d/j, Fine/as new. During the course of his research the author was offered access to the secret wartime files of diplomatic intercepts which Churchill valued very highly. They showed that Churchill's role in British foreign policy and war planning was far more significant that had hitherto been supposed. Although he was neither a commander-in-chief nor a head of state, he personally exerted considerable influence on British foreign policy to force Turkey into WW2 on the side of the Allies. This study helps us to understand Churchill's use of secret signals intelligence before and during WW2 and Britain's relations with Turkey, shedding new light on the role of the neutral countries (of which Turkey was one).





Palmer, Alan

Victory 1918

London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998

6¼" x 9½". 368pp, ills. Blue cloth in d/j, Fine/as new.





Grigg, John

1943 : The Victory That Never Was

London: Eyre Methuen, 1980

5½" x 8¾". 255pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good+





Newman, Bernard


London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1944 [16th impression; first published 1935]

5" x 7½". 139pp. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine faded, pages browned, hinge weak, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Good





Arthur, Max

Forgotten Voices of the Great War

London: Ted Smart [first published by Ebury Press], 2002

6¼" x 9½". 326pp, illustrations. Pictorial boards, no d/j, corners bumped otherwise Very Good+





Dunn, Captain J. C.

The War The Infantry Knew 1914 - 1919 : A Chronicle of Service in France and Belgium

London: Abacus, 2001 [first published in a private edition in 1938]

5" x 7¾". 613pp, ills, maps. Paperback, unread. Subtitled: "A Chronicle of Service in France and Belgium with The Second Battalion His Majesty's Twenty-Third Foot, The Royal Welch Fusiliers: founded on personal records, recollections and reflections, assembled, edited and partly written by One of their Medical Officers."





Smyth, Brigadier The Rt Hon Sir John

Leadership in Battle 1914-1918 : Commanders in Action

Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1975

5½" x 8¾". 191pp. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, Very Good





George, David Lloyd

War Memoirs [volume I only]

London: Ivor Nicholson & Watson, 1933 [1st ed.]

5¾" x 9". 529pp, frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt with facsimile signature on front cover, end-papers lightly foxed, head and tail of spine frayed otherwise Very Good





Terraine, John

The Smoke and the Fire : Myths and Anti-Myths of War 1861-1945

London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1980

6¼” x 9½”. 240pp, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in a scuffed and chipped d/j with a sealed tear at the base of the spine, old label removed from inside dust-jacket flap and front pastedown, crayon mark on rear pastedown otherwise Very Good





[George Philip & Son, The London Geographical Institute, The Daily Mail]

The Daily Mail War Atlas with 32 pages of fully coloured maps and large-scale folding map of the Western Front

London: The Daily Mail, n.d. [c.1940]

8¾" x 11¼". 32 maps & large folding map. Decorative red cloth, no d/j, inner hinge cracked, covers marked and rubbed, a few maps with ink markings, else G.





George, David Lloyd

War Memoirs [6 vols]

London: Ivor Nicholson & Watson, vol. 1 [7th imp., July 1936]; vol. 2 [5th imp., November 1933]; vol. 3 [2nd imp., September 1934], vol. 4 [2nd imp., October 1934]; vol. 5 [1st ed., September 1936]; vol. 6 [1st ed., November 1936]

5¾" x 9". 3,531pp, paginated over six volumes, portrait frontis, b&w plates. Blue cloth with gilt facsimile signature, no d/js, heads and tails of spines and corners bumped, covers marked and rubbed with some discolouration to cloth, otherwise a very good, internally clean set. Lloyd George's contentious and self-serving memoirs or, "How I Won the War".





Hammerton, Sir John [ed.]

The Great War ... "I Was There!" : Undying Memories of 1914-1918 [Vol. I: August 4, 1914 to July 1, 1916; vol. II: July 4, 1916 to October 22, 1917]

London: The Amalgamated Press Ltd, n.d. [2 volumes of 3]

8¼" x 11". 1,376pp paginated over 2 vols, profusely illustrated throughout. Blind-stamped red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine faded on vol. I, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good. Please note, as this is a very heavy set postage will be charged at actual cost.





Hammerton, Sir John [ed.]

World War 1914 - 1918 : A Pictured History [2 volumes]

London: The Amalgamated Press Ltd, n.d.

8¼" x 11". 1,560pp paginated over 2 vols, profusely illustrated throughout. Blind-stamped red cloth gilt, no d/j, some staining and colour loss on cover of vol. II, end-papers discoloured, spine faded on vol. I, edges dusty, otherwise Very Good. Please note, as this is a very heavy set postage will be charged at actual cost.





Hammerton, Sir John [ed.]

World War 1914 - 1918 : A Pictured History [volume I only]

London: The Amalgamated Press Ltd, n.d.

8¼" x 11". 792pp, profusely illustrated throughout. Blind-stamped red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine detached along front inner hinge, end-papers discoloured, a good reading copy. Please note, as this is a very heavy book postage will be charged at actual cost.





Macintyre, Ben

A Foreign Field : A True Story of Love and Betrayal in the Great War

London: HarperCollins, 2001

5½" x 8¾". (xi) + 301pp, maps, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in a scuffed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Ellis, John and Cox, Michael [Eds]

The World War I Databook : The Essential Facts and Figures for all the Combatants

London: Aurum Press, 2001

8½" x 11¼". [xix] + 323pp, maps. Black cloth gilt in d/j, Near Fine (though with a lingering smell of tobacco smoke)





Flower, Newman [Ed.]

The History of the Great War [vols. I to V and VII to X]

London: The Waverley Book Company Limited, n.d.

7¼" x 10½". Approximately 184 pages per volume, each with coloured frontis, illustrations, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, spines dull, covers rubbed, faded and soiled otherwise Good. These nine volumes cover the war from its start until the middle of 1917. A heavy set, with commensurate postage. A digital photograph is available on request.





Lamb, Richard

Mussolini and the British

London: John Murray, 1997

6¼" x 9½". 356pp, ills. Green cloth in d/j, as new. Fine/fine. Besides throwing favourable light on the dictator himself, this account of Mussolini's relations with Britain shows that Italy was ready to become Britain's ally until Britain felt obliged to take a lead in economic sanctions against Italy for its invasion of Abyssinia in 1935. Mussolini despised Hitler and his anti-Semitism, yet felt surprised and antagonized by Britain's mobilization of the League of Nations over the Abyssinian affair. Thus, this book shows, Britain missed the opportunity to bring the Italians onto the Allied side, as it did again when Italy attempted to make a separate peace in 1943.





Goodspeed, D. J.

The German Wars, 1914 - 1945

Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977

6½" x 9½". 561pp. Original cloth in chipped, torn d/j, pages damp-stained, pencil annotations, a good reading copy





Northcliffe, Lord

At The War

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1916

5½" x 8¾". 288pp, frontis. Red cloth, gilt lettering, spine badly faded, spotting throughout, Good





Barker, A. J.


London: Gordon & Cremonesi, 1976

5¾" x 8½". 156pp, ills. Blue cloth gilt in chipped, torn d/j, Very Good+/G





Lawrence, T. E.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

London: Penguin, 1981

5" x 7¾". 700pp, ills. Paperback, some shelfwear else Very Good





Serrano, Andrew Smith

German Propaganda in Military Decline 1943-1945

Edinburgh: The Pentland Press Ltd, 1999

6" x 9¼". [x] + 341pp. Large format Softback, covers scuffed otherwise Very Good





Rintelen, Captain Von

The Return of the Dark Invader

London: Lovat Dickson & Thompson Ltd., 1935

5½" x 8¾". [xiii] + 266pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded and mottled, otherwise Very Good.





Jenkinson, Keith

Preserved Military Vehicles

Chatham : Rochester Press Transport Books, 1983

6” x 9¼”. Original green cloth gilt in Near Fine condition. The dust-jacket is scuffed and chipped, with a few small tears at the head of the spine.





Wilkinson, Spenser [Illustrated by M. Prior, R. Caton, F. Villiers and others]

The Illustrated London News Record of the Transvaal War, 1899 - 1900 : The Achievements of the Home and Colonial Forces in the Great Conflict with the Boer Republics

London: The Illustrated London News and Sketch, c.1901

12” x 16½”. 82pp, illustrations. Bound in half red leather however the spine is missing completely. The front and rear boards and scuffed and worn, especially on the corners where the card is exposed. This is an ex-Library copy with labels on the front pastedown and end-paper, together with a few impressed stamps. As the spine has become detached at some stage, some of the pages have been strengthened along the inner edge with tape. The contents are shaken, again a result of the missing spine, and the inside edge of the front hinge is torn. The contents are to be complete and in good condition other than the taped repairs.





[War Office]

Royal Army Medical Corps Training 1935

London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1939

4½" x 7". 438pp, diagrams. Maroon cloth covered card, inner hinges weak, slightly shaken, otherwise Very Good





Northcliffe, Lord

At The War

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1916

5½" x 8½". [viii] + 288pp, portrait frontis. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine very faded with L-shaped tear at head, edge of text block grubby, otherwise Good Minus





Forty, Simon [Ed.]

World War I : A Visual Encyclopedia

London: PRC Publishing Ltd, 2002

9" x 12¼". 448pp, profusely illustrated. Laminated boards in a rubbed d/j, corners bumped, small tear in rear d/j flap otherwise Very Good





Gilbert, Martin

Winston S. Churchill : Volume III : 1914 - 1916

London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1971

6¼" x 9¼". [xxxvii] + 988pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, maps. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, shelf number in white ink on spine, labels removed from end-papers, musty, otherwise Very Good





Pocock, Tom

Fighting General : The Public & Private Campaigns of General Sir Walter Walker

London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, 1973

6” x 9¼”. 280pp, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in a chipped and torn d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good.





Harman, Nicholas

Dunkirk : The Necessary Myth

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1980

6¼” x 9½”. 271pp, map, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a creased, rubbed and price-clipped d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Oman, C.

The Outbreak of the War of 1914 - 1918 : a narrative based mainly on British Official Documents

London: His Majesty's Stationery Office,  1919

8" x 13". 146pp. Front paper cover torn with some loss, rear cover missing, contents dog-eared, a reading copy only





[Ernst Friedrich]

Nie wieder Krieg! No more War! Plus jamais de Guerre! Nunca jamas Guerra! Nooit meer Oorlog! Aldrig mere Krig!

Amsterdam: International Federation of Trade Unions, 1930 [2nd Edition]

6” x 9”. 59pp, profusely illustrated. Original worn printed paper wrappers. Text and captions in six European languages. The pphotographs were collected by Ernst Friedrich, director of the Anti-War Museum of Berlin. Numerous black & white horrendous photographic illustrations of frightful mutilations left by the war. 63 pages, slim 8vo, black & white wrappers with an illustration by Kathe Kollwitz. 45 black-and-white photographs, text and captions in six European languages. These photographs were collected by Ernst Friedrich, director of the Anti-War Museum of Berlin. He first published them in his book Krieg dem Kriege! War Against War! (1924). The International Federation of Trade Unions reproduced the photographs here with a preface that states, 'Each one of these photographs describes, better than any studied eloquence could do, the agony which the War brought upon millions of workers and their wives and children. Look upon these frightful mutilations, these human wrecks left stranded by the war, to drag out the rest of their miserable lives as best they can. And as you look, remember that all of you - especially you young workers - are threatened by the same fate: you too will have these horrors to face - these, or even worse - next time your country 'needs' you.'





Brovkin, Vladimir N. [Ed.]

The Bolsheviks in Russian Society : The Revolution and the Civil Wars

New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997

6¼" x 9½". 333pp. Black boards in d/j, As New. In this book distinguished scholars from East and West draw on recently opened archives to challenge the commonly held view that the Bolsheviks enjoyed widespread support and that their early history was simply a march toward inevitable victory. They show instead that during this period Russian society was at war with itself and with the Bolsheviks. Authors discuss such previously neglected subjects as government policies toward women and toward religious institutions, the protests of workers and peasants, and the anti-Bolshevik movements and parties. Describing not one civil war but several social, political, and military confrontations going on simultaneously, they portray a Russia in turmoil and on outcome that was by no means inevitable.





Milligan, Spike [Edited by Jack Hobbs]

Monty : My Part in His Victory (War Biography Vol. 3)

London: Michael Joseph Ltd, 1976

5½” x 8¾”. 128pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, covers rubbed, top edge dusty, otherwise Very Good





Allen, Louis

Burma: The Longest War 1941-1945 

London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1986 [first published 1984]

6” x 9¼”. [xix] + 686pp, maps, illustrations. Softback, Near Fine





Strachan, Hew [Ed.]

The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998

7" x 9¾". 356pp, illustrations, maps. Blue boards gilt in d/j, As New





Gooch, John

Armies in Europe

London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980

5½” x 8¾”. [x] + 286pp. Green cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good.





Ellis, John

Eye-Deep in Hell : The Western Front 1914 - 18

Abingdon: Purnell Book Services Limited by arrangement with Croom Helm Ltd, 1976

7" x 9¾". 215pp, profusely illustrated. Black cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good.





Vansittart, Peter [Ed.]

Voices from the Great War

London: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1981

5½" x 8¾". 303pp. Black cloth gilt in chipped d/j





Moss, Norman

Klaus Fuchs : The Man Who Stole the Atom Bomb

London: Grafton Books, 1987

6¼" x 9½". 216pp, illustrations. Grey cloth in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good





Petrow, Richard

The Bitter Years : The Invasion and Occupation of Denmark and Norway, April 1940 - May 1945

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1974

6¼" x 9¼". 403pp, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in a tatty, torn d/j, edges dusty otherwise Very Good





Liddle, Peter

The 1916 Battle of the Somme: A Reappraisal

London: Leo Cooper, 1993 [2nd imp.; first published 1992]

5" x 7½". [xiii] + 192pp, maps, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Marshall, Bruce [from the story told to him by Wing Commander F. F. E. Yeo-Thomas]

The White Rabbit

London: Evans Brothers Limited, 1956 [10th imp.; first published 1952]

5½" x 8¾". [ix] + 262pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth, in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, covers rubbed and faded, spine dull, otherwise Good





Goebbels, Joseph [Translated and Edited by Fred Taylor; Introduction by John Keegan]

The Goebbels Diaries 1939-41

London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd, 1982

6¼” x 9½”. [xv] + 490pp, map, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in d/j, Near Fine





Fleming, Thomas

The Illusion of Victory : America in World War I

New York: Basic Books, 2003

6¼” x 9½”. [xi] + 543pp, illustrations, map. Cream boards in d/j, As New





Maurois, Andre

Why France Fell

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1941 [3rd imp.]

5" x 7½". 174pp. Yellow cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine soiled, otherwise Very Good





Hall, Timothy

Tobruk 1941 : The Desert Siege

Sydney: Methuen Australia, 1984

5¾” x 8¾”. 224pp, maps, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Seaman, Mark [introduction by]

Garbo : The Spy Who Saved D-Day

Richmond, Surrey: Public Record Office, 2000

6¼" x 9½". 410pp, illustrations. Black cloth in d/j, As New. Note: the bulk of the book comprises actual files which are in typescript.





Carlyon, Les


London: Doubleday, 2002

6¼" x 9½". 600pp, illustrations, maps. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Accoce, Pierre and Quet, Pierre

The Lucy Ring : the astonishing story of one of the most successful spy rings of all time

London: W. H. Allen, 1967 [2nd impression]

5½" x 8¾". 224pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in chipped, torn d/j with some slight loss, front cover bowed, covers rubbed otherwise Good Plus





Rubinstein, William

The Myth of Rescue : Why the Democracies could not have saved more Jews from the Nazis

London: Routledge, 1997

6¼” x 9½”. [xiii] + 267pp, maps, tables. Black cloth blocked in silver in d/j, Fine





Sapper [Herman Cyril McNeile] (1888-1937)

Shorty Bill [from "No Man's Land" and "The Human Touch"]

London: Hodder & Stoughton, September 1941 [14th ed.; first published May 1926]

4½” x 7”. 319pp. Blind-stamped red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, page edges browned otherwise Very Good





Verney, Ralph [Edited By David Verney]

The Joyous Patriot: The Correspondence of Ralph Verney 1900-1916

London: Leo Cooper Ltd, 1989

6¼” x 9½”. [x] + 207pp, map, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good. Compiled from his letters, an account of the experiences of Ralph Verney with the Rifle Brigade in South Africa during the Boer War (1900), as ADC to Lord Chelmsford, the Governor of Queensland (1907), where he married the daughter of an Australian banker, Nita Walker (1909), and rejoining his regiment in France (1914), where he was wounded in 1915, with added material from his wife's letters.





Mankowitz, Zeev W.

Life between Memory and Hope : The Survivors of the Holocaust in Occupied Germany

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002

6” x 9½”. [xii] + 335pp, illustrations. Original black cloth blocked in silver. The head of the spine is bumped, otherwise Near Fine.





Johnston, Alexander [Edited by Edwin Astill]

The Great War Diaries of Brigadier General Alexander Johnston 1914-1917

Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen and Sword Military, 2007

6” x 9½”. [xi] + 244pp, maps, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New. Alexander Johnston went over to France in August 1914 as the signals officer for 7 Infantry Brigade. He went on to serve in that capacity with 3rd Division before becoming, in turn, Brigade Major, Commanding Officer 10th Battalion Cheshire Regiment and finally Officer Commanding 126 Infantry Brigade. Throughout he proved himself to be a brave, resourceful and determined soldier. He was always close to the front line, yet his signals and staff duties gave him insights into the conduct of the war at higher levels. Therein lies the value of this diary. Many of the major engagements of the war are covered. He took part in Mons, Le Cateau and the subsequent retreat and advance to the Aisne. The diary provides valuable insights into the battle of La Bassee and the trench warfare of 1915. As a Brigade Major he was kept busy in 1916 with both holding the line (in the face of intensive enemy mining operations) and the Somme battle. By 1917 his work in command of 10th Cheshire Regiment showed positive results in the battalion's performance at Messines and gained him promotion to Brigadier General. Within days of taking command he was up at the front line where he was badly wounded. But for the wound Johnston may well have gained even higher command and wider acclaim for his services.





[Issued by The U. S. War Department]

Handbook on Japanese Military Forces

London: Greenhill Books, 1991

7½” x 10½”. 403pp, profusely illustrated. Original black cloth gilt in d/j, the covers are rubbed, otherwise in Near Fine condition.





Keegan, John

The First World War : An Illustrated History

London: Hutchinson, 2001

9¼" x 11". 435pp, profusely illustrated, maps. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Kiyosawa Kiyoshi [edited and with an introduction by Eugene Soviak and Kamiyama Tamie]

A Diary of Darkness : The Wartime Diary of Kiyosawa Kiyoshi

Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1999

6¼" x 9½". [xx] + 391pp. Grey boards in d/j, Near Fine





Barthorp, Michael

Blood-Red Desert Sand : The British Invasions of Egypt and The Sudan 1882-1898

London: Cassell and Company, 2002 [first published 1984 as "War on the Nile"]

7½" x 9¾". 190pp, profusely illustrated. Large format Softback, As New





Bloch, Camille

Bibliothèques et musées de la guerre

Paris: L. Pochy, 52, Rue du Chateau, 1920

6¼” x 9½”. 26pp. Original stapled paper wrappers, now somewhat dog-eared and chipped at the edge and with a one-inch vertical tear from the top of the spine downwards. There are no internal markings and the text is clean throughout but the paper has tanned noticeably with age.





Carver, Field Marshal Lord

The National Army Museum Book of the Boer War

London: Sidgwick and Jackson in association with the National Army Museum, 1999

6" x 9½". 301pp, illustrations. Black cloth in d/j, As New





Patry, Leonce [translated by Douglas Fermer]

The Reality of War : A Memoir of the Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871

London: Cassell and Company, 2001

6¼" x 9½". 384pp, maps. Red cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Campbell, Captain R. W.

Private Spud Tamson

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1915 [5th imp.]

5” x 7½”. 292pp. Original blue cloth blocked in black.





Foy, David A.

For You the War is Over : American Prisoners of War in Nazi Germany

New York: Stein and Day, 1984

6” x 9¼”. 200p, illustrations. An ex-Library reading copy





Gokay, Bulent

A Clash of Empires : Turkey Between Russian Bolshevism and British Imperialism 1918 - 1923

London: Tauris Academic Studies, 1997

5½" x 8¾". 268pp. Blue cloth, no d/j [as issued], Fine





Atkinson, Rick

An Army at Dawn : The War in North Africa 1942-1943

London: Little, Brown, 2003

6¼" x 9½". [xv] + 681pp, maps, illustrations. Brown cloth in d/j, As New





Fussell, Paul

Doing Battle : The Making of a Skeptic

Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1996

6¼" x 9½". 310pp, illustrations. Black boards in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Ousby, Ian

Occupation : The Ordeal of France 1940 - 1944

London: John Murray, 1997

6¼" x 9½". [xviii] + 348pp, maps, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in silver, in d/j, As New.





Macleod, Jenny

Reconsidering Gallipoli

Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004

5¼” x 8½”. [x] + 262pp, illustrations, maps. Softback, As New





Twining USMC (Ret'd), General Merrill B. [Edited by Neil Carey]

No Bended Knee : The Battle for Guadalcanal : the Memoir of Gen. Merrill B. Twining

Novato, CA; Presidio Press, 1996

5¾” x 8¾”. [xvii] + 206pp, portrait frontis, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Damaskin, Igor [with Geoffrey Elliott]

Kitty Harris : The Spy with Seventeen Names

London: St Ermin's Press, 2001

6¼" x 9½". [viii] + 260pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in d/j, As New. Kitty Harris was born in London to an emigre Jewish family, and became a key figure in Soviet espionage networds across the globe, running agents in London, Berlin, Shanghai, Mexico and Los Alamos. She was Donald Maclean's controller and lover and the bigamous wife of Earl Browder, General Secretary of the American Communist Party. She also played a role in the penetration of the Manhatten Project and helped organise an illegal spy-ring in Mexico City. Thought to have disappeared without a trace her story and its sad end is now told by a senior Russian intelligence officer with access to her astonishing archive.





Czernin, Count Ottokar

In The World War

London: Cassell and Company, Ltd, 1919

6¼" x 9½". 352pp, 4 plates. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, a reading copy. From the Thomas Hope Floyd Bequest.





Sereny, Gitta

Albert Speer : His Battle with Truth

London: Macmillan, 1995

6¼” x 9½”. [xvi] + 757pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, Fine





Wedemeyer, General Albert

Wedemeyer Reports!

New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1958

5½" x 8½". [xii] + 497pp, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed with some colour loss, previous owner's name label, end-papers stained otherwise Very Good





Marc Ferro; Malcolm Brown; Remy Cazals; Olaf Mueller

Meetings in No Man's Land : Christmas 1914 and Fraternization in The Great War

London: Constable and Robinson Ltd, 2007

6” x 9½”. [viii] + 264pp, maps. Green cloth blocked in silver in a rubbed d/j, Near Fine. The soldiers 'football match' and the unofficial ceasefire of Christmas 1914 has become a legend of the Great War, but fraternization between enemy troops was actually widespread. In winter 1914, after months of marching, soldiers on both fronts began to dig trenches, and the war became a battle of attrition in which young men faced each other across what was often only a few yards of the muddy, bombed landscape called No Man's Land. Trapped in this devastation the soldiers of both armies experienced a shared feeling of pointlessness that culminated in the unofficial armistice of Christmas 1914, when German and English soldiers laid down their weapons for a few hours of joyful peace and carol singing. Using original research from the best European historians and discovering a history forgotten or lost in censor reports, officer journals and official reports, these brief moments of humanity are explored on all fronts during the long years of conflict.





Mayo, Lida

Bloody Buna : The Campaign that Halted the Japanese Invasion of Australia

London: Purnell Book Services Ltd, n.d. [Book Club edition, by arrangement with David & Charles Limited]

5½” x 8¾”. [xiv] + 222pp, maps, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in d/j, Fine





Fursenko, Aleksandr and Naftali, Timothy

One Hell of a Gamble : Khrushchev, Castro, Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1958 - 1964

London: John Murray, 1997

6" x 9½". [xi] + 420pp, map, illustrations. Black boards quarter-bound in cloth, in d/j, Fine





Kieser, Egbert

Hitler on the Doorstep : Operation "Sea Lion", the German Plan to Invade Britain, 1940

London: Arms and Armour, 1997

6” x 9½”. 287pp, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in d/j, Fine





Warren, Alan

Singapore 1942 : Britain's Greatest Defeat

London New York: Hambledon and London, 2002

6" x 9¼". [xiii] + 370pp, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Fry, Varian

Surrender on Demand

Boulder: Johnson Books, 1998

5½" x 8". [xiv] + 272pp, illustrations. Softback, As New





Colvin, Ian

Chief of Intelligence

London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1951

5½" x 8½". 223pp. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull otherwise Very Good





Hicks, George

The Comfort Women : Sex Slaves of the Japanese Imperial Forces

London: Souvenir Press, 1995

5¾" x 8¾". [xxi] + 265pp, illustrations, map as end-papers. Blue cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Blandford, Edmund

Fatal Decisions : Errors and Blunders in World War II

Shrewsbury: Airlife Publishing Limited, 1999

6" x 9½". [viii] + 242pp, illustrations. Green cloth gilt in d/j, As New





Lindsay, Franklin [With a Foreword by John Kenneth Galbraith]

Beacons in the Night : With the OSS and Tito's Partisans in Wartime Yugoslavia

Stanford, Ca.: Stanford University Press, 1995 [first published 1993]

6” x 9”. [xxiii] + 383pp, maps, illustrations. Softback, As New





Gibbs, Captain Charles Cobden Stormont [edited by Richard Devonald-Lewis]

From the Somme to the Armistice : The Memoirs of Captain Stormont Gibbs, MC

London: William Kimber, 1986

6" x 9½". 206pp, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good. Stormont Gibbs was commissioned into the 4th Suffolk in 1915 and first saw action at the height of the battle of the Somme in the summer of 1916; against the odds he survived and was to take part in Arras in 1917, the Third Battle of Ypres and the retreat in 1918. By this time he was a battle-hardened veteran. His recollections are edited and set in their historical context by Richard Devonald-Lewis, one of his former pupils during his later career as a schoolmaster.





pseud: [Pepys, Samuel Junior]

A Last Diary of the Great Warr [sic]

London: John Lane The Bodley Head, 1919 [1st]

5¼" x 7½". 308pp, colour frontis, illustrations. Brown boards with cloth backstrip, spine rubbed and dull, covers marked and rubbed, otherwise Good.





Marino, Andy

American Pimpernel : The Story of Varian Fry : The Man Who Saved the Artists on Hitler's Death List

London: Hutchinson, 1999

6¼" x 9½". [xi] + 403pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Moszkiewiez, Helene

Inside the Gestapo : A Young Woman's Secret War

London: The Bodley Head, 1987 [2nd imp.]

5½" x 8¾". [x] + 189pp, illustrations. Black cloth in a scuffed and chipped d/j, page edges browned, otherwise Very Good





Blunden, Edmund

Undertones of War

London: William Collins Sons and Co. Ltd, 1978 [first published by Richard Cobden-Sanderson in 1928; first Collins' edition published in 1965]

5¼” x 8½”. 255pp. Original flecked cloth in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good Plus






With the First Canadian Contingent

Toronto & London: Hodder & Stoughton [published on behalf of the Canadian Field Comforts Commission], 1915

7¼" x 9¾". 119pp, illustrations. Original cloth, no d/j, edges lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good





Rivett, Rohan D.

Behind Bamboo : An Inside Story of Japanese Prison Camps

Morley: Elmfield Press, 1974

5½" x 8¾". [xiii] + 400pp, maps, illustrations. Yellow cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and soiled, title page missing, edges dusty, reading copy





Liddell Hart, Basil

'T. E. Lawrence' : In Arabia and After

London: Jonathan Cape, March 1940

5½” x 8”. 491pp, maps, illustrations. Original green cloth blocked in silver, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, frontispiece missing, otherwise Good.





Lucy, John

There's a Devil in the Drum

London: The Naval & Military Press, 1993

5” x 7½”. 393pp. Original laminated green boards. The covers are scuffed and rubbed. There are a number of indentations along the edges of the boards and, on the lower edge of the rear boards there is a pronounced area of crushing (which appears to be a binding fault). The spine ends and corners are bumped.





[Bryce, Right Hon. Viscount (Chairman)]

Report of the British Committee on the Alleged German Outrages : Presented to both Houses of Parliament

Critchley Parker: The Statesman and Mining Standard, 1915

5¼" x 8¼". 429pp. Original paper covers, covers detached, pages browned and dog-eared, a reading copy





Knight, Frank

The Dardanelles Campaign

London: Macdonald and Co Ltd, 1970

5” x 7½”. 94pp, illustrations by F. D. Phillips. Green cloth gilt in a scuffed, chipped and soiled d/j, otherwise Very Good





[Text, Pictorial Design and Production By W . J . Thomas. Official Pictures: U.S. Office Of War Information, Commonwealth Department of Information]

Yanks and Aussies in Battle : Official Photographs of Pacific War From Pearl Harbor to Timor

Sydney, Australia: N.S.W. Bookstall Co. Pty. Ltd, n.d. [c.1943]

8½” x 10¾”. 32pp + covers (there is printed text on the front and rear inside covers). Original stapled printed paper wrappers. The covers are discoloured, soiled and dog-eared. The corners are creased and dog-eared. The edges are chipped, creased and torn with some loss of the paper covering at the front fore-edge. There are no other internal markings and the text is clean throughout; however, the paper has tanned with age. The corners are a little dog-eared.





Falls, Cyril

The Second World War : A Short History

London: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 1948

5½” x 8½”. [xiii] + 304pp, maps. Original red cloth gilt. The covers are rubbed. The spine has faded noticeably. The spine ends and corners are bumped. There is a marked forward spine lean. There are no internal markings and the text is clean throughout. The paper has tanned slightly with age.





Butler, Daniel Allen

The Burden of Guilt : How Germany Shattered the Last Days of Peace, Summer 1914

Newbury, Berkshire: Casemate Books, 2010

6” x 9¼”. 330pp, map, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, As 





Hay, Ian [pseud.: Major John H. Beith] (1876-1952)

Their Name Liveth : The Book of the Scottish National War Memorial

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head Limited, 1931 [2nd imp.]

5” x 7½”. [xiv] + 163pp, publisher’s advertisements. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good





Dower, John W.

Embracing Defeat : Japan in the Wake of World War II

New York: W. W. Norton & Company/The New Press, 1999

6¼" x 9½". 676pp, illustrations. White boards with blue cloth backstrip in a rubbed d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Dower, John W.

War Without Mercy : Race and Power in the Pacific War

London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1986

5½” x 8¾”. [xiv] + 399pp, illustrations. Red cloth gilt in a rubbed d/j, page edges yellowed otherwise Near Fine





Krylov, Ivan [Translated by Edward Fitzgerald]

Soviet Staff Officer

London: The Falcon Press, 1951

5½” x 8¾”. [vi] + 298pp. Original red cloth blocked in black in a scuffed and chipped d/j, Very Good.





Brittain, Harry E.

To Verdun From The Somme : An Anglo American Glimpse of the Great Advance

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1917

5” x 7¾”. [xviii] + 142pp, frontispiece. This volume is ex-Library. Original blind-stamped green cloth in damaged condition, but with all the damage confined to the spine: the top inch of the spine cloth is missed altogether, with the head-band now loose. There is a further tear in the backstrip one third of the way up from the tail. There is a bookplate and Library label on the front pastedown and front free end-paper, together with a "Withdrawn" stamp. There are further markings on the Title-Page and Copyright Page and, scattered throughout at regular intervals, an impressed circular Library stamp. The paper has tanned noticeably with age. The edge of the text block is not uniformly trimmed.





Lawrence, T. E.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

London: Jonathan Cape, 1936 [7th impression]

7½" x 10". 672pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, maps. Brown cloth gilt, no d/j, a few marks on cover, ink stain on a few pages otherwise Very Good.





Philpot, Oliver

Stolen Journey

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1950 First Edition

5¼" x 8". 412pp, portrait frontis, illustrations (including line drawings by Ronald Searle), maps as end-papers. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, edges foxed, otherwise Good





Warr, Charles L.

Echoes of Flanders

London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd, 1918 Cheap Edition [first published October 1916]

4¼” x 7”. 249pp. Original paper-covered boards in poor condition.





Wolff, Leon

In Flanders Fields : The 1917 Campaign

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1959 [2nd imp.]

5½" x 8¾". 310pp, b&w plates. Red cloth gilt in chipped d/j which is frayed at head and tail of spine, otherwise Very Good





Goodchild, George

Down "Plug Street" Way and Other Tales

London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd, 1918

4½” x 7¼”. 190pp. Original paper-covered boards, no d/j, reading copy.





Scott, Ralph [Preface by Major-General Sir Frederick Maurice] (Scott is pseudonym for George Scott Atkinson)

A Soldier's Diary

London: W. Collins & Co. Ltd, 1930

5½” x 8”. 194pp. Original cloth, no d/j, Very Good.





Clapham,  H. S. (The Honourable Artillery Company)

Mud and Khaki : The Memories of an Incomplete Soldier

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d. [c.1930]

5½” x 8¾”. 224pp, frontispiece, illustrations. This volume is ex-Boot's Library; poor condition.





Pakenham, Thomas

The Boer War

London: BCA (Book Club Associates) by arrangement with The Orion Publishing Group Ltd, 1999

6¾” x 10”. [xxii] + 659pp, maps, illustrations. Brown cloth gilt in a torn d/j, otherwise Very Good.





Brittain, Vera

Poems of the War and After

London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1934 First Edition

5” x 7½”. 94pp. Original cloth with chipped paper spine label, no d/j, covers rubbed, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good.





Campbell, Ivar

Poems by Ivar Campbell with memoir by Guy Ridley

London: A. L. Humphreys, 1917

4¾” x 7”. 99pp, portrait frontis. Rebound ex-Library, internally clean.





Miller, Geoffrey

Superior Force : The Conspiracy Behind the Escape of Goeben and Breslau

Hull: The University of Hull Press, 1996

6¼" x 9¼". 458pp, ills, maps. New softback. Can be inscribed by the author if desired. The definitive account of the escape of the German ships to Constantinople in August 1914.





Reed, E. J. [Chief Constructor of the Navy]

Our Iron-clad Ships : Their Qualities, Performances and Cost, with Chapters on Turret Ships, Iron-clad Rams Etc.

London: John Murray, 1869 First Edition

5½” x 9”. [xxxii] + 330pp, frontispiece, illustrations, publisher’s catalogue. The original covers have been professionally re-backed, no d/j, bookplate, tanned pages, otherwise Very Good





Gordon, Andrew

The Rules of the Game : Jutland and British Naval Command

London: John Murray, 1997

6" x 9½". [xii] + 708pp, illustrations, charts. Red cloth in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good





Wester-Wemyss, Admiral of the Fleet Lord

The Navy in the Dardanelles Campaign

London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. [c.1924]

5¾" x 9". 288pp, folding map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, head and tail of spine and corners bumped and rubbed,  otherwise Very Good. Awarded two stars by Cyril Falls in his "War Books", and described thus: "Lord Wester-Wemyss, known to the war-time public as Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, was one of the great organisers on the Naval side of the War. He might have been one of the great fighting men had that chance come his way, but it did not. In the Gallipoli Campaign his powers of organisation were thoroughly tested. His account is frank, his criticism full-blooded, his comments shrewd. A good idea of the problems of policy, strategy, and administration in regard to the campaign can be obtained from this book."





Stoker, Commander H. G.

Straws in the Wind

London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1925 [ First Edition ]

5½" x 8½". 316pp, illustrations. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good.





Fayle, C. Ernest

Seaborne Trade Volume I : The Cruiser Period [History of the Great War based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the C. I. D.]

London: John Murray, 1920

5½" x 9". [xvii] + 442pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, spine dull, covers marked and rubbed, head of spine snagged, inner hinges cracked, edges dusty, bookplate of Chatham Dockyard Trust on front pastedown, otherwise Good Plus





Hough, Richard

The Great War at Sea 1914-1918

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983

6" x 9½". [xviii] + 353pp, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in a rubbed and creased d/j, edges lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good





Trayes, F. G.

Five Months on a German Raider : Being the Adventures of an Englishman Captured by the "Wolf"

London: Headley Bros., 1919 First Edition

5" x 7½". 187pp, portrait frontis, illustrations, map as rear end-paper. Teal cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine dull, front free end-paper removed, previous owner's name inscribed, edges dusty otherwise Very Good





Bean, C. E. W. [Charles Edwin Woodrow]

Flagships Three

London: Alston Rivers Ltd, 1913 First Edition

5½" x 8¾". [xvi] + 339pp, frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, inner hinges cracked, end-papers browned, spine a little dull, otherwise Very Good





Bywater, H. C. and Ferraby, H. C.

Strange Intelligence : Memoirs of Naval Secret Service

London: Constable & Company, 1934 [first published 1931]

4¾" x 7½". [xi] + 299pp, fold-out map. Tan cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, backstrip soiled and faded, top edge of upper boards frayed, previous owner's name inscribed, edges lightly foxed otherwise Good Plus





Wester-Wemyss, Admiral of the Fleet Lord

The Navy in the Dardanelles Campaign

London: Hodder & Stoughton, n.d. [c.1924]

5¾" x 9". 288pp, folding map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, head and tail of spine and corners bumped and rubbed,  otherwise Very Good. Awarded two stars by Cyril Falls in his "War Books", and described thus: "Lord Wester-Wemyss, known to the war-time public as Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, was one of the great organisers on the Naval side of the War. He might have been one of the great fighting men had that chance come his way, but it did not. In the Gallipoli Campaign his powers of organisation were thoroughly tested. His account is frank, his criticism full-blooded, his comments shrewd. A good idea of the problems of policy, strategy, and administration in regard to the campaign can be obtained from this book."





Chatterton, E. Keble

Fighting the U-Boats

London: Hurst & Blackett, Ltd, 1942

5¼" x 8¾". 216pp, maps, illustrations. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine dull, head and tail of spine bumped, otherwise Good Plus. Uncommon.





Price, William Harold

With the Fleet in the Dardanelles : Some Impressions of Naval Men and Incidents during the Campaign in the Spring of 1915

London: Andrew Melrose, Ltd., n.d. [c.1915]

5" x 7½". [xv] + 124pp, illustrations, folding map, publisher's catalogue. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed, head and tail of spine bumped, previous owner's name inscribed, front free end-paper missing, on eplate partially detached otherwise Very Good





Newbolt, Henry

Submarine and Anti-Submarine

London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1919 [2nd Impression]

5½" x 8". 312pp, illustrations, coloured frontis. Original blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine soiled and dull, otherwise Very Good





Gwatkin-Williams, Captain Rupert Stanley

Under the Black Ensign

London: Hutchinson & Co., n.d.

5½" x 8¾". 238pp, 8 plates, 1 folding map. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, ex-library with minimal markings, previous owner's name inscribed, spine slightly faded otherwise Good Plus. The memoirs of a naval "dug-out" officer in a variety of craft, including operations in the Mediterranean (Armoured Cars in the desert), and North Russia.





Plivier, Theodor [Translated from the German by William F. Clarke]

The Kaiser's Coolies

London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1932

5” x 7½”. 332pp. Red cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed and blotchy, spine lean otherwise Very Good





Stoker, Commander H. G.

Straws in the Wind

London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1925 [3rd impression]

5½" x 8½". 316pp, illustrations. Green cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good.





Stumpf, Richard [Edited, Translated and with an Introduction by Daniel Horn]

The Private War of Seaman Stumpf

London: Leslie Frewin, 1969 [first published 1967]

5½" x 8½". [vi] + 442pp, illustrations, map as end-papers. Blue cloth gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good





Hurd, Archibald

History of the Great War Based on Official Documents By Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence : The Merchant Navy : Volume I

London: John Murray, 1921

5½” x 8¾”. [xiv] + 473pp, maps, illustrations (one map and three illustrations missing). Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, inner hinges cracked, reading copy.





Kopp, Georg [Translated by Arthur Chambers]

Two Lone Ships : "Goeben" & "Breslau"

London: Hutchinson, 1931

5½" x 8¾". 288pp, frontis, illustrations. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges lightly foxed, otherwise Very Good





Bywater, H. C. and Ferraby, H. C.

Strange Intelligence : Memoirs of Naval Secret Service

London: Constable & Company, 1931

4¾" x 7½". [xi] + 299pp, fold-out map. Original black cloth gilt, no d/j, in worn condition.





Brassey, T. A. [Ed.]

The Naval Annual, 1909 [23rd year of issue]

London and Portsmouth: J. Griffin and Co., 1909

6” x 9¾”. [ix] + 440pp, frontis, 6 illus, 64pp plate section, text illus. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with some damp-staining along bottom edges of boards, spine darkened, shelf number on spine, front free end-paper and frontispiece originally missing but replaced, front inner hinge taped, otherwise Good. Standard rundown of naval strengths & naval expansion of Germany, new construction, the all big gun ship, engines & means of propulsion. Naval Volunteers, Naval Expansion in Germany, Dockyard Administration





Auten , Lt. Commander Harold, V.C.

Q Boat Adventures : The Exploits of the Famous Mystery Ships by a "Q" Boat Commander

London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1919

4¾” x 7¾”. 289pp, frontis, illustrations. Red cloth blocked in black in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j with some loss, covers rubbed and faded, spine cocked, shaken, previous owner's name inscribed, a Good copy only, but was formerly the property of John Kirby, who was clearly in correspondence with the Admiralty regarding Decoy Ships (with pencilled annotations throughout, mentioning, inter alia, letters he wrote to both Fisher and Churchill). Attached to the rear cover is a note (1919) concerning "The Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors : In the Matter of Claim of Mr John Kirby as to Decoy Boats v. U Boats". In 1915, Harold Auten was one of the first six officers selected for Q-Ship service. As one of the pioneers, he helped develop the design and tactics of Q-ships. He was awarded the Victoria Cross for his involvement in a fierce encounter with a U-boat off Start Point in July 1918.





Fawcett, H. W. & Hooper, G. W. W. [Eds]

The Fighting at Jutland : The Personal Experiences of Sixty Officers and Men of the British Fleet

Privately Printed [Maclure, MacDonald & Co., Glasgow, 1921]

7½" x 10¼". [xv] + 472pp, maps, diagrams, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and stained, spine gutters split, ex-Imperial War Museum with usual markings, inner hinges cracked, otherwise Good





Marder, Arthur [Ed]

Fear God and Dread Nought : The Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone Volume II: Years of Power 1904 - 1914

London: Jonathan Cape, 1956

5¾" x 8¾". 521pp, portrait frontispiece and one other plate. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, spine ends and corners bumped, The edges are foxed., previous owner's name inscribed, otherwise Very Good. 





Hirst, Lloyd [With a Preface by Admiral Sir Herbert W. Richmond]

Coronel and After

London: Peter Davies Limited, May 1934 First Edition

5" x 7½". [xvi] + 278pp, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine faded, otherwise Very Good.





Gwatkin-Williams, Captain Rupert Stanley

Prisoners of the Red Desert : Being a Full and True History of the Men of the "Tara"

London: Thornton Butterworth Ltd, n.d. [November 1919] The September 1922 Second Edition gives the date

5" x 7¾". [xii] + 304pp, two small linear sketch maps in text; rough map and sketch of Camp as end-papers. Original red cloth, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, spine faded, edges lightly foxed otherwise Very Good. An account of Light Armoured Car Brigade operations against the Senussi. Having been captured, Gwatkin-Williams led his party to freedom through the desert.





Marder, Arthur

From the Dardanelles to Oran : Studies of the Royal Navy in War and Peace 1915 - 1940

London: Oxford University Press, 1974

5½" x 8¾". 301pp, b&w plates, 5 charts. Blue cloth gilt in a rubbed, creased d/j, ex-Library formerly from the Royal Naval College, Greenwich and subsequently The Joint Services Command and Staff College (JSCSC) Library, gift inscription on front end-paper, otherwise Very Good.





Schubert, Paul and Gibson, Langhorne

Death of a Fleet, 1917-1919

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d. [c.1933] Second Impression

5½" x 8¾". 288pp, frontis, b&w plates. Green cloth gilt, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine snagged & frayed, edges foxed otherwise Good Plus





Various Contributors [James Irvine, Brian Budge, Jude Callister. Kevin Heath, Andrew Hollinrake, Issy Grieve, Keith Johnson, Neil Kermode, Michael Lowrey, Tom Muir, Emily Turton and Ben Wade]

HMS Hampshire : a Century of Myths and Mysteries Unravelled

Kirkwall: Orkney Heritage Society, 30 August 2016

8¼” x 12”. [viii] + 112pp, map, illustrations. Original pictorial boards, no d/j [as issued], As New. On 5 June 1916, HMS Hampshire left the Royal Navy’s anchorage at Scapa Flow, Orkney, bound for Russia. The Secretary of State for War, Lord Kitchener, was on board as part of a diplomatic and military mission aimed at boosting Russia’s efforts on the Eastern Front.  At about quarter to nine in the evening, in stormy conditions and within two miles of Orkney’s northwest shore, she struck a mine laid by German submarine U-75. Only twelve survived. To help commemorate the centenary, twelve authors with local knowledge have pooled their expertise to sort fact from fiction with an objective review of the many books, press cuttings and copious unpublished records now available.





Taffrail [Captain Taprell Dorling, , D.S.O., F.R.Hist.S., Royal Navy]

Swept Channels : Being an Account of the Work of the Minesweepers in the Great War

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1935

6" x 9½". 388pp, frontispiece, b&w plates. Original black cloth blocked in white, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, backstrip split along front gutter, spine snagged and very dull, front free end-paper missing, ex-Library with a few stamps, end-papers browned, edges dusty and foxed, otherwise Good.





Brassey, Earl [Thomas] [Conducted By Earl Brassey ] and Leyland, John [Ed.]

Brassey's Naval Annual, 1915 [War Edition]

London: William Clowes and Sons, Limited, 1915

6” x 9¾”. [vii] + 264pp + (x pp advert.), frontispiece and five other plates, numerous ship sketches and illustrations to the text, some full-page. Blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed with small stain in centre of rear cover, otherwise Very Good.





Brassey, T. A. [Ed.]

The Naval Annual, 1910 [24th year of issue]

London and Portsmouth: J. Griffin and Co., 1910

6” x 9¾”. [vii] + 471pp, frontis, 7 illus, diag, 63pp plate section, text illus. Original blind-stamped blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine. The covers are scuffed, rubbed and dull, faded around the edges and with noticeable surface scratching and variation in colour on the rear cover, and two holes on the front cover, near the head of the spine. These holes appear to have been drilled for some reason, but do not penetrate completely through the cover as the board is quite thick. The spine has faded completely with total loss of original colour; there is also patchy discolouration, resulting in a mottled appearance. There is a small frayed patch on the front spine gutter an inch below the head. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed, with splits in the cloth, particularly at the head of the spine, where there is some minor loss. There are some indentations along the edges of the boards.





Fitzgerald, Rear-Admiral C. C. Penrose

Life of Vice-Admiral Sir George Tryon, K.C.B.

Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1898 Cheap Edition

5½” x 8½”. [xvi] + 338pp, publisher’s advertisements, portrait frontis, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, old Prize Label (dated 1902) on front pastedown otherwise Very Good. A bright copy. Tryon (1832-1893) commanded the first British ironclad, and later rose to command the Mediterranean Station. In 1893 he went down with his ship (HMS Victoria) after a collision at sea during naval manoeuvres.





Fleet, Vice-Admiral H. L.

My Life and a Few Yarns

London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1922

5½” x 8¾”. 343pp, frontispiece. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, end-papers browned otherwise Near Fine. Chapters : 1. Boyhood; 2. The Britannia; 3. The Victory; 4. The Constance; 5. The Duke of Wellington; 6. The Monarch; 7. The Plover; 8. The Raleigh; 9. Half-Pay; 10. The Indus; 11. The Condor; 12. The Serapis; 13. The Express; 14. The Northampton; 15. The Tartar; 16. HMS Magdala; 17. The Howe, Empress of India, Thames and Eolus; 18. Coastguard and Retirement. With index.





Anon.  [by the Author of "In the Northern Mists", "Grand Fleet Days"] (Montague T. Hainsselin)

Naval Intelligence

London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1918

4¾” x 7½”. [xiii] + 237pp, publisher’s advertisements. Blind-stamped blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers marked and rubbed, head and tail of spine frayed, pages very browned, otherwise Good





R.N.V. [Dawson, Eric P.]

Pushing Water

London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1919 [On Active Service Series]

5” x 7¾”. 143pp, publisher’s advertisements. Blind-stamped blue cloth blocked in dark blue, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine mottled, two small abraded areas each on front and rear pastedowns, tanned pages, otherwise Very Good.





Brodie, C. G.

Forlorn Hope 1915 : The Submarine Passage of the Dardanelles

London: Frederick Books, 1956

5½” x 8¾”. [ix] + 91pp. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good.





Pollen, Arthur Hungerford

The Navy in Battle

London: Chatto & Windus, Second Impression Dec. 11, 1918 [First published Nov. 28, 1918]

5½” x 8½”. [vi] + 371pp, charts. Original blue cloth gilt, no d/j. The covers are rubbed and the cloth is lifting in places. The spine ends and corners are bumped and frayed, with some minor loss of cloth. There are numerous indentations along the edges of the boards. There is some play in the inner hinges. The edge of the text block is lightly foxed. The end-papers and preliminaries are foxed.





Wilkinson, Norman

The Dardanelles : Colour Sketches From Gallipoli

London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd, 1915

7" x 9¼". 60pp of text, colour plates and b&w sketches. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and discoloured, tanned pages otherwise Very Good





Goodchild, George [from the log-book of Ex-Petty Officer J. G. Cowie, HMS "Majestic"]

The Last Cruise of The "Majestic"

London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd, 1917

4¾" x 7½". 189pp, frontispiece and one other illustration. Original paper-covered boards, now soiled and discoloured, no d/j, pages very browned as usual, otherwise Good. Comprises an account of service in the pre-Dreadnought battleship from late 1914 until her sinking in the Dardanelles on 27 May 1915.





Milne, Admiral Sir Archibald Berkeley

The Flight of the 'Goeben' and the 'Breslau' : An Episode In Naval History

London: Eveleigh Nash Company Limited, n.d. [c.1921]

4¾” x 7½”. 160pp, map as end-papers. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers creased and rubbed with some colour loss and shadow from old Boots Library label, spine quite dull, edges dusty, remnants of old label on rear pastedown, small hole in front free end-paper, a little shaken. This copy was presented to the Ward Room Mess of the Royal Naval Barracks, Chatham by Lieutenant R. T. C. Woods, RN in May 1931 [inscribed thus on front free end-paper]. There are two "Port Library Chatham" stamps on the front end-papers. Milne's furious apologia was written following the publication of Volume I of Sir Julian Corbett's Official History of the War : Naval Operations, in response to some mild criticism.





Cato, Conrad [Pseudonym of Cyril Cox, Assistant Paymaster RNR]

The Navy in Mesopotamia 1914 to 1917

London: Constable and Company Ltd, 1917

4½” x 7¼”. [xi] + 211pp, maps. Rebound ex-Library, reading copy.





Brennecke, Jochen [Translated from the German by Frederick Holt]

The Tirpitz : The Drama of the “Lone Queen of the North”

London: Robert Hale Limited 63 Old Brompton Road, S.W.7, 1963 First English Edition

5½” x 8¾”. 187pp, illustrations. Original blue flecked cloth blocked in gilt on the spine in d/j, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good.





Clowes, Sir William Laird

Four Modern Naval Campaigns : Historical, Strategical, and Tactical

London: Hutchinson & Co., 1906 [first published 1902]

4¼” x 6¾”. [ix] + 244pp, maps, plans. Original red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, end-papers browned, previous owner's name inscribed otherwise Very Good. Contents: Preface; The Campaign of Lissa, 1866; The War Between Chili and Peru, 1879-81; The Chilian Revolutionary War, 1891; The Attempted Revolution in Brazil, 1893-94





Manwaring, G. E. and Dobree, Bonamy

The Floating Republic : An Account of the Mutinies at Spithead & The Nore in 1979

London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd, 1966  [first published 1935]

5½” x 8¾”. [xi] + 299pp, illustrations. Original blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good.





Gwyn, Julian [Ed.]

The Royal Navy and North America: The Warren Papers 1736-1752

London: Navy Records Society, 1973 (Navy Records Society volume 118)

5¾” x 9”. 





Clarke, Lieut.-Col. Sir George S. and Thursfield, James R.

The Navy and the Nation : or Naval Warfare and Imperial Defence 

London: John Murray, 1897

5½” x 9”. (vii) + 344pp, maps, plans, publisher’s catalogue. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, both spine gutters and inner hinges split, head and tail of spine and corners frayed, missing front and rear free end-papers, otherwise Good; internally quite clean. A series of reviews of various subjects bearing on the Navy's role in a rapidly changing world. Chapter headings include, Imperial Defence, Training and Supply of Naval Officers, National Insurance (the problems of insuring ships in time of war), the Jeune Ecole Francaise etc. Considering the decision to vest mining in the Army's hands the article on Submarine Mines in War must have caused some comment.





Garbett, Captain H. [R.N.]

Naval Gunnery : a Description and History of the Fighting Equipment of a Man-of-War

London: George Bell and Sons, 1897

4¾” x 7¼”. [xiv] + 360pp, frontispiece, illustrations (plates and in text). Original blind-stamped blue cloth gilt, no d/j, extensive foxing otherwise Very Good.





Giffard, The Late Admiral Edward

Deeds of Naval Daring : Anecdotes of the British Navy

London: John Murray, 1910

4¾” x 7¾”. 410pp. Red cloth gilt, no d/j, covers spotted, spine very faded although gilt still bright, contents very clean and tight.





Hardy, Hilbert [Commander, V.R.D., R.N.V.R. (Rtd.)]

The Minesweepers' Victory  . . . a silent service of the Royal Navy

Printed, published and distributed by Keydex a division of Unitoken Limited, Eyot House Walton Lane, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 SLX, 1976 

5” x 8”. 245pp + Publisher’s advertisement (page 246). Original thin, printed, yellow card covers in a protective plastic sleeve. The front inner hinge is cracked with some residue from the inner margin of the cover adhering to the front free end-paper. The pages have yellowed with age, more noticeably in the margins. The text is reasonably clean throughout, but the production standard is not high with poorly reproduced text, including blotches, faint characters and so on. Printed in typescript. The edge of the text block is dust-stained and slightly grubby.





Spencer-Cooper, Commander H.

The Battle of the Falkland Islands : Before and After

London: Cassell and Company, Ltd, 1919

5¼” x 8¼”. [xii] + 224pp, "with coloured frontispiece and ten maps and charts". Blue cloth blocked in white, no d/j, covers rubbed and soiled with large circular stain on front boards, spine dull, spine ends and corners bumped, end-papers browned and discoloured, otherwise Very Good.





D'Eyncourt, Sir Eustace H. W. Tennyson

A Shipbuilder's Yarn : The Record of a Naval Constructor

London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, n.d. [c.1945]

6" x 9¼". 207pp, 18 plates. Blue cloth blocked in black, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine faded and dull, edges foxed, otherwise Very Good





Jellicoe of Scapa, Admiral of the Fleet Viscount

The Crisis of the Naval War

London: Cassell and Company Ltd, 1920 First Edition

6¼" x 9½". [xii] + 331pp, illustrations, 6 charts in pocket at end. Original blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine, no d/j, covers badly discoloured, otherwise Very Good.





Fyfe, Herbert C. [Introduction by Admiral The Hon. Sir Edmund Robert Fremantle, G.C.B., C.M.G.; with a Chapter on "The Probable Future of Submarine Boat Construction" by Sir Edward J.Reed, M.P.]

Submarine Warfare : Past, Present, and Future

London: Grant Richards, 1902

5¾" x 8¾". [xxviii] + 332pp, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers worn and soiled, being stained and heavily scuffed, inner hinges cracked, shaken, edge of text block foxed and dusty, previous owner's name inscribed; overall, Good. The author's aim has been to produce a book which should be essentially of a popular character and should appeal to those who have neither the time nor the inclination to pursue the subject very deeply. That the book may appeal to the general public, and that it may also be found worthy of a place on the shelves of the student of naval history abd naval warfare is the author's wish. The book traces the story of under-water warfare from the earliest times to the present day.





Cato, Conrad  [Pseudonym of Cyril Cox, Assistant Paymaster RNR]

The Navy Everywhere

London: Constable and Company Ltd, 1919

5¾" x 9¼". [ix] + 297pp, maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, spine quite faded, end-papers lightly foxed, front free end-paper removed otherwise Very Good.





Hase, Commander Georg von

Kiel & Jutland

London: Skeffington & Son, n.d. [this is almost certainly the Second Edition, circa 1933, with the title shown as "Kiel & Jutland", rather than "Kiel and Jutland" as on the First Edition of circa 1921]

5½" x 9". 128pp, 10 illustrations, 2 charts. Black cloth gilt, no d/j, covers rubbed, edges foxed otherwise Very Good





Peillard, Léonce [Translated from the French by Oliver Coburn]

U-Boats To The Rescue : The Laconia Incident

London: Jonathan Cape, 1963 

5¼” x 8”. 270pp, maps, illustrations. Original dark grey paper-covered boards blocked in silver on the spine in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j. The covers are rubbed and scuffed with a shallow indentation on the rear cover. The spine ends and corners are bumped, with some fraying to the paper covering at the spine ends. There is a very noticeable forward spine lean.





Blair, Clay

The Atomic Submarine : The Story of the “Nautilus,” the World’s First Atomic-Driven Vessel

London: Odhams Press Limited, 1955

5¼” x 8½”. 224pp, ills. Original blue cloth blocked in gilt on the spine in a torn, scuffed and chipped d/j, tanned pages otherwise Very Good.





Galantin, Admiral I. J. [U.S.N. (Ret)]

Take Her Deep! A Submarine Against Japan in World War II

London: Unwin Hyman Ltd, 1988 [1st English edition]

6¼” x 9¼”. [xviii] + 262pp, illustrations, map as end-papers. Black cloth gilt in d/j, Fine





O'Kane, Richard H. [Rear Admiral, USN (Ret.)]

Clear the Bridge! The War Patrols of the U.S.S. Tang

Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1989 [first published 1977]

6¼” x 9¼”.  480pp, maps, illustrations. Blue boards gilt in a scuffed and rubbed d/j, otherwise Very Good. From the date of her departure on her first patrol in January, 1944, to her tragic loss only nine months later, "Tang" averaged one enemy ship on the bottom every 11 days, a rate twice that of any other U. S. Submarine. "Tang" also developed new tactics in sub-air rescues, picking 22 navy fliers out of the water while under Japanese gunfire at Truk.





Hythe, Viscount [ed.]

The Naval Annual, 1913

Newton Abbot: David & Charles Reprints, 1970 [being a facsimile reprint of the 1913 edition originally published by J. Griffin & Co., Portsmouth]

6¼" x 10". 520pp, ills, plans. Light blue cloth in d/j. A few small creases in top of d/j, else near fine. A snapshot of the world's navies immediately before the outbreak of the Great War. Articles include: "The Progress of Naval Aeronautics", "The Turco-Italian War", "The Dominions and Imperial Defence", "The Personnel of the German Navy", etc.





Domville-Fife, Charles W. [Ed.]

Evolution of Sea Power : studies of modern naval warfare and the effect of evolution on the basis and employment of Sea Power

London: Rich & Cowan, Ltd, 1939

6" x 9¼". 258pp, ills, map. Blue cloth, no d/j, spine faded, some spotting to edges, else Very Good





Farago, Ladislas

The Broken Seal : The dramatic story of Operation Magic and the Pearl Harbour (sic) disaster

London: Mayflower, 1969

4¼” x 7”. 415pp. Paperback, page edges browned, spine creased, well-used, otherwise Fair/Good





Willmott, H. P. [with Tohmatsu Haruo and W. Spencer Johnson]

Pearl Harbor

London: Cassell and Company, 2001

10" x 10". 208pp, illustrations. Black cloth gilt in d/j, as new.





Cunningham of Hyndhope, Admiral of the Fleet Viscount

A Sailor's Odyssey

London: Hutchinson, 1951

6" x 9¼". 715pp, 46 photographs, 16 maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, front and rear inner hinges exposed, otherwise Good.





Cunningham of Hyndhope, Admiral of the Fleet Viscount

A Sailor's Odyssey

London: Hutchinson, 1951

6" x 9¼". 715pp, 46 photographs, 16 maps. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, previous owner's label on front free end-paper, else Very Good






Sea Power

London: Jonathan Cape, 1940 [2nd impression]

5½" x 8". 261pp. Blue cloth, no d/j, covers rubbed and faded, gift inscription on front end-paper, otherwise Very Good





Danielsson, Bengt

What Happened on the Bounty

London: Readers Union/George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1963

5" x 8¼". 221pp, map. Green cloth, no d/j, corners bumped, spine cocked, else Very Good





Winton, John

Hurrah for the Life of a Sailor : Life on the lower-deck of the Victorian Navy

London: Michael Joseph, 1977

6¼" x 9½". 320pp, ills. Original cloth in very slightly chipped d/j, previous owner's name inscribed, else Very Good+/Very Good+





Whiting, J. D.

S.O.S. : A Story of the World War at Sea

Indianopolis: The Bobs-Merrill Company, 1928 [1st ed.]

5¼" x 8¼". 303pp, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt with [chipped] print laid-in on front cover, no d/j, rear pastedown torn at edge, bookplate on front pastedown, gift inscription on front end-paper, edges grubby, otherwise Good Plu





Bainton, Roy

Honoured By Strangers : The Life Of Captain Francis Cromie CB, DSO, RN : 1882-1918

Shrewsbury: Airlife Publishing Ltd, 2002

6¼” x 9½”. [xvii] + 315pp, illustrations. Blue cloth gilt in d/j, As New. From the dust-jacket: "For many years the story of Francis Cromie has been overshadowed by histories of the greater tragedy found on the Western Front in World War I. Yet, like TE. Lawrence, Cromie's individual exploits reveal a classic British hero: noble, tenacious and beloved by all who served under him. Churchill called him `a man of exceptional gifts'. Captain Francis Cromie became a submarine commander at the remarkably young age of 24. By this time he had already seen action in the Boxer Rebellion, received the China Medal and had been mentioned in despatches. His compassion and care for his men had already gained him the Royal Humane Society's Bronze Medal, when he almost lost hislife attempting to save a drowning sailor. In 1915 he was chosen to head a flotilla of submarines to attack German shipping in the Baltic Sea. Here,he achieved great success despite the hazardous nature of the climate and the threat of the German navy. He was decorated three times by the Czar of Russia and received the DSO. During his three years in the Baltic he became fluent in Russian. He only survived the difficulties of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 because of his consummate skills as a mediator and diplomat. His murder in the British Embassy in 1918 at the age of 37 remained a tragic mystery for many years - until now. Roy Bainton's extensive researcheshave revealed why Cromie has previously been omitted from official histories of that difficult period. The circumstances surrounding his murder exposed facts about his complex character, his relationship with the Bolsheviks and the British Establishment- and importantly the story uncovers the duplicity of the allies as they struggled to formulate a reaction to the tidal wave of the Russian Revolution."







Published for the Royal Australian Navy by Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1944

8½" x 11".200pp, colour frontis, illustrations. Original cloth, no d/j covers marked and rubbed, previous owner's name inscribed, shaken, covers bowed otherwise Good





O'Kane, Richard H. [Rear Admiral, USN (Ret.)]

Wahoo : The Patrols of America's Most Famous WWII Submarine

Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1987

6¼” x 9½”. [x] + 345pp, maps, illustrations. Blue boards in d/j, Fine. Wahoo was christened in February 1941, with her mission already decreed the night of Pearl Harbor: Conduct unrestricted submarine warfare. Her first patrols were average for a new boat, but then came Commander Dudley W. ("Mush") Morton. He cast aside bugaboos, and originated daring new submarine tactics. His credo was: We'll go wherever the Japs are, and do whatever it takes to sink there. Morton's astonishing tactics included a successful down the throat attack against an attacking Japanese destroyer, and surface-running gun attacks. He also formed a rubber-boat landing and assault team known as Wahoo's Commandos. The results spoke for themselves; Wahoo soon led in sinkings as she went after the Japanese with a vengeance and Morton became known as the Navy's most aggressive and successful sea raider. Wahoo's first spectacular achievement was the sinking of a 4-ship convoy in one day: coming back into port after this exploit, she displayed a broom atop her periscope, signifying a clean sweep, while below placards proclaimed Wahoo's motto-Shoot the Sons of Bitches. Through the eyes of her executive officer, we become members of the sub's crew: standing watches, readying the torpedoes, coaxing more speed, tracking ships with the scope, playing cribbage. The general alarm calls all hands to battle stations. Then the deadly duel between enemy and submarine begins: in the conning tower, angles and bearings are called, the order is given-Mark! Set! Fire!, and with a shudder each torpedo is on its way. With the whack of the torpedo detonations, the escort heads down the torpedo wakes, and Wahoo goes deep, rigging for depth charge and silent running. After many daring missions, Wahoo's brilliant career was cut short. O'Kane, through extensive research and assistance from the Japanese, has written her final, fatal patrol, with its heart-rending revelations. So, of all 37 American submarines lost without survivors, only Wahoo's story is finally complete.





Stinnett, Robert B.

Day of Deceit : The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor

New York: The Free Press, 2000

6¼" x 9½". [xiv] + 386pp, illustrations. Grey boards in a rubbed d/j, corners bumped otherwise Very Good





Cassells, Vic

For Those in Peril : a comprehensive listing of the ships and men of the RAN who have paid the supreme sacrifice in the wars of the twentieth century

Kenthurst, NSW: Kangaroo Press, 1995

5¾" x 8¾". 269pp, illustrations. Softback, Near Fine





Rose, Lisle A.

The Ship That Held the Line : The USS Hornet and the first year of the Pacific War

Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1995

6" x 9". [ix] + 309pp, illustrations. Grey cloth gilt in a scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Near Fine





Parkes, Dr Oscar

British Battleships : 'Warrior' 1860 to 'Vanguard' 1950 : A History of Design, Construction and Armament

London: Seeley Service & Co., 1957

8¾" x 11½". [xv] + 701pp, 450 plans and photographs, advertisements. Blue cloth gilt, no d/j, remnants of removed bookplate, small stain on page ix, tiny blemish on backstrip, otherwise a very good copy indeed of an exceptional work of reference. Please note, as this is a very heavy book postage will be charged at actual cost.





Tuleja, Thaddeus V.

Climax at Midway : The Story of the Battle that Changed the Course of the Pacific War

London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1960

5½" x 8¾". 248pp, illustrations, maps. Blue cloth gilt in a scuffed and chipped d/j, otherwise Very Good





White, W. L.

They Were Expendable

New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1942 [fourth printing]

5½" x 8¼". [vii] + 209pp. Blue cloth in a scuffed and chipped d/j with some minor loss, covers rubbed, page edges yellowed, offsetting to end-papers otherwise Very Good





Samuels, Peggy and Harold

Remembering the Maine

Washington and London: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1995

6" x 9¼". [viii] + 358pp, illustrations. Blue boards quarter-bound in red cloth, in d/j, Fine